Training and Development of Incident Commanders in the Fire and Rescue Services: A Scoping Review
Eid J, Skaar Vildskog E and Hansen AL
The aim of this scoping review was to summarize scholarly research on training and development of first responders and incident commanders in the fire and rescue services, with an emphasis on identifying emerging research questions and research gaps. From 2013 to 2024, 1343 studies were identified from the search in Web of Science, ProQuest, and Ovid/Psycinfo databases. A detailed search, screening, and selection strategy was performed, and 28 studies were retained based on prior established criteria. A majority of these studies were conducted in Europe (54%), North America (25%), Asia (11%), or Oceania (11%). Most studies (64%) used a quantitative approach, followed by a qualitative (21%), mixed methods (7%), or register data (7%) approach. A cross-sectional case design was most common (54%), while (21%) applied an experimental or a randomized controlled trial (RCT) design; only (7%) applied a longitudinal design. The studies could be organized into four interrelated themes focusing on (a) Workplace safety, stress, and resilience; (b) Incident command and crisis leadership; (c) Leader development and personnel management; and (d) Training innovation and technology. The scoping review offers recommendations to enhance future research on the training and development of incident commanders in the fire and rescue services.
Psychological Distance to Science: Psychometric Evaluation of the Swedish PSYDISC-Scale and as a Predictor of Science Skepticism
Jansson B, Halmedal C and Salomonsson T
The main purpose of the present study was to test if PSYDISC demonstrates incremental validity in predicting science skepticism across domains, beyond science attitude measures, in a Swedish context. Swedish-speaking participants (N = 314) completed an online survey containing the PSYDISC scale and two science attitude scales (Faith in Science and Negative Perceptions of Science), as well as measures of science skepticism regarding climate change, vaccines, and genetically modified organisms (GMO). Results from confirmatory factor analysis found support for the previously found four-factor model (hypothetical distance, social distance, spatial distance, and temporal distance). Additionally, measurement invariance was supported for age and gender, and local psychometric properties indicated good internal consistency with good discriminant validity but somewhat poor convergent validity. Regression analyses showed that PSYDISC demonstrated incremental predictive validity for climate change and vaccine skepticism but not for GMO skepticism. The present study thus supports PSYDISC as an incremental predictor of science skepticism.
Outfits Serve as Symbols for Overlapping Feminine and STEM Identity Goals
Zaman S, Spychalska-Waszek H, Doerflinger JT, Gollwitzer PM and Byrka K
Women in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) juggle between their feminine and professional identity goals. The present research views these struggles from the perspective of identity goal pursuits. Women in STEM may use different, sometimes even symbolic, ways to strive for the two identity goals, for example, by wearing outfits that reflect femininity, their profession, or both. In two studies, we tested to what extent these two goals overlap (are seen as similar) and whether the higher overlap between feminine and STEM professional identity goals is related to the preference for outfits that may serve two goals at the same time or only one of them. In Study 1 (N = 232), we found that willingness to wear an outfit serving both identity goals was positively related to the participant's identity goal overlap. Study 2 (N = 226) showed that overlap was related to the evaluation of the chosen outfits. Participants evaluating the chosen outfits as more multifinal reported higher overlap between the two identity goals.
Determinants of Anxiety, Depression and Subjective Wellbeing Among Musicians in Denmark: Findings From the 'When Music Speaks' Project
Musgrave G, Gross SA and Carney D
Some studies have suggested that professional musicians may suffer from elevated levels of mental ill health compared to both non-professional musicians and the general public. The aim of this study was to explore the levels of anxiety, depression, and subjective wellbeing among musicians in a country famed for high levels of wellbeing: Denmark. More specifically, we sought to evaluate the impact of age, gender, income, and subjective career status (SCS)-that is, seeing music as one's main career-on these variables. 986 musicians from a range of career stages and genres (both popular-or rhythmic as it is referred to in Denmark-and classical) completed a survey measuring anxiety and depression using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS) and measuring subjective wellbeing using Cantril's self-anchoring scale. Multiple regression models were used to explore the relationship between the four independent variables and our three outcome measure scores. Additionally, the sample was split on the basis of their respective significant predictor variables combined in order to observe between-group differences. Firstly, we found that age, gender, and SCS-but not income-significantly predicted anxiety scores. Being younger, being female, and viewing music-making as one's main career all predicted higher levels of anxiety. Demographic group comparisons confirmed that younger female musicians who viewed music-making as their main career were particularly at risk in comparison to other groups. Secondly, age (younger) and gender (female) were also predictors of higher depression scores, but SCS status and income category were not. Lastly, age (younger), gender (female), and income (membership of the three lowest income categories) predicted lower scores on the subjective wellbeing measure. The fact that income did not significantly predict anxiety or depression scores suggested that elevated levels of either of these experienced by career-oriented musicians might not relate to income, or at least may not be solely income-related. Our findings contribute towards literature that seeks to better understand the determinants of elevated levels of mental ill health among musicians and towards research into mental health and wellbeing in Demark more generally.
