Flexible Bayesian Product Mixture Models for Vector Autoregressions
Kundu S and Lukemire J
Bayesian non-parametric methods based on Dirichlet process mixtures have seen tremendous success in various domains and are appealing in being able to borrow information by clustering samples that share identical parameters. However, such methods can face hurdles in heterogeneous settings where objects are expected to cluster only along a subset of axes or where clusters of samples share only a subset of identical parameters. We overcome such limitations by developing a novel class of product of Dirichlet process location-scale mixtures that enables independent clustering at multiple scales, which results in varying levels of information sharing across samples. First, we develop the approach for independent multivariate data. Subsequently we generalize it to multivariate time-series data under the framework of multi-subject Vector Autoregressive (VAR) models that is our primary focus, which go beyond parametric single-subject VAR models. We establish posterior consistency and develop efficient posterior computation for implementation. Extensive numerical studies involving VAR models show distinct advantages over competing methods in terms of estimation, clustering, and feature selection accuracy. Our resting state fMRI analysis from the Human Connectome Project reveals biologically interpretable connectivity differences between distinct intelligence groups, while another air pollution application illustrates the superior forecasting accuracy compared to alternate methods.
Selective inference for -means clustering
Chen YT and Witten DM
We consider the problem of testing for a difference in means between clusters of observations identified via -means clustering. In this setting, classical hypothesis tests lead to an inflated Type I error rate. In recent work, Gao et al. (2022) considered a related problem in the context of hierarchical clustering. Unfortunately, their solution is highly-tailored to the context of hierarchical clustering, and thus cannot be applied in the setting of -means clustering. In this paper, we propose a p-value that conditions on all of the intermediate clustering assignments in the -means algorithm. We show that the p-value controls the selective Type I error for a test of the difference in means between a pair of clusters obtained using -means clustering in finite samples, and can be efficiently computed. We apply our proposal on hand-written digits data and on single-cell RNA-sequencing data.
Inference for Gaussian Processes with Matérn Covariogram on Compact Riemannian Manifolds
Li D, Tang W and Banerjee S
Gaussian processes are widely employed as versatile modelling and predictive tools in spatial statistics, functional data analysis, computer modelling and diverse applications of machine learning. They have been widely studied over Euclidean spaces, where they are specified using covariance functions or covariograms for modelling complex dependencies. There is a growing literature on Gaussian processes over Riemannian manifolds in order to develop richer and more flexible inferential frameworks for non-Euclidean data. While numerical approximations through graph representations have been well studied for the Matérn covariogram and heat kernel, the behaviour of asymptotic inference on the parameters of the covariogram has received relatively scant attention. We focus on asymptotic behaviour for Gaussian processes constructed over compact Riemannian manifolds. Building upon a recently introduced Matérn covariogram on a compact Riemannian manifold, we employ formal notions and conditions for the equivalence of two Matérn Gaussian random measures on compact manifolds to derive the parameter that is identifiable, also known as the microergodic parameter, and formally establish the consistency of the maximum likelihood estimate and the asymptotic optimality of the best linear unbiased predictor. The circle is studied as a specific example of compact Riemannian manifolds with numerical experiments to illustrate and corroborate the theory.
Generalized Matrix Factorization: efficient algorithms for fitting generalized linear latent variable models to large data arrays
Kidziński Ł, Hui FKC, Warton DI and Hastie T
Unmeasured or latent variables are often the cause of correlations between multivariate measurements, which are studied in a variety of fields such as psychology, ecology, and medicine. For Gaussian measurements, there are classical tools such as factor analysis or principal component analysis with a well-established theory and fast algorithms. Generalized Linear Latent Variable models (GLLVMs) generalize such factor models to non-Gaussian responses. However, current algorithms for estimating model parameters in GLLVMs require intensive computation and do not scale to large datasets with thousands of observational units or responses. In this article, we propose a new approach for fitting GLLVMs to high-dimensional datasets, based on approximating the model using penalized quasi-likelihood and then using a Newton method and Fisher scoring to learn the model parameters. Computationally, our method is noticeably faster and more stable, enabling GLLVM fits to much larger matrices than previously possible. We apply our method on a dataset of 48,000 observational units with over 2,000 observed species in each unit and find that most of the variability can be explained with a handful of factors. We publish an easy-to-use implementation of our proposed fitting algorithm.
