Integral representation of generalized grey Brownian motion
In this paper, we investigate the representation of a class of non-Gaussian processes, namely generalized grey Brownian motion, in terms of a weighted integral of a stochastic process which is a solution of a certain stochastic differential equation. In particular, the underlying process can be seen as a non-Gaussian extension of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process, hence generalizing the representation results of Muravlev, Russian Math. Surveys 66 (2), 2011 as well as Harms and Stefanovits, Stochastic Process. Appl. 129, 2019 to the non-Gaussian case.
Existence, uniqueness and Malliavin differentiability of Lévy-driven BSDEs with locally Lipschitz driver
We investigate conditions for solvability and Malliavin differentiability of backward stochastic differential equations driven by a Lévy process. In particular, we are interested in generators which satisfy a local Lipschitz condition in the and variable. This includes settings of linear, quadratic and exponential growths in those variables. Extending an idea of Cheridito and Nam to the jump setting and applying comparison theorems for Lévy-driven BSDEs, we show existence, uniqueness, boundedness and Malliavin differentiability of a solution. The pivotal assumption to obtain these results is a boundedness condition on the terminal value and its Malliavin derivative . Furthermore, we extend existence and uniqueness theorems to cases where the generator is not even locally Lipschitz in . BSDEs of the latter type find use in exponential utility maximization.