BMJ Paediatrics Open

Uptake of core outcome sets in paediatric clinical trials: a protocol
Lei R, Estill J, Florez ID, Li Q, Chen Y and Williamson P
A growing number of paediatric core outcome sets (COS) have been developed in the past 20 years. Previous studies have provided many useful insights into the uptake of COS. In addition to the awareness of COS among clinical trialists, the COS development process (especially patient participation) and the actions of the developers can promote COS uptake. However, the uptake of COS in paediatric clinical trials needs to be further explored. The aim of this study is to provide information on the rationale and use of paediatric COS in clinical trials, and to analyse in depth the awareness and views of COS developers and clinical trialists about the development and use of COS.
Profiting from death: the arms trade
Choonara I
Efficacy of non-operative management of uncomplicated acute appendicitis: initial experience in a resource-limited setting
Barría Rodríguez AG, Romero E, Guillen A, Fábrega L and Serrano Fernández P
Although appendectomy remains the standard treatment for acute appendicitis, non-operative management has gained interest as a safe and effective alternative. However, its implementation in resource-limited hospitals like ours is hindered by insufficient staffing, high bed occupancy, lack of digital records and limited specialist access. Despite these challenges, we present our centre's initial experience. Between July 2022 and December 2023, 24 children with uncomplicated acute appendicitis were treated non-surgically, with an equal gender distribution. The initial success rate was 100%, with only three cases (12.5%) of treatment failure during 12 months of follow-up.
A comparative analysis of INTERGROWTH-21st and the World Health Organisation fetal growth chart in detection of term small for gestational age newborns and prediction of short-term adverse perinatal outcomes
Rahim A, Nuruddin R, Azam I, Rahim KA, Tikmani SS and Mohammed N
To compare the INTERGROWTH-21st and the WHO fetal growth chart in detecting term small for gestational age (SGA) neonates and predicting short-term adverse perinatal outcomes.
Influence of time of birth in early neonatal mortality and morbidity: retrospective cohort study
Cabra-Bautista G, Pérez AF, Ruiz GV, Aguirre-Acevedo DC, Florez ID and Calvache JA
A key target of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals is to eliminate preventable deaths in newborns and children under 5. This study aimed to estimate the effect of time of birth on early neonatal mortality (ENM) and low Apgar scores at 5 min (LA5) in newborns.
Qualitative evaluation of a hospital-inpatient service for children with medical complexity
Ghotane S, Page B, Ramachandran R, Wolfe I and Fraser LK
To explore the experiences and perceptions of parents and professionals of a hospital-inpatient service for children with medical complexity (CMC).
Implementation and effectiveness of teleneonatology for neonatal intensive care units: a protocol for a hybrid type III implementation pilot
Wagenaar J, van Beek R, Pas H, Suurveld M, Jacobs A, Van der Linden N, Broos J, Kleinsmann M, Hinrichs S, Reiss I and Taal HR
Telemedicine in neonatal care (TeleNeonatology) has the potential to improve neonatal outcomes, address capacity challenges and influence the emotional burden on parents. TeleNeonatology allows for real-time audiovisual communication between healthcare providers at different neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). Despite the high potential for multiple neonatal use-cases, TeleNeonatology is primarily being used for neonatal resuscitation and has yet to be widely implemented in Europe. Our study aims to evaluate both implementation strategies and effectiveness of TeleNeonatology in a pilot study in The Netherlands.
Acute kidney injury in late-onset neonatal bacteraemia: The role of the neonatal sequential organ failure assessment tool in predicting kidney injury
Wildes DM, O'Reilly D, Brennan E, Drew R, Awan A and Boyle MA
Neonatal sepsis remains a leading cause of morbidity and mortality across all healthcare systems. Acute kidney injury (AKI) is common in neonates and is associated with poor clinical outcomes. We sought to profile the incidence of AKI in infants with culture-positive bacteraemia and to assess the utility of the neonatal sequential organ failure (nSOFA) tool in AKI prediction.
Comparison of methylprednisolone alone versus intravenous immunoglobulin plus methylprednisolone for multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C)
Phan PH, Hoang CN, Nguyen HTT, Cao TV, Le CQ and Tran DM
As a first-line therapeutic option for multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) with surging demand, intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG) is associated with escalating costs and supply shortages, particularly in low-income and middle-income countries. This study compares the effectiveness of methylprednisolone alone versus IVIG combined with methylprednisolone for managing MIS-C.
Disease burden and health-related quality of life among children with X-linked hypophosphataemia in China: a national cross-sectional survey
Zhu L, Tang Z, Hu J, Li D, Zhang A, Chen Y, Liu L, Luo F, Kang Q and Jin C
X-linked hypophosphataemia (XLH) is a rare inherited disorder often misdiagnosed and lacking sufficient aetiological treatment. Previous studies have shown that XLH is associated with worse health-related quality of life (HRQoL) and greater economic burden for children and their families compared with the general population, but evidence from China is scarce. This study aimed to comprehensively explore the burden and HRQoL of XLH children in China.
Analysis of early risk factors of death in preterm infants treated with iNO: a national multicentre retrospective study
Gao L, Wang L, Zhu Y, Liang GB, Zheng Z, Lin XZ, Huang SQ, Liu L, Feng BY, Wei QF, Yao ML, Li M, Fan XF, Duan WL, Xu FL, Zhu L, Wu F, Zhang J, Mao J, Wang MJ and Li ZK
To analyse early risk factors for mortality in preterm infants treated with inhaled nitric oxide (iNO) in China.
