Tularemia - United States, 2011-2022
Rich SN, Hinckley AF, Earley A, Petersen JM, Mead PS and Kugeler KJ
Tularemia is a rare nationally notifiable zoonosis, caused by the tier-1 select agent Francisella tularensis, that has been reported from all U.S. states except Hawaii. Clinical manifestations typically include fever and localized symptoms that vary by route of infection. The case fatality rate of tularemia is typically <2% but can be higher depending on clinical manifestation and infecting strain. Tularemia is treatable with antibiotics. During 2011-2022, a total of 47 states reported 2,462 tularemia cases, but four central states (Arkansas, Kansas, Missouri, and Oklahoma) accounted for 50% of all reported cases. Incidence was highest among children aged 5-9 years (0.083 per 100,000 population) and adult males aged 65-84 years (range = 0.133-0.161). Incidence among American Indian or Alaska Native persons (0.260) was approximately five times that among White persons (0.057). The average annual incidence of tularemia in the United States during 2011-2022 (0.064) was 56% higher than that reported during 2001-2010 (0.041), largely resulting from increased reporting of probable cases. These findings might reflect an actual increase in human infection or improved case detection amid changes in commercially available laboratory tests during this period. Reducing tularemia incidence will require tailored prevention education; mitigating morbidity and mortality will require health care provider education, particularly among providers serving tribal populations, regarding early and accurate diagnosis and treatment.
Gaps in Mental Health Care-Seeking Among Health Care Providers During the COVID-19 Pandemic - United States, September 2022-May 2023
Papa A, Barile JP, Jia H, Thompson WW and Guerin RJ
Health care workers experience substantial chronic stress, burnout, and mental distress, and the COVID-19 pandemic might have exacerbated these conditions. To identify ways to improve mental health care-seeking among this population, mental health symptoms, care-seeking, and self-reported barriers to seeking mental health care among U.S. health care providers during the pandemic were studied. During September 2022-May 2023, 2,603 primary care physicians, pediatricians, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants participated in a national Internet panel survey. Approximately one half (45.4%) of participants reported that they did not need mental health care, and only one in five (20.3%) had sought care. One quarter (25.6%) of providers reported mental distress severe enough to meet diagnostic criteria for psychopathology. Among these providers, only 38% reported seeking care; 20.1% indicated that they did not need care, despite severe symptoms. The average number of years in practice was lower for providers reporting care-seeking. Providers who identified as female were also more likely to report care-seeking. The most frequently reported barriers to care-seeking included difficulty getting time off from work, cost of care, and concerns about confidentiality. Increased pandemic-related work stressors were associated with increased symptom severity, but support from work supervisors mitigated these effects. Organizational human resources practices, supervisor training on managing employee stress, and public health messaging to normalize mental health care-seeking and its effects on licensing might help address gaps in provider care-seeking and improve patient outcomes.
Expanded Recommendations for Use of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccines Among Adults Aged ≥50 Years: Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices - United States, 2024
Kobayashi M, Leidner AJ, Gierke R, Xing W, Accorsi E, Moro P, Kamboj M, Kuchel GA, Schechter R, Loehr J and Cohen AL
Before October 2024, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended use of a pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV) for all adults aged ≥65 years, as well as for those aged 19-64 years with risk conditions for pneumococcal disease who have not received a PCV or whose vaccination history is unknown. Options included either 20-valent PCV (PCV20; Prevnar20; Wyeth Pharmaceuticals) or 21-valent PCV (PCV21; CAPVAXIVE; Merck Sharp & Dohme) alone or 15-valent PCV (PCV15; VAXNEUVANCE; Merck Sharp & Dohme) in series with 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23; Pneumovax23; Merck Sharp & Dohme). There are additional recommendations for use of PCV20 or PCV21 for adults who started their pneumococcal vaccination series with 13-valent PCV (PCV13; Prevnar13; Wyeth Pharmaceuticals). The ACIP Pneumococcal Vaccines Work Group employed the Evidence to Recommendations framework to guide its deliberations on expanding the age-based PCV recommendation to include adults aged 50-64 years. On October 23, 2024, ACIP recommended a single dose of PCV for all PCV-naïve adults aged ≥50 years. Recommendations for PCVs among adults aged 19-49 years with risk conditions and PCV13-vaccinated adults have not changed from previous recommendations. This report summarizes evidence considered for these recommendations and provides updated clinical guidance for use of PCV.
