Lapses in Long-Term Care Insurance
About a quarter of long-term care insurance (LTCI) policy holders aged 65 let their policies lapse prior to death, forfeiting all benefits. We find that lapse rates are substantially higher among the cognitively impaired in the Health and Retirement Study. This generates a pernicious form of dynamic advantageous selection, as the cognitively impaired are more likely to use care. Simulations show that an inappropriately optimistic asset drawdown path further increases the individual welfare cost of unanticipated lapses. Meanwhile, we find evidence of a significant but very small role for either strategic or financial motives for lapsing.
How do low-income enrollees in the Affordable Care Act marketplaces respond to cost-sharing?
The Affordable Care Act requires insurers to offer cost sharing reductions (CSRs) to low-income consumers on the Marketplaces. We link 2013-2015 All-Payer Claims Data to 2004-2013 administrative hospital discharge data from Utah and exploit policy-driven differences in the actuarial value of CSR plans that are solely determined by income. This allows us to examine the effect of cost sharing on medical spending among low-income individuals. We find that enrollees facing lower levels of cost sharing have higher levels of health care spending, controlling for past health care use. We estimate demand elasticities of total health care spending among this low-income population of approximately -0.12, suggesting that demand-side price mechanisms in health insurance design work similarly for low-income and higher-income individuals. We also find that cost sharing subsidies substantially lower out-of-pocket medical care spending, showing that the CSR program is a key mechanism for making health care affordable to low-income individuals.
Did COVID-19 change life insurance offerings?
The profitability of life insurance offerings is contingent on accurate projections and pricing of mortality risk. The COVID-19 pandemic created significant uncertainty, with dire mortality predictions from early forecasts resulting in widespread government intervention and greater individual precaution that reduced the projected death toll. We analyze how life insurance companies changed pricing and offerings in response to COVID-19 using monthly data on term life insurance policies from Compulife. We estimate event-study models that exploit well-established variation in the COVID-19 mortality rate based on age and underlying health status. Despite the increase in mortality risk and significant uncertainty, the results generally indicate that life insurance companies did not increase premiums or decrease policy offerings due to COVID-19. Nonetheless, we find some evidence that premiums differentially increased for individuals with very high risk and that some policies were removed for the oldest of the old.
Effects of COVID-19 early release of pension funds: The case of Chile
Amid the extraordinary economic effects of COVID-19, some policymakers have turned to retirement accounts to support individuals in financial hardship. Given the haste, the long-term impacts and their heterogeneity have scarcely been analyzed. Using Monte Carlo simulations on the Chilean Social Protection Survey linked with administrative data, this study quantifies the effects of a 10% early release of pension funds. Each withdrawn dollar brings losses of 1.59 dollars in future retirement savings, reducing monthly pension benefits by 7.26%. This policy raises income inadequacy and inequality in retirement, increasing government expenditure by 4.33% to counteract these effects for 65-year-old retirees. We propose four policies to mitigate these effects and address the current challenges of most defined contribution pension schemes. Increasing contributions combined with an intragenerational solidarity component shows the biggest impacts. Contribution enforcement, reducing tax evasion, and delaying retirement by at least 1 year via incentives have lower but significant effects.
Does Limiting Allowable Rating Variation in the Small Group Health Insurance Market Affect Employer Self-Insurance?
The Affordable Care Act (ACA) imposes adjusted community rating in the small group market, which employers can avoid by self-insuring, raising concerns about adverse selection. We evaluate the impact of limiting allowable rating variation on employer self-insurance across industries with varied health risk, using cross-state variation in pre-ACA rating regulations, the nationally-representative 2008-2013 KFF/HRET Employer Health Benefits survey, and a triple-difference regression approach. We find that lower-risk employers subject to laws limiting allowable premium rating variation have a predicted probability of self-insurance that is about 18 percentage points higher than otherwise-similar higher-risk employers, suggesting that these selection concerns are warranted.
Advantageous Selection, Moral Hazard, and Insurer Sorting on Risk in the U.S. Automobile Insurance Market
This study quantifies the role of private information in automobile insurance policy choice using data on subjective beliefs, risk preference, reckless driving, the respondent's insurer and insurance policy characteristics merged with insurer-specific quality ratings distributed by independent organizations. We find a zero correlation between ex post accident risk and insurance coverage, reflecting advantageous selection in policy choice offset by moral hazard. Advantageous selection is partly attributable to insurer sorting on consumer attributes known and used by insurers. Our analysis of insurer sorting reveals that lower-risk drivers on attributes observed by insurers obtain coverage from insurers with higher-quality ratings.
Framing and Claiming: How Information-Framing Affects Expected Social Security Claiming Behavior
This paper provides evidence that Social Security benefit claiming decisions are strongly affected by framing and are thus inconsistent with expected utility theory. Using a randomized experiment that controls for both observable and unobservable differences across individuals, we find that the use of a "breakeven analysis" encourages early claiming. Respondents are more likely to delay when later claiming is framed as a gain, and the claiming age is anchored at older ages. Additionally, the financially less literate, individuals with credit card debt, and those with lower earnings are more influenced by framing than others.
The Private Market for Long-Term Care Insurance in the U.S.: A Review of the Evidence
This paper reviews the growing literature on the market for private long-term care insurance, a market notable for its small size despite the fact that long-term care expenses are potentially large and highly uncertain. After summarizing long-term care utilization and insurance coverage in the United States, the paper reviews research on the supply of and the demand for private long-term care insurance. It concludes that demand-side factors impose important limits on the size of the private market and that we currently have a limited understanding of how public policies could be designed to encourage the growth of this market.
An empirical analysis of the capacity crisis in medical malpractice insurance
The privacy implications of insurers' information practices
Insurers and their support organizations are among the largest collectors and users of personally identifiable information in the United States, yet little attention has been focused historically on the implications of insurers' information practices to individuals' privacy. Moreover, these practices are virtually opaque from the subject individual's point of view--in other words, individuals do not realize the full implications to their privacy when they enter into relationships with insurers. Thus, individuals may be at a disadvantage from a privacy protection standpoint in dealing with insurers. This paper analyzes insurers' information practices from a privacy protection perspective and suggests several areas that need improvement.
Social aspects of the rate structure of medical malpractice insurance