Grit your teeth and chew your food: Implications of food material properties and abrasives for rates of dental microwear formation in laboratory (Primates)
Teaford MF, Ross CF, Ungar PS, Vinyard CJ and Laird MF
Dental microwear analysis has been employed in studies of a wide range of modern and fossil animals, yielding insights into the biology/ecology of those taxa. Some researchers have suggested that dental microwear patterns ultimately relate back to the material properties of the foods being consumed, whereas others have suggested that, because exogenous grit is harder than organic materials in food, grit should have an overwhelming impact on dental microwear patterns. To shed light on this issue, laboratory-based feeding experiments were conducted on tufted capuchin monkeys [] with dental impressions taken before and after consumption of different artificial foods. The foods were (1) brittle custom-made biscuits laced with either of two differently-sized aluminum silicate abrasives, and (2) ductile custom-made "gummies" laced with either of the two same abrasives. In both cases, animals were allowed to feed on the foods for 36 hours before follow-up dental impressions were taken. Resultant casts were analyzed using a scanning electron microscope. We asked five questions: (1) would the animals consume different amounts of each food item, (2) what types of dental microwear would be formed, (3) would rates of dental microwear differ between the consumption of biscuits (i.e., brittle) versus gummies (i.e., ductile), (4) would rates of dental microwear differ between foods including larger- versus smaller-grained abrasives, and (5) would rates of dental microwear differ between molar shearing and crushing facets in the animals in these experiments? Results indicated that (1) fewer biscuits were consumed when laced with larger-grained abrasives (as opposed to smaller-grained abrasives), but no such difference was observed in the consumption of gummies, (2) in all cases, a variety of dental microwear features was formed, (3) rates of dental microwear were higher when biscuits versus gummies were consumed, (4) biscuits laced with larger-grained abrasives caused a higher percentage of new features per item consumed, and (5) the only difference between facets occurred with the processing of biscuits, where crushing facets showed a faster rate of wear than shearing facets. These findings suggest that the impact of exogenous grit on dental microwear is the result of a dynamic, complex interaction between (at the very least) grit size, food material properties, and time spent feeding - which is further evidence of the multifactorial nature of dental microwear formation.
Cyclostratigraphy and astrochronology: Case studies from China
Huang C, Ogg JG and Kemp DB
A high-precision geologic time scale is the essential key for understanding the Earth's evolutionary history and geologic processes. Astronomical tuning of orbitally forced stratigraphic records to construct high-resolution Astronomical Time Scales (ATS) has led to a progressive refinement of the geologic time scale over the past two decades. In turn, these studies provide new insights regarding the durations and rates of major Earth events, evolutionary processes, and climate changes, all of which provide a scientific basis for contextualizing and predicting future global change trends. South China hosts some of the best-exposed and well-dated Neoproterozoic through Mesozoic stratigraphic sections in the world; many of which are suitable for cyclostratigraphy and calibrating the geologic time scale. In North China, several Cenozoic oil-bearing basins have deep boreholes with continuous sampling and/or well logging that enable derivation of astronomically tuned time scales for an improved understanding of basin evolution and hydrocarbon generation. This Special Issue focuses on case studies of astrochronology and applied cyclostratigraphy research using reference sections within China. In this introductory overview, we: (1) summarize all existing astrochronology studies of the Neoproterozoic through Cenozoic sections within China that have been used to enhance the international geologic time scale, (2) examine briefly the astronomically forced paleoclimate information recorded in various depositional systems and the modern techniques employed to analyze the periodicity of these signals encoded within the sedimentary record, and (3) summarize the 20 contributions to this Special Issue of on 'Cyclostratigraphy and Astrochronology: Case studies from China'.
An 1800-year stable carbon isotope chronology based on sub-fossil wood from Lake Schwarzensee, Austria
Kłusek M, Grabner M, Pawełczyk S and Pawlyta J
Ghost shrimps (Decapoda: Axiidea: Callianassidae) as producers of an Upper Miocene trace fossil association from sublittoral deposits of Lake Pannon (Vienna Basin, Slovakia)
Hyžný M, Šimo V and Starek D
Numerous trace fossils are described from the Late Miocene sediments of the Bzenec Formation exposed at the Gbely section (the Vienna Basin, Slovakia). During deposition of the sediments the area was part of the large, long-lived brackish to freshwater Lake Pannon. Most of the trace fossils are attributed herein to igen et ispec. nov. and are interpreted as burrows produced by decapod crustaceans, specifically by a ghost shrimp of the family Callianassidae. This interpretation is based on two independent lines of evidence: environmental requirements of large bioturbators and the burrow morphology itself. The new ichnotaxon is distinguished from other related ichnotaxa by a combination of typically inclined (roughly at an angle of 45°) cylindrical burrows, absence of lining, and tunnels making loops or bends at approximately right angles. The burrow systems at Gbely document the survival of ghost shrimp long after the closure of all seaways and the origin of Lake Pannon. As today, no ghost shrimp are known from long-lived brackish lakes. from Gbely is the only, although indirect, record of ghost shrimp from a brackish lake environment reported so far.
