Employer reallocation during the COVID-19 pandemic: Validation and application of a do-it-yourself CPS
Bick A and Blandin A
Economists have recently begun using independent online surveys to collect national labor market data. Questions remain over the quality of such data. This paper provides an approach to address these concerns. Our case study is the Real-Time Population Survey (RPS), a novel online survey of the US built around the Current Population Survey (CPS). The RPS replicates core components of the CPS, ensuring comparable measures that allow us to weight and rigorously validate our results using a high-quality benchmark. At the same time, special questions in the RPS yield novel information regarding employer reallocation during the COVID-19 pandemic. We estimate that 26% of pre-pandemic workers were working for a new employer one year into the COVID-19 outbreak in the US, at least double the rate of any previous episode in the past quarter century. Our discussion contains practical suggestions for the design of novel labor market surveys and highlights other promising applications of our methodology.
Rescue policies for small businesses in the COVID-19 recession
Di Nola A, Kaas L and Wang H
While the COVID-19 pandemic had a large and asymmetric impact on firms, many countries quickly enacted massive business rescue programs which are specifically targeted to smaller firms. Little is known about the effects of such policies on business entry and exit, investment, factor reallocation, and macroeconomic outcomes. This paper builds a general equilibrium model with heterogeneous and financially constrained firms in order to evaluate the short- and long-term consequences of small firm rescue programs in a pandemic recession. We calibrate the stationary equilibrium and the pandemic shock to the U.S. economy, taking into account the factual Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) as a specific policy. We find that the policy has only a modest impact on aggregate output and employment because (i) jobs are saved predominately in the smallest firms that account for a minor share of employment and (ii) the grant reduces the reallocation of resources towards larger and less impacted firms. Much of the reallocation effects occur in the aftermath of the pandemic episode. By preventing inefficient liquidations, the policy dampens the long-term declines of aggregate consumption and of the real wage, thus delivering small welfare gains.
Knowledge, germs, and output
Shi S
This paper studies the equilibrium and the social optimum in an economy where knowledge diffusion interacts with disease transmission. Knowledge increases productivity and is diffused through learning. A learner chooses the intensities in normal learning, isolated learning and production. Normal learning is more effective than isolated learning but requires a learner to contact a teacher. A higher intensity in normal learning increases a learner's contact rate with a teacher, thereby speeding up both knowledge diffusion and the transmission of an infectious pathogen. An infection reduces productivity and possibly results in death. Calibrating the pathogen to Covid-19, the model shows that the unexpected arrival of the pathogen induces a susceptible learner to adjust the normal learning intensity in a V-shaped pattern over time. Aggregate output also follows V-shaped adjustments. Switching from the equilibrium to the social optimum reduces infections and deaths substantially and increases social welfare. I also examine temporary lockdowns in the equilibrium.
Revisiting speculative hyperinflations in monetary models
Obstfeld M and Rogoff K
This paper revisits the debate on ruling out speculative hyperinflations in monetary models. Although apparently a narrow issue, studying these extreme economies turns out to be quite illuminating in understanding the fundamentals of price level determination. It is also relevant in evaluating the broader claims that advocates of the fiscal theory of the price level have made. In Obstfeld and Rogoff (1983, 1986) we show that in pure fiat money models with rational expectations, where the government gives no backing whatsoever to currency, there is in fact no reasonable way to rule out speculative hyperinflations where the value of money goes to zero, even if the money supply itself is exogenous and constant. Such perverse equilibria are ruled out, however, if the government provides even a very small real backing to the currency - a fiscal mechanism, but one that comes into play only as a backstop. Indeed that backing does not have to be certain. Cochrane (2011, 2019), however, argues that this result is wrong, and that fractional currency backing is a Maginot line that is insufficient to rule out hyperinflation. We show here why, in fact, his analysis involves a subtle change in model specification that adds a distinct monetary fragility to our model. Our baseline analysis uses a canonical money-in-the-utility-function setup due to Brock (1974, 1975), but following Wallace (1981), we show the same results go through in an overlapping-generations model of money.
Rare events and long-run risks
Barro RJ and Jin T
Rare events (RE) and long-run risks (LRR) are complementary approaches for characterizing macroeconomic variables and understanding asset pricing. We estimate a model with RE and LRR using long-term consumption data for 42 economies, identify these two types of risks simultaneously from the data, and reveal their distinctions. RE typically associates with major historical episodes, such as world wars and depressions and analogous country-specific events. LRR reflects gradual processes that influence long-run growth rates and volatility. A match between the model and observed average rates of return on equity and short-term bonds requires a coefficient of relative risk aversion, , around 6. Most of the explanation for the equity premium derives from RE, although LRR makes a moderate contribution. However, LRR helps in fitting the Sharpe ratio. Generating good matches to the equity premium and Sharpe ratio simultaneously is still challenging.