Blind Love, Risky Romance: Exposure to Romantic Cues Increases Nonmoral and Immoral Risk Taking
Li H
Love and risk are often intricately intertwined within linguistic and cultural conventions. This study experimentally tested the hypothesis that risk-taking attitudes and behaviors are systematically influenced by romantic primes. To evaluate our theoretical framework, we conducted four complementary experiments utilizing various priming techniques (lexical cues, advertisements, and storytelling), diverse participant populations (students and general adults), and multiple measures of risk-taking behavior (self-report and behavioral data). Study 1 compared students' tendencies to engage in risk taking when exposed to romantic cues versus neutral primes. Studies 2 and 3 aimed to provide behavioral confirmation of the observed effects in nonmoral and immoral risk-taking behaviors among nonstudent participants. Study 4 sought to provide more direct evidence regarding the role of self-control in explaining the effects of romantic cues on risk taking. We found both correlational and experimental evidence indicating that participants primed with romantic cues exhibited a higher likelihood of engaging in nonmoral and immoral risk-taking behaviors compared to those exposed to neutral conditions. Across the studies, self-control was identified as a mediating factor in the observed effects. In sum, our research demonstrates that the mere presence of romantic themes significantly influences the propensity to engage in risky behaviors.
Is Self-Report of Attachment Patterns in Young People Stable From Three to Nine Months After a Concussion?
Tuborgh A, Svendsen SW, Elklit A, Hunter J, Jensen JS, Ørnbøl E, Schröder A, Nielsen JF, Thastum MM, Næss-Schmidt ET and Rask CU
Insecure adult attachment patterns have recently been associated with an increased risk of developing persistent post-concussion symptoms (PCS) and poorer treatment outcomes, highlighting the potential of attachment-informed treatment protocols for persistent PCS. A key requirement for such approaches is that attachment patterns remain relatively stable during the post-injury illness course, allowing them to serve as reliable indicators for guiding initial care and treatment planning. This study aimed to assess the stability of self-reported attachment anxiety and attachment avoidance in individuals aged 15-30 years, from three (T1) to nine (T2) months after a concussion, corresponding to the period when treatment for PCS typically becomes relevant. This study is a methodological follow-up of a larger clinical cohort study comprising 3080 individuals aged 15-30 years who were diagnosed with a concussion. Attachment dimensions were measured using the Experiences in Close Relationships-Relationship Structures Questionnaire at three (T1) and nine (T2) months post-injury. Both mean-level and individual changes were examined, taking relevant covariates such as sex, age, level of PCS, post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, and social support into account. At T1, 958 respondents were included (39%), with 416 also responding at T2 (43%). Mean-level changes were minimal (attachment anxiety: β = -0.07 (95% confidence interval [CI]: -0.22; 0.08)), attachment avoidance: β = 0.00 (95% CI: -0.11; 0.11). Larger individual changes that could not be explained by measurement error were observed in 12% of participants. No association was found with any of the covariates. Self-reported attachment patterns appear to remain stable in most young people with a concussion from 3 to 9 months post-injury. The findings strengthen confidence in conducting research to investigate whether attachment-informed treatment approaches can improve healthcare for these patients.
Personality Assessment in Groups of Different Verbal Intelligence Levels
Lozić M, Bratko D and Vukasović Hlupić T
The differentiation of personality by intelligence hypothesis, which has mixed support in the literature, predicts that personality is more variable for more intelligent individuals. This study aimed to test that hypothesis by comparing variances, reliability coefficients, and inter-scale correlations of personality as assessed by self-reports between groups of participants with different intelligence scores. We used two independent datasets (N = 655; N = 836; N = 1491) in which the same vocabulary test was used as a measure of verbal intelligence, but personality was measured as self-report by different inventories (NEO-FFI and HEXACO-100). As the verbal ability scores had a normal distribution, the combined mean was calculated, and empirical groups were generated within each sample to compare groups of participants who indicated a low-ability group (G1) and the high-ability group (G3). Results mostly support the differentiation hypothesis in the NEO-FFI dataset, where participants in G3 have higher variances and reliability coefficients than participants in G1, but do not show lower inter-scale correlation coefficients. However, the same trend was not found in the second sample where personality was assessed by the HEXACO inventory. In conclusion, the results of this study provide only partial support for the personality differentiation by intelligence hypothesis.
