Journal of Poetry Therapy

A poetry program for the very elderly-Narrative perspective on one therapeutic model
Wexler M
The focus of this report is a poetry program that the author has been conducting at a nursing home/short-stay rehabilitation facility for the past three and a half years. The program involves reading poetry to groups of very elderly residents who have significant mental and/or physical disabilities. This article includes a description of the program and the author's observations of its beneficial effects. Poetry readings were also given to individual seniors who have significant dementia. The therapeutic value of the program to the elders and to the person reading the poetry to the elders is discussed.
The use of poetry in qualitative post-hoc analysis
Brown CS
In this brief report three poems stemming from previously completed research into the motivations of 12 Black women who participate in triathlons, are presented. A review of the transcripts revealed impactful stories from the previously identified themes Competition, Triathlete Lifestyle, and Lifespan Participation. A phenomenological approach to this post-hoc qualitative analysis provides an outlet for poetic expression. The poems, each representative of the words and life world sensations recorded within the transcripts, are of varying styles. The first is free form allowing for inconsistency in the poem pattern. The second provides comic relief in a limerick. The last is a sonnet with words that can be put to music. The reexamination of the previous research and development of the poems revealed a theme not previously cited. 'Time' is a catalyst for the triathletes and its importance is illuminated in the prose.