Notes from the Field: Severe Health Outcomes Linked to Consumption of Mushroom-Based Psychoactive Microdosing Products - Arizona, June-October 2024
Walker HL, Roland M, Dudley S, Komatsu K, Weiss J, Dillard J, Lin HI, Rust L, Plummer T, Berg R, Everett S, Chang A, Yeh M, Daniel J and Brady S
Occupational Exposure to Mercury at an Electronics Waste and Lamp Recycling Facility - Ohio, 2023
Shi DS, Charles M, Beaucham C, Walker S, Alarcon W, Brueck SE, Chiu SK and Somerville N
Workers in electronics waste and lamp recycling facilities are at risk of exposure to elemental mercury through inhalation of mercury vapor and mercury-containing dust. Employers at an electronics waste and lamp recycling facility in Ohio that crushes mercury-containing lamps expressed concerns about mercury exposure from work processes and requested a health hazard evaluation by CDC's National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). In April 2023, NIOSH conducted a multidisciplinary investigation to assess elemental and inorganic mercury exposures, including epidemiologic, environmental, and ventilation assessments. Results indicated that mercury vapor was detected throughout the facility, with six of 14 workers having elevated urine mercury levels. These workers had a median job tenure of 8 months; four did not speak English, and five reported symptoms consistent with mercury toxicity, such as metallic or bitter taste, difficulty thinking, and changes in personality. Recommendations included improving the ventilation system, changing work practices to reduce mercury exposure, and providing training and communication tailored to the worker. As the electronic waste recycling industry continues to grow, it is important for employers to evaluate mercury exposure and safeguard employees using a hierarchy of controls. Health departments should consider monitoring occupational mercury exposure in recycling facilities, and clinicians should be aware of the potential for mercury toxicity among workers in these settings.
QuickStats: Health Center* Visit Rates, by Adults Aged ≥18 Years with Mental Health Disorder, Substance Use Disorder, or Both, by Sex - United States, 2023
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Recommended Immunization Schedule for Children and Adolescents Aged 18 Years or Younger - United States, 2025
Issa AN, Wodi AP, Moser CA and Cineas S
At its October 2024 meeting, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices* (ACIP) approved the Recommended Immunization Schedule for Child and Adolescent Ages 18 Years or Younger, United States, 2025. The schedule supports health care providers, as well as public health and other professionals, by providing a consolidated summary of current ACIP recommendations for vaccinating children and adolescents. The 2025 schedule includes several updates to the cover page, tables, notes, and appendix. The addendum remains part of the schedule and will be used to summarize new or updated ACIP recommendations that occur before the next annual schedule update. Health care providers are strongly encouraged to use all parts of the schedule (the cover page, tables, notes, appendix, and addendum) together when making recommendations for individual patients. The 2025 child and adolescent immunization schedule can be found on the CDC website (
Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices Recommended Immunization Schedule for Adults Aged 19 Years or Older - United States, 2025
Wodi AP, Issa AN, Moser CA and Cineas S
At its October 2024 meeting, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices* (ACIP) approved the Recommended Immunization Schedule for Adults Ages 19 Years or Older, United States, 2025. The schedule supports health care providers, as well as public health and other professionals, by providing a consolidated summary of current ACIP recommendations for adult vaccination. The 2025 schedule includes several updates to the cover page, tables, notes, and appendix. The addendum remains part of the schedule and will be used to summarize new or updated ACIP recommendations that occur before the next annual schedule update. Health care providers are strongly encouraged to use all parts of the schedule (the cover page, tables, notes, appendix, and addendum) together when making recommendations for individual patients. The 2025 adult immunization schedule can be found on the CDC website (
Progress Toward Poliomyelitis Eradication - Afghanistan, January 2023-September 2024
