Rapid and sensitive detection of chikungunya virus using one-tube, reverse transcription, semi-nested multi-enzyme isothermal rapid amplification, and lateral flow dipstick assays
Chikungunya fever is an acute infectious disease caused by chikungunya virus (CHIKV), which is transmitted by mosquitoes. Simple, rapid, and sensitive detection of CHIKV is critical for its prevention and spread. To address this issue, we combined one-tube, reverse transcription semi-nested, multi-enzyme isothermal rapid amplification, and lateral flow dipstick strips assay to detect CHIKV RNA. The study used a 318-bp gene fragment of CHIKV NSP4 as the target of the assay. This method of amplification takes 30 min for two-step amplification at 39°C. The dilution of amplification products was added to the LFD strip with results visible to the naked eye after 10 min. The method has a sensitivity of 1 copy/μL for the detection of CHIKV RNA, which is 100-fold higher than the conventional reverse transcription-multi-enzyme isothermal rapid amplification and 10-fold higher than the reverse transcription quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) method. In addition, the method demonstrated good specificity and a better detection rate (85.7%, 18 of 21) than RT-qPCR (80.9%, 17 of 21) in clinically confirmed patient plasma samples. Thus, the rapid CHIKV RNA assay developed in this study will be an important tool for the rapid and accurate screening of patients for chikungunya fever.
Helicene Aromaticity Deviates from the Clar Rule-On the Electronic Dissimilarity of Large Isomeric Fibonacenes
This combined experimental and theoretical study illustrates the profound consequences of non-planarity on the electronic properties of polycyclic arenes. Three isomeric [10]fibonacene tetraesters were synthesized through a robust and regiocontrolled Perkin/Mallory approach: a nearly planar [10]phenacene derivative, a moderately twisted [10]semicircle derivative, and a 3D non-planar [10]helicene derivative. The photophysical properties of the 3D [10]helicene isomer were found to be dramatically different from the comparable ones of the [10]phenacene and [10]semicircle isomers. The aromatic properties of the [10]phenacene and [10]semicircle isomers conform well with their predictive Kekulé and Clar analyses, but the [10]helicene isomer deviates from these general topological rules, which appears to be a general phenomenon for [n]fibonacenes with n≥9.
An oligo peptide transporter family member, OsOPT7, mediates xylem unloading of Fe for its preferential distribution in rice
Iron (Fe) needs to be delivered to different organs and tissues of above-ground parts for playing its multiple physiological functions once it is taken up by the roots. However, the mechanisms underlying Fe distribution are poorly understood. We functionally characterized OsOPT7, a member of oligo peptide transporter family in terms of expression patterns, localization, transport activity and phenotypic analysis of knockdown lines. OsOPT7 was highly expressed in the nodes, especially in the uppermost node I, and its expression was upregulated by Fe-deficiency. OsOPT7 transports ferrous iron into the cells coupled with proton. Immunostaining revealed that OsOPT7 is mainly localized in the xylem parenchyma cells of the enlarged vascular bundles in the nodes and vascular tissues in the leaves. Knockdown of OsOPT7 did not affect the Fe uptake, but altered Fe distribution; less Fe was distributed to the new leaf, upper nodes and developing panicle, but more Fe was distributed to the old leaves. Furthermore, knockdown of OsOPT7 also resulted in less Fe distribution to the leaf sheath, but more Fe to the leaf blade. Taken together, OsOPT7 is involved in the xylem unloading of Fe for both long-distance distribution to the developing organs and local distribution within the leaf in rice.
A novel, highly sensitive, one-tube nested quantitative real-time PCR for in human blood samples
This study developed a highly sensitive and efficient method for the detection of brucellosis by introducing a one-tube nested quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR) approach, representing a remarkable advance in the field. The method demonstrated an impressive analytical sensitivity of 100 fg/μL, surpassing conventional qPCR and enabling the detection of even low levels of DNA. In addition, the study's comprehensive evaluation of 250 clinical samples revealed a specificity of 100% and a sensitivity of 98.6%, underscoring its reliability and accuracy. Most importantly, the new method significantly improved the detection rate of low-burden samples, reducing cycle threshold values by an average of 6.4. These results underscore the immense potential of this approach to facilitate rapid and accurate brucellosis diagnosis, which is critical for effective disease management and control.
A Guide to Expanding the Use of Buprenorphine Beyond Standard Initiations for Opioid Use Disorder
Buprenorphine has become an important medication in the context of the ongoing opioid epidemic. However, complex pharmacologic properties and varying government regulations create barriers to its use. This narrative review is intended to facilitate buprenorphine use-including non-traditional initiation methods-by providers ranging from primary care providers to addiction specialists. This article briefly discusses the opioid epidemic and the diagnosis and treatment of opioid use disorder (OUD). We then describe the basic and complex pharmacologic properties of buprenorphine, linking these properties to their clinical implications. We guide readers through the process of initiating buprenorphine in patients using full agonist opioids. As there is no single recommended approach for buprenorphine initiation, we discuss the details, advantages, and disadvantages of the standard, low-dose, bridging-strategy, and naloxone-facilitated initiation techniques. We consider the pharmacology of, and evidence base for, buprenorphine in the treatment of pain, in both OUD and non-OUD patients. Throughout, we address the use of buprenorphine in children and adolescent patients, and we finish with considerations related to the settings of pregnancy and breastfeeding.
A silicon transporter gene required for healthy growth of rice on land
Silicon (Si) is the most abundant mineral element in the earth's crust. Some plants actively accumulate Si as amorphous silica (phytoliths), which can protect plants from stresses. Here, we report a gene (SIET4) that is required for the proper accumulation and cell-specific deposition of Si in rice and show that it is essential for normal growth. SIET4 is constitutively expressed in leaves and encodes a Si transporter. SlET4 polarly localizes at the distal side of epidermal cells and cells surrounding the bulliform cells (motor cells) of the leaf blade, where Si is deposited. Knockout of SIET4 leads to the death of rice in the presence but not absence of Si. Further analysis shows that SIET4 knockout induces abnormal Si deposition in mesophyll cells and the induction of hundreds of genes related to various stress responses. These results indicate that SIET4 is required for the proper export of Si from leaf cells to the leaf surface and for the healthy growth of rice on land.
"They Make the Will, But They Want the Food:" Staff Perspectives on Challenges in Implementing Dementia Advance Directives Related to Stopping Feeding
BATF alleviates ox-LDL-induced HCAEC injury by regulating SIRT1 expression in coronary heart disease
Coronary heart disease (CHD) represents a significant global health concern, arising from an intricate interplay between genetic predisposition and environmental influences, with a pivotal involvement of oxidized low-density lipoprotein (ox-LDL) in the pathophysiology of it. We aimed to elucidate the synergistic dynamics of B cell activating transcription factor (BATF) and Sirtuin 1 (SIRT1) in cell injury caused by ox-LDL, reveal potential therapeutic strategies for CHD.