Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine

Occurrence and resolution of freediving-induced pulmonary syndrome in breath-hold divers: an online survey of lung squeeze incidents
Yu E, Dong GZ, Patron T, Coombs M, Lindholm P and Tillmans F
Breath-hold divers occasionally surface with signs of fluid accumulation and/or bleeding in air-filled spaces. This constellation of symptoms, recently termed 'freediving induced pulmonary syndrome', is thought to come from immersion pulmonary oedema and/or barotrauma of descent and is colloquially termed a 'squeeze'. There is limited understanding of the causes, diagnosis, management, and return to diving recommendations after a squeeze.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy for idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss: a cohort study of 10 versus more than 10 treatments
Laupland BR, Laupland KB and Thistlethwaite K
Current treatment of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSNHL) includes a combination of corticosteroids and hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) without established dose. The objective of this study was to investigate whether > 10 HBOT treatments offers improved outcome over 10 treatments.
Meclizine seasickness medication and its effect on central nervous system oxygen toxicity in a murine model
Wiener G, Jamison A and Tal D
Diving utilising closed circuit pure oxygen rebreather systems has become popular in professional settings. One of the hazards the oxygen diver faces is central nervous system oxygen toxicity (CNS-OT), causing potentially fatal convulsions. At the same time, divers frequently travel by boat, often suffering seasickness. The over-the-counter medication meclizine is an anticholinergic and antihistaminergic agent that has gained popularity in the treatment of seasickness. Reports have shown the inhibitory effect that acetylcholine has on glutamate, a main component in the mechanism leading to CNS-OT seizure. The goal of the present study was to test the effect of meclizine on the latency to CNS-OT seizures under hyperbaric oxygen conditions.
Recurrent cutaneous decompression sickness in a hyperbaric chamber attendant with a large persistent foramen ovale
Wilmshurst PL and Edge CJ
A 41-year-old female nurse had cutaneous decompression sickness on two occasions after acting as an inside chamber attendant for patients receiving hyperbaric oxygen. She breathed air during the treatments at pressures equivalent to 14 and 18 metres of seawater, but each time she decompressed whilst breathing oxygen. Latency was 2.5 hours and one hour. She was found to have an 11 mm diameter persistent foramen ovale. It was closed and she returned to work without recurrence of decompression sickness. Review of the literature suggests that shunt mediated decompression sickness is an important occupational risk for individuals with a large right-to-left shunt when working in hyperbaric air, but the manifestations of decompression sickness differ in those who decompress whilst breathing oxygen compared with those who decompress whilst breathing air.
Divers treated in Townsville, Australia: worse symptoms lead to poorer outcomes
Blake DF, Crowe M, Lindsay D, Turk R, Mitchell SJ and Pollock NW
Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) is considered definitive treatment for decompression illness. Delay to HBOT may be due to dive site remoteness and limited facility availability. Review of cases may help identify factors contributing to clinical outcomes.
Trends in competitive freediving accidents
Allinger J, Melikhov O and Lemaître F
Understanding safety issues in competitive freediving is necessary for taking preventive actions and to minimise the risk for the athletes.
Development of myopia in scuba diving and hyperbaric oxygen treatment: a case report and systematic review
Sokolowski SA, Räisänen-Sokolowski AK and Lundell RV
A 54-year-old, previously healthy Caucasian male diver was on a 22-day liveaboard diving holiday. During this time, he performed 75 open-circuit dives, of which 72 were with enriched air nitrox. All dives were within recreational length and depth. After the trip he noticed a worsening of vision and his refraction had changed from the previous -3.75/-5.75 to -5.5/-7.75 dioptres. Hyperoxic myopia is a well-known phenomenon after hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT), but related literature in recreational divers is scarce.
Dive medicine capability at Rothera Research Station (British Antarctic Survey), Adelaide Island, Antarctica
Wood FN, Bowen K, Hartley R, Stevenson J, Warner M and Watts D
Rothera is a British Antarctic Survey research station located on Adelaide Island adjacent, to the Antarctic Peninsula. Diving is vital to support a long-standing marine science programme but poses challenges due to the extreme and remote environment in which it is undertaken. We summarise the diving undertaken and describe the medical measures in place to mitigate the risk to divers. These include pre-deployment training in the management of emergency presentations and assessing fitness to dive, an on-site hyperbaric chamber and communication links to contact experts in the United Kingdom for remote advice. The organisation also has experience of evacuating patients, should this be required. These measures, as well as the significant infrastructure and logistical efforts to support them, enable high standards of medical care to be maintained to divers undertaking research on this most remote continent.
