Parameterized model checking of rendezvous systems
Aminof B, Kotek T, Rubin S, Spegni F and Veith H
Parameterized model checking is the problem of deciding if a given formula holds irrespective of the number of participating processes. A standard approach for solving the parameterized model checking problem is to reduce it to model checking finitely many finite-state systems. This work considers the theoretical power and limitations of this technique. We focus on concurrent systems in which processes communicate via pairwise rendezvous, as well as the special cases of disjunctive guards and token passing; specifications are expressed in indexed temporal logic without the next operator; and the underlying network topologies are generated by suitable formulas and graph operations. First, we settle the exact computational complexity of the parameterized model checking problem for some of our concurrent systems, and establish new decidability results for others. Second, we consider the cases where model checking the parameterized system can be reduced to model checking some fixed number of processes, the number is known as a cutoff. We provide many cases for when such cutoffs can be computed, establish lower bounds on the size of such cutoffs, and identify cases where no cutoff exists. Third, we consider cases for which the parameterized system is equivalent to a single finite-state system (more precisely a Büchi word automaton), and establish tight bounds on the sizes of such automata.
Reconciling fault-tolerant distributed algorithms and real-time computing
Moser H and Schmid U
We present generic transformations, which allow to translate classic fault-tolerant distributed algorithms and their correctness proofs into a real-time distributed computing model (and vice versa). Owing to the non-zero-time, non-preemptible state transitions employed in our real-time model, scheduling and queuing effects (which are inherently abstracted away in classic zero step-time models, sometimes leading to overly optimistic time complexity results) can be accurately modeled. Our results thus make fault-tolerant distributed algorithms amenable to a sound real-time analysis, without sacrificing the wealth of algorithms and correctness proofs established in classic distributed computing research. By means of an example, we demonstrate that real-time algorithms generated by transforming classic algorithms can be competitive even w.r.t. optimal real-time algorithms, despite their comparatively simple real-time analysis.
Time-space trade-offs in population protocols for the majority problem
Berenbrink P, Elsässer R, Friedetzky T, Kaaser D, Kling P and Radzik T
Population protocols are a model for distributed computing that is focused on simplicity and robustness. A system of identical agents (finite state machines) performs a global task like electing a unique leader or determining the majority opinion when each agent has one of two opinions. Agents communicate in pairwise interactions with randomly assigned communication partners. Quality is measured in two ways: the number of interactions to complete the task and the number of states per agent. We present protocols for the majority problem that allow for a trade-off between these two measures. Compared to the only other trade-off result (Alistarh et al. in Proceedings of the 2015 ACM symposium on principles of distributed computing, Donostia-San Sebastián, 2015), we improve the number of interactions by almost a linear factor. Furthermore, our protocols can be made uniform (working correctly without any information on the population size ), yielding the first uniform majority protocols that stabilize in a subquadratic number of interactions.
Consensus in rooted dynamic networks with short-lived stability
Winkler K, Schwarz M and Schmid U
We consider the problem of solving consensus using deterministic algorithms in a synchronous dynamic network with unreliable, directional point-to-point links, which are under the control of a message adversary. In contrast to the large body of existing work that focuses on message adversaries that pick the communication graphs from a predefined set of candidate graphs arbitrarily, we consider message adversaries that also allow to express eventual properties, like stable periods that occur only eventually. Such message adversaries can model systems that exhibit erratic boot-up phases or recover after repeatedly occurring, massive transient faults. We precisely determine how much eventual stability is necessary and sufficient, and provide an optimal consensus algorithm. Unlike in the case of longer stability periods, where standard algorithms can be adapted for solving consensus, different algorithmic techniques are needed in the case of short-lived stability.
The complexity of verifying population protocols
Esparza J, Jaax S, Raskin M and Weil-Kennedy C
Population protocols (Angluin et al. in PODC, 2004) are a model of distributed computation in which indistinguishable, finite-state agents interact in pairs to decide if their initial configuration, i.e., the initial number of agents in each state, satisfies a given property. In a seminal paper Angluin et al. classified population protocols according to their communication mechanism, and conducted an exhaustive study of the expressive power of each class, that is, of the properties they can decide (Angluin et al. in Distrib Comput 20(4):279-304, 2007). In this paper we study the correctness problem for population protocols, i.e., whether a given protocol decides a given property. A previous paper (Esparza et al. in Acta Inform 54(2):191-215, 2017) has shown that the problem is decidable for the main population protocol model, but at least as hard as the reachability problem for Petri nets, which has recently been proved to have non-elementary complexity. Motivated by this result, we study the computational complexity of the correctness problem for all other classes introduced by Angluin et al., some of which are less powerful than the main model. Our main results show that for the class of observation models the complexity of the problem is much lower, ranging from to PSPACE.
