Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities

Psychosocial and Computer-Assisted Intervention for College Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder: Preliminary Support for Feasibility
White SW, Richey JA, Gracanin D, Coffman M, Elias R, LaConte S and Ollendick TH
The number of young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) enrolled in higher education institutions has steadily increased over the last decade. Despite this, there has been little research on how to most effectively support this growing population. The current study presents data from a pilot trial of two novel intervention programs developed for college students with ASD. In this small randomized controlled trial, college students with ASD (n = 8) were assigned to one of two new programs - either an intervention based on a virtual reality-Brain-Computer Interface for ASD (BCI-ASD) or a psychosocial intervention, the College and Living Success (CLS) program. Preliminary evidence supports the feasibility and acceptability of both programs, although behavioral outcomes were inconsistent across participants and interventions. Results indicate that expanded research on psychosocial and computer-assisted intervention approaches for this population is warranted, given the preliminary support found in this pilot study.
First Step to Success: Applications to Preschoolers at Risk of Developing Autism Spectrum Disorders
Frey AJ, Small JW, Feil EG, Seeley JR, Walker HM and Forness S
Preschool children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) may not always be recognized as such during their early years, but some of their behavioral problems may nonetheless prompt a referral for behavioral intervention. Whether such an intervention brings any benefit has not been well studied. We identified a subsample of 34 preschool children at risk for autism spectrum disorder from a large randomized controlled trial (N = 126) of the First Step to Success program. Children at risk of developing ASD demonstrated significant improvements on seven of 11 outcome measures and on a responder analyses based on symptom severity. Process and fidelity measures also suggested that First Step was both feasible and socially acceptable. Implications for early intervention for children at risk of developing ASD are discussed.
: Research Focus Groups with Immigrant Mexican Mothers
Hausmann-Stabile C, Zayas LH, Runes S, Abenis-Cintron A and Calzada E
Immigrant families with children with developmental disabilities must be served using culturally sensitive approaches to service and research to maximize treatment benefits. In an effort to better understand cultural issues relevant to the provision of parenting programs for immigrant Mexican mothers of children with developmental disabilities, we conducted sustained focus groups through which we could learn more about our participants and thereby improve services. This paper reports on the challenges and lessons learned from these groups. We characterize the key lessons as (a) recruitment and retention is more than agreement to participate; (b) confidentiality is not just a word but an activity; (c) the complicated nature of language; (d) cultural norms shape the group process; (e) appreciating the value of taking time; and (f) gender issues and group interaction. Service providers and researchers who work with Mexican families may benefit from our experiences as they promote and develop programs and projects in the developmental disabilities field.
Assessment of the Self-Determination of Spanish Students with Intellectual Disabilities and other Educational Needs
Gomez-Vela M, Verdugo MA, Gonzalez Gil F, Corbella MB and Wehmeyer ML
The purpose of this study was to assess the self-determination of Spanish high school students with Intellectual Disability and other Special Educational Needs (SEN). A total of 371 students between 11 and 17 years of age participated in the study. Of these, 46.4% (=171) presented SEN, specifically learning disabilities (=97; 26.2%), borderline and intellectual disability with higher IQ scores (=43; 11.6%) and mild intellectual disability (=32; 8.6%). The remaining students without SEN made up the control group. The assessment was carried out using a translated and validated Spanish version of The Arc's Self-Determination Scale (Wehmeyer, 1995). This measure had appropriate psychometric properties. Students with SEN obtained significantly lower scores than their peers without SEN. However, no differences were found in relation to the type of SEN or, more specifically, in relation to the presence of intellectual disability. The educational implications of the results are discussed.