Historia Agraria

[The forests of France in the 19th and 20th centuries: new forests and new studies]
Métailié J
[The influence of the market on Italian forestry legislation, 18th-19th centuries]
Sansa R
[The history of Spanish public forests, 1812-1936: an overview and some proposals]
Balboa López X
[Research on Portuguese forest history in the 19th and 20th centuries: trends and pitfalls]
Devy-Vareta N
[Agrarian production in Galicia at the end of the Old Regime: two regions of Ourense]
Rionegro Fariña I
[Diversity within bounds: privatization, forest production, and repression in Spanish public forests, 1859-1926]
Grupo de Estudios de Historia Rural
[The spread of agricultural knowledge and the leading role of elites in the origins of contemporary agriculture: Valencia, 1840-60]
Calatayud Giner S
[Transhumance, the wool trade, and credit: the Compania de Ganaderos de las Provincias de Soria y Burgos, 1781-1800]
Perez Romero E
[Wheat prices in Spain, 1814-83]
Barquín Gil R
[The vegetal landscape in Islamic Granada and its transformations after the Castilian conquest]
Trillo San José C
[Society, nature, and market: a regional analysis of Spanish agrarian production, 1800-1936]
Gallego Martinez D
[Financing Valencian agrarian development, 1750-1914]
Cuevas J
[The development of Cantabrian livestock from the 16th to the 19th century: an early regional specialization]
Lanza Garcia R
[The analysis of agricultural systems: an ecological-economic contribution to a complex reality]
Simón Fernández X
[The crisis of traditional solidarities and new types of association and peasant resistance in western Catalonia, 1750-1920]
Vicedo i Rius E
[Between tradition and innovation: the response to the crisis of traditional agriculture in the Murcia region]
López Ortiz MI
[The wheat market in Castile-Leon, 1691-1788: spatial arbitration and intervention]
Llopis Agelan E and Jerez Mendez M