The Steep Ramp Test as Precursor to Assess Physical Fitness Before Esophagectomy in Cancer Patients
Background Maximum oxygen uptake (VO₂max) is a predictor for postoperative complications after esophagectomy. Cardiopulmonary Exercise Test (CPET) is the golden standard for measuring VO₂max. The alternative Steep Ramp Test (SRT) is less strenuous with several benefits, providing an estimation of VO₂max. This study aims to determine whether SRT is a reliable alternative for CPET to evaluate preoperative fitness. Methods A total of 113 patients were included in this study. The agreement between SRT and CPET was analyzed using a t-test, Intraclass Correlation Coefficient (ICC), and the Bland-Altmann analysis. The threshold for adequate preoperative fitness was set at 17.0 ml/kg/min Results The mean difference between CPET and SRT was 2.77 ml/kg/min (95% CI 2.14-3.41). The ICC was 0.79 (95% CI 0.70-0.85). The upper limit of agreement of the Bland-Altmann was 9.44. The addition of 9.44 to the CPET-threshold gives an SRT-threshold of 26.44 ml/kg/min. Thirty-one (27.4%) patients scored higher than the SRT-threshold. Conclusion The SRT VO2max differs from VO₂max as measured by CPET. However, the difference was found to be clinically irrelevant for a substantial portion of patients. Hence, SRT is a promising alternative to CPET for determining physical fitness, and might render CPET obsolete for fit individuals.
Procalcitonin as an early predictive marker for infectious complications after hepatectomy
The present study aimed to determine the clinical value of serum procalcitonin (PCT) level in predicting postoperative infections after hepatectomy.
Impact of robotic surgery on postoperative pancreatic fistula for high-risk pancreaticojejunostomy after pancreatoduodenectomy
The safety and feasibility of robotic pancreatoduodenectomy (RPD) in high-risk patients with postoperative pancreatic fistula (POPF) have rarely been investigated, although the rate of POPF is lower than in open pancreatoduodenectomy (OPD). This study aimed to examine the impact of robotic surgery on POPF in high-risk patients after pancreatoduodenectomy (PD).
Longer term outcomes of laparoscopic peritoneal lavage in the management of acute Hinchey III perforated diverticulitis: A Systematic review and Meta-Analysis
To investigate the current evidence regarding long-term outcomes using laparoscopic peritoneal lavage (LPL) versus primary bowel resection (PR) in Hinchey III diverticulitis.
Delayed Return of Gastrointestinal Function after Partial Hepatectomy: A Single-Center Cross-Sectional Study
Partial hepatectomy (PH) remains associated with complication rates around 30-50%. Delayed return of gastrointestinal function (DRGF) has been reported in 10-20%. This study aimed to assess DRGF predictors after PH.
Impact of Early Oral Feeding on Postoperative Outcomes after Elective Colorectal Surgery: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
This study aimed to evaluate the influence of early oral feeding (EOF), a key component of enhanced recovery after surgery protocols, on postoperative outcomes in patients undergoing elective colorectal surgery.
Feasibility of Telementoring during Robot-Assisted Minimally Invasive Esophagectomy
Telementoring could increase the quality, reduce the time, and increase cost efficiency of the proctoring program for robot-assisted minimally invasive esophagectomy (RAMIE). However, feasibility is unclear as no studies assessed telementoring for RAMIE.
Conventional Excisional Haemorrhoidectomy versus Transanal Haemorrhoidal Dearterialization for Haemorrhoids: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Although effective, conventional excisional haemorrhoidectomy (CEH) is associated with significant postoperative pain. Novel techniques such as transanal haemorrhoidal dearterialization (THD) are suggested to reduce pain but may result in higher recurrence rates. We aimed to compare short- and long-term outcomes of CEH and THD in the present meta-analysis.
N3 Disease in Esophageal Cancer: Results from a Nationwide Registry
Patients with extensive lymph node metastases have a poor prognosis. Clinical staging of lymph node metastases poses significant challenges given the limited sensitivity and specificity of imaging techniques. The aim of this study was to investigate the overall survival (OS) of patients with N3 disease in a real-world Dutch population and the added value of surgery in these patients.
Evaluation of Treatment Strategies and Survival of Patients with cT4bM0 Esophageal Cancer: A Nationwide Cohort Study
The optimal therapeutic strategy for patients with cT4bM0 esophageal cancer is controversial and varies internationally. This study aimed to describe treatment and survival of patients with cT4bM0 esophageal cancer in the Netherlands.
Pathologic Outcomes and Survival in Patients with Rectal Cancer and Increased Body Mass Index
We assessed the association between increased body mass index (BMI) and rectal cancer outcomes.
