Dismantling Ableism in Undergraduate Medical Education: Promising Practices in Disability-Conscious Training
The healthcare workforce in the United States does not provide the same standard of care for people with disabilities as for nondisabled people. Many academic medical institutions do not routinely offer disability-conscious medical training, and many clinicians and medical educators feel ill-equipped to incorporate anti-ableist learning goals into their curricula. Drawing on a critical review of the literature and interviews with medical educators, representatives of professional organizations, and disability advocates, this article presents promising practices for disability-conscious undergraduate medical education. Disability-conscious education, which is grounded in the insights of disability studies and disability rights and justice frameworks, is distinguished from disability-specific education, which may not extend beyond biomedical models of disability. First, we define current approaches to teaching about disability, highlighting limitations and opportunities for further development. We then identify and analyze approaches to teaching about disability that support the development of disability consciousness among learners. With attention to both curricular format and theoretical frameworks, we offer concrete approaches that medical schools can take to equip students with the knowledge, attitudes, skills, and practices they need to provide equitable care for patients with disabilities.
Evaluating the Instructional Strategies Influencing Self-Regulated Learning in Clinical Clerkship Years: A Mixed Studies Review
Self-regulated learning (SRL) can significantly improve academic achievement and clinical performance. The clinical clerkship is a crucial setting for reinforcing and extending SRL skills and behaviors into clinical practice. However, learning in clinical settings is often opportunistic and contextual, requiring diverse instructional strategies and tailored learning opportunities. Studies from the past two decades have indicated challenges in implementing SRL strategies particularly in Asian countries. While many of the pedagogical approaches used in medical education include aspects of SRL theory, a comprehensive overview of effective SRL instructional strategies in clinical clerkships is lacking. We reviewed all studies (published between January 2012 and May 2024, identified systematic search of EBSCOhost, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Scopus, and Web of Science) that discuss instructional strategies influencing SRL among clinical clerkship students, in general, and with special reference to the Asian context. Twenty seven articles were included in the final analysis. We conducted convergent integrated synthesis on the data extracted from all included studies to generate categories and themes. SRL instructional strategies reported included implementing learning plans and goal setting, operationalizing formal mentoring and feedback processes, utilizing technology-enhanced learning, facilitating collaborative group learning, providing simulation-based learning experiences, and applying experiential learning strategies. When implemented effectively, such strategies were shown to promote self-regulated learning, motivational beliefs, self-monitoring, and self-reflection. Faculty support, mentoring and timely feedback were crucial in successfully implementing SRL strategies. Incorporating SRL into existing curricula was ideal for ensuring feasibility and long-term sustainability. Limited research from the Asian region indicates that SRL has not been used to its full potential in Asian medical education. Asian medical students' SRL potential could be maximized with shared roles of students and teachers in a student-driven approach. Medical educators should take responsibility for providing opportunities and a conducive environment to foster SRL among clinical clerkship students. Future research should prioritize longitudinal, experimental studies with comparison groups and objective SRL outcome measures to rigorously evaluate the impact of instructional strategies in the clinical clerkship context.
Beyond Student Evaluations of Teaching and Educator Portfolios: A Multisource, Longitudinal System for Evaluating Teaching
Traditional student evaluations of teaching and educator portfolios do not adequately assess the breadth and depth of medical educators' efforts. Current processes use limited perspectives, focus on a small portion of educators' work, and emphasize subjective opinions, which introduce bias. Use of these data for high-stakes decisions such as academic promotion contributes to inequitable career advancement. We propose a holistic, growth-focused, behaviorally anchored system of evaluation which incorporates perspectives of the learner, peers, and self, and which examines the full scale of educator activities from a single session, to course design, to development of educator skills over years.
