Mackey BJ, Johnson JE, Ramezani N, Hailemariam M, Rosen RK, Thurman T, Viglione J and Taxman FS
Interagency teams are considered an evidence-based change practice, but there is a paucity of research examining them in criminal justice (CJ) and behavioral health (BH) reform contexts. This study draws on qualitative interviews ( = 52) and survey data ( = 791) from BH and CJ leaders across the United States to examine who is on them, what they do, and effective strategies for building and sustaining them. Findings indicated that CJ-BH interagency teams often incorporate agencies from a range of CJ, BH, social service, and health agencies. Teamwork focused on connecting clients to resources or contributing to CJ-BH coalitions and resource centers. Although the team-building strategies and were significantly associated with developing more collaborations, were not. These findings suggest that interagency teams need not necessarily reach consensus on goals and vision prior to working together, as this can be built through collaboration.
A Good Place to Do Time? Detailing the Construction of Symbolic Social Boundaries in Correctional Boot Camps
Schultz WJ, Bucerius SM and Haggerty KD
Drawing on qualitative interviews with 51 incarcerated adult men and nine correctional officers in a Western Canadian prison system, we ask why some incarcerated people find it appealing to be placed on correctional boot camp units and what such appeals tell us about broader conditions of incarceration. Participants on three boot camp units drew on narratives relating to (a) extrinsic benefits, (b) discipline and structure, (c) teamwork and positive relationships, and (d) an opportunity for self-improvement to construct symbolic boundaries between "normal" units and boot camps, as well as their former self and their transformed current self. By drawing symbolic boundaries between the past and present and between other units and their boot camp unit, our participants create narratives that allow them to partially mitigate some pains of imprisonment.
Lee RD and Luo F
Few studies have examined associations between parental incarceration (PI) and violence perpetration in adulthood. We used Wave I and Wave IV of the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health to investigate such associations with intimate partner violence (IPV) perpetration. Exposure to PI was found significantly associated with increased risk of all IPV perpetration behaviors in adulthood, except forced sex. The association of PI exposure with issuing threats, pushing, and throwing objects did not differ by race/ethnicity or sex. Associations of PI exposure with slapping, hitting, or kicking and injuring a partner were stronger for non-Hispanic White persons than for non-Hispanic Black persons. Differing patterns of elevated violence risk in adults with PI history suggest tailored preventive strategies may be of value.
Sources of stress among Federal Correctional Officers in Canada
Siqueira Cassiano M and Ricciardelli R
Most correctional officers describe their jobs as stressful. The current study advances the scholarship on correctional stress by offering a rare qualitative analysis that identifies, provides meaning, and contextualizes sources of stress in correctional services. This study complements the correctional stress literature, which, until now, has relied primarily on quantitative methodologies to identify and assess stress determinants. Forty-four correctional officers from Canada's federal prisons were interviewed about their primary source of stress. Findings indicate that staff (i.e., co-workers and managers), not prison residents, represent a primary source of stress in correctional work. In addition, job seniority and gossip were the main stress triggers associated with co-workers, while centralization of decision-making processes and a lack of instrumental communication and support triggered stress coming from managers.
Assessment of Strengths in Criminal Justice System-Impacted Youth: A Retrospective Validation Study of the SAPROF-YV
Finseth S, Peterson-Badali M, Brown SL and Skilling TA
The Structured Assessment of Protective Factors for Violence Risk-Youth Version (SAPROF-YV; de Vries Robbé et al., 2015) was designed specifically to assess strengths as a complement to risk assessment tools. We retrospectively examined its reliability and validity in 305 Canadian community-sentenced youth, both in the overall sample and in male and female, and Black and White, subgroups. In all groups, the total score had strong internal consistency, inter-rater reliability, and convergent validity, and significantly predicted general recidivism at 3-year fixed follow-up. The SAPROF-YV showed incremental validity over the YLS/CMI only in Black youth. In the total sample, a moderation effect was identified whereby strengths were protective at lower levels of risk but not for moderate or high risk youth. The SAPROF-YV shows promising reliability and validity; however, more research is needed before clear guidance can be provided regarding the use of this measure in clinical practice.
Violence and Suicidal/Nonsuicidal Self-Injury Among Adolescents Undergoing Residential Treatment: An Examination of the Predictive Validity of the SAVRY, START:AV, and VRS-YV
Gray AL and Viljoen JL
Using a retrospective study design, predictive validity of the Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth, Short-Term Assessment of Risk and Treatability: Adolescent Version (START: AV), and the Violence Risk Scale-Youth Version (VRS-YV) was examined among 87 adolescents referred to a residential treatment program. With few exceptions, moderate to high accuracy was achieved for the three measures in predicting violence and suicidal/nonsuicidal self-injury occurring during the adolescents' time in treatment. Accuracy of the measures peaked within 90 days for violence and gradually increased over the 180-day follow-up for suicidal/nonsuicidal self-injury. Dynamic factors were more predictive of repeated events involving violence relative to static/historical factors, whereas only factors from the START: AV were predictive of repeated events involving suicidal/nonsuicidal self-injury. These results emphasize the need for further examining the risk of adverse outcomes beyond violence among adolescents.
