When is a pregnant minor mature? When is an abortion in her best interests? The Ohio Supreme Court applies Ohio's Abortion Parental Notification Law: In re Jane Doe 1
Stuhlbarg SF
The beginning of the end for the psychotherapist-patient privilege
Baumoel J
Teaching feminist perspectives on health care ethics and law: a review essay
Bender L
Mercy killing and the right to inherit
Sherman JC
Due process and voluntary commitment by parents of juveniles to mental health facilities
Hodgeman RB
Statutory remedies for judicial torts: the need for wrongful birth legislation
Wilcoxon KD
The fuzzy logic of race and gender in the mismeasure of Asian American women's health needs
Ikemoto LC
To be or not to be: protecting the unborn's potentiality of life
Parness JA and Pritchard SK
The meaning of human gene testing for disability rights
Larson EJ
The Supreme Court's decision to recognize a psychotherapist privilege in Jaffee v. Redmond, 116 S. Ct. 1923 (1996): the meaning of "experience and the role of "reason" under Federal Rule of Evidence 501
Amann DM and Imwinkelried EJ
A patient's right of privacy in computerized pharmacy records
Mowery G
The quiet battle for the heart of liberty--a victory for the cautious: Washington v. Glucksberg, 117 S. Ct. 2258 (1997)
Melchoir JA
Asymptomatic HIV and the Americans with Disabilities Act: Runnebaum v. Nationsbank of Maryland, N.A
Satchwill AA
The right to die: an exercise of informed consent, not an extension of the constitutional right to privacy
Lyon EA
Violation of an individual's right to die: the need for a wrongful living cause of action
Hackleman TJ
The psychiatric duty to warn: walking a tightrope of uncertainty
McClarren GM
Modern reproductive technology and motherhood: the search for common ground and the recognition of difference
Birck ML
OSHA regulation of industrial applications of recombinant DNA technology
Korwek EL
Personhood and death -- the proper treatment of anencephalic organ donors under the law: In re T.A.C.P., 609 So. 2d 588 (Fla. 1992)
Justice JS
The right to die: a proposal for natural death legislation
Stephenson SA
The Pain Relief Promotion Act: Congress's misguided intervention into end-of-life care
Buzzee SE