The Influence of Photographic Representations on U.S. Medical Students' Attitudes and Beliefs About Persons With Disabilities: A Qualitative Study
There is a crucial need to more deeply understand the impact and etiology of bias toward persons with developmental disabilities (PWDD). A largely unstudied area of concern and possible intervention is the portrayal of PWDD in medical education. Often, medical photographs portray PWDD with obscured faces, emotionless, and posed in an undignified way. This exploratory, qualitative study aimed to explore how photo representations of PWDD influences medical students' attitudes and beliefs toward disability. We recruited 10 medical students from a single medical school in the northeastern United States to participate in in-depth, individual semi-structured interviews via Zoom. During the interviews, we asked students to reflect on and respond to two image sets of PWDD: a standard image set, which were photos from medical textbooks, and a positive image set, which were photos from the U.S.-based disability nonprofit, Positive Exposure. Using thematic analysis underpinned by the Health Stigma and Discrimination Framework, we coded and organized the transcripts into four themes that characterized participants' attitudes and beliefs about PWDD. The four themes we identified were as follows. : Standard imagery characteristics (e.g., black bars, unnatural posing, lack of clothing) were perceived as dehumanizing and raised concerns about consent and autonomy, whereas positive imagery characteristics (e.g., clothing, natural poses, nonclinical settings) were seen as humanizing and enhanced perceptions of agency. : Standard imagery often led to assumptions of compromised quality of life, while positive imagery suggested a good quality of life. Dehumanizing portrayals increased perceived difficulty in establishing rapport, while humanizing imagery mitigated these perceived barriers. Image sets showcasing a diverse spectrum of presentations for a given diagnosis were valued for medical education. We conclude that photographic representation of disability in medical education can influence medical students' attitudes and beliefs about PWDD. Photographic elements can either humanize or dehumanize, with humanizing representation leading to more positive attitudes and therefore also an educational benefit. Thoughtful and inclusive visual content is needed in medical education to encourage positive attitudes and foster a more empathetic healthcare environment. Our results support future plans to further investigate how photo representation affects attitudes in a larger sample. Additionally, our study's insights contribute to the ongoing initiative Textbook Beauty, providing guidance for the selection of photography to improve attitudes toward disabilities.
Re-Imagining the Patient Panel: Introducing Lived Experiences of Psychosis into the Pre-clerkship Psychiatry Curriculum of a Canadian Medical School
The involvement of people with lived experience (patients) in medical education offers a unique opportunity for students and residents to access personal and collective knowledge about the lived experience of health, ill health, and medical care. Involvement also has the potential to elevate the role of people with lived experience and their knowledge within medicine by providing a model for meaningful collaboration and partnership. However, involvement has been critiqued by critical disability scholars for its potential to harm without leading to meaningful change in professional knowledge or practice. In this article, we (two educators with lived experience and an academic psychiatrist) describe the development and delivery of an annual lived-experience presentation about psychosis for the second-year class of a large, urban medical school in Canada. We describe our reflexive process attempting to enact meaningful involvement and disrupt the uneven power relations that shape and constrain this work, in a setting where the risks of exploitation, tokenism, and co-optation are significant. Our goal has been to re-imagine the "patient panel," which puts significant limits on the position of patients as knowers. By re-defining roles and shifting power from faculty to lived experience educators, we have aimed to present important non-medical ideas about psychosis and how to effectively support people who experience it, while disrupting interpersonal and structural bias.
"Encouraged to be Your True Self": An Interpretative Phenomenological Study of Medical Students' Experiences of Role Models in Shaping Sexual Minority Identity in Medical School
Sexual and gender minority (SGM) identifying individuals experience worse health outcomes compared to non-SGM identifying counterparts. Representation of SGM individuals within medical schools may improve the delivery of more equitable healthcare through reducing biases and normalizing SGM presence within healthcare spaces. Our initial aim was to explore the extent to which role models may influence personal SGM identities within medical schools in the United Kingdom, using an interpretative phenomenological approach. This methodology allowed us to develop meaning from, and give voice to participants' relationship with their bespoke experiences, respecting differing narratives within the broad 'SGM' umbrella, rather than attempting to establish commonalities. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with five medical students and three medical school faculty within three medical schools, who identified as SGM. Due to a lack of gender minority identifying participants, we unfortunately could not adequately speak to their experiences, and therefore narrowed our eventual focus to sexual minority (SM) individuals. The developed themes followed a cyclical process of: (1) role model identification; (2) role model selection, influenced by matched wider identities including generation, hierarchy and power; (3) trait assimilation, particularly where identity deficits were perceived; and (4) identity projection, where students used role models to both emulate comfortable SM identity projection, and become advocatory role models themselves. Throughout, participants described role models as multifaceted in their direction (vertical and horizontal), influence (positive and negative) and locus of effect (as individuals, and as part of a collective). Unexpectedly, identity, power, and hierarchy-matching meant peer-to-peer role modeling was often experienced more positively than vertical faculty-to-student role modeling. However, as expected, heteronormativity exerted an inhibitory effect on this process. We built upon existing social cognitive paradigms to develop a 'double-funnel' model to represent how social contexts can map onto individual SM identities and vice versa, mediated by role models. The triangulation of these three aspects in relation to medical education presents novel understandings to the field. Greater explicit institutional support of student-led SM societies, and facilitation of the presence and discussion of SM symbols and personal identities within professional spaces, may go a long way in redefining 'normativity' in medical schools.