Hardy CM, Rathee M, Chaudhury S, Wadood MZ, Ather F, Henderson E and Martinez M
Since the Global Polio Eradication Initiative began in 1988, wild poliovirus (WPV) types 2 and 3 have been eradicated, and annual polio case numbers have decreased by >99.9%. WPV type 1 (WPV1) transmission remains endemic in Afghanistan and Pakistan, two countries that share a 1,600-mile (2,600-km) border. This report describes immunization and surveillance activities and progress toward polio eradication in Afghanistan during January 2023-September 2024. As of November 1, Afghanistan reported 23 WPV1 cases in 2024, with onset during January-September 30, 2024. During the 3 previous years, 12 WPV1 cases were reported, including six during 2023. In August 2021, the Taliban took control nationwide and allowed increased geographic access for poliovirus vaccination campaigns. Multiple challenges have affected polio eradication activities in Afghanistan, including mandated repatriation of approximately 1 million Afghans by Pakistan beginning in late 2023, the ongoing humanitarian crisis that limits international agency effectiveness, polio program constraints imposed by authorities, and increased restrictions on female participation in vaccination activities. House-to-house vaccination coverage reached 90%-98% of children during June-July 2024. Beginning in 2021, authorities had progressively lifted restrictions on house-to-house campaigns, but abruptly reverted to national restrictions in September 2024. Both nationwide house-to-house activities and strengthening of the routine childhood immunization program would help ensure that every vulnerable child is vaccinated and provide a pathway to polio eradication in Afghanistan.
New Dosing Interval and Schedule for the Bexsero MenB-4C Vaccine: Updated Recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices - United States, October 2024
Schillie S, Loehr J, Chen WH, Moser CA, Cooper G, Isenhour C and McNamara LA
Two meningococcal serogroup B vaccines are licensed for use in the United States. In August 2024, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) changed the label for the meningococcal serogroup B MenB-4C vaccine (Bexsero) from a 2-dose schedule (intervals of 0 and ≥1 month) to a 2-dose schedule (0 and 6 months) and added a 3-dose schedule (0, 1-2, and 6 months), based on new immunogenicity data. On October 24, 2024, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) voted to update its recommendations for the MenB-4C dosing interval and schedule to align with the new FDA label. ACIP recommends extending the interval for the 2-dose series of MenB-4C from 0 and ≥1 month to 0 and 6 months for healthy adolescents and young adults aged 16-23 years based on shared clinical decision-making and has added a recommendation for a 3-dose series with doses administered at 0, 1-2, and 6 months for persons aged ≥10 years at increased risk. The updated ACIP recommendations for MenB-4C align with existing ACIP recommendations for the other FDA-licensed meningococcal serogroup B vaccine, MenB-FHbp (Trumenba).
Surveillance of Human Adenovirus Types and the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Reporting - United States, 2017-2023
Abdirizak F, Winn AK, Parikh R, Scobie HM, Lu X, Vega E, Almendares O, Kirking HL, Rose EB and Silk BJ
Human adenoviruses (HAdVs) are typically associated with mild respiratory illnesses, although severe disease and outbreaks in congregate settings occur. The National Adenovirus Type Reporting System (NATRS) is a passive, laboratory-based surveillance system that monitors trends in circulation of HAdV types in the United States. This report summarizes the distribution of HAdV types reported to NATRS during 2017-2023. During this 7-year period, 2,241 HAdV specimens with typing results were reported to NATRS. The number of specimens with HAdV typing results reported varied annually during 2017-2019 (range = 389-562) and declined during 2020-2023 (range = 58-356). During 2017-2023, six HAdV types (1-4, 7, and 14) accounted for 88.3% of typed specimens reported; 17.0% of specimens were identified as outbreak-related. An increase in type 41 reporting was associated with a hepatitis cluster during 2021-2022. Reporting to NATRS has declined since the COVID-19 pandemic, despite continued HAdV circulation reported through passive laboratory surveillance to the National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System. Enhanced participation in NATRS is needed to improve monitoring of circulating HAdV types.