Tree-based Node Aggregation in Sparse Graphical Models
Wilms I and Bien J
High-dimensional graphical models are often estimated using regularization that is aimed at reducing the number of edges in a network. In this work, we show how even simpler networks can be produced by aggregating the nodes of the graphical model. We develop a new convex regularized method, called the or tag-lasso, that estimates graphical models that are both edge-sparse and node-aggregated. The aggregation is performed in a data-driven fashion by leveraging side information in the form of a tree that encodes node similarity and facilitates the interpretation of the resulting aggregated nodes. We provide an efficient implementation of the tag-lasso by using the locally adaptive alternating direction method of multipliers and illustrate our proposal's practical advantages in simulation and in applications in finance and biology.
Learning Optimal Group-structured Individualized Treatment Rules with Many Treatments
Ma H, Zeng D and Liu Y
Data driven individualized decision making problems have received a lot of attentions in recent years. In particular, decision makers aim to determine the optimal Individualized Treatment Rule (ITR) so that the expected specified outcome averaging over heterogeneous patient-specific characteristics is maximized. Many existing methods deal with binary or a moderate number of treatment arms and may not take potential treatment effect structure into account. However, the effectiveness of these methods may deteriorate when the number of treatment arms becomes large. In this article, we propose GRoup Outcome Weighted Learning (GROWL) to estimate the latent structure in the treatment space and the optimal group-structured ITRs through a single optimization. In particular, for estimating group-structured ITRs, we utilize the Reinforced Angle based Multicategory Support Vector Machines (RAMSVM) to learn group-based decision rules under the weighted angle based multi-class classification framework. Fisher consistency, the excess risk bound, and the convergence rate of the value function are established to provide a theoretical guarantee for GROWL. Extensive empirical results in simulation studies and real data analysis demonstrate that GROWL enjoys better performance than several other existing methods.
Consistent Second-Order Conic Integer Programming for Learning Bayesian Networks
Küçükyavuz S, Shojaie A, Manzour H, Wei L and Wu HH
Bayesian Networks (BNs) represent conditional probability relations among a set of random variables (nodes) in the form of a directed acyclic graph (DAG), and have found diverse applications in knowledge discovery. We study the problem of learning the sparse DAG structure of a BN from continuous observational data. The central problem can be modeled as a mixed-integer program with an objective function composed of a convex quadratic loss function and a regularization penalty subject to linear constraints. The optimal solution to this mathematical program is known to have desirable statistical properties under certain conditions. However, the state-of-the-art optimization solvers are not able to obtain provably optimal solutions to the existing mathematical formulations for medium-size problems within reasonable computational times. To address this difficulty, we tackle the problem from both computational and statistical perspectives. On the one hand, we propose a concrete early stopping criterion to terminate the branch-and-bound process in order to obtain a near-optimal solution to the mixed-integer program, and establish the consistency of this approximate solution. On the other hand, we improve the existing formulations by replacing the linear "big- " constraints that represent the relationship between the continuous and binary indicator variables with second-order conic constraints. Our numerical results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approaches.
Surrogate Assisted Semi-supervised Inference for High Dimensional Risk Prediction
Hou J, Guo Z and Cai T
Risk modeling with electronic health records (EHR) data is challenging due to no direct observations of the disease outcome and the high-dimensional predictors. In this paper, we develop a surrogate assisted semi-supervised learning approach, leveraging small labeled data with annotated outcomes and extensive unlabeled data of outcome surrogates and high-dimensional predictors. We propose to impute the unobserved outcomes by constructing a sparse imputation model with outcome surrogates and high-dimensional predictors. We further conduct a one-step bias correction to enable interval estimation for the risk prediction. Our inference procedure is valid even if both the imputation and risk prediction models are misspecified. Our novel way of ultilizing unlabelled data enables the high-dimensional statistical inference for the challenging setting with a dense risk prediction model. We present an extensive simulation study to demonstrate the superiority of our approach compared to existing supervised methods. We apply the method to genetic risk prediction of type-2 diabetes mellitus using an EHR biobank cohort.