A Meta-Analysis of the Psychometric Properties of the ICD-11 Compatible Personality Inventory for DSM-5-Brief Form Plus, Modified (PID5BF+M)
Komasi S and Bach B
The ICD-11 compatible, Personality Inventory for DSM-5-Brief Form Plus, Modified (PID5BF+M), has recently been developed to assess the constructs of the ICD-11 and DSM-5 maladaptive trait models. This meta-analysis aimed to evaluate the pooled estimates of the structural validity (model fit indices, factor loadings, and internal consistency of individual scales), discriminant validity (factor intercorrelations), and criterion validity (standardized mean differences between clinical and nonclinical samples) of the PID5BF+M. A systematic search for scientific articles published between January 2013 and November 2024 was conducted in PubMed, PsycNET, and Google Scholar. The pooled estimates were calculated using the random effects method following the PRISMA guidelines. The quality of individual studies, heterogeneity, and publication bias were checked. Five high-quality reports including 21 independent samples (3056 patients and 17,361 nonpatients) were entered into the meta-analysis. The six-factor structure of the PID5BF+M was supported by the pooled estimates of model fit (RMSEA = 0.03, CFI = 0.98, TLI = 0.96, and SRMR = 0.01), moderate to very strong factor loadings (from 0.43 to 0.74), and an acceptable internal consistency (ω between 0.70 and 0.79 for all factors with a median of 0.75). The factor intercorrelations were weak to moderate (from 0.05 to 0.38) and the mean scores of most factors (except antagonism) were higher in the patients. The PID5BF+M is an applicable scale to measure maladaptive personality constructs with acceptable structural, discriminant, and criterion validity. Mental health professionals and researchers can use the scale, taking into account some methodological considerations of the present meta-analysis. The study protocol was preregistered in PROSPERO-CRD42024507164.
Core self-evaluations and perceived classmate support: Independent predictors of psychological adjustment
Yudes C, Chamizo-Nieto MT, Peláez-Fernández MA and Extremera N
The main aim of this research was to explore the contribution of both core self-evaluations (CSE) and classmate support as unique predictors of positive and negative psychological adjustment among adolescents.
Co-worker phubbing: A qualitative exploration of smartphone use during work breaks
Martinsson P and Thomée S
The present study qualitatively explores co-worker "phubbing" (from "phone" and "snubbing") during communal work breaks. Phubbing, or ignoring others by paying attention to one's phone, has been linked to a range of negative interpersonal and intrapersonal outcomes. Although most research has targeted private relationships, there are indications that lateral work relationships may be similarly affected, with potential consequences at the individual, group, and organizational levels.
Development and Validation of the Invisibility Scale
Ebbrecht CK and Bertelsen P
The concept of social invisibility describes the devaluation of the perceived social and personal worth of an individual. This paper presents the theoretical foundation for this construct, and the development and validation of the "Invisibility Scale" capturing experiences of and needs for social (in)visibility within (i) intimate, (ii) legal, and (iii) communal relations. We developed and validated the Invisibility Scale in two studies. In Study I (n = 944), we formulated 80 items and tested their underlying factor structure using Exploratory Factor Analyses (EFA). In Study II (n = 846), we aimed to replicate the factor structure identified in Study I on a novel sample using Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA), and establish criterion-related validity and construct validity using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). Our results supported the development of two separate scales for measuring experiences of social invisibility ("Invisibility Scale") and needs for social visibility ("Invisibility Scale") Each scale consisted of 12 items (four items for each subfactor of intimate, legal, and communal relations). Evidence for construct validity between the Invisibility Scales and relevant constructs like Moral Disengagement, Sense of Coherence, and Violent Extremist Attitudes was mixed. Based on our findings, we present the two Invisibility Scales as preliminary validated measures of social invisibility. We encourage future research to replicate our findings, as well as looking more into other potentially mediating and moderating factors between social invisibility and its emotional, cognitive, and behavioral correlates.
The Path to Loneliness for Psychiatric Patients: A Qualitative Study of a Journey Marked by Pain, Hopelessness, Prosocial Signaling Deficits, and Coping Strategies That Are Not Effective
Landquist R, Öster C, Isaksson M and Wolf-Arehult M
Enduring loneliness has serious physical and mental health implications. Patients with mental health problems are at risk of experiencing problems related to loneliness. Therefore, it is important to increase knowledge about how loneliness is experienced and managed in this particular group. The aim of the study was to explore (1) psychiatric patients' experiences of different forms of loneliness, (2) associated problems, including difficulties with prosocial signaling, and (3) strategies used to combat loneliness, to better understand how loneliness affects psychiatric patients and how patients manage their loneliness. A total of 110 psychiatric patients were recruited at eight outpatient clinics in Region Stockholm for a larger study of loneliness. The first fifteen patients who also agreed to participate in the present substudy were invited to meet a trainee psychologist who conducted a semi-structured interview. A reflexive thematic analysis with a codebook approach was used to analyze the transcripts. The described experiences of loneliness were primarily examples of social and emotional loneliness with one prominent theme: "Hopelessly lonely". Associated problems were summarized in two themes: "The inevitable road to loneliness" and "Social signals are confusing and push others away". Regarding patients' strategies for combating loneliness, one theme emerged: "Using strategies that focus on the current moment". The results also included a total of sixteen subthemes. Loneliness was described as something painful that is inevitable and unchangeable, with a self-reinforcing loneliness loop leading to social and emotional loneliness, and as something that is intertwined with mental health problems. These results are in accordance with research. In addition, patients described a variety of prosocial signaling deficits and feelings of being disconnected from others. They also reported using strategies that primarily alleviated their immediate suffering when they were alone, rather than focusing on approaches with long-term effects on reducing loneliness, such as participating in social activities combined with effective social signaling. Future research should investigate whether increased awareness of social signaling, as well as social activities combined with improved prosocial signaling and strengthened self-belief, would constitute effective steps for patients to combat enduring loneliness. It also seems important to help patients reduce hopelessness related to loneliness.