Redundancy in distributed proofs
Feuilloley L, Fraigniaud P, Hirvonen J, Paz A and Perry M
Distributed proofs are mechanisms that enable the nodes of a network to collectively and efficiently check the correctness of Boolean predicates on the structure of the network (e.g., having a specific diameter), or on objects distributed over the nodes (e.g., a spanning tree). We consider well known mechanisms consisting of two components: a that assigns a to each node, and a distributed algorithm called a that is in charge of verifying the distributed proof formed by the collection of all certificates. We show that many network predicates have distributed proofs offering a high level of redundancy, explicitly or implicitly. We use this remarkable property of distributed proofs to establish perfect tradeoffs between the stored at every node, and the of the verification protocol.
The consensus number of a cryptocurrency
Guerraoui R, Kuznetsov P, Monti M, Pavlovic M and Seredinschi DA
Many blockchain-based algorithms, such as Bitcoin, implement a decentralized asset transfer system, often referred to as a cryptocurrency. As stated in the original paper by Nakamoto, at the heart of these systems lies the problem of preventing double-spending; this is usually solved by achieving consensus on the order of transfers among the participants. In this paper, we treat the asset transfer problem as a concurrent object and determine its consensus number, showing that consensus is, in fact, not necessary to prevent double-spending. We first consider the problem as defined by Nakamoto, where only a single process-the account owner-can withdraw from each account. Safety and liveness need to be ensured for correct account owners, whereas misbehaving account owners might be unable to perform transfers. We show that the consensus number of an asset transfer object is 1. We then consider a more general -shared asset transfer object where up to processes can atomically withdraw from the same account, and show that this object has consensus number . We establish our results in the context of shared memory with benign faults, allowing us to properly understand the level of difficulty of the asset transfer problem. We also translate these results in the message passing setting with Byzantine players, a model that is more relevant in practice. In this model, we describe an asynchronous Byzantine fault-tolerant asset transfer implementation that is both simpler and more efficient than state-of-the-art consensus-based solutions. Our results are applicable to both the permissioned (private) and permissionless (public) setting, as normally their differentiation is hidden by the abstractions on top of which our algorithms are based.
Improved distributed -coloring
Ghaffari M, Hirvonen J, Kuhn F and Maus Y
We present a randomized distributed algorithm that computes a -coloring in any non-complete graph with maximum degree in rounds, as well as a randomized algorithm that computes a -coloring in rounds when . Both these algorithms improve on an -round algorithm of Panconesi and Srinivasan (STOC'93), which has remained the state of the art for the past 25 years. Moreover, the latter algorithm gets (exponentially) closer to an round lower bound of Brandt et al. (STOC'16).
Synthesizing optimal bias in randomized self-stabilization
Volk M, Bonakdarpour B, Katoen JP and Aflaki S
Randomization is a key concept in distributed computing to tackle impossibility results. This also holds for in anonymous networks where coin flips are often used to break symmetry. Although the use of randomization in self-stabilizing algorithms is rather common, it is unclear what the optimal coin bias is so as to minimize the expected convergence time. This paper proposes a technique to automatically synthesize this optimal coin bias. Our algorithm is based on a parameter synthesis approach from the field of probabilistic model checking. It over- and under-approximates a given parameter region and iteratively refines the regions with minimal convergence time up to the desired accuracy. We describe the technique in detail and present a simple parallelization that gives an almost linear speed-up. We show the applicability of our technique to determine the optimal bias for the well-known Herman's self-stabilizing token ring algorithm. Our synthesis obtains that for small rings, a fair coin is optimal, whereas for larger rings a biased coin is optimal where the bias grows with the ring size. We also analyze a variant of Herman's algorithm that coincides with the original algorithm but deviates for biased coins. Finally, we show how using in Herman's protocol improve the expected convergence time.
