Natural stranding of Atlantic sturgeon ( Mitchill, 1815) in Scot's Bay, Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia, from populations of concern in the United States and Canada
Stewart ND, Cormier Y, Logan-Chesney LM, Gibson G, Wirgin I, Dadswell MJ and Stokesbury MJW
Natural mortality of Atlantic sturgeon () has been determined to be low (M = 0.07). Reported herein is the mortality by beach stranding of 11 Atlantic sturgeon in Scot's Bay, part of the inner Bay of Fundy in Nova Scotia, Canada on 22 June 2014. Genetic analyses, histological analysis and age determination were performed to determine origin, maturity stage and age of the stranded Atlantic sturgeon. Microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA analyses indicated that four of the Atlantic sturgeon (2 males and 2 females) were from the Saint John River, NB population, which was designated as threatened by the Committee on the Status of Endangered Wildlife in Canada. Seven Atlantic sturgeon (1 male, 5 females, 1 unknown) were from the Kennebec River, Maine population, that was listed as threatened under the Endangered Species Act in the U. S. Ageing of by pectoral fin spine analysis determined that the mean age of the individuals from the Saint John River ( [Formula: see text] years, sd = 5.0) and the Kennebec River ( [Formula: see text] years, sd = 3.5) were not significantly different. This is the first report of a stranding event of Atlantic sturgeon, and describes a source of natural mortality affecting populations of concern in both Canada and the U. S.
Fish is Fish: the use of experimental model species to reveal causes of skeletal diversity in evolution and disease
Harris MP, Henke K, Hawkins MB and Witten PE
Fishes are wonderfully diverse. This variety is a result of the ability of ray-finned fishes to adapt to a wide range of environments, and has made them more specious than the rest of vertebrates combined. With such diversity it is easy to dismiss comparisons between distantly related fishes in efforts to understand the biology of a particular fish species. However, shared ancestry and the conservation of developmental mechanisms, morphological features and physiology provide the ability to use comparative analyses between different organisms to understand mechanisms of development and physiology. The use of species that are amenable to experimental investigation provides tools to approach questions that would not be feasible in other 'non-model' organisms. For example, the use of small teleost fishes such as zebrafish and medaka has been powerful for analysis of gene function and mechanisms of disease in humans, including skeletal diseases. However, use of these fish to aid in understanding variation and disease in other fishes has been largely unexplored. This is especially evident in aquaculture research. Here we highlight the utility of these small laboratory fishes to study genetic and developmental factors that underlie skeletal malformations that occur under farming conditions. We highlight several areas in which model species can serve as a resource for identifying the causes of variation in economically important fish species as well as to assess strategies to alleviate the expression of the variant phenotypes in farmed fish. We focus on genetic causes of skeletal deformities in the zebrafish and medaka that closely resemble phenotypes observed both in farmed as well as natural populations of fishes.
Skull developmental modularity: a view from a single bone - or two
Kimmel CB
I review recent studies that connect development and evolution of skull bones in teleosts. Development uses genetic information to build a structured, modular phenotype, and since selection acts on the phenotype, developmental modularity may influence evolvability. Just how is a complex developing morphology spatially partitioned into modules? Here I briefly examine cellular, molecular genetic, and multivariate statistical approaches to the identification of developmental modules. Furthermore I review our evidence that developmental modularity provides evolutionarily labile regions within the skull and hence potentially biases evolutionary change in a positive manner. This view is rather different from early ones in the field of evolutionary developmental biology, in which developmental constraint due to patterns such as heterochronies were supposed to negatively impact evolution.
R. F. Elliott 1968 infection in Prussian carp (Bloch, 1782) eggs and its control with herb extracts
Cao H, Ou R, Li G, Yang X, Zheng W and Lu L
In order to control saprolegniosis in Prussian carp ( (Bloch, 1782) eggs, it is important to screen herb extracts as potential anti- drugs in Prussian carp hatcheries. For this purpose, an oomycete water mould (strain SC) isolated from Prussian carp [ (Bloch, 1782)] eggs suffering from saprolegniosis was characterised morphologically as well as from ITS rDNA sequence data. Initially identified as a sp. based on its morphological features, the constructed phylogenetic tree using the neighbour joining method further indicated that the SC strain was closely related to R. F. Elliott 1968 strain VI05733 (GenBank accession no. HE798564), and which could form biofilm communities as virulence factors. In addition, aqueous extracts from forty Chinese herbs were screened as possible anti- agents. Among them, a 1 g ml extract from was the most efficacious anti- agent, indicated by the minimum inhibitory concentration that was as low as 256 mg L. Relative survival of 73 and 88% was obtained against the SC strain in fish eggs at concentrations of 256 and 1280 mg L, respectively. This is the first known report of R. F. Elliott 1968 infection in (Bloch, 1782) eggs involving the screening of extracts as potential anti- agents.
A timeline of pharyngeal endoskeletal condensation and differentiation in the shark, , and the paddlefish,
Gillis JA, Modrell MS and Baker CVH
The lesser-spotted dogfish () and the North American paddlefish () are two emerging model systems for the study of vertebrate craniofacial development. Notably, both of these taxa have retained plesiomorphic aspects of pharyngeal endoskeletal organization, relative to more commonly used models of vertebrate craniofacial development (e.g. zebrafish, chick and mouse), and are therefore well suited to inform the pharyngeal endoskeletal patterning mechanisms that functioned in the last common ancestor of jawed vertebrates. Here, we present a histological overview of the condensation and chondrogenesis of the most prominent endoskeletal elements of the jaw, hyoid and gill arches - the palatoquadrate/Meckel's cartilage, the hyomandibula/ceratohyal, and the epi-/ceratobranchial cartilages, respectively - in embryonic series of and . Our observations provide a provisional timeline and anatomical framework for further molecular developmental and functional investigations of pharyngeal endoskeletal differentiation and patterning in these phylogenetically informative taxa.
500,000 fish phenotypes: The new informatics landscape for evolutionary and developmental biology of the vertebrate skeleton
Mabee BP, Balhoff JP, Dahdul WM, Lapp H, Midford PE, Vision TJ and Westerfield M
The rich phenotypic diversity that characterizes the vertebrate skeleton results from evolutionary changes in regulation of genes that drive development. Although relatively little is known about the genes that underlie the skeletal variation among fish species, significant knowledge of genetics and development is available for zebrafish. Because developmental processes are highly conserved, this knowledge can be leveraged for understanding the evolution of skeletal diversity. We developed the Phenoscape Knowledgebase (KB; to yield testable hypotheses of candidate genes involved in skeletal evolution. We developed a community anatomy ontology for fishes and ontology-based methods to represent complex free-text character descriptions of species in a computable format. With these tools, we populated the KB with comparative morphological data from the literature on over 2,500 teleost fishes (mainly Ostariophysi) resulting in over 500,000 taxon phenotype annotations. The KB integrates these data with similarly structured phenotype data from zebrafish genes ( Using ontology-based reasoning, candidate genes can be inferred for the phenotypes that vary across taxa, thereby uniting genetic and phenotypic data to formulate evo-devo hypotheses. The morphological data in the KB can be browsed, sorted, and aggregated in ways that provide unprecedented possibilities for data mining and discovery.