Notes from the Field: Long COVID and Significant Long COVID-Associated Activity Limitation Among Adults, by Jurisdiction - United States, 2023
Ford ND, Agedew A, Dalton AF, Pratt C, Gregory CO and Saydah S
Detection of Illegally Manufactured Fentanyls and Carfentanil in Drug Overdose Deaths - United States, 2021-2024
Tanz LJ, Stewart A, Gladden RM, Ko JY, Owens L and O'Donnell J
During 2023, approximately 72,000, or nearly seven in 10, drug overdose deaths in the United States were estimated to involve illegally manufactured fentanyls (IMFs). Carfentanil, a fentanyl analog 100 times more potent than fentanyl, has reemerged in the U.S. drug supply. Using CDC's State Unintentional Drug Overdose Reporting System data, this report describes trends in overdose deaths during January 2021-June 2024, overall and with IMFs detected, by U.S. Census Bureau region, and in deaths with carfentanil detected, in 45 states and the District of Columbia (DC). Numbers of deaths with carfentanil detected by state during January 2023-June 2024 in 49 states and DC are also reported. The number of overdose deaths with IMFs detected declined from 2022 to 2023 in the Northeast (3.2% decline), Midwest (7.8%), and South (2.8%) regions; deaths in the West increased 33.9%. The percentage of deaths with IMFs detected was steady at approximately 70%-80% in the Northeast, Midwest, and South. In contrast, the percentage of deaths with IMFs detected in the West increased from 48.5% during January-March 2021 to 66.5% during April-June 2024. Overdose deaths with carfentanil detected increased approximately sevenfold, from 29 during January-June 2023 to 238 during January-June 2024; during January 2023-June 2024, overdose deaths with carfentanil detected were reported in 37 states. Overdose prevention efforts that address the widespread presence of IMFs, including carfentanil, and can rapidly adapt to other potent opioids in the drug supply might result in lasting reductions in overdose deaths across the entire United States.
Notes from the Field: Rollout of Nirsevimab to Protect Infants and Young Children During the Respiratory Syncytial Virus Season - New York City, 2023-2024
Askari MS, Oliver K, Benkel D, Mickle-Hope M, Tam V, Langdon-Embry M, Elysee G and Crouch B
Epidemiology of Dengue - Puerto Rico, 2010-2024
Rodriguez DM, Madewell ZJ, Torres JM, Rivera A, Wong JM, Santiago GA, Rivera-Amill V, Paz-Bailey G, Marzan-Rodriguez M and Adams LE
Dengue is a mosquitoborne viral illness that can cause acute febrile illness, severe disease, or death. Worldwide, the number of dengue cases is increasing. During the last dengue outbreaks in Puerto Rico throughout 2010-2013, dengue virus (DENV) serotype 1 (DENV-1) predominated, and the largest proportion of cases occurred among adolescents and young adults aged 10-19 years. Dengue case data from January 1, 2010-November 4, 2024, were obtained from the Puerto Rico Department of Health. Bivariate analyses were conducted to evaluate the distribution of cases by patient age, DENV serotype, and hospitalization status during three periods: 2010-2019, 2020-2022, and 2023-2024. During 2023-2024, the median age of dengue cases increased to 26 years (95% CI = 25-27 years) compared with that during 2020-2022 (17 years; 95% CI = 17-18 years) and 2010-2019 (19 years; 95% CI = 19-19 years). After >10 years of DENV-1 predominance, the proportions of DENV serotypes 2 (DENV-2) and 3 (DENV-3) increased significantly during 2023-2024, with DENV-3 replacing DENV-1 as the predominant serotype. In addition, the proportion of dengue patients who were hospitalized increased from 35.7% (2010-2019) to 53.5% (2023-2024). The current dengue outbreak in Puerto Rico marks a shift in serotype predominance to DENV-3 and increasing percentages of cases in older age groups (61.7% in adults aged ≥20 years), although a high proportion of cases still occur among adolescents aged 10-19 years (29.5%). The current dengue outbreak also has a higher rate of hospitalizations than those in previous years. Understanding the changing epidemiology of dengue is crucial to guiding public health strategies for dengue control, including clinical management, surveillance and health care system resilience, and public outreach and education.