Exploring Untested Feasibilities: Critical Pedagogy's Approach to Addressing Abuse and Oppression in Medical Education
Abuse and oppression in medical education persists. Particularly when transitioning to practice, students and residents face dissonance between what they perceive as the ideals of patient care and reality. They witness, and eventually take part in, joking about fellow students and patients, discriminating against minorities, and imposing unbearable workload to subordinates, to mention some practices that have been normalized as the reality of medical training, beyond any possibility of change. We suggest that Critical Pedagogy, an educational movement rooted in Brazil that aims to empower learners and educators as full citizens, can help medical education reinstitute hope for a more humanistic culture by testing new realistic transformative actions, i.e., untested feasibilities, to promote change. We use vignettes based on real situations of oppression to present three concepts of Critical Pedagogy contextualized to medical education: (a) critical consciousness as ; (b) pedagogy with learners; and (c) education as a democratic relationship between individuals. The vignettes explore how each one of these concepts can support educators and learners to break chains of injustice and oppression. Perceiving disagreements as opportunities for change, legitimizing the perspectives and values of all engaged in analyzing reality, is needed to nurture critical consciousness. Critical Pedagogy understands education as a partnership of trust between learners and educators and seeks a pedagogy that is built with learners, not on them. Finally, we present suggestions for individual- and systems-level actions that can translate these principles of Critical Pedagogy into a of untested feasibilities for medical education.
Disabled Students in Health and Social Services Fieldwork: Perceptions of Canadian Fieldwork Educators and Academic Coordinators
Ensuring equitable access to professional education programs for learners who need accommodations is distinctly challenging when education moves beyond the classroom into clinical or fieldwork sites. Fieldwork educators and university academic coordinators who arrange fieldwork placements work with university accessibility services and students to arrange required accommodations, while preserving confidentiality, maintaining high learning standards, and ensuring attainment of professional competencies. This work is complicated by time pressures and heavy caseloads in fieldwork settings. Here we report on a subset of data from a cross-Canada online survey of fieldwork educators ( = 233) and academic coordinators ( = 54) in 10 health and social service professions. Using descriptive statistics, we analyze responses to two question series concerning perceptions of the capacity of disabled students to attain professional competencies, and overall perceptions of students who need accommodations. Respondents showed most concern about competency attainment for learners with cognitive or learning disabilities, followed by neurological and mental health issues. Thematic analysis of open-ended comments suggests doubt regarding the ability of institutional fieldwork sites to adequately implement accommodations. In their perception of learners who need accommodations, academic coordinators were somewhat more negative than fieldwork educators, in particular seeing students who need accommodations as a potential burden that could harm placement relationships with fieldwork sites. They tended to indicate that fieldwork success depended on student insight and self-advocacy. Struggles faced by disabled students in health and social service professions appear to be occasioned not only by disabling systems and institutions, but also by perceptions that they may have diminished competence.
Supporting Patient Involvement in U.S. Medical Education Through Changes in Accreditation
For over half of a century, there have been calls for greater patient and community involvement in U.S. medical education. Accrediting agencies, as the regulatory authorities for medical education, develop policies that impact every program in the U.S.; they have the ability to support patient involvement across the medical education system. In this article, we first review the requirements of U.S. accrediting agencies for undergraduate and graduate medical education to involve patients in educational programs. While agencies have patient members on their committees, they do little to encourage patient involvement through their standards or procedures. We then describe opportunities for accreditation to support patient involvement across teaching and learning activities, curriculum design and evaluation, policymaking and governance, and scholarly endeavors. We link these opportunities to specific standards that could be revised or have their data reporting requirements adjusted. U.S. agencies could also follow the examples of their counterparts outside the U.S., which have created new standards to encourage patient involvement. Ensuring patient representation on educational programs' governing and policymaking bodies is one among many immediate actions that could be taken by accrediting authorities to encourage system-level reforms. As medical school and residency training represent the beginnings of decades of practice for physicians, properly involving patients would maximize benefits for learners, educators, and society.