Population bottleneck triggering millennial-scale morphospace shifts in endemic thermal-spring melanopsids
Neubauer TA, Harzhauser M, Georgopoulou E and Wrozyna C
For more than hundred years the thermal spring-fed Lake Pețea near Oradea, Romania, was studied for its highly endemic subfossil and recent fauna and flora. One point of focus was the species lineage of the melanopsid gastropod , which exhibited a tremendous diversity of shapes during the earlier Holocene. As a consequence many new species, subspecies, and variety-names have been introduced over time, trying to categorize this overwhelming variability. In contrast to the varied subfossil assemblage, only a single phenotype is present today. We critically review the apparent "speciation event" implied by the taxonomy, based on the presently available information and new data from morphometric analyses of shell outlines and oxygen and carbon isotope data. This synthesis shows that one turning point in morphological evolution coincides with high accumulation of peaty deposits during a short time interval of maximally a few thousand years. The formation of a small, highly eutrophic swamp with increased input of organic matter marginalized the melanopsids and reduced population size. The presented data make natural selection as the dominating force unlikely but rather indicates genetic drift following a bottleneck effect induced by the environmental changes. This claim contrasts the "obvious trend" and shows that great morphological variability has to be carefully and objectively evaluated in order to allow sound interpretations of the underlying mechanisms.
High-resolution analysis of upper Miocene lake deposits: Evidence for the influence of Gleissberg-band solar forcing
Kern AK, Harzhauser M, Soliman A, Piller WE and Mandic O
A high-resolution multi-proxy analysis was conducted on a 1.5-m-long core of Tortonian age (~ 10.5 Ma; Late Miocene) from Austria (Europe). The lake sediments were studied with a 1-cm resolution to detect all small-scale variations based on palynomorphs (pollen and dinoflagellate cysts), ostracod abundance, geochemistry (carbon and sulfur) and geophysics (magnetic susceptibility and natural gamma radiation). Based on an already established age model for a longer interval of the same core, this sequence can be limited to approx. two millennia of Late Miocene time with a resolution of ~ 13.7 years per sample. The previous study documented the presence of solar forcing, which was verified within various proxies on this 1.5-m core by a combination of REDFIT spectra and Gaussian filters. Significant repetitive signals ranged in two discrete intervals corresponding roughly to 55-82 and 110-123 years, fitting well within the lower and upper Gleissberg cycle ranges.Based on these results, the environmental changes along the 2000-year Late Miocene sequence are discussed. No major ecological turnovers are expected in this very short interval. Nonetheless, even within this brief time span, dinoflagellates document rapid changes between oligotrophic and eutrophic conditions, which are frequently coupled with lake stratification and dysoxic bottom waters. These phases prevented ostracods and molluscs from settling and promoted the activity of sulfur bacteria. The pollen record indicates rather stable wetland vegetation with a forested hinterland. Shifts in the pollen spectra can be mainly attributed to variations in transport mechanisms. These are represented by a few phases of fluvial input but mainly by changes in wind intensity and probably also wind direction. Such influence is most likely caused by solar cycles, leading to a change in source area for the input into the lake.Furthermore, these solar-induced variations seem to be modulated by longer solar cycles. The filtered data display comparable patterns and modulations, which seem to be forced by the 1000-year and 1500-year cycles. The 1000-year cycle modulated especially the lake surface proxies, whereas the 1500-year cycle is mainly reflected in hinterland proxies, indicating strong influence on transport mechanisms.