Investigating the Roles of Gender, Age, and Sport Characteristics on School and Sport Burnout in Finnish Lower Secondary School Student Athletes
Phipps DJ, Saarinen M, Kuokkanen J and Romar JE
School sport programs for lower secondary school in Finland (i.e., Grades 7-9) show great promise in helping student athletes prepare for careers in both sport and academic pursuits. However, it has also been found that participation in these programs is highly competitive and demanding and may result in poor mental health outcomes like burnout for some students. The purpose of the current study was to investigate how burnout in sport and school in Finnish lower secondary school students was associated with gender, age, training loads, level of competition, and sport type. A sample of 856 lower secondary school students (Grades 7-9, ages 13-15 years old) completed measures of sport and school burnout and provided information on their demographics and sport. Gender, age, training loads, level of competition, and sport type predicted a small but significant portion of variance in sport-related exhaustion, cynicism, and inadequacy, and in school-related exhaustion, but not school cynicism or inadequacy. Females and student athletes with higher training loads generally reported higher levels of burnout, while only a small number of effects related to age, competition level, and type of sport were observed. Lower secondary sports schools in Finland might aim to understand the difficulties encountered by student athletes, particularly females and those with higher training loads. This understanding can guide them in taking informed, practical measures to safeguard the mental health of these students and optimize their performance both academically and athletically.
Do Social Support, Perceived Stress, and Psychological Distress Mediate the Relationship Between Social Problem-Solving and Suicidality in People With Gender Dysphoria?
Eskin M and Turan Ş
Individuals with gender dysphoria (GD) often exhibit suicidal inclinations. In the present study, we investigated the scope of suicidal ideation and attempts and the roles of perceived social support, stress, and psychological distress in mediating social problem-solving and suicidality in individuals with GD. Two hundred and five adults with GD (110 GD assigned female at birth [AFAB]; 95 GD assigned male at birth [AMAB]) completed a self-report survey including questions about suicide ideation and attempts, as well as the General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12), Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), Perceived Stress Scale (PSS), and Social Problem-Solving Inventory-Revised (SPSI-R). We utilized correlation, regression, and mediation analyses to assess models. Overall, both suicidal ideation (for AFAB = 61.8%; for AMAB = 61.1%; p = 0.91) and suicide attempts (for AFAB = 43.6%; for AMAB = 37.9%; p = 0.41) were common in individuals with GD. The two groups did not differ in GHQ-12, PSS, and SPSI-R total scale scores, but AMAB scored lower on the MSPSS total score. Perceived social support, perceived stress, and psychological distress partially mediated social problem-solving and suicidal ideation, whereas perceived stress and psychological distress fully mediated social problem-solving and suicide attempts. There is a need to develop interventions to improve the psychological well-being of people with GD. Current results suggest that problem-solving therapy may effectively suit the need to manage suicidality in people with GD.
Exploring the Relationship Between Human-Animal Interactions at Work and Mental Health: Unraveling the Dynamics for Individuals With Higher Neuroticism
Junça-Silva A and Moço B
Daily interactions typically can be a reflection of a person's mental health. Despite the existing literature emphasizing the importance of social interactions for mental health, few studies have focused on human-animal interactions, particularly in the work context. Thus, this study sought to expand knowledge and relied on the affective events theory to test (1) the mediating role of the daily affect ratio in the relationship between daily human-animal interactions and mental health and (2) the moderating role of neuroticism in the previous indirect relationship. To test the hypotheses, a daily design was used (N = 53 × 5 = 265). The multilevel results revealed that (1) daily human-animal interactions are positively related to mental health through the daily affect ratio; however, (2) the affect ratio depended more on daily human-animal interactions when individuals had higher levels of neuroticism, which means that (3) neuroticism intensified the indirect relationship between daily human-animal interactions and mental health through affect ratio. Overall, opportunities for human-animal interactions under telework settings may be a well-suited strategy for employees who score higher on neuroticism.