South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society (SPUMS) position statement regarding paediatric and adolescent diving
Elliott E, Smart D, Lippmann J, Banham N, Nochetto M and Roehr S
This paediatric diving position statement was developed from a targeted workshop at the 51st Annual Scientific Meeting of the South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society (SPUMS) on 8 June 2023. It highlights the factors that SPUMS regards as important when undertaking health risk assessments for diving by children and adolescents (defined as aged 10 to 15 years). Health risk assessments for diving should be performed by doctors who are trained in diving medicine and who are familiar with the specific risks which result from breathing compressed gas in the aquatic environment. Undertaking a diver health risk assessment of children and adolescents requires a detailed history (including medical, mental health, psychological maturity), a comprehensive diver medical physical examination and evaluation of all relevant investigations to exclude unacceptable risks. In addition, assessment of the individual's motivation to dive and reported in-water capability should occur, whilst engaging with their parent /guardian and instructor, where appropriate, to ensure that safety for the child is optimised. The guideline applies to all compressed air diving including scuba and surface supply diving provided in open and contained bodies of water.
Joint position statement on immersion pulmonary oedema and diving from the South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society (SPUMS) and the United Kingdom Diving Medical Committee (UKDMC) 2024
Banham N, Smart D, Wilmshurst P, Mitchell SJ, Turner MS and Bryson P
This joint position statement (JPS) on immersion pulmonary oedema (IPO) and diving is the product of a workshop held at the 52nd Annual Scientific Meeting of the South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society (SPUMS) from 12-17 May 2024, and consultation with the United Kingdom Diving Medical Committee (UKDMC), three members of which attended the meeting. The JPS is a consensus of experts with relevant evidence cited where available. The statement reviews the nomenclature, pathophysiology, risk factors, clinical features, prehospital treatment, investigation of and the fitness for future compressed gas diving following an episode of IPO. Immersion pulmonary oedema is a life-threatening illness that requires emergency management as described in this statement. A diver with previous suspected or confirmed IPO should consult a medical practitioner experienced in diving medicine. The SPUMS and the UKDMC strongly advise against further compressed gas diving if an individual has experienced an episode of IPO.
Anaesthetic and surgical management of gastric perforation secondary to a diving incident: a case report
Ben Ayad I, Damman C, Vander Essen L and Majerus B
Gastric perforation secondary to barotrauma is a rare surgical condition which may manifest as an acute abdomen and potentially lead to complications such as pneumoperitoneum. A 50-year-old, healthy, experienced diving instructor was transported to our emergency department for an acute abdomen and severe dyspnoea after a diving incident. Clinical suspicion combined with computed tomography scanning lead to the diagnosis of linear rupture of the stomach. Exsufflation of the abdominal cavity was performed in the emergency department and then the patient was sent to the operating room for emergency laparoscopic gastric repair. Post-operative management was focused on decompressing the stomach with a nasogastric tube and abdominal radiography with barium ingestion was performed to confirm the absence of leakage. The patient was discharged at postoperative day four. We found 16 similar cases in the published literature. Gastric perforation secondary to a diving accident is rare but requires rapid diagnosis and surgical treatment.
Economic analysis of hyperbaric oxygen therapy for the treatment of ischaemic diabetic foot ulcers
Brouwer RJ, van Reijen NS, Dijkgraaf MG, Hoencamp R, Koelemay MJ, van Hulst RA and Ubbink DT
The aim was to determine the cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of additional hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) compared to standard care (SC) for ischaemic diabetic foot ulcers (DFUs) regarding limb salvage and health status.
Modelling the risk factors for accidents in recreational divers: results from a cross-sectional evaluation in Belgium
Tournoy KG, Vandebotermet M, Neuville P and Germonpré P
Characterisation of the recreational diving community could help to identify scuba divers at risk for accidents.
Five consecutive cases of sensorineural hearing loss associated with inner ear barotrauma due to diving, successfully treated with hyperbaric oxygen
Smart D
This report describes the outcomes of sensorineural hearing loss (SNHL) due to cochlear inner ear barotrauma (IEBt) in five divers treated with hyperbaric oxygen (HBOT).
Lateral ST-elevation myocardial infarction from systemic air embolism after CT guided lung biopsy
Htay AM and Wilson E
Systemic air embolism is a rare but potentially life-threatening complication of computed tomography (CT)-guided lung biopsy. The largest lung biopsy audits report an incidence rate of approximately 0.061% for systemic air embolism, with a mortality rate of 0.07-0.15%. A prompt diagnosis with high index of suspicion is essential, and hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) is the definitive management. We report the case of a 44-year-old lady who developed a lateral ST elevation myocardial infarction from coronary artery air embolism following CT-guided lung biopsy for evaluation of a left lung lesion. The biopsy was performed in the right lateral decubitus position, and the patient reported chest pain after coughing during the procedure. The clinician decided to proceed, taking four biopsy samples as no pneumothorax was identified in the intraprocedural CT image. The patient was noted to have hypotension with ongoing chest pain post-procedure. Resuscitative measures were taken to stabilise her haemodynamics, and she was successfully treated with HBOT with total resolution of air embolism. She developed a left sided pneumothorax post-treatment and needed intercostal chest drain insertion. The left lung fully re-expanded, and the patient was discharged home after day two of admission.