Fair Data Representation for Machine Learning at the Pareto Frontier
Xu S and Strohmer T
As machine learning powered decision-making becomes increasingly important in our daily lives, it is imperative to strive for fairness in the underlying data processing. We propose a pre-processing algorithm for fair data representation via which -objective supervised learning results in estimations of the Pareto frontier between prediction error and statistical disparity. Particularly, the present work applies the optimal affine transport to approach the post-processing Wasserstein barycenter characterization of the optimal fair -objective supervised learning via a pre-processing data deformation. Furthermore, we show that the Wasserstein geodesics from learning outcome marginals to their barycenter characterizes the Pareto frontier between -loss and total Wasserstein distance among the marginals. Numerical simulations underscore the advantages: (1) the pre-processing step is compositive with arbitrary conditional expectation estimation supervised learning methods and unseen data; (2) the fair representation protects the sensitive information by limiting the inference capability of the remaining data with respect to the sensitive data; (3) the optimal affine maps are computationally efficient even for high-dimensional data.
Minimax Estimation for Personalized Federated Learning: An Alternative between FedAvg and Local Training?
Chen S, Zheng Q, Long Q and Su WJ
A widely recognized difficulty in federated learning arises from the statistical heterogeneity among clients: local datasets often originate from distinct yet not entirely unrelated probability distributions, and personalization is, therefore, necessary to achieve optimal results from each individual's perspective. In this paper, we show how the excess risks of personalized federated learning using a smooth, strongly convex loss depend on data heterogeneity from a minimax point of view, with a focus on the FedAvg algorithm (McMahan et al., 2017) and pure local training (i.e., clients solve empirical risk minimization problems on their local datasets without any communication). Our main result reveals an alternative between these two baseline algorithms for federated learning: the former algorithm is minimax rate optimal over a collection of instances when data heterogeneity is small, whereas the latter is minimax rate optimal when data heterogeneity is large, and the threshold is sharp up to a constant. As an implication, our results show that from a worst-case point of view, a dichotomous strategy that makes a choice between the two baseline algorithms is rate-optimal. Another implication is that the popular FedAvg following by local fine tuning strategy is also minimax optimal under additional regularity conditions. Our analysis relies on a new notion of algorithmic stability that takes into account the nature of federated learning.
Nonparametric Regression for 3D Point Cloud Learning
Li X, Yu S, Wang Y, Wang G, Wang L, Lai MJ and
In recent years, there has been an exponentially increased amount of point clouds collected with irregular shapes in various areas. Motivated by the importance of solid modeling for point clouds, we develop a novel and efficient smoothing tool based on multivariate splines over the triangulation to extract the underlying signal and build up a 3D solid model from the point cloud. The proposed method can denoise or deblur the point cloud effectively, provide a multi-resolution reconstruction of the actual signal, and handle sparse and irregularly distributed point clouds to recover the underlying trajectory. In addition, our method provides a natural way of numerosity data reduction. We establish the theoretical guarantees of the proposed method, including the convergence rate and asymptotic normality of the estimator, and show that the convergence rate achieves optimal nonparametric convergence. We also introduce a bootstrap method to quantify the uncertainty of the estimators. Through extensive simulation studies and a real data example, we demonstrate the superiority of the proposed method over traditional smoothing methods in terms of estimation accuracy and efficiency of data reduction.
DART: Distance Assisted Recursive Testing
Li X, Sung AD and Xie J
Multiple testing is a commonly used tool in modern data science. Sometimes, the hypotheses are embedded in a space; the distances between the hypotheses reflect their co-null/co-alternative patterns. Properly incorporating the distance information in testing will boost testing power. Hence, we developed a new multiple testing framework named Distance Assisted Recursive Testing (DART). DART features in joint artificial intelligence (AI) and statistics modeling. It has two stages. The first stage uses AI models to construct an aggregation tree that reflects the distance information. The second stage uses statistical models to embed the testing on the tree and control the false discovery rate. Theoretical analysis and numerical experiments demonstrated that DART generates valid, robust, and powerful results. We applied DART to a clinical trial in the allogeneic stem cell transplantation study to identify the gut microbiota whose abundance was impacted by post-transplant care.
Graphical Dirichlet Process for Clustering Non-Exchangeable Grouped Data
Chakrabarti A, Ni Y, Morris ERA, Salinas ML, Chapkin RS and Mallick BK
We consider the problem of clustering grouped data with possibly non-exchangeable groups whose dependencies can be characterized by a known directed acyclic graph. To allow the sharing of clusters among the non-exchangeable groups, we propose a Bayesian nonparametric approach, termed graphical Dirichlet process, that jointly models the dependent group-specific random measures by assuming each random measure to be distributed as a Dirichlet process whose concentration parameter and base probability measure depend on those of its parent groups. The resulting joint stochastic process respects the Markov property of the directed acyclic graph that links the groups. We characterize the graphical Dirichlet process using a novel hypergraph representation as well as the stick-breaking representation, the restaurant-type representation, and the representation as a limit of a finite mixture model. We develop an efficient posterior inference algorithm and illustrate our model with simulations and a real grouped single-cell data set.