She Asked for It? Descriptions of Victims' Behaviors Are Associated With Sentencing in Norwegian Rape Trials
Rinde KR, Vučić T, Andresen MG, Havnen A and Solem S
Feminist theorists have long argued that rape myths contribute to normalizing sexual assault, through belittling and denying rape victims' claims. This study examines whether descriptions of victims' behaviors are associated with sentencing in rape trials. A total of 2054 Norwegian court decisions from 2013 to 2023 in judicial records were screened. Fifty-one of these included descriptions of the victims' behavior as operationalized by a subscale of the Illinois Rape Myth Acceptance Scale called "She Asked For It" (IRMAS-SAFI; type of clothing, going to a room alone with a guy at a party, previous sexual behavior, saying no unclearly, and kissing). Matching cases without such descriptions were then selected, resulting in a total sample of 102 court decisions. In addition, a randomly selected comparison group (n = 51) was included for robustness analysis. Results revealed that defendants who had attacked a victim in the IRMAS-SAFI group were sentenced to fewer months in prison (M = 25.3, SD = 20.9) than defendants from the comparison group (M = 41.7, SD = 13.3). This type of description of victims' behavior was significantly associated with shorter prison sentences when controlling for medical evidence, age of the defendant, and use of violence. The results indicate that implementing measures to reduce the influence of rape myths on judges' evaluations in rape trials could lead to fairer court decisions.
Can a Universal Mindfulness Intervention in Schools Reduce ADHD Symptoms among Adolescents? A Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial
Holopainen M, Hintsanen M, Lahti J, Vahlberg T and Volanen SM
Existing studies suggest that mindfulness-based interventions (MBIs) can reduce ADHD symptoms when delivered as targeted clinical programs to young people diagnosed with ADHD. However, there is currently a lack of research on whether MBIs are effective in reducing elevated ADHD symptoms when delivered as universal programs to whole classes in schools. This study investigated the effects of a universal nine-week MBI (.b program) on students' elevated ADHD symptoms using an cluster randomized controlled trial (RCT) design. The modifying effects of pupils' baseline characteristics (gender, age, and socioeconomic status) and home-practice intensity were examined. A total of 3519 adolescents aged 12 to 15 years from Finnish schools were randomized into an MBI group, a relaxation-based active-control group, and a passive-control group. ADHD symptoms were measured at baseline (T0), at nine weeks (T9), and at 26-weeks (T26, follow-up) using parent-reported assessments. The study found no positive intervention effects on parent-reported ADHD symptoms in the MBI group compared to the control groups. Neither boys nor girls benefited from the MBI. The same was true of different age groups and socioeconomic levels. Moreover, regular home practice during the follow-up period did not strengthen the intervention effects. The results do not support the use of brief, universal MBIs in whole school classes as part of the routine curriculum to reduce elevated ADHD symptoms in adolescents. Further research is essential to identify optimal content and delivery methods for MBIs in schools. Particularly among adolescents with elevated ADHD symptoms, targeted MBIs, adapted to the unique needs of this subgroup, should be examined. Trial Registration: Healthy Learning Mind-a school-based mindfulness and relaxation program: a study protocol for a cluster randomized controlled trial (RCT) ISRCTN18642659 retrospectively registered on 13 October 2015. The full trial protocol can be accessed at
A Mixture Modeling of the Behavioral Activation System and Problematic Internet Use in Adolescents: The Role of Metacognition, Online Dissociation, and Insomnia
Çelik O, Yalçın RÜ and Eşkisu M
Due to the rapidly developing technological advancements, the overuse of the Internet has led to the emergence of problematic Internet use, which has become a part of our daily lives. This study aims to investigate the relationships between problematic Internet use, Behavioral Activation System (BAS), metacognition, online dissociative experiences, and insomnia. Participants were 341 Turkish adolescents aged between 15 and 19 years (Mean = 15.49, SD = 1.03), of whom 63% were female. Participants responded to the Behavioral Inhibition/Behavioral Activation System Scale, Metacognition Questionnaire, Van Online Dissociative Experiences Schedule, Insomnia Severity Index, and Chen Internet Addiction Scale. The mixture structural equation modeling approach was used to analyze the data. We found a positive relationship between BAS and metacognition, as well as insomnia, and a negative relationship with online dissociation. Furthermore, BAS was indirectly related to problematic Internet use via metacognition, online dissociation, and insomnia. The mixture analysis grouped participants into two latent classes. The first class (76%) had low levels of metacognition, online dissociation, insomnia, and problematic Internet use and high levels of behavioral activation while the second class (24%) had low levels of behavioral activation and high levels of metacognition, online dissociation, insomnia, and problematic Internet use. These findings indicate that individuals with high impulsivity, a tendency toward fun-seeking, and reward sensitivity are predisposed to excessively use the Internet and that metacognition, online dissociative experiences, and insomnia play a determining role in this behavior.
