When is a pregnant minor mature? When is an abortion in her best interests? The Ohio Supreme Court applies Ohio's Abortion Parental Notification Law: In re Jane Doe 1
The beginning of the end for the psychotherapist-patient privilege
Teaching feminist perspectives on health care ethics and law: a review essay
Due process and voluntary commitment by parents of juveniles to mental health facilities
Statutory remedies for judicial torts: the need for wrongful birth legislation
The fuzzy logic of race and gender in the mismeasure of Asian American women's health needs
To be or not to be: protecting the unborn's potentiality of life
The Supreme Court's decision to recognize a psychotherapist privilege in Jaffee v. Redmond, 116 S. Ct. 1923 (1996): the meaning of "experience and the role of "reason" under Federal Rule of Evidence 501
A patient's right of privacy in computerized pharmacy records
The quiet battle for the heart of liberty--a victory for the cautious: Washington v. Glucksberg, 117 S. Ct. 2258 (1997)
Asymptomatic HIV and the Americans with Disabilities Act: Runnebaum v. Nationsbank of Maryland, N.A
The right to die: an exercise of informed consent, not an extension of the constitutional right to privacy
Violation of an individual's right to die: the need for a wrongful living cause of action
The psychiatric duty to warn: walking a tightrope of uncertainty
Modern reproductive technology and motherhood: the search for common ground and the recognition of difference
OSHA regulation of industrial applications of recombinant DNA technology
Personhood and death -- the proper treatment of anencephalic organ donors under the law: In re T.A.C.P., 609 So. 2d 588 (Fla. 1992)
The right to die: a proposal for natural death legislation
The Pain Relief Promotion Act: Congress's misguided intervention into end-of-life care