Equivalence classes and conditional hardness in massively parallel computations
Nanongkai D and Scquizzato M
The (MPC) model serves as a common abstraction of many modern large-scale data processing frameworks, and has been receiving increasingly more attention over the past few years, especially in the context of classical graph problems. So far, the only way to argue lower bounds for this model is to condition on conjectures about the hardness of some specific problems, such as graph connectivity on promise graphs that are either one cycle or two cycles, usually called the problem. This is unlike the traditional arguments based on conjectures about complexity classes (e.g., ), which are often more robust in the sense that refuting them would lead to groundbreaking algorithms for a whole bunch of problems. In this paper we present connections between problems and classes of problems that allow the latter type of arguments. These connections concern the class of problems solvable in a sublogarithmic amount of rounds in the MPC model, denoted by , and the standard space complexity classes and , and suggest conjectures that are robust in the sense that refuting them would lead to many surprisingly fast new algorithms in the MPC model. We also obtain new conditional lower bounds, and prove new reductions and equivalences between problems in the MPC model. Specifically, our main results are as follows.Lower bounds conditioned on the one cycle versus two cycles conjecture can be instead argued under the conjecture: these two assumptions are equivalent, and refuting either of them would lead to -round MPC algorithms for a large number of challenging problems, including list ranking, minimum cut, and planarity testing. In fact, we show that these problems and many others require asymptotically the same number of rounds as the seemingly much easier problem of distinguishing between a graph being one cycle or two cycles.Many lower bounds previously argued under the one cycle versus two cycles conjecture can be argued under an even more robust (thus harder to refute) conjecture, namely . Refuting this conjecture would lead to -round MPC algorithms for an even larger set of problems, including all-pairs shortest paths, betweenness centrality, and all aforementioned ones. Lower bounds under this conjecture hold for problems such as perfect matching and network flow.
Component stability in low-space massively parallel computation
Czumaj A, Davies-Peck P and Parter M
In this paper, we study the power and limitations of component-stable algorithms in the low-space model of MPC. Recently Ghaffari, Kuhn and Uitto (FOCS 2019) introduced the class of low-space MPC algorithms, which are, informally, those algorithms for which the outputs reported by the nodes in different connected components are required to be independent. This very natural notion was introduced to capture most (if not all) of the known efficient MPC algorithms to date, and it was the first general class of MPC algorithms for which one can show non-trivial conditional lower bounds. In this paper we enhance the framework of component-stable algorithms and investigate its effect on the complexity of randomized and deterministic low-space MPC. Our key contributions include: 1. We revise and formalize the lifting approach of Ghaffari, Kuhn and Uitto. This requires a very delicate amendment of the notion of component stability, which allows us to fill in gaps in the earlier arguments. 2. We also extend the framework to obtain conditional lower bounds for deterministic algorithms and fine-grained lower bounds that depend on the maximum degree . 3. We demonstrate a collection of natural graph problems for which deterministic component-unstable algorithms break the conditional lower bound obtained for component-stable algorithms. This implies that, in the context of deterministic algorithms, component-stable algorithms are conditionally weaker than the component-unstable ones. 4. We also show that the restriction to component-stable algorithms has an impact in the randomized setting. We present a natural problem which can be solved in (1) rounds by a component-unstable MPC algorithm, but requires rounds for any component-stable algorithm, conditioned on the connectivity conjecture. Altogether our results imply that component-stability might limit the computational power of the low-space MPC model, at least in certain contexts, paving the way for improved upper bounds that escape the conditional lower bound setting of Ghaffari, Kuhn, and Uitto.
Near-optimal distributed dominating set in bounded arboricity graphs
Dory M, Ghaffari M and Ilchi S
We describe a simple deterministic round distributed algorithm for approximation of minimum weighted dominating set on graphs with arboricity at most . Here denotes the maximum degree. We also show a lower bound proving that this round complexity is nearly optimal even for the unweighted case, via a reduction from the celebrated KMW lower bound on distributed vertex cover approximation (Kuhn et al. in JACM 63:116, 2016). Our algorithm improves on all the previous results (that work only for unweighted graphs) including a randomized approximation in rounds (Lenzen et al. in International symposium on distributed computing, Springer, 2010), a deterministic approximation in rounds (Lenzen et al. in international symposium on distributed computing, Springer, 2010), a deterministic approximation in rounds (implicit in Bansal et al. in Inform Process Lett 122:21-24, 2017; Proceeding 17th symposium on discrete algorithms (SODA), 2006), and a randomized approximation in rounds (Morgan et al. in 35th International symposiumon distributed computing, 2021). We also provide a randomized round distributed algorithm that sharpens the approximation factor to . If each node is restricted to do polynomial-time computations, our approximation factor is tight in the first order as it is NP-hard to achieve approximation (Bansal et al. in Inform Process Lett 122:21-24, 2017).
Asymmetric distributed trust
Alpos O, Cachin C, Tackmann B and Zanolini L
Quorum systems are a key abstraction in distributed fault-tolerant computing for capturing trust assumptions. They can be found at the core of many algorithms for implementing reliable broadcasts, shared memory, consensus and other problems. This paper introduces that model subjective trust. Every process is free to choose which combinations of other processes it trusts and which ones it considers faulty. Asymmetric quorum systems strictly generalize standard Byzantine quorum systems, which have only one global trust assumption for all processes. This work also presents protocols that implement abstractions of shared memory, broadcast primitives, and a consensus protocol among processes prone to Byzantine faults and asymmetric trust. The model and protocols pave the way for realizing more elaborate algorithms with asymmetric trust.