Bayesian Data Selection
Weinstein EN and Miller JW
Insights into complex, high-dimensional data can be obtained by discovering features of the data that match or do not match a model of interest. To formalize this task, we introduce the "data selection" problem: finding a lower-dimensional statistic-such as a subset of variables-that is well fit by a given parametric model of interest. A fully Bayesian approach to data selection would be to parametrically model the value of the statistic, nonparametrically model the remaining "background" components of the data, and perform standard Bayesian model selection for the choice of statistic. However, fitting a nonparametric model to high-dimensional data tends to be highly inefficient, statistically and computationally. We propose a novel score for performing data selection, the "Stein volume criterion (SVC)", that does not require fitting a nonparametric model. The SVC takes the form of a generalized marginal likelihood with a kernelized Stein discrepancy in place of the Kullback-Leibler divergence. We prove that the SVC is consistent for data selection, and establish consistency and asymptotic normality of the corresponding generalized posterior on parameters. We apply the SVC to the analysis of single-cell RNA sequencing data sets using probabilistic principal components analysis and a spin glass model of gene regulation.
D-GCCA: Decomposition-based Generalized Canonical Correlation Analysis for Multi-view High-dimensional Data
Shu H, Qu Z and Zhu H
Modern biomedical studies often collect multi-view data, that is, multiple types of data measured on the same set of objects. A popular model in high-dimensional multi-view data analysis is to decompose each view's data matrix into a low-rank common-source matrix generated by latent factors common across all data views, a low-rank distinctive-source matrix corresponding to each view, and an additive noise matrix. We propose a novel decomposition method for this model, called decomposition-based generalized canonical correlation analysis (D-GCCA). The D-GCCA rigorously defines the decomposition on the space of random variables in contrast to the Euclidean dot product space used by most existing methods, thereby being able to provide the estimation consistency for the low-rank matrix recovery. Moreover, to well calibrate common latent factors, we impose a desirable orthogonality constraint on distinctive latent factors. Existing methods, however, inadequately consider such orthogonality and may thus suffer from substantial loss of undetected common-source variation. Our D-GCCA takes one step further than generalized canonical correlation analysis by separating common and distinctive components among canonical variables, while enjoying an appealing interpretation from the perspective of principal component analysis. Furthermore, we propose to use the variable-level proportion of signal variance explained by common or distinctive latent factors for selecting the variables most influenced. Consistent estimators of our D-GCCA method are established with good finite-sample numerical performance, and have closed-form expressions leading to efficient computation especially for large-scale data. The superiority of D-GCCA over state-of-the-art methods is also corroborated in simulations and real-world data examples.
Inference for a Large Directed Acyclic Graph with Unspecified Interventions
Li C, Shen X and Pan W
Statistical inference of directed relations given some unspecified interventions (i.e., the intervention targets are unknown) is challenging. In this article, we test hypothesized directed relations with unspecified interventions. First, we derive conditions to yield an identifiable model. Unlike classical inference, testing directed relations requires to identify the ancestors and relevant interventions of hypothesis-specific primary variables. To this end, we propose a peeling algorithm based on nodewise regressions to establish a topological order of primary variables. Moreover, we prove that the peeling algorithm yields a consistent estimator in low-order polynomial time. Second, we propose a likelihood ratio test integrated with a data perturbation scheme to account for the uncertainty of identifying ancestors and interventions. Also, we show that the distribution of a data perturbation test statistic converges to the target distribution. Numerical examples demonstrate the utility and effectiveness of the proposed methods, including an application to infer gene regulatory networks. The R implementation is available at
Conditional Distribution Function Estimation Using Neural Networks for Censored and Uncensored Data
Hu B and Nan B
Most work in neural networks focuses on estimating the conditional mean of a continuous response variable given a set of covariates. In this article, we consider estimating the conditional distribution function using neural networks for both censored and uncensored data. The algorithm is built upon the data structure particularly constructed for the Cox regression with time-dependent covariates. Without imposing any model assumptions, we consider a loss function that is based on the full likelihood where the conditional hazard function is the only unknown nonparametric parameter, for which unconstrained optimization methods can be applied. Through simulation studies, we show that the proposed method possesses desirable performance, whereas the partial likelihood method and the traditional neural networks with loss yields biased estimates when model assumptions are violated. We further illustrate the proposed method with several real-world data sets. The implementation of the proposed methods is made available at