Exhaustion Disorder in Primary Care: A Comparison With Major Depressive Disorder and Adjustment Disorder
Sennerstam V, Hedman-Lagerlöf E, Nilsonne G, Lekander M, Rück C, Wallert J, Axelsson E and Lindsäter E
Exhaustion disorder (ED) was introduced to the Swedish version of the International Classification of Diseases, 10th edition (ICD-10) 2005. Primarily characterized by general fatigue and cognitive deficits, ED has become one of the most common mental health diagnoses in Sweden. Little is still known regarding the discriminative validity of the ED diagnosis and how it relates to other diagnostic constructs. The study aimed to investigate the discriminative validity of ED compared with two similar diagnoses, major depressive disorder (MDD) and adjustment disorder (AD). Using data from a sample of patients with a principal diagnosis of either ED (n = 352), MDD (n = 99), or AD (n = 302), we compared demographic and clinical variables and scores on self-report symptom scales. Results showed that ED patients were of a higher age and had a higher frequency of sickness absence than MDD and AD patients. There was a substantial overlap of symptoms between ED and MDD, only differing on two of nine self-report symptom scales, with ED patients rating lower work ability d = -0.37 and alcohol consumption d = -0.57. Compared with AD patients, ED patients reported more severe symptoms in every symptom domain. Given the prevalent use of ED diagnosis, its diagnostic validity and clinical usefulness merit further attention.
The isolation between part-set cues and social collaboration in episodic memory is dependent: Insight from ongoing and post-collaboration
Nie A, Li M, Wang Q and Zhang C
It has been demonstrated that both part-set cues and social interaction can produce detrimental effects on memory. Specifically, part-set cues lead to part-set cueing impairment, while social interaction can result in collaborative inhibition. However, there is less evidence on whether these factors have isolated or comparable impacts on memory. Additionally, it is still unknown whether the effects behave similarly on item memory and source memory, whether the effects are comparable between ongoing and post-social collaboration, and whether stimulus features influence their respective roles. To address these issues, we conducted the current experiment where participants were exposed to gender stereotype-consistent or -inconsistent words, categorized as positive, neutral, or negative. The words were read out by either a male or a female. Two recall sessions were conducted: Recall 1 was carried out either individually or collaboratively, whereas Recall 2 was always collaborative. Some participants performed Recall 1 under the part-set cued condition while others were under the no-cued condition. Both item memory and source memory were assessed in both recall sessions. The results have three implications. First, during the ongoing collaborative session, two effects were observed on item memory: part-set cueing impairment and collaborative inhibition. Further, the contributions elicited by part-set cues and social collaboration are isolated. The part-set cueing impairment was influenced by both emotional valence and stereotypical consistency. Second, post-collaboration analysis indicated that both the utilization of part-set cues and collaboration itself enhanced item memory, resulting in the part-set cueing enhancement and post-collaborative memory benefit. Additionally, there was evidence indicating that the mechanisms prompted by these two factors intertwined when emotional valence and stereotypical consistency were considered. Third, in both ongoing and post-collaboration scenarios, the detrimental and beneficial effects on item memory and source memory exhibited different patterns, thereby supporting the dual-process models. These findings enhance our comprehension of the insolation and the interplay between part-set cues and collaboration in memory.
Attitudes Toward Prostitution in Norway, Spain, and Germany: Association With the Legal Context and Susceptibility to Persuasion
Megías JL, Thon PR, Siebler F and Bohner G
The social and legal treatment of prostitution varies between countries. We examined attitudes toward prostitution (ATP) and their susceptibility to persuasion in three countries: Norway, where prostitution is illegal; Spain, where prostitution is not explicitly regulated in the law; and Germany, where prostitution is legal. Participants (total N = 579) read arguments in favor of either legalization or abolition of prostitution or no arguments. Then they reported their ATP, judged the consequences of abolishing prostitution and completed measures of feminism, political orientation and sociosexuality. Results showed that, as hypothesized, ATP scores (1) reflected the countries' legislation, being most positive in Germany and least positive in Norway; (2) were affected by arguments only in Spain, where the legal situation is ambiguous; and (3) were meaningfully correlated with other attitudes across countries. These findings highlight the association of legal frameworks with attitudes, suggesting that national legislation can shape social norms and perceptions of prostitution. Additionally, the varying susceptibility to persuasive messages across different legal contexts underscores the role of legal ambiguity in shaping openness to attitudinal change.
Negative Affect and Planning Ability in Preschool Children: A Mediation Model of Working Memory, Inhibition, and Cognitive Flexibility
Filipiak S and Hawrot A
Past research in developmental psychology has revealed close links between affect and planning ability over the life-span. However, such links have rarely been studied in children from non-clinical samples. To address this gap, the present study investigates whether negative affect, understood as a temperamental trait, affects planning ability in 5-year-old children. Moreover, it examines whether selected cognitive processes, that is inhibition, verbal working memory, and cognitive flexibility, mediate this relationship. A total of 103 children aged M = 5 years 4 months, SD = 2.7 months, and their parents participated in the study. The analyses, which employed a path mediation model, revealed that negative affect's influence on planning was entirely mediated by flexibility. Moreover, flexibility partially mediated the relationship between inhibition and planning, and verbal working memory had a direct effect on planning. The results provide a new insight into the relationship between negative affect and planning ability in non-clinical preschool children.
