Derived Categories of Hyper-Kähler Manifolds via the LLV Algebra
We mostly review work of Taelman (Derived equivalences of hyperkähler varieties, 2019, arXiv:1906.08081) on derived categories of hyper-Kähler manifolds. We study the LLV algebra using polyvector fields to prove that it is a derived invariant. Applications to the action of derived equivalences on cohomology and to the study of their Hodge structures are given.
Tilings with Nonflat Squares: A Characterization
Inspired by the modelization of 2D materials systems, we characterize arrangements of identical nonflat squares in 3D. We prove that the fine geometry of such arrangements is completely characterized in terms of patterns of mutual orientations of the squares and that these patterns are periodic and one-dimensional. In contrast to the flat case, the nonflatness of the tiles gives rise to nontrivial geometries, with configurations bending, wrinkling, or even rolling up in one direction.
Hyper-Kähler Manifolds of Generalized Kummer Type and the Kuga-Satake Correspondence
We first describe the construction of the Kuga-Satake variety associated to a (polarized) weight-two Hodge structure of hyper-Kähler type. We describe the classical cases where the Kuga-Satake correspondence between a hyper-Kähler manifold and its Kuga-Satake variety has been proved to be algebraic. We then turn to recent work of O'Grady and Markman which we combine to prove that the Kuga-Satake correspondence is algebraic for projective hyper-Kähler manifolds of generalized Kummer deformation type.
Lagrangian Fibrations
We review the theory of Lagrangian fibrations of hyperkähler manifolds as initiated by Matsushita. We also discuss more recent work of Shen-Yin and Harder-Li-Shen-Yin. Occasionally, we give alternative arguments and complement the discussion by additional observations.
The Looijenga-Lunts-Verbitsky Algebra and Verbitsky's Theorem
In these notes we review some basic facts about the LLV Lie algebra. It is a rational Lie algebra, introduced by Looijenga-Lunts and Verbitsky, acting on the rational cohomology of a compact Kähler manifold. We study its structure and describe one irreducible component of the rational cohomology in the case of a compact hyperkähler manifold.
Mean-Field Limits for Entropic Multi-Population Dynamical Systems
The well-posedness of a multi-population dynamical system with an entropy regularization and its convergence to a suitable mean-field approximation are proved, under a general set of assumptions. Under further assumptions on the evolution of the labels, the case of different time scales between the agents' locations and labels dynamics is considered. The limit system couples a mean-field-type evolution in the space of positions and an instantaneous optimization of the payoff functional in the space of labels.
Remarks on Regularization by Noise, Convex Integration and Spontaneous Stochasticity
This note is devoted to a discussion of the potential links and differences between three topics: regularization by noise, convex integration, spontaneous stochasticity. All of them deal with the effect on large scales of a small-scale perturbation of fluid dynamic equations. The effects sometimes have something in common, like convex integration and spontaneous stochasticity, sometimes they look the opposite, as in regularization by noise. We are not aware of rigorous links or precise explanations of the differences, and hope to drive new research with this comparative examination.