Making the Immoral Moral: Consensual Unions and Birth Status in Cuban Law and Everyday Practice, 1940-1958
[A century of cattle ranches in the countryside of Buenos Aires, 1751-1853]
The science of redemption: syphilis, sexual promiscuity, and reformism in revolutionary Mexico City
Buildings, boundaries, and blood: medicalization and nation-building on the U.S.-Mexico border, 1910-1930
From the counting house to the field and loom: ecologies, cultures, and economies in the missions of Sonora (Mexico) and Chiquitania (Bolivia)
The Revolta contra vacina of 1904: the revolt against "modernization" in belle epoque Rio de Janeiro
Charity, rights, and entitlement: gender, labor, and welfare in early-twentieth-century Chile
"She neither respected nor obeyed anyone": inmates and psychiatrists debate gender and class at the General Insane Asylum La Castañeda, Mexico, 1910-1930
From "La Mujer Esclava" to "La Mujer Limon": anarchism and the politics of sexuality in early-twentieth-century Chile
"El Chalequero" or the Mexican Jack the Ripper: the meanings of sexual violence in turn-of-the-century Mexico City
Republican friendship: Manuela Saenz writes women into the nation, 1835-1856
Surgery at the service of theology: postmortem cesarean sections in Puerto Rico and the Royal cedula of 1804
The introduction of smallpox vaccine in 1803 and the adoption of immunization as a government function in Puerto Rico
Good wives and unfaithful men: gender negotiations and sexual conflicts in the Chilean agrarian reform, 1964-1973
Population data for Indian Peru: sixteenth and seventeenth centuries
The influence of Hipólito Unanue on Peruvian medical science, 1789-1830: a reappraisal
Safe harbors and compulsory custody: "Casas de deposito" in Mexico, 1750-1865