Delta-associated molluscan life and death assemblages in the northern Adriatic Sea: Implications for paleoecology, regional diversity and conservation
Weber K and Zuschin M
Life-death (LD) studies of shelly macrofauna are important to evaluate how well a fossil assemblage can reflect the original living community, but can also serve as a proxy for recent ecological shifts in marine habitats and in practice this has to be distinguished using taphonomic preservation pattern and estimates of time-averaging. It remains to be rigorously evaluated, however, how to distinguish between sources of LD disagreement. In addition, death assemblages (DAs) also preserve important information on regional diversity which is not available from single censuses of the life assemblages (LAs). The northern Adriatic Sea is an ecosystem under anthropogenic pressure, and we studied the distribution and abundance of living and dead bivalve and gastropod species in the physically stressful environments (tidal flat and shallow sublittoral soft bottoms) associated with the delta of the Isonzo River (Gulf of Trieste). Specifically we evaluated the fidelity of richness, evenness, abundance, habitat discrimination and beta diversity. A total of 10,740 molluscs from fifteen tidal flat and fourteen sublittoral sites were analyzed for species composition and distribution of living and dead molluscs. Of 78 recorded species, only eleven were numerically abundant. There were many more dead than living individuals and rarefied species richness in the DA was higher at all spatial scales, but the differences are lower in habitats and in the region than at individual stations. Evenness was always higher in death assemblages, and probably due to temporally more variable LAs the differences are stronger in the sublittoral habitats. Distinct assemblages characterized intertidal and sublittoral habitats, and the distribution and abundance of empty shells generally corresponded to that of the living species. Death assemblages have lower beta diversity than life assemblages, but empty shells capture compositional differences between habitats to a higher degree than living shells. More samples would be necessary to account for the diversity of living molluscs in the study area, which is, however, well recorded in the death assemblages. There is no indication of a major environmental change over the last decades in this area, but due to the long history of anthropogenic pressure here, such a potential impact might be preserved in historical layers of the deeper sedimentary record.
Strong evidence for the influence of solar cycles on a Late Miocene lake system revealed by biotic and abiotic proxies
Kern AK, Harzhauser M, Piller WE, Mandic O and Soliman A
The Late Miocene paleogeography of central Europe and its climatic history are well studied with a resolution of c. 10 years. Small-scale climatic variations are yet unresolved. Observing past climatic change of short periods, however, would encourage the understanding of the modern climatic system. Therefore, past climate archives require a resolution on a decadal to millennial scale. To detect such a short-term evolution, a continuous 6-m-core of the Paleo-Lake Pannon was analyzed in 1-cm-sample distance to provide information as precise and regular as possible. Measurements of the natural gamma radiation and magnetic susceptibility combined with the total abundance of ostracod shells were used as proxies to estimate millennial- to centennial scale environmental changes during the mid-Tortonian warm period. Patterns emerged, but no indisputable age model can be provided for the core, due to the lack of paleomagnetic reversals and the lack of minerals suitable for absolute dating. Therefore, herein we propose another method to determine a hypothetic time frame for these deposits. Based on statistical processes, including Lomb-Scargle and REDFIT periodograms along with Wavelet spectra, several distinct cyclicities could be detected. Calculations considering established off-shore sedimentation rates of the Tortonian Vienna Basin revealed patterns resembling Holocene solar-cycle-records well. The comparison of filtered data of Miocene and Holocene records displays highly similar patterns and comparable modulations. A best-fit adjustment of sedimentation rate results in signals which fit to the lower and upper Gleissberg cycle, the de Vries cycle, the unnamed 500-year- and 1000-year-cycles, as well as the Hallstatt cycle. Each of these cycles has a distinct and unique expression in the investigated environmental proxies, reflecting a complex forcing-system. Hence, a single-proxy-analysis, as often performed on Holocene records, should be considered cautiously as it might fail to capture the full range of solar cycles.
Precipitation driven decadal scale decline and recovery of wetlands of Lake Pannon during the Tortonian
Kern AK, Harzhauser M, Soliman A, Piller WE and Gross M
High resolution pollen and dinoflagellate analyses were performed on a continuous 98-cm-long core from Tortonian deposits of Lake Pannon in the Styrian Basin in Austria. The sample distance of 1-cm corresponds to a resolution of roughly one decade, allowing insights into environmental and climatic changes over a millennium of Late Miocene time. Shifts in lake level, surface water productivity on a decadal- to centennial-scale can be explained by variations of rainfall during the Tortonian climatic optimum. Related to negative fine scale shifts of mean annual precipitation, shoreline vegetation belts reacted in an immediate replacement of Poaceae by Cyperaceae as dominant grasses in the marshes fringing the lake. In contrast to such near-synchronous ecosystem-responses to precipitation, a delayed lake level rise of 4-6 decades is evident in the hydrological budget of Lake Pannon. This transgression, caused by a precipitation increase up to > 1200 mm/yr, resulted in a complete dieback of marshes. Simultaneously, "open-water" dinoflagellates, such as , took over in the brackish lagoon and fresh water dinoflagellates disappeared. As soon as the rainfall switched back to moderate levels of ~ 1100-1200 mm/yr, the rise of the lake level slowed down, the marsh plants could keep up again and the former vegetation belts became re-established. Thus, mean annual precipitation, more than temperature, was the main driving force for high-frequency fluctuations in the Tortonian wetlands and surface water conditions of Lake Pannon. Such high resolution studies focusing on Tortonian decadal to centennial climate change will be crucial to test climate models which try to compare the Tortonian models with predictions for future climate change.
