Can physics-informed neural networks beat the finite element method?
Grossmann TG, Komorowska UJ, Latz J and Schönlieb CB
Partial differential equations (PDEs) play a fundamental role in the mathematical modelling of many processes and systems in physical, biological and other sciences. To simulate such processes and systems, the solutions of PDEs often need to be approximated numerically. The finite element method, for instance, is a usual standard methodology to do so. The recent success of deep neural networks at various approximation tasks has motivated their use in the numerical solution of PDEs. These so-called physics-informed neural networks and their variants have shown to be able to successfully approximate a large range of PDEs. So far, physics-informed neural networks and the finite element method have mainly been studied in isolation of each other. In this work, we compare the methodologies in a systematic computational study. Indeed, we employ both methods to numerically solve various linear and nonlinear PDEs: Poisson in 1D, 2D and 3D, Allen-Cahn in 1D, semilinear Schrödinger in 1D and 2D. We then compare computational costs and approximation accuracies. In terms of solution time and accuracy, physics-informed neural networks have not been able to outperform the finite element method in our study. In some experiments, they were faster at evaluating the solved PDE.
Numerical methods and hypoexponential approximations for gamma distributed delay differential equations
Cassidy T, Gillich P, Humphries AR and van Dorp CH
Gamma distributed delay differential equations (DDEs) arise naturally in many modelling applications. However, appropriate numerical methods for generic gamma distributed DDEs have not previously been implemented. Modellers have therefore resorted to approximating the gamma distribution with an Erlang distribution and using the linear chain technique to derive an equivalent system of ordinary differential equations (ODEs). In this work, we address the lack of appropriate numerical tools for gamma distributed DDEs in two ways. First, we develop a functional continuous Runge-Kutta (FCRK) method to numerically integrate the gamma distributed DDE without resorting to Erlang approximation. We prove the fourth-order convergence of the FCRK method and perform numerical tests to demonstrate the accuracy of the new numerical method. Nevertheless, FCRK methods for infinite delay DDEs are not widely available in existing scientific software packages. As an alternative approach to solving gamma distributed DDEs, we also derive a hypoexponential approximation of the gamma distributed DDE. This hypoexponential approach is a more accurate approximation of the true gamma distributed DDE than the common Erlang approximation but, like the Erlang approximation, can be formulated as a system of ODEs and solved numerically using standard ODE software. Using our FCRK method to provide reference solutions, we show that the common Erlang approximation may produce solutions that are qualitatively different from the underlying gamma distributed DDE. However, the proposed hypoexponential approximations do not have this limitation. Finally, we apply our hypoexponential approximations to perform statistical inference on synthetic epidemiological data to illustrate the utility of the hypoexponential approximation.
On the chordae structure and dynamic behaviour of the mitral valve
Feng L, Qi N, Gao H, Sun W, Vazquez M, Griffith BE and Luo X
We develop a fluid-structure interaction (FSI) model of the mitral valve (MV) that uses an anatomically and physiologically realistic description of the MV leaflets and chordae tendineae. Three different chordae models-complex, 'pseudo-fibre' and simplified chordae-are compared to determine how different chordae representations affect the dynamics of the MV. The leaflets and chordae are modelled as fibre-reinforced hyperelastic materials, and FSI is modelled using an immersed boundary-finite element method. The MV model is first verified under static boundary conditions against the commercial finite element software ABAQUS and then used to simulate MV dynamics under physiological pressure conditions. Interesting flow patterns and vortex formulation are observed in all three cases. To quantify the highly complex system behaviour resulting from FSI, an energy budget analysis of the coupled MV FSI model is performed. Results show that the complex and pseudo-fibre chordae models yield good valve closure during systole but that the simplified chordae model leads to poorer leaflet coaptation and an unrealistic bulge in the anterior leaflet belly. An energy budget analysis shows that the MV models with complex and pseudo-fibre chordae have similar energy distribution patterns but the MV model with the simplified chordae consumes more energy, especially during valve closing and opening. We find that the complex chordae and pseudo-fibre chordae have similar impact on the overall MV function but that the simplified chordae representation is less accurate. Because a pseudo-fibre chordal structure is easier to construct and less computationally intensive, it may be a good candidate for modelling MV dynamics or interaction between the MV and heart in patient-specific applications.
Will big data yield new mathematics? An evolving synergy with neuroscience
Feng S and Holmes P
New mathematics has often been inspired by new insights into the natural world. Here we describe some ongoing and possible future interactions among the massive data sets being collected in neuroscience, methods for their analysis and mathematical models of the underlying, still largely uncharted neural substrates that generate these data. We start by recalling events that occurred in turbulence modelling when substantial space-time velocity field measurements and numerical simulations allowed a new perspective on the governing equations of fluid mechanics. While no analogous global mathematical model of neural processes exists, we argue that big data may enable validation or at least rejection of models at cellular to brain area scales and may illuminate connections among models. We give examples of such models and survey some relatively new experimental technologies, including optogenetics and functional imaging, that can report neural activity in live animals performing complex tasks. The search for analytical techniques for these data is already yielding new mathematics, and we believe their multi-scale nature may help relate well-established models, such as the Hodgkin-Huxley equations for single neurons, to more abstract models of neural circuits, brain areas and larger networks within the brain. In brief, we envisage a closer liaison, if not a marriage, between neuroscience and mathematics.
Dynamic finite-strain modelling of the human left ventricle in health and disease using an immersed boundary-finite element method
Gao H, Carrick D, Berry C, Griffith BE and Luo X
Detailed models of the biomechanics of the heart are important both for developing improved interventions for patients with heart disease and also for patient risk stratification and treatment planning. For instance, stress distributions in the heart affect cardiac remodelling, but such distributions are not presently accessible in patients. Biomechanical models of the heart offer detailed three-dimensional deformation, stress and strain fields that can supplement conventional clinical data. In this work, we introduce dynamic computational models of the human left ventricle (LV) that are derived from clinical imaging data obtained from a healthy subject and from a patient with a myocardial infarction (MI). Both models incorporate a detailed invariant-based orthotropic description of the passive elasticity of the ventricular myocardium along with a detailed biophysical model of active tension generation in the ventricular muscle. These constitutive models are employed within a dynamic simulation framework that accounts for the inertia of the ventricular muscle and the blood that is based on an immersed boundary (IB) method with a finite element description of the structural mechanics. The geometry of the models is based on data obtained non-invasively by cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR). CMR imaging data are also used to estimate the parameters of the passive and active constitutive models, which are determined so that the simulated end-diastolic and end-systolic volumes agree with the corresponding volumes determined from the CMR imaging studies. Using these models, we simulate LV dynamics from enddiastole to end-systole. The results of our simulations are shown to be in good agreement with subject-specific CMR-derived strain measurements and also with earlier clinical studies on human LV strain distributions.