Psychometric Properties of the Danish International Trauma Questionnaire-Child and Adolescent Version (ITQ-CA)
Sigurðardóttir K, Qambar N, Elklit A, Auning-Hansen MA and Nielsen SB
With the introduction of the ICD-11 diagnostic manual, the need for developing and validating new assessment instruments has become urgent. The International Trauma Questionnaire-Child and Adolescent version (ITQ-CA) assesses posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and complex PTSD (CPTSD) based on the ICD-11 diagnostic definition. This study examines the psychometric properties of the Danish version of the ITQ-CA in a non-clinical sample of 226 adolescents. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses were performed to study the effects of gender, age, trauma exposure, family dysfunction, and SDQ variables on PTSD and Disturbances in Self-Organization (DSO). Results showed that 16 participants (7%) met the ITQ-CA criteria for CPTSD and 11 (5.7%) for PTSD. The full model of gender, age, family dysfunction, trauma exposure, and SDQ variables was found to predict PTSD and DSO. The present study supports the validity of the Danish version of the ITQ-CA and represents an important step of establishing and applying validated tools for assessing  PTSD and CPTSD in children and adolescents. The results also underscore the need for a broader trauma definition. Future research should examine the sensitivity of the ITQ-CA.
Mentalizing Care: Adult Attachment and Structural Factors as Predictors of Representational Mind-Mindedness in Early Child-Care Professionals
Wendelboe KI, Stuart AC, Frees A, Egmose I, Mohr JE, Væver MS and Smith-Nielsen J
Out-of-home childcare is increasingly essential in many children's lives, significantly impacting their wellbeing and development. Central to high-quality care is the concept of caregiver mind-mindedness (MM), the ability to recognize a child as a unique psychological individual with thoughts, feelings, intentions etc., as this capacity is linked with more optimal responsiveness to children's needs. Despite its importance, the factors influencing MM in professional caregivers remain under-researched. We examined the association between structural factors, self-reported adult attachment, and caregiver representational MM assessed in an interview. The sample consisted of 128 childcare professionals from 30 Danish early childcare centers (children aged 0-2.9 years), participating in a randomized controlled trial. Overall, our results showed that longer employment in the current position was associated with higher levels of representational MM, i.e., increased tendency to describe children in terms of their mental states as opposed to more behavioral or external features. In contrast, more years of experience working in childcare as well as attachment-related avoidance were associated with lower levels of representational MM. These results indicate that personal characteristics, like adult attachment, may be a relevant focus for early education and care research and training.
Self-Concept in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Mild Dementia due to Alzheimer's Disease Is Affected on Tests of Self-Generated Statements
Vogel A, Bruus AE and Waldemar G
Several studies show that Alzheimer's disease (AD) and other neurocognitive disorders have a negative impact on the self and identity formation. Most studies have included persons with mild to moderate dementia, but how AD patients in the earliest phases retrieve information about themselves has only been studied scarcely. The aim of this study was to investigate if persons with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) and mild AD would generate fewer self-related statements than healthy controls. From a memory clinic, we included 17 aMCI patients, 17 patients with mild dementia (AD; MMSE ≥ 24), and 30 healthy controls. Three Events Test and Twenty Statements Test (TST) were applied to all participants. The persons with mild dementia gave significantly fewer statements compared to the controls (p < 0.001) and the aMCI patients (p < 0.01) on TST. Fewer statements were also produced by the aMCI patients compared to the control participants (p < 0.05). Persons from both patient groups produced significantly fewer contextual details compared to the controls on the Three Events Tests. There were significant associations to lexical fluency for both the TST and Three Events Test, but only a limited amount of variance was explained, and the results cannot be explained solely by a fluency effect. The results from this study are in accordance with findings from previous studies demonstrating that mild AD leads to a decline in both autobiographical memories and a diminished sense of self. Further, this study shows that changes in self-concept may occur even in the earliest clinical stages of AD.
The Effects of Cues to Ambient Darkness on Women's Willingness to Engage With Physically Strong Men
Brown M, Wolfe K and O'Neil BA
Despite the overall desirability of men's upper body strength, women's preference for such features remains bounded to contexts in which the benefits exceed the potential costs. The relative salience of these costs could be augmented within ostensibly threatening environments, which could include one of ambient darkness. This study sought to determine whether women's interest in strong men would become downregulated in the presence of these cues. A sample of sorority women reported their reactions to meeting a hypothetical man on campus who was manipulated to appear either strong or weak with the image manipulated to be either at night or during the day. Although women reported feeling more comfortable around the weak man in the dark compared to the strong man, no difference emerged in their evaluations of strong men during the day and night. These findings suggest that women functionally shift their interest in strong men based on environmental cues that could implicate men as costly.
