Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics

A Striking Confluence Between Theory and Observations of High-Mass X-ray Binary Pulsars
Christodoulou DM, Laycock SGT and Kazanas D
We analyse the most powerful X-ray outbursts from neutron stars in ten Magellanic high-mass X-ray binaries and three pulsating ultraluminous X-ray sources. Most of the outbursts rise to which is about the level of the Eddington luminosity, while the rest and more powerful outbursts also appear to recognize that limit when their emissions are assumed to be anisotropic and beamed toward our direction. We use the measurements of pulsar spin periods and their derivatives to calculate the X-ray luminosities in their faintest accreting ("propeller") states. In four cases with unknown , we use the lowest observed X-ray luminosities, which only adds to the heterogeneity of the sample. Then we calculate the ratios / and we obtain an outstanding confluence of theory and observations from which we conclude that work done on both fronts is accurate and the results are trustworthy: sources known to reside on the lowest Magellanic propeller line are all located on/near that line, whereas other sources jump higher and reach higher-lying propeller lines. These jumps can be interpreted in only one way, higher-lying pulsars have stronger surface magnetic fields in agreement with empirical results in which and values were not used.
The Great Pretenders Among the ULX Class
Christodoulou DM, Laycock SGT, Kazanas D, Cappallo R and Contopoulos I
The recent discoveries of pulsed X-ray emission from three ultraluminous X-ray (ULX) sources have finally enabled us to recognize a subclass within the ULX class: the great pretenders, neutron stars (NSs) that appear to emit X-ray radiation at isotropic luminosities = 7 × 10 erg s - 1 × 10 erg s only because their emissions are strongly beamed toward our direction and our sight lines are offset by only a few degrees from their magnetic-dipole axes. The three known pretenders appear to be stronger emitters than the presumed black holes of the ULX class, such as Holmberg II & IX X-1, IC10 X-1, and NGC300 X-1. For these three NSs, we have adopted a single reasonable assumption, that their brightest observed outbursts unfold at the Eddington rate, and we have calculated both their propeller states and their surface magnetic-field magnitudes. We find that the results are not at all different from those recently obtained for the Magellanic Be/X-ray pulsars: the three NSs reveal modest magnetic fields of about 0.3-0.4 TG and beamed propeller-line X-ray luminosities of ~ 10 erg s, substantially below the Eddington limit.