[Not Available]
Gross M, Piller WE, Scholger R and Gitter F
A multidisciplinary study was performed on a c. 30 m thick, limnic-deltaic sequence in the Styrian Basin (Austria). Geophysical (gamma ray activity, rock magnetism), geochemical (organic carbon, sulphur) and sedimentological observations were combined with palaeontological information (mainly ostracods). On this base, several ecological factors were deduced (terrigenous influx, salinity, water depth and oxygenation). Based on integrated stratigraphy as well as on palaeomagnetic results the whole section is set to Chron C5r.2r-1n (11.308-11.263 Ma) and covers a period of less than 45 kyr. In addition to the long-term record, we analysed short-term changes by high-resolution sampling (5 mm sample interval; ostracods, magnetic susceptibility). This ~ 2.3 m-thick interval spans in total < 3500 yr with an individual sample resolution of a few years only. The combination of these data permit the description of the palaeoenvironmental evolution of the section in detail: at the base of the section, the development of a conifer swamp on the lakeside of Lake Pannon is documented. This almost freshwater swamp existed for some centuries before it became extinct within a few decades due to a rise of the water-table. The drowning is related to a transgression of Lake Pannon, which triggered the establishment of a brackish-water fauna as well as greigite formation in the lake sediments. In general, the ongoing transgression favoured benthic life due to increased salinity (up to mesohaline conditions). The high-resolution ostracod and magnetic susceptibility record reflect short-term fluctuations in bottom-water ventilation. These oscillations probably range in the order of centuries and decades and are possibly related to climatic shifts. Later, the successive deepening of the lake resulted in a significant faunal turnover. A meromictic system with a well-established, oxygen-depleted hypolimnion developed. Finally, the limnic phase was replaced by a prograding deltaic system, where the amplified input of coarse-grained material and freshwater also affected benthic life. Periodic changes in clay (illite) content were detected by the gamma ray-log throughout the entire section. The observed cycles (5-12 kyr) of the gamma ray-log may reflect a super-ordinate modulation of the sedimentary record by climatically forced changes in precipitation or run-off.
Millennial-scale vegetation dynamics in an estuary at the onset of the Miocene Climate Optimum
Kern A, Harzhauser M, Mandic O, Roetzel R, Corić S, Bruch AA and Zuschin M
Pollen analyses have been proven to possess the possibility to decipher rapid vegetational and climate shifts in Neogene sedimentary records. Herein, a c. 21-kyr-long transgression-regression cycle from the Lower Austrian locality Stetten is analysed in detail to evaluate climatic benchmarks for the early phase of the Middle Miocene Climate Optimum and to estimate the pace of environmental change.Based on the Coexistence Approach, a very clear signal of seasonality can be reconstructed. A warm and wet summer season with c. 204-236 mm precipitation during the wettest month was opposed by a rather dry winter season with precipitation of c. 9-24 mm during the driest month. The mean annual temperature ranged between 15.7 and 20.8 °C, with about 9.6-13.3 °C during the cold season and 24.7-27.9 °C during the warmest month. In contrast, today's climate of this area, with an annual temperature of 9.8 °C and 660 mm rainfall, is characterized by the winter season (mean temperature: -1.4 °C, mean precipitation: 39 mm) and a summer mean temperature of 19.9 °C (mean precipitation: 84 mm).Different modes of environmental shifts shaped the composition of the vegetation. Within few millennia, marshes and salt marshes with abundant Cyperaceae rapidly graded into Taxodiaceae swamps. This quick but gradual process was interrupted by swift marine ingressions which took place on a decadal to centennial scale. The transgression is accompanied by blooms of dinoflagellates and of the green alga Prasinophyta and an increase in Abies and Picea. Afterwards, the retreat of the sea and the progradation of estuarine and wetland settings were a gradual progress again.Despite a clear sedimentological cyclicity, which is related to the 21-kyr precessional forcing, the climate data show little variation. This missing pattern might be due to the buffering of the precessional-related climate signal by the subtropical vegetation. Another explanation could be the method-inherent broad range of climate-parameter estimates that could cover small scale climatic changes.