Disability Education for Health Personnel and Impact on Health Outcomes for Persons with Autism: A Scoping Review
Autism manifests in various progressive, fluctuating, or static differences that may be disabling. This requires healthcare staff to provide individualized, culturally competent care for autistic people (AP). However, staff are underprepared since disability curricula are not universally implemented, which may exacerbate health disparities for AP. The Alliance for Disability in Health Care Education (ADHCE) delineated staff competencies to address disparities. The purpose of this review was to describe what is known about disability education initiatives and health-related outcomes for AP. The review included published literature on disability education for any health personnel providing services to AP in any setting where healthcare services are delivered. In June 2023, six databases were queried. Of 3,396 screened reports, 42 were extracted. Most articles originated in the United States and reported various instructional strategies on child-focused educational content for small interprofessional groups in various settings. The biomedical and biopsychosocial disability models were prominent. The training covered few, if any, ADHCE competencies and rarely involved collaboration with AP. Positive outcomes included improved functional health, behavior, and communication. Patient-reported outcomes and physical and psychosocial health were underreported. Future initiatives should involve scaled-up global efforts, address core competencies for care across the lifespan, and establish community partnerships to ensure meaningful outcomes.
Policy analysis: an underutilised methodology in health professions education research
Government, organizational, and professional society policies are part of the complex system that underpins and influences the education of health professionals. Despite their significant influence, these policies rarely receive attention in scholarship examining the processes and outcomes of current health profession education systems. Policy analysis is a field of research that examines how and why policies are developed, the assumptions underpinning policies, and policies' effects. Given the potential value policy analysis can offer health professions education research, our manuscript aims to 1) describe policy analysis as a field of research that draws on multiple disciplines and methodologies, and 2) demonstrate and discuss what policy analysis research can contribute to health professions education by sharing examples of two studies and discussing their value. To explain how policy analysis can be applied in health professions education research, we describe four key steps and considerations for using policy analysis- (i) assemble your research team; (ii) develop the research questions; (iii) select the methodology for the policy analysis; and (iv) select methods for data collection and analysis.
Examining Scientific Inquiry of Queerness in Medical Education: A Queer Reading
The language of medicine (i.e., biomedical discourse) represents queerness as pathological, yet it is this same discourse medical education researchers use to that narrative. To be truly inclusive, we must examine and disrupt the biomedical discourse we use. The purpose of this study is to disrupt oppressive biomedical discourses by examining the language and structures medical educators use in their publications about queerness in relation to physicians and physician trainees. We searched PubMed, Web of Science, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and ERIC in October 2021 and again in June 2023 using a combination of controlled vocabulary (select terms designated by a database to enhance and reduce ambiguity in search) and keywords to identify articles related to sexuality, gender, identity, diversity and medical professionals. Searches were limited to articles published from 2013 to the present to align with the passage of The Respect for Marriage Act. Articles were included if they focused on the experiences and paths of physicians and physician trainees identifying with or embodying queerness, were authored by individuals based in the United States, and presented empirical studies. We excluded articles only discussing attitudes of cisgender heterosexual individuals about queerness. Two authors independently screened all articles for inclusion. We then used narrative techniques to "re-story" included articles into summaries, which we analyzed with four guiding questions, using queer theory as a sensitizing concept. Finally, we sought recurrent patterns in these summaries. We identified 2206 articles of which 23 were included. We found that biomedical discourse often: characterized individuals associated with queerness as a single homogenous group rather than as individuals with a breadth of identities and experiences; implied queer vulnerability without naming-and making responsible-the causes or agents of this vulnerability; and relied minimally on actual intervention, instead speculating on potential changes without attempting to enact them. Authors each reflect on these findings from their positionalities, discussing: disrupting essentializing categories like "LGBT"; addressing harm through allyship around queerness; editorial responsibility to disrupt structures supporting oppressive biomedical discourse; the importance of program evaluation and interventions; and shifting the focus of medical education research toward queerness using QuantCrit theory.