Taxation and inequality: Active and passive channels
Dauchy E, Navarro-Sanchez F and Seegert N
This paper fills an important gap in our understanding of the role of the US tax system in changing household welfare and inequality. It deconstructs the mechanisms by which the federal income tax system operates to affect the transmission of income shocks to consumption, and therefore, consumption inequality. To this end, it links micro and macro models of the distribution of income and consumption to changes in the federal income tax system. We find important changes in the types of income shocks to which consumers are insured or not, as well as the extent to which tax policy contributes to insuring consumers from these shocks. Importantly, we find that without decomposing the tax system into the three mechanisms outlined in the model, economists might have erroneously inferred that the role of tax policy as a mechanism for consumption insurance did not change over time. We also find that tax policy changes have disproportional effects across socioeconomic groups, and that this contributes to increasing inequality.
Uncertainty shocks and business cycle research
Fernández-Villaverde J and Guerrón-Quintana PA
We review the literature on uncertainty shocks and business cycle research. First, we motivate the study of uncertainty shocks by documenting the presence of time-variation in the volatility of macroeconomic time series. Second, we enumerate the mechanisms that researchers have postulated to link uncertainty shocks and business cycles. Third, we outline how we can specify uncertainty shocks. Fourth, we postulate a real business cycle model augmented with financial frictions and uncertainty shocks. Fifth, we use the model to illustrate our previous discussions and to show how uncertainty shocks can be expansionary, a useful finding in several contexts.
The rise of US earnings inequality: Does the cycle drive the trend?
Heathcote J, Perri F and Violante GL
We document that declining hours worked are the primary driver of widening inequality in the bottom half of the male labor earnings distribution in the United States over the past 52 years. This decline in hours is heavily concentrated in recessions: hours and earnings at the bottom fall sharply in recessions and do not fully recover in subsequent expansions. Motivated by this evidence, we build a structural model to explore the possibility that recessions persistent increases in inequality; that is, that the cycle drives the trend. The model features skill-biased technical change, which implies a trend decline in low-skill wages relative to the value of non-market activities. With this adverse trend in the background, recessions imply a potential for low skilled men. This group is disproportionately likely to experience unemployment, which further reduces skills and potential earnings via a scarring effect. As unemployed low skilled men give up job search, recessions generate surges in non-participation. Because non-participation is highly persistent, earnings inequality remains elevated long after the recession ends.
Disentangling the Contemporaneous and Dynamic Effects of Human and Health Capital on Wages over the Life Cycle
Gilleskie DB, Han E and Norton EC
We quantify the life-cycle effects of human and health capital on the wage distribution of women, with a focus on health capital measured by body mass. We use NLSY79 data on women followed annually up to twenty years during the time of their lives when average annual weight gain is greatest. We measure the wage impact of current body mass (i.e., the contemporaneous or direct effect) while controlling for observed measures of human capital (namely, educational attainment, employment experience, marital status tenure, and family size) and the impacts of an evolving body mass (i.e., the dynamic or indirect effects) on the endogenous histories of behaviors that produce these human capital stocks. We find significant differences in the contemporaneous and dynamic effects of body mass on wages by age, by race, and by wage level.
Human Capital Acquisition and Occupational Choice: Implications for Economic Development
Mestieri M, Schauer J and Townsend RM
Using household-level data from Mexico we document patterns among schooling, entrepreneurial decisions and household characteristics such as assets, talent of household members and age of the household head. Motivated by our findings, we develop a heterogeneous-agent, incomplete-markets, overlapping-generations dynasty model. Households jointly decide over their life cycle on kids' human capital investments (schooling) and parents' entry, exit and investment into alternative entrepreneurial modes (subsistence and modern). With financial constraints all of these are co-determined. A calibrated version of our model can account for the broad correlation patterns uncovered in the data within and across generations, e.g., a non-monotonic relationship between educational choices and assets across occupations, growth in profits and employment for modern firms only, and dynastic persistence across generations in education and wealth. Endogenous human capital acquisition is a key driver of inequality and intergenerational persistence. Eliminating this channel would decrease the top 10% income share by 47%. Eliminating within-period borrowing constraints would increase average household expenditure by 7.1% and benefit the middle class, reducing top and bottom expenditure shares. It would also reduce by 28% the correlation between household assets and kids' schooling levels.
Attanasio O, Meghir C, Nix E and Salvati F
In this paper we use high quality data from two developing countries, Ethiopia and Peru, to estimate the production functions of human capital from age 1 to age 15. We characterize the nature of persistence and dynamic complementarities between two components of human capital: health and cognition. We also explore the implications of different functional form assumptions for the production functions. We find that more able and higher income parents invest more, particularly at younger ages when investments have the greatest impacts. These differences in investments by parental income lead to large gaps in inequality by age 8 that persist through age 15.