Single-centre comparative study of in vitro fertilisation and naturally conceived babies in Indonesia
Marsubrin PMT, Sugiyarto KLJ, Oswari JS, Rohsiswatmo R, Roeslani RD, Iskandar ATP, Sukarja D, Sjahrullah MAR, Kautsar A and Muharam R
In vitro fertilisation (IVF) offers a solution for infertility but poses increased obstetrical and perinatal risks, including higher rates of preterm birth, low birth weight and congenital anomalies. Particularly, IVF-related multiple pregnancies face significantly higher risks for preterm birth and prolonged hospital stays. This study compares neonatal outcomes between IVF and natural conception, as well as between singleton and IVF-related multiple pregnancies over the past decade.
Evaluating ChatGPT-4omni in paediatric developmental screening: direct versus sequential prompts
Traipidok P, Srisombundit P, Tassanakijpanich N, Charleowsak P and Thongseiratch T
Integrating Large Language Models like ChatGPT-4omni (ChatGPT-4o) into paediatric healthcare could revolutionise developmental screening. This study evaluated ChatGPT-4o's efficacy in paediatric developmental screening using Direct and Sequential Prompting methods compared with the Bayley Scales of Infant Development, Third Edition. Among 106 paediatric cases, Direct Prompting showed a sensitivity of 73.42% and overall accuracy of 69.81%, while Sequential Prompting had a specificity of 62.96% and overall accuracy of 67.92%. Both methods demonstrate potential for improving the efficiency and accessibility of paediatric developmental screening, with Direct Prompts being more sensitive and Sequential Prompts more specific.
Impact of probiotic supplements on behavioural and gastrointestinal symptoms in children with autism spectrum disorder: A randomised controlled trial
Narula Khanna H, Roy S, Shaikh A, Chhabra R and Uddin A
To investigate whether probiotic supplementation can improve behavioural and gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) aged 2-9 years and further explore the correlation between these symptoms.
Carbon emissions from road transport on a national neonatal transport service: a retrospective observational study
Moore CM, O'Reilly D, Aminudin N, Purna JR, Franta J and Fucikova H
We conducted a retrospective observational study of all transports conducted by our national neonatal transport service to estimate direct carbon emissions produced by the service in a 1 year time period. We investigated all parts of the journey for 501 transports-from 27 referring units to 15 receiving units. These transports covered a total of 110 305.4 km. As our vehicles report carbon emissions of 293-327 g/km, over the study period between 32.3 and 36.1 metric tonnes of carbon were directly produced by our neonatal transport service. Our carbon impact could be mitigated by the utilisation of alternative fuels, including hydrotreated vegetable oil.
Surgical management of neuromuscular scoliosis in paediatric patients: experiences from a tertiary centre multidisciplinary team
Khan F, Khan A, Chinnery L, Loveridge J, Zhang J and Polychronakis T
Management of neuromuscular scoliosis (NMS) is challenging, with both surgical and conservative options involving risks. This study aimed to evaluate multimorbidity in patients with NMS and how this influences multidisciplinary team (MDT) decisions as well as postoperative outcomes.
Cardiac-related neonatal collapse presenting to the emergency department: a retrospective cohort study
Kuok MCI, Lambert J, Janjanam A and Lillie J
To describe the characteristics of cardiac-related neonatal collapses referred to a critical care transport service and evaluate the diagnostic accuracy and management at referral and retrieval.
School participation, supports and barriers of children with and without attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Kara K, Kaya Kara O, Kose B, Doğan M, Cetin SY, Sahin S and Anaby D
To investigate the differences in participation patterns, environmental barriers and supports across specific activities typically done at school between children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and without ADHD.
Daily life situations and participation of siblings of children with childhood-onset disabilities: a scoping review
Linimayr J, Graser J, Gredig S, van Hedel HJA, Tscherter A, Grunt S and Schulze C
Siblings of children with disabilities or childhood-onset chronic conditions (eg, autism, cerebral palsy or congenital heart disease) often face challenges in mental health, quality of life and psychosocial adjustment. However, comprehensive knowledge of their participation in daily activities remains limited. Understanding their participation patterns and potential restrictions can help clarify their needs.
Cultural adaptation and reliability of the Turkish version of the Children's Assessment of Participation with Hands scale in children with physical disabilities
Cetin SY, Tonak HA, Kaya Kara O, Senol H and Kara K
The 'Children's Assessment of Participation with Hands (CAP-H)' scale is a parent report questionnaire that can be used to measure participation in life situations that require hand use for children with disabilities. The aim of this study was to examine the reliability of a Turkish version of the CAP-H scale in order to evaluate the hand participation of children with physical disabilities and compare them with typically developing children.
Admission temperature in very preterm infants 2012-2021: a Nationwide Quality Registry Study, Norway
Solvang TAW, Herstad VB, Størdal K, Tveiten L, Lang A, Eriksen BH, Rønnestad A, Stensvold HJ and
To examine the distribution and time trends of admission temperature in very preterm infants, effects of temperature-preserving interventions and associations between hypothermia and outcomes.