Psychometric properties of the Ethiopian national licensing exam in medicine: an analysis of multiple-choice questions using classical test theory
: The Ethiopian Ministry of Health introduced medical licensure examinations to maintain high standards in medical practice and build public trust in healthcare professionals. Studies also suggested significant issues in clinical competence among Ethiopian junior doctors as well concerns regarding unlicensed practice. Given the need to ensure safe health care, we investigated the psychometric properties of the multiple-choice items comprising the Ethiopian national licensing exam (NLE). These analyses help to provide an argument for the validity and reliability of the test scores. : We used a cross-sectional study design to analyze data from three cohorts of undergraduate medicine licensing examinations in Ethiopia (2020-2022, = 2,213). Using Classical Test Theory, we assessed the psychometric properties of 600 MCQ items with 2400 single best answer choices, specifically item difficulty, item discrimination, and the number of nonfunctional distractors, and scale reliability. We provide results regarding the overall test and its sub-domains. : Ethiopia's undergraduate medical licensure examination demonstrated acceptable reliability (Alpha > 0.80), with significant variability in item difficulty and examinee performance. Although these results indicate a sufficiently defensible exam, our results point to issues regarding item statistics, especially a high number of nonfunctional distractors. : This study provides first evidence regarding the psychometric soundness of the Ethiopian NLE. However, a significant number of items should be carefully reviewed and possibly revised. As the examination is relatively new, ongoing refinement to item-development and review processes is essential to improve and ensure its quality.
Two-Dimensional Deaths? A Discourse Analysis of Patient Death in Preclinical Tutorial Cases at a Canadian Medical School
The prospect of death is everywhere, but seldom directly addressed, in undergraduate medical education (UGME). Despite calls for UGME curricula to address the complex social and emotional aspects of death and dying, most curricula focus on biomedical, legal, and logistical aspects, or concentrate these topics within palliative care content and/or in simulations with simulated patients and manikins. We aimed to add to death education scholarship by exploring the complexities of death and dying within two dimensional simulations-i.e., in the text-based cases used in Case-Informed-Learning (CIL). We conducted a critical discourse analysis exploring how death and dying were discursively constructed in the formal, planned curriculum at one medical school. We used two methods: (1) Document Analysis: We developed a template to analyze 127 cases regarding their discursive constructions of death and dying; (2) Longitudinal Interviewing: We conducted semi-structured interviews with a cohort of 12 medical students, twice annually throughout their medical program (total 92 interviews). We collectively analyzed data, attuning to how the format, content, and purpose of each case discursively constructed death and dying. There were 127 tutorial cases included in the undergraduate, pre-clerkship case-informed curriculum. In the five (4%) cases featuring a patient who dies, death and dying were discursively constructed as: (1) predictable; (2) a plot device; (3) a cautionary tale; (4) an epilogue; (5) deliberate and careful; and (6) an absence. Very few cases highlighted death and dying in their titles, learning objectives, or questions, and where it did feature, it was framed a biomedical fact or outcome. Only one case allowed for a nuanced, in-depth and open-ended discussion of patient death and dying, but it was scheduled at a time that prevented meaningful engagement. This glossing over the complexities of death was identified as a missed opportunity by students, who, as their clinical placements loomed, were eager to broach this topic in detail with tutors and other teaching faculty. Death was often a conspicuous absence in this CIL curriculum. In the few cases that featured the death of the main patient character, multiple discourses were mobilized that worked together to construct death as something that happens elsewhere, outside the parameters of core curriculum. In other words, death happens-predictably, slowly, as a means to an end and the result of moral failures, in the case or somewhere in the future-but was not the primary concern. To deepen engagement with these subjects in CIL, we encourage medical educators to attend to representations of patient death by considering the format, content, purpose, and timing of these cases. Carefully rendered cases thoughtfully embedded in the curriculum offer tremendous potential. We suggest nuanced cases featuring patient death, with plenty of space and time for discussion, reflection, and storytelling may help address gaps in formal UGME preclinical curricula addressing death and dying.