Educational policy and intergenerational mobility
Kotera T and Seshadri A
In the United States, there is considerable variation in intergenerational mobility across states. We argue that the distribution of public school spending across school districts under public school finance systems affects intergenerational mobility within the United States. We build a dynamic model in which school districts vote over public school spending per pupil taking the finance system as given. We embed this model with median voting at the district level within a fairly standard model of human capital accumulation. Our model can replicate the relationship between the distribution of public school spending and intergenerational mobility observed in data. Furthermore, three counterfactual simulations suggest that i) the correlation between parental human capital and a child's learning ability plays a significant role in explaining the cross-state variation in intergenerational mobility, ii) a more equal distribution of public school spending under a foundation program by relaxing a borrowing constraint improves intergenerational mobility, especially when a child's learning ability is not highly dependent on parental human capital, and iii) switching to a full state funding program improves intergenerational mobility, but not enormously. This is because full state funding limits public school spending, which hinders intergenerational mobility.
Inequality in Human Capital and Endogenous Credit Constraints
Hai R and Heckman JJ
This paper investigates the determinants of inequality in human capital with an emphasis on the role of the credit constraints. We develop and estimate a model in which individuals face uninsured human capital risks and invest in education, acquire work experience, accumulate assets and smooth consumption. Agents can borrow from the private lending market and from government student loan programs. The private market credit limit is explicitly derived by extending the natural borrowing limit of Aiyagari (1994) to incorporate endogenous labor supply, human capital accumulation, psychic costs of working, and age. We quantify the effects of cognitive ability, noncognitive ability, parental education, and parental wealth on educational attainment, wages, and consumption. We conduct counterfactual experiments with respect to tuition subsidies and enhanced student loan limits and evaluate their effects on educational attainment and inequality. We compare the performance of our model with an influential model in the literature with education-specific fixed loan limits. We find evidence of substantial life cycle credit constraints that affect human capital accumulation and inequality. The constrained fall into two groups: those who are permanently poor over their lifetimes and a group of well-endowed individuals with rising high levels of acquired skills who are constrained early in their life cycles. Equalizing cognitive and noncognitive ability has dramatic effects on inequality. Equalizing parental backgrounds has much weaker effects. Tuition costs have weak effects on inequality.
Are There Long-Run Effects of the Minimum Wage?
Sorkin I
An empirical consensus suggests that there are small employment effects of minimum wage increases. This paper argues that these are short-run elasticities. Long-run elasticities, which may differ from short-run elasticities, are policy relevant. This paper develops a dynamic industry equilibrium model of labor demand. The model makes two points. First, long-run regressions have been misinterpreted because even if the short- and long-run employment elasticities differ, standard methods would not detect a difference using US variation. Second, the model offers a reconciliation of the small estimated short-run employment effects with the commonly found pass-through of minimum wage increases to product prices.
Bequest Motives and the Annuity Puzzle
Lockwood LM
Few retirees annuitize any wealth, a fact that has so far defied explanation within the standard framework of forward-looking, expected utility-maximizing agents. Bequest motives seem a natural explanation. Yet the prevailing view is that people with plausible bequest motives should annuitize part of their wealth, and thus that bequest motives cannot explain why most people do not annuitize any wealth. I show, however, that people with plausible bequest motives are likely to be better off not annuitizing any wealth at available rates. The evidence suggests that bequest motives play a central role in limiting the demand for annuities.
The dynamics of city formation
Henderson JV and Venables AJ
This paper examines city formation in a country whose urban population is growing steadily over time, with new cities required to accommodate this growth. In contrast to most of the literature there is immobility of housing and urban infrastructure, and investment in these assets is taken on the basis of forward-looking behavior. In the presence of these fixed assets cities form sequentially, without the population swings in existing cities that arise in current models, but with swings in house rents. Equilibrium city size, absent government, may be larger or smaller than is efficient, depending on how urban externalities vary with population. Efficient formation of cities with internalization of externalities involves local government intervention and borrowing to finance development. The paper explores the institutions required for successful local government intervention.
Heterogeneous Risk Preferences and the Welfare Cost of Business Cycles
Schulhofer-Wohl S
I study the welfare cost of business cycles in a complete-markets economy where some people are more risk averse than others. Relatively more risk-averse people buy insurance against aggregate risk, and relatively less risk-averse people sell insurance. These trades reduce the welfare cost of business cycles for everyone. Indeed, the least risk-averse people benefit from business cycles. Moreover, even infinitely risk-averse people suffer only finite and, in my empirical estimates, very small welfare losses. In other words, when there are complete insurance markets, aggregate fluctuations in consumption are essentially irrelevant not just for the average person - the surprising finding of Lucas (1987) - but for everyone in the economy, no matter how risk averse they are. If business cycles matter, it is because they affect productivity or interact with uninsured idiosyncratic risk, not because aggregate risk per se reduces welfare.