Palaeoenvironmental evolution of Lake Gacko (Southern Bosnia and Herzegovina): Impact of the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum on the Dinaride Lake System
Mandic O, de Leeuw A, Vuković B, Krijgsman W, Harzhauser M and Kuiper KF
In the Early to Middle Miocene, a series of lakes, collectively termed the Dinaride Lake System (DLS), spread out across the north-western part of the Dinaride-Anatolian continental block. Its deposits, preserved in numerous intra-montane basins, allow a glimpse into the palaeoenvironmental, palaeobiogeographic and geodynamic evolution of the region. Lake Gacko, situated in southern Bosnia and Herzegovina, is one of the constituent lakes of the DLS, and its deposits are excellently exposed in the Gračanica open-cast coal-mine. A detailed study of the sedimentary succession that addresses facies, sediment petrography, geophysical properties, and fossil mollusc palaeoecology reveals repetitive changes in lake level. These are interpreted to reflect changes in the regional water budget. First-order chronologic constraints arise from the integration of radio-isotopic and palaeomagnetic data. (40)Ar/(39)Ar measurements on feldspar crystals from a tephra bed in the upper part of the sedimentary succession indicate a 15.31 ± 0.16 Ma age for this level. The reversed magnetic polarity signal that characterises the larger part of the investigated section correlates to chron C5Br of the Astronomically Tuned Neogene Timescale. Guided by these chronologic data and a detailed cyclostratigraphic analysis, the observed variations in lake-level, evident as two ~ 40-m and seven ~ 10-m scale transgression-regression cycles, are tuned to ~ 400-kyr and ~ 100-kyr eccentricity cycles. From the tuning, it can be inferred that the sediments in the Gacko Basin accumulated between ~ 15.8 and ~ 15.2 Ma. The economically valuable lignite accumulations in the lower part of the succession are interpreted to indicate the development of swamp forests in conjunction with lake-level falls corresponding to ~ 100-kyr eccentricity minima. Pedogenesis, rhizoliths and palustrine carbonate breccias in the upper part of the section reveal long-term aridity coinciding with a ~ 400-kyr eccentricity minimum. Eccentricity maxima are interpreted to trigger lake-level high-stands. These are accompanied by eutrophication events caused by enhanced denudation of the surrounding basement and increased detrital input into the basin. The presented age model proves that Lake Gacko arose during the Middle Miocene Climatic Optimum and that the optimum climatic conditions triggered the formation of this long-lived lake.
Centennial- to decadal scale environmental shifts in and around Lake Pannon (Vienna Basin) related to a major Late Miocene lake level rise
Harzhauser M, Kern A, Soliman A, Minati K, Piller WE, Danielopol DL and Zuschin M
A detailed ultra-high-resolution analysis of a 37-cm-long core of Upper Miocene lake sediments of the long-lived Lake Pannon has been performed. Despite a general stable climate at c. 11-9 Ma, several high-frequency oscillations of the paleoenvironments and depositional environments are revealed by the analysis over a short time span of less than 1000 years. Shifts of the lake level, associated with one major 3rd order flooding are reflected by all organisms by a cascade of environmental changes on a decadal scale. Within a few decades, the pollen record documents shifting vegetation zones due to the landward migration of the coast; the dinoflagellate assemblages switch towards "offshore-type" due to the increasing distance to the shore; the benthos is affected by low oxygen conditions due to the deepening. This general trend is interrupted by smaller scale cycles, which lack this tight interconnection. Especially, the pollen data document a clear cyclicity that is expressed by iterative low pollen concentration events. These "negative" cycles are partly reflected by dinoflagellate blooms suggesting a common trigger-mechanism and a connection between terrestrial environments and surface waters of Lake Pannon. The benthic fauna of the core, however, does not reflect these surface water cycles. This forcing mechanism is not understood yet but periodic climatic fluctuations are favoured as hypothesis instead of further lake level changes. Short phases of low precipitation, reducing pollen production and suppressing effective transport by local streams, might be a plausible mechanism. This study is the first hint towards solar activity related high-frequency climate changes during the Vallesian (Late Miocene) around Lake Pannon and should encourage further ultra-high-resolution analyses in the area.
