Rural History-Economy Society Culture

Common meeting places and the brightening of rural life: local debates on village halls in Sussex after the First World War
Grieves K
Animal husbandry and agricultural improvement: the archaeological evidence from animal bones and teeth
Davis JM and Beckett JV
English emigration, kinship and the recruitment process: migration from Melbourn in Cambridgeshire to Melbourne in Victoria in the mid-nineteenth century
Hudson P and Mills D
Conservation, class and custom: lifespace and conflict in a nineteenth-century forest environment
Short B
Nostalgia, gender, and the countryside: placing the "land girl" in First World War Britain
Grayzel SR
From Great Wen to Toad Hall: aspects of the urban-rural divide in inter-war Britain
Moore-Colyer RJ
The promotion of agricultural education for adults: the Lancashire federation of women's institutes, 1919-45
Thompson L
Reconstructing the rural community: village halls and the National Council of Social Service, 1919 to 1939
Burchardt J
The rural "middling sort" in early modern England, circa 1640-1740: some economic, political and socio-cultural characteristics
Kent J
The stone workers of Purbeck
Edgar M and Hinde A
The landscape history of grouse shooting in the Yorkshire Dales
Done A and Muir R
The drover's wife and the drover's daughter: histories of single farming women and debates in Australian historiography
Hunter KM
Rich agriculture and poor farmers: land, landlords and farmers in Flanders in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
Vanhaute E