Proton production in relativistic heavy ion collisions; comparison with a thermodynamical model
Parizet MJ, Alard JP, Rahmani A, Montarou G, Augerat J, Bastid N, Demaison P, Dupieux P, Fraysse L and Marroncle J
Experimental results concerning proton production in nuclear collisions, obtained at Saturne with the Diogene 4 pi facility, are compared with the predictions of a thermodynamical model, using collective velocity distributions combined with a statistical thermodynamics in local rest frames. Experimental differential cross sections for alpha + nucleus and Neon + nucleus central collisions at incident energies between 200 and 800 MeV per nucleon are well reproduced by the model, for an angular range 30-110 degrees in the laboratory system. Extracted values of the temperatures are compared with those given by other authors.