Search for impact remains at the Frasnian-Famennian boundary in the stratotype area, southern France
Girard C, Robin E, Rocchia R, Froget L and Feist R
In order to detect whether the end-Frasnian worldwide biotic crisis is related to an extraterrestrial impact, the global stratotype section of the Frasnian-Famennian boundary and auxiliary sections within the stratotype area have been examined for impact indicators: iridium. Ni-rich spinel bearing spherules and glassy microtektites. This area is particularly well suited to the search for discrete events because it exhibits biostratigraphically continuous sections of sedimentologically homogenous off-shore deposits. Different environmental settings on oxygenated deep-water seamounts, such as the stratotype section at Coumiac, and in oxygen-depleted depressions (La Serre section) are available. The latter is investigated in more detail because it is the least condensed across the boundary, which is determined by the first occurrence of the typical morphotype of Palmatolepis triangularis, the indicator of the first Famennian conodont biozone. Samples from the biostratigraphically defined boundary and adjacent levels failed to provide significantly high Ir values and no Ni-rich spinel or microtektite has been recovered. This is in contradiction with the results of earlier investigations carried out by H. Geldsetzer on the same section. In contrast, the values of Ir concentrations that we measured are always very low or not detectable. The small overabundances observed in some samples, which are about two orders of magnitude lower than what is currently observed at the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary, are probably due to the accumulation of the normal flux of cosmic dust during periods of relatively low depositional rates or to a terrestrial origin. At present, we have no evidence that an extraterrestrial impact occurred at the F-F transition.
Platinum group element enrichments and possible chondritic Ru:Ir across the Frasnian-Famennian boundary, western New York State
Over DJ, Conaway CA, Katz DJ, Goodfellow WD and Gregoire DC
The Frasnian-Famennian boundary is recognized as the culmination of a global mass extinction in the Late Devonian. In western New York State the boundary is a distinct horizon within a pyritic black shale bed of the upper Hanover Shale defined by the first occurrence of Palmatolepis triangularis in the absence of Frasnian conodonts. The boundary is characterized by a minor disconformity marked by a lag concentration of conodonts. Iridium at the boundary is 0.11-0.24 ng/g, two to five times background levels of <0.05 ng/g; other Ir enrichments of 0.38 ng/g and 0.49 ng/g occur within 50 cm of the conodont-constrained boundary. Numerous Ir enrichments in the boundary interval suggest extraterrestrial accretion and platinum group element (PGE) concentration at disconformities, or mobilization and concentration in organic-rich/pyritic-rich laminations from cosmic or terrestrial sources. PGE ratios of Pt/Pd and Ku/Ir at the boundary horizon approximate chondritic ratios and are suggestive of an unaltered extraterrestrial source. These values do not conclusively establish a single extraterrestrial impact as the ultimate cause of the Frasnian-Famennian mass extinction, especially given the presence of similar Ir enrichments elsewhere in the section and the absence at the boundary of microtektites and shocked mineral grains.
Collisions with ice/volatile objects: geological implications--a qualitative treatment
Wilde P and Quinby-Hunt MS
An aperiodic collision of the Earth with extra-terrestria] ice/volatile bodies is proposed as a mechanism to produce rapid changes in the geologic record. Due to the volatile nature of these bodies, evidence for their impacts, particularly in the ocean might be subtle and best seen as 'spikes' in the geochemical or fossil record against normal background. Differing effects would result depending on the site of the major break-up of the object: in the atmosphere, on land, or in the ocean. This paper focuses on the effects of adding material to the seas, oceans, and atmosphere. The treatment is largely qualitative, however mass balance calculations were used to estimate the relative mass needed to affect changes in a variety of reservoirs. Although actual impactors probably have a variable composition, the effects of water-, C-, N-, and S-containing objects are discussed. In the atmosphere, effects could include increased rain acidity, increased levels of nutrients, and enhanced greenhouse warming/cooling. Oceanic effects might include increased oceanic productivity (nitrogen-containing objects). As a result of increased chemical weathering and/or greenhouse effects, increased temperatures coupled with enhanced productivity could result in wider-spread oceanic anoxia or altered calcite/aragonite stability. Possible examples of such impacts from the geologic record and potential biotic effects are given.