How Culture and Musical Engagement Shape Musical Reward Sensitivity in Danish Teens: A Validation Study of the Danish Barcelona Musical Reward Questionnaire With 4641 Adolescents
Lippolis M, Derdau Sørensen S, Petersen B, Vuust P and Brattico E
The ability to convey emotions and induce pleasure is one of the most important aspects of the way that music becomes meaningful to humans. Affective responses to music are specific to both cultural and personal preferences, but little is known about the individual variability in adolescence. The Barcelona Music Reward Questionnaire (BMRQ) is a psychometric measure that identifies five factors associated with musical pleasure: Musical Seeking, Emotional Evocation, Mood Regulation, Social Reward, and Sensory-Motor. With this study, we aimed to validate the BMRQ in Danish teens and to explore the differences in music reward experiences in relation to the amount of musical activity, between genders and over ages. Approximately 30,000 Danish adolescents participated in a mass experiment with a subset (N = 4641, 51.2% girls, age range = 13-19 years old) responding to (1) a Danish adaptation of the BMRQ and (2) the Concurrent Musical Activities (CCM) Questionnaire. Both exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were applied, and a seven-factor model of the BMRQ was found to fit the Danish adolescent population. The seven-factor version of the Danish BMRQ was due to the split of the dimensions "Sensory-Motor" and "Social Reward" into two further subfactors. The students with a higher amount of musical engagement scored higher across all dimensions. In particular, the higher the musical engagement, the higher scores were found for the facet of musical pleasure related to the sharing of musical activities, especially in the earliest stages of adolescence. Furthermore, we found that sensitivity to music generally tends to increase with age, and that girls reported overall to be more sensitive to music than boys in the dimension related to evocation of emotions. A slightly different model of the BMRQ has to be taken into account when testing the Danish adolescent population. In addition to utilizing the Danish version of the BMRQ on a large sample of adolescents, this study may provide insight into the relationship between changes in the level of musical reward depending on amount of musical engagement and how musical reward unfolds within and between genders and across age groups during this developmental stage.
Cultural Barriers to Women's Progression in Academic Careers: A France-Brazil Comparison Through the Lens of the Queen Bee Phenomena
Esnard C and Grangeiro RDR
Despite significant improvements, women are still underrepresented at high levels in academia. Most research on these inequalities is conducted within a specific national academic system, without taking into account its cultural roots. The aim of the present study was to analyze the extent to which the cultural context acts as a barrier on women's career progression. Specifically, we focused on psychological processes described under the metaphor of Queen Bee Phenomenon that may reflect the ways in which female academics conform to male-gender roles encoded in androcentric social and academic culture. Two samples of women academic, one French (N = 73), the other Brazilian (N = 88), were compared through the lens of two dimension of the Queen Bee Phenomena: self-group distancing and gender hierarchy legitimation. Brazilian women identify more with their female peer group than their French counterparts. French women are more hostile to quotas and more inclined to adhere to meritocratic discourses than their Brazilian counterparts. Both academic contexts tend to perpetuate gender inequalities, but in different ways: by maintaining gender-stereotypical expectations in Brazil and meritocratic ideology in France. The implications for policies to promote a more egalitarian university context are discussed herein.
Relationship Between Gestures and Vocabulary in 14-Month-Old Swedish-Learning Children
Marklund U, Marklund E, Gustavsson L and Samuelsson C
In this study, the relationship between gestures and vocabulary size in 177 Swedish-learning 14-month-old children was examined. Gesture use, receptive, and expressive vocabulary were reported by caregivers with the Swedish version of the MacArthur Bates Communicative Developmental Inventory, words and gestures, SECDI-1. Gesture types examined were referential gestures classified as either deictic gestures, conventional gestures, and object actions. A fine-grained analysis of gestures and lexicon was performed. Results show that percentage of gestures used by children significantly predicts percentage of words in their receptive vocabulary. However, looking at gesture type, only use of object actions significantly predicts percentage of words in the receptive vocabulary whereas use of conventional gestures does not. Deictic gestures showed a ceiling effect and were therefore not further used for analysis. The relationship between gesture use and vocabulary size was not impacted by semantic category (food or clothes). Vocabulary in both semantic categories was statistically predicted by object actions in only one semantic category.
How Does Representational Mind-Mindedness Translate Into Observable Parenting Behaviors Among Parents of Six-Year-Olds?
Svane RP, Væver MS, Højen A, Bleses D and Pedersen IE
Mind-Mindedness reflects parents' capacity to treat their child as an individual with a mind of their own. Research is lacking on how Representational Mind-Mindedness (RMM) translates into observable parenting behaviours beyond infancy. The present study examined how RMM was associated with parents' Acknowledging Behaviour (AB) and use of Mental State Talk (MST), and whether these associations were moderated by parents' educational level. The sample consisted of 133 Danish parents and their 6-year-old children, who were observed engaging in a challenging puzzle and in a shared reminiscing task during home visits. RMM was operationalized as parents' use of mental attributes when describing their child. There was no significant association between RMM and AB. RMM was significantly associated with MST, but only among parents with higher education level. The present study illuminates differences in how the representational measure of parents' mentalization capacity translates into observable parenting behaviors among early school-aged children.