Applying the Panarchy Framework to Examining Post-Pandemic Adaptation in the Undergraduate Medical Education Environment: A Qualitative Study
The COVID-19 pandemic necessitated an abrupt shift to online medical education, disrupting learning across knowledge, skills, and social connections. Post-pandemic, medical schools must evaluate how these disruptions shaped student experiences to optimize the return to in-person learning. This cross-sectional qualitative study explored medical students' perceptions of their learning environment during the post-pandemic reintegration period in Oman. Fifty-four preclinical and clinical students participated in six focus group interviews. Content analysis identified key topics characterizing students' perceptions of change and change processes in the post-pandemic learning environment. The panarchy framework, developed to characterize complex adaptive systems in nature, was used to frame the results. The return to in-person environments presented a mix of renewed connectivity, involving collaborative benefits alongside transitional adjustment strains. Five major topics characterizing student perceptions of change and change processes in their post-pandemic learning environment were identified: learning skills, developing clinical competence, faculty interactions, physical atmosphere, and social connections. Managing academic schedules and cognitive load as the learning environment opened challenged students' learning skills. Learners valued a renewed opportunity for interactive application of knowledge through collaboration, patient contact, and empathy skill-building to feel prepared for future practice. Returning to in-person instruction renewed a sense of community and peer support networks disrupted by pandemic isolation. Some students continued to struggle with study-life imbalance and felt ill-equipped to handle post-pandemic demands. Improved access to student support and wellness services was emphasized to ease transitional stresses. Students defined an ideal learning climate as supportive, active, personalized, relevant, challenging, accessible, and collaborative. While pandemic disruptions posed challenges, they provide opportunities to strengthen the educational system's resilience moving forward. Our findings highlight an opportunity for medical educators and learners to capitalize on the innovations that emerged during this period, integrating technology with interactive learning activities and reconnecting students with the core values of the medical profession. Applying the panarchy framework to frame this adaptive process could enable the tracking of multi-level interactions within the medical education environment and the evaluation of interventions targeted at identified areas of concern. Further exploration to achieve complete mapping of specific environmental domains onto the panarchical cycles merits future investigation to build integrated resilience frameworks.
"I have established this support network": How Chosen Kin Support Women Medical Students During their First Two Years in Medical School
Women medical students experience unique stressors and challenges during medical school related to inherent structural androcentric norms. Through a longitudinal qualitative study of 17 women medical students in their first two years of medical school, we sought to investigate how they navigated their medical school experience. We used a critical lens and narrative inquiry to understand their experiences within the powerful and marginalizing culture of medical school. Our participants identified two essential support groups: those relationships made within, and those sustained outside, medical school. These findings invoked a kinship framework-one where women medical students have a network of chosen kin who provide essential support for them during their first 2 years. The participants' chosen kin medical school provided support through recognition of one another, belonging by not belonging, being encouraged to reach out, and creating long-term relationships. The chosen kin medical school provided support by reminding the student who they are and creating stability. Integrating models of kinship into medical school as practiced by women medical students may have immense value in providing essential supports for medical students, preventing burnout, and changing the culture of care for future physicians that would align recognition and practice of self-care with patient care.
Design Justice, a Counternarrative to Dominant Approaches in Medical Education
Marginalized individuals in medicine face many structural inequities which can have enduring consequences on their progress. Therefore, inequity must be addressed by dismantling underlying unjust policies, environments, and curricula. However, once these injustices have been taken apart, how do we build more just systems from the rubble? Many current strategies to address this question have foundational values of urgency, solutionism, and top-down leadership.
Community Collaboration to Develop a Curriculum on Settler Colonialism and the Social Determinants of Health
American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) communities continue to experience health disparities and poor health outcomes, which are influenced by social determinants of health. The theory of settler colonialism provides a framework for understanding the structures that affect social determinants of health and the resulting health disparities. Western biomedicine and medical education have been implicated in perpetuating settler colonialism, and as a result Indigenous medical educators and leaders have called for increased education and understanding of the structural and social determinants of health affecting Indigenous populations. One important method is through community-based approaches to curriculum design. In collaboration with community leaders and experts, we identified the need for a curriculum on health in the context of settler colonialism, with a focus on resilience and community-directed efforts to improve wellness and care. Alongside Indigenous leaders and educators, we developed a unique curriculum focused on settler colonialism, the social determinants of health, and the assets inherent to the Native Nation where we work. Developed for non-Native learners and clinicians, the curriculum is designed to help provide context for the historical and political etiologies of health inequities experienced by the local community. Local educators helped shape a video lecture series associated with readings and experiential learning activities in 10 domains, providing an overview of settler colonialism and how it affects the social determinants of health. Our model of education draws upon the strengths and assets of communities and can improve health outcomes as well as learners' understandings of AI/AN-specific needs. We expect that our collaborative approach results in improved relationships among the Non-Native learners and providers and community members.
