Bodysnatchers and Benthamites: the implications of the Dead Body Bill for the London Schools of Anatomy, 1820-42
Post voluptatem misericordia: the rise and fall of the London Lock Hospitals
The National Health Service in London: a review of the impact of NHS policy since 1976
From the slums to the suburbs: Labour Party policy, the LCC, and the Woodberry Down estate, Stoke Newington, 1934-1961
Continuity and change in philanthropic housing organisations: the Octavia Hill Housing Trust and the Guinness Trust
"She being bigg with child is likely to miscarry": pregnant victims prosecuting assault in Westminster, 1685-1720
The evidence of Richard Horwood's maps for residential building in London, 1799-1819
London government 1850-1920: the Metropolitan Board of Works and the London County Council