Maxillary sinus barotrauma with infraorbital nerve paraesthesia after breath-hold diving
Canarslan Demir K and Yücel Z
Barosinusitis, or sinus barotrauma, is a sinonasal injury and/or inflammation that results when the aerated spaces of the nose and sinuses are exposed to an uncompensated change in ambient pressure. We describe a 19-year-old male diver who presented to our clinic on the fourth day following a breath-hold diving session. During descent on a constant weight monofin dive at the South Cyprus World Championship he began to experience symptoms due to the inability to equalise the pressure, particularly in the Eustachian tubes and middle ear cavities. He felt pain and pressure in the upper left half of his face, left upper molars, and under his left eye at 60 metres, and he continued diving down to 74 metres. At presentation to our clinic, he still had ecchymosis under his right eye and pain in his upper right teeth, half of his face, and ear. He also described tingling in the lower left half of his nose and the left half of his upper lip. He received decongestants, B vitamins, and underwent endoscopic sinus drainage which alleviated his symptoms alleviated over time. The diver reported complete resolution of tingling, numbness, and pain after three months. It should not be forgotten that if appropriate treatment is delayed, permanent changes may occur as a result of long-term compression of the nerve, and therefore patients should be monitored closely.
Bispectral index with density spectral array (BIS-DSA) monitoring in a patient with inner ear and cerebral decompression sickness
Schmitz G and Aguero S
Bispectral index with density spectral array (BIS-DSA) monitoring during hyperbaric oxygen therapy of a case with inner ear and cerebral decompression sickness is described. During the initial treatment, a particular DSA pattern was found, which resolved after four treatments. Clinical resolution of the symptoms accompanied this improvement. The particular BIS-DSA pattern described in this case is concordant with a potential hypo-perfusion of the cortex related to decompression stress. This case suggests that BIS-DSA monitoring may be an easy, cost-effective, and viable form of neuro-monitoring during hyperbaric oxygen treatment for decompression sickness.
Decompression sickness in surface decompression breathing air instead of oxygen
Risberg J and Midtgaard H
We report an unusual decompression sickness (DCS) incident in a commercial diving project. Eleven divers completed 91 dives to 23.5-36.2 m with bottom times ranging 23-67 min. The divers were breathing compressed air while immersed. Decompression was planned as surface decompression in a deck decompression chamber breathing oxygen typically for 15-30 min. Due to a technical error the divers breathed air rather than oxygen during the surface decompression procedure. Two divers suffered DCS. Both were recompressed on site with the same error resulting in them breathing compressed air rather than oxygen. One of them experienced a severe relapse with cardiovascular decompensation following recompression treatment. While DCS was expected due to the erroneous decompression procedures, it is noteworthy that only two incidents occurred during 91 dives with surface decompression breathing air instead of oxygen. Accounting for this error, the median omitted decompression time was 17 min (range 0-26 min) according to the Bühlmann ZHL-16C algorithm. These observations suggest that moderate omission of decompression time has a relatively small effect on DCS incidence rate. The other nine divers were interviewed in the weeks following completion of the project. None of them reported symptoms at the time, but five divers reported having experienced minor symptoms compatible with mild DCS during the project which was not reported until later.
Hyperbaric oxygen treatment (HBOT) in a case of traumatic chondronecrosis of the cricoid cartilage
Kumar S, Chaudhry HB, Mohanty C, Bhutani S, Risham M and Lanjekar K
Cricoid chondronecrosis is a rare entity and is scarcely reported in the literature. Its prevalence is increasing in the form of chondroradionecrosis among the survivorship of head and neck carcinoma patients treated with radiotherapy. We have reported a case of cricoid chondronecroisis caused by trauma from repeated tracheostomy. The patient presented with hoarseness and dyspnoea. Radiological findings in multidetector computed tomography showed disintegration of the cricoid and confirmed the diagnosis. Conservative treatment was given in the form of antibiotics, steroids and nebulised anticholinergics and bronchodilators. However, the patient did not improve and his condition worsened throughout two months of hospitalisation. He was referred for hyperbaric oxygen treatment, which was given over 30 sessions. This was associated with improvement in his condition and he was able to be decannulated from tracheostomy. Six monthly follow up of the patient showed a well-healed tracheostomy scar.
Hyperbaric medicine and climate footprint
Varichon A, Pignel R and Boet S
Errata: Formulating policies and procedures for managing diving related deaths: a whole of state engagement from frontline and hospital services in Tasmania
Elliot EJ, Price K and Peters B
The authors have requested an update be made to the Acknowledgements statement in their article. The Acknowledgements should read: The authors would like to thank Senior Constable Scott Williams, Dr Chris Lawrence, Dr Andrew Reid, and Dr John Lippmann. The authors would also like to acknowledge and thank the support from the Tasmanian frontline agency representatives, and representatives from the Royal Hobart Hospital, Launceston General Hospital, North West Regional Hospital, Mersey Hospital, and Ochre Medical Group.