INDURG TRIAL Protocol: A Randomized Controlled Trial Using Indocyanine Green during Cholecystectomy in Acute Cholecystitis
Laparoscopic cholecystectomy is one of the most common gastrointestinal surgeries, and bile duct injury is one of its main complications. The use of real-time indocyanine green fluorescence cholangiography allows the identification of extrahepatic biliary structures, facilitating the procedure and reducing the risk of bile duct lesions. A better visualization of the bile duct may help to reduce the need for conversion to open surgery, and may also shorten operating time. The main objective of this study was to determine whether the use of indocyanine green is associated with a reduction in operating time in emergency cholecystectomies. Secondary outcomes are the postoperative hospital stay, the correct intraoperative visualization of the Calot's Triangle structures with the administration of indocyanine green, and the intraoperative complications, postoperative complications and morbidity according to the Clavien-Dindo classification.
Lymphocyte-to-Monocyte Ratio Predicts Survival for Intraductal Papillary Mucinous Neoplasm with Associated Invasive Carcinoma of the Pancreas: Results from a High-Volume Center
Intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm (IPMN) is an important precursor lesion of pancreatic cancer. Systemic inflammatory parameters are widely used in the prognosis prediction of cancer; however, their prognostic implications in IPMN with associated invasive carcinoma (IPMN-INV) are unclear. This study aims to explore the prognostic value of systemic inflammatory parameters in patients with IPMN-INV.
Anatomical Variants of the Jejunal Veins and Their Technical Implications in Pancreaticoduodenectomy: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
One of the most common causes of bleeding during pancreaticoduodenectomy is a dissection of the pancreatic head from the superior mesenteric vein and superior mesenteric artery. Knowledge of the anatomical variants of the veins draining the proximal jejunum may allow better control of bleeding during detachment of the uncinate process and pancreatic head from the mesenteric pedicle and division of the mesopancreas. The aim of this systematic review and meta-analysis was to evaluate the anatomical variations of the first jejunal vein (FJV) and jejunal trunk (FJT).
Information Needs in Patients with Potentially Curable Gastroesophageal Cancer
Gastroesophageal cancer patients' information needs remain understudied, despite their complex treatment trajectories.
Albumin-Lymphocyte-Globulin-C-Reactive Protein Index as a Novel Prognostic Biomarker for Hepatocellular Carcinoma after Hepatectomy
This study evaluated the performance of the albumin-lymphocyte-globulin-C-reactive protein (CRP) (ALGC) index as a novel prognostic biomarker for hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) after hepatectomy.
Advantage of Postoperative Inflammatory Status after Laparoscopic Distal Pancreatectomy
Laparoscopic distal pancreatectomy (LDP) is a safe and effective procedure; however, its impact on perioperative inflammatory reactions compared with open distal pancreatectomy (ODP) remains unclear. This study aimed to assess short-term outcomes following LDP and ODP regarding inflammatory reactions.
Liver Resection in Synchronous Bilobar versus Unilobar Colorectal Liver Metastases: A Retrospective Analysis of Oncological Outcomes and Patient Survival
Resection of colorectal liver metastasis has emerged as the standard treatment. Our study compares oncological outcomes of patients with resected synchronous bilobar versus unilobar colorectal liver metastasis.
Intracorporeal versus Extracorporeal Anastomosis in Laparoscopic Right Hemicolectomy: An Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Control Trials
Laparoscopic right hemicolectomy has become the standard surgical procedure for the treatment of right colon disease; however, the choice of anastomosis remains controversial. This study aimed to compare the safety and efficacy of intracorporeal anastomosis and extracorporeal anastomosis in laparoscopic right hemicolectomy.
The Relevance of Radial Margin Status in Perihilar Cholangiocarcinoma: A State-of-the-Art Narrative Review
Prognosis of perihilar cholangiocarcinoma (PHCC) is poor, and curative-intent resection is the most effective treatment associated with long-term survival. Surgery is technically demanding since it involves a major hepatectomy with en bloc resection of the caudate lobe and extrahepatic bile duct. Furthermore, to achieve negative margins, it may be necessary to perform concomitant vascular resection or pancreatoduodenectomy. Despite this aggressive approach, recurrence is often observed, considering 5-year recurrence-free survival below 15% and 5-year overall survival that barely exceeds 40%.
Recurrence of Hepatocellular Carcinoma after Liver Transplantation: Clinical Patterns and Hierarchy of Salvage Treatments
The multiparametric nature of recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) after liver transplantation (LT) still leads to uncertainty with its practical management. This study aims to characterize the main posttransplant recurrence patterns of HCC and to explore the therapeutic modalities targeting recurrence.