Empowering Third-Year Medical Students to Detect Bias and Medical Misinformation Online via Experiential Learning of "Lateral Reading," A Fact-Checker's Technique
: Misleading health information is detrimental to public health. Even physicians can be misled by biased health information; however, medical students and physicians are not taught some of the most effective techniques for identifying bias and misinformation online. : Using the stages of Kolb's experiential learning cycle as a framework, we aimed to teach 117 third-year students at a United States medical school to apply a fact-checking technique for identifying bias and misinformation called "lateral reading" through a 50-minute learning cycle in a 90-minute class. Each student's was to independently read a biased article and rate its credibility, demonstrating their baseline skills at identifying bias. Students were given structured opportunities for through individual and large group discussion. Students were guided through to determine techniques and frameworks utilized by fact checkers, specifically "lateral reading"-utilizing the internet to research the background of the author, organization, and citations using independent sources before exploring the article itself in depth. Students' included re-rating the credibility of the same article and discussing further implications with classmates and instructors. : In January 2020, sessions were offered to third-year medical students during their required, longitudinal transition-to-residency course. : Compared to baseline, when using lateral reading, students deemed the article less credible. Students' active experimentation changed whether they identified the organization and sources behind the article as credible. Notably, 86% (53/62) of students who viewed the organization positively pre-intervention did not describe the organization positively post intervention. Similarly, 66% (36/55) of students who cited the sources as positive pre-exercise changed their assessment after the exercise. While three students mentioned the author negatively pre-intervention, none of the 21 students who described the author in a negative fashion post-intervention described the author negatively pre-intervention. Positively describing the organization, author, or sources pre-intervention correlated with differences in credibility rating after the intervention. These findings indicate that teaching students to read laterally may increase their ability to detect bias in online medical information. : Further research is needed to determine whether students who learned lateral reading experiential learning will apply this skill in their education and career. Additionally, research should assess whether this skill helps future physicians counter bias and misinformation in ways that improve health.
Data, Discrimination, and Harm: LGBTQI People Left Behind
Guidelines and recommendations to properly elicit and document sexual orientation and gender identity in the clinical setting are rapidly emerging; however, in the epidemiologic research setting, information about collection, analysis, presentation, and dissemination of LGBTQI data is nascent. Federal agencies have worked to optimize epidemiologic research data collection from LGBTQI people. Despite these efforts, research data collection guidelines are inconsistent, and the data remain inadequate. The consequence of neglecting to collect data accurately from LGBTQI people is epidemiologic datasets that distort health professionals' and policymakers' perception of who comprises our communities and what the disease burden truly is. Additional harm is accrued by members of the neglected groups, including medical students and trainees, who may feel invisible, disrespected, and unsafe when presented with discriminatory data. With this article, we use our perspectives as a medical educator and a medical student to describe the challenge of working with inadequate LGBTQI datasets. We recommend five actions that can be taken by individuals, departments, and institutions to mitigate harm from the existing datasets: 1) acknowledge the limitations of the data; 2) develop, disseminate, and encourage use of an inclusive lexicon; 3) include LGBTQI-related criteria on peer teaching reviews; 4) engage students and trainees as partners, and if appropriate, content experts to review curriculum; and 5) self-identify as an agent of social change. In addition, we discuss systems-level considerations for realizing the goal of having comprehensive, accurate, and inclusive national data to drive health care delivery and health policy decisions. These include expanding research guidelines to address reporting and dissemination best practices for LGBTQI data, and widespread adoption of data reporting guidelines by biomedical journals. There is an urgent need for data to support quality care of LGBTQI communities. The health of our family, friends, neighbors, and nation depends on inclusive, accurate data.
An Invitation to Probe Reality and Theorize Daringly About Human Experience: Exploring 'Secret Affinities' in Medical Education Inquiry