QuickStats: Age-Adjusted Percentage* of Adults Aged ≥18 Years with Hypertension, by Sex and Race and Ethnicity - United States, August 2021-August 2023
Notes from the Field: Geo-Temporal Trends in Fentanyl Administration Routes Among Adults Reporting Use of Illegally Manufactured Fentanyl When Assessed for Substance-Use Treatment - 14 U.S. States, 2017-2023
Chen Y, Jiang X, Gladden RM, Nataraj N, Guy GP and Dowell D
Updated Recommendation for Universal Hepatitis B Vaccination in Adults Aged 19-59 Years - United States, 2024
Sandul AL, Rapposelli K, Nyendak M and Kim M
Hepatitis B (HepB) vaccines have demonstrated safety, immunogenicity, and efficacy during the past 4 decades (1,2). The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommends universal HepB vaccination for adults aged 19-59 years, including pregnant persons, and adults aged ≥60 years with risk factors for hepatitis B. Adults aged ≥60 years without known risk factors for hepatitis B may also receive HepB vaccines (2).
QuickStats: Mental Health Treatment Trends* Among Adults Aged ≥18 Years, by Age Group - United States, 2019-2023
Intimate Partner Violence and Pregnancy and Infant Health Outcomes - Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, Nine U.S. Jurisdictions, 2016-2022
Steele-Baser M, Brown AL, D'Angelo DV, Basile KC, Lee RD, Nguyen AT and Cassell CH
Intimate partner violence (IPV) can include emotional, physical, or sexual violence. IPV during pregnancy is a preventable cause of injury and death with negative short- and long-term impacts for pregnant women, infants, and families. Using data from the 2016-2022 Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System in nine U.S. jurisdictions, CDC examined associations between IPV during pregnancy among women with a recent live birth and the following outcomes: prenatal care initiation, health conditions during pregnancy (gestational diabetes, pregnancy-related hypertension, and depression), substance use during pregnancy, and infant birth outcomes. Overall, 5.4% of women reported IPV during pregnancy. Emotional IPV was most prevalent (5.2%), followed by physical (1.5%) and sexual (1.0%) IPV. All types were associated with delayed or no prenatal care; depression during pregnancy; cigarette smoking, alcohol use, marijuana or illicit substance use during pregnancy; and having an infant with low birth weight. Physical, sexual, and any IPV were associated with having a preterm birth. Physical IPV was associated with pregnancy-related hypertension. Evidence-based prevention and intervention strategies that address multiple types of IPV are important for supporting healthy parents and families because they might reduce pregnancy complications, depression and substance use during pregnancy, and adverse infant outcomes.
Notes from the Field: School-Based Surveillance of Mycoplasma pneumoniae Trends and Impact on School Attendance by Students and Staff Members - Missouri, Fall 2024
Almendares OM, Fritschmann B, Selvarangan R, Lee BR, Edens C, Diaz M, Whitaker B, Tilsworth S, Porter J, Sagar N, Schuster JE, Goldman JL and Kirking HL