Effect-Invariant Mechanisms for Policy Generalization
Saengkyongam S, Pfister N, Klasnja P, Murphy S and Peters J
Policy learning is an important component of many real-world learning systems. A major challenge in policy learning is how to adapt efficiently to unseen environments or tasks. Recently, it has been suggested to exploit invariant conditional distributions to learn models that generalize better to unseen environments. However, assuming invariance of entire conditional distributions (which we call full invariance) may be too strong of an assumption in practice. In this paper, we introduce a relaxation of full invariance called effect-invariance (e-invariance for short) and prove that it is sufficient, under suitable assumptions, for zero-shot policy generalization. We also discuss an extension that exploits e-invariance when we have a small sample from the test environment, enabling few-shot policy generalization. Our work does not assume an underlying causal graph or that the data are generated by a structural causal model; instead, we develop testing procedures to test e-invariance directly from data. We present empirical results using simulated data and a mobile health intervention dataset to demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach.
Convergence for nonconvex ADMM, with applications to CT imaging
Barber RF and Sidky EY
The alternating direction method of multipliers (ADMM) algorithm is a powerful and flexible tool for complex optimization problems of the form . ADMM exhibits robust empirical performance across a range of challenging settings including nonsmoothness and nonconvexity of the objective functions and , and provides a simple and natural approach to the inverse problem of image reconstruction for computed tomography (CT) imaging. From the theoretical point of view, existing results for convergence in the nonconvex setting generally assume smoothness in at least one of the component functions in the objective. In this work, our new theoretical results provide convergence guarantees under a restricted strong convexity assumption without requiring smoothness or differentiability, while still allowing differentiable terms to be treated approximately if needed. We validate these theoretical results empirically, with a simulated example where both and are nondifferentiable-and thus outside the scope of existing theory-as well as a simulated CT image reconstruction problem.
Spatial Multivariate Trees for Big Data Bayesian Regression
Peruzzi M and Dunson DB
High resolution geospatial data are challenging because standard geostatistical models based on Gaussian processes are known to not scale to large data sizes. While progress has been made towards methods that can be computed more efficiently, considerably less attention has been devoted to methods for large scale data that allow the description of complex relationships between several outcomes recorded at high resolutions by different sensors. Our Bayesian multivariate regression models based on spatial multivariate trees (SpamTrees) achieve scalability via conditional independence assumptions on latent random effects following a treed directed acyclic graph. Information-theoretic arguments and considerations on computational efficiency guide the construction of the tree and the related efficient sampling algorithms in imbalanced multivariate settings. In addition to simulated data examples, we illustrate SpamTrees using a large climate data set which combines satellite data with land-based station data. Software and source code are available on CRAN at
Causal Discovery with Generalized Linear Models through Peeling Algorithms
Wang M, Shen X and Pan W
This article presents a novel method for causal discovery with generalized structural equation models suited for analyzing diverse types of outcomes, including discrete, continuous, and mixed data. Causal discovery often faces challenges due to unmeasured confounders that hinder the identification of causal relationships. The proposed approach addresses this issue by developing two peeling algorithms (bottom-up and top-down) to ascertain causal relationships and valid instruments. This approach first reconstructs a super-graph to represent ancestral relationships between variables, using a peeling algorithm based on nodewise GLM regressions that exploit relationships between primary and instrumental variables. Then, it estimates parent-child effects from the ancestral relationships using another peeling algorithm while deconfounding a child's model with information borrowed from its parents' models. The article offers a theoretical analysis of the proposed approach, establishing conditions for model identifiability and providing statistical guarantees for accurately discovering parent-child relationships via the peeling algorithms. Furthermore, the article presents numerical experiments showcasing the effectiveness of our approach in comparison to state-of-the-art structure learning methods without confounders. Lastly, it demonstrates an application to Alzheimer's disease (AD), highlighting the method's utility in constructing gene-to-gene and gene-to-disease regulatory networks involving Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) for healthy and AD subjects.