Persistent Paternalism: The Instantiation of Gendered Attributions in the System Response to Girls
Anderson VR, Javdani S and Singh S
Prior research suggests that the juvenile legal system does too little to address the sources and underlying reasons for girls' court referrals. Drawing on attribution theories, the current study examined perspectives that characterize the response of the system to girls' behaviors. Data from this study were derived from a multimethod, qualitative study on system-involved girls. We find that court actors hold gendered attributions of girls' delinquency, in turn informing their decision-making about how to treat and sanction girls. Paternalism remains a persistent feature in how the system locates, defines, and responds to girls through varying gendered attributions. The findings lend further support to attribution perspectives that suggest implicit gender-biases influence court actor decision-making, exacerbating the challenges girls face in and out of the juvenile legal system. By extension, this study offers concrete policy and practice implications for systems change and improving its response to girls.
Virtual Reality Job Interview Training for Adults Receiving Prison-Based Employment Services: A Randomized Controlled Feasibility and Initial Effectiveness Trial
Smith MJ, Parham B, Mitchell J, Blajeski S, Harrington M, Ross B, Johnson J, Brydon DM, Johnson JE, Cuddeback GS, Smith JD, Bell MD, McGeorge R, Kaminski K, Suganuma A and Kubiak S
Returning citizens struggle to obtain employment after release from prison, and navigating job interviews is a critical barrier they encounter. Implementing evidence-based interview training is a major gap in prison-based vocational services. We conducted a randomized controlled trial (RCT) to evaluate the feasibility and initial effectiveness of Virtual Reality Job Interview Training within two prisons. Forty-four male returning citizens were randomized to receive service-as-usual (SAU) with VR-JIT (SAU+VR-JIT, = 28) or SAU ( = 16). Participants reported VR-JIT was highly acceptable and usable. SAU+VR-JIT, as compared to SAU, had significant improvements (with large effect sizes) in interview skills, interview training motivation, and interview anxiety (all < .05; ηp > .15), and greater employment by 6-month follow-up (OR = 7.4, = .045). VR-JIT can potentially help fill a major gap in prison-based services. Future research is needed to validate VR-JIT effectiveness and evaluate VR-JIT implementation strategies within prisons.
A Preliminary Exploration of the Multimedia Principle's Applicability for Improving Comprehension of Youth Interrogation Rights
Lively CJ, Snook B, Luther K, Mccardle MI and House JC
We examined the extent to which presenting youth interrogation rights using different combinations of three multimedia elements (Animation, Audio, and Caption) improved comprehension. A 2 (Animation: Present, Absent) × 2 (Audio: Present, Absent) × 2 (Caption: Present, Absent) between-participants design was employed using samples of adults (Experiment 1: = 207) and youth (Experiment 2: = 193). Participants in both experiments were shown one of eight multimedia presentations and asked about their understanding of the presented youth interrogation rights. In both experiments, the multimedia presentation that contained animation and caption led to the highest level of comprehension. Implications of these findings for protecting youth and the use of technology during interrogations are discussed.
Jail-Based Competency Restoration Services in the United States: The Need, the Controversy, the Impact of COVID-19, and Implications for Future Treatment Delivery
Lewis DE, Ash P, Roberts VC, Schwenke TJ, Pagán-González M and Egan GJ
Jail-based competency restoration largely emerged as a method to address the backlog at forensic hospitals around the United States, as the number of justice-involved persons in need of restoration outgrew available beds. Jail-based competency restoration units (JBCRUs) appear to be highly effective and cost-saving. However, after the COVID-19 outbreak, services at some JBCRUs were stalled, as providers were forced to either quickly initiate or ramp up technology use to maintain services. The present study describes the course of programming for a JBCRU in Fulton County, Georgia, prior to and after the onset of COVID-19, during which time all treatment shifted to telehealth. A matched comparison group of prepandemic defendants was used to compare in-person versus telehealth services and findings indicated that while defendants' length of stay remained effectively the same, the restoration rate for telehealth increased remarkably over prepandemic levels (χ = 10.1, = .001). Such findings suggest that telehealth services are an effective mode of delivery for competency restoration.
The Pilot Test of a Cross-Systems Behavioral Health Treatment Referral and Linkage Intervention for Youth on Probation
Elkington KS, Robson G, Sichel CE, Lee J and Wasserman GA
Despite high rates of substance use, youth involved in the juvenile justice system are unlikely to be linked to the treatment services they need. Family Connect is a flexible, family-focused, linkage intervention developed to address multilevel barriers and increase youth engagement in care through the introduction of a linkage specialist. We describe the components of Family Connect and present findings from the intervention pilot test comparing 18 youth-caregiver dyads to 95 historical controls on referral, attending intake and initiating treatment. Results indicated preliminary support for Family Connect as an approach to increase cross-systems linkage and access to behavioral health care. Findings also suggested support for the feasibility of the intervention and indicated that justice-involved youth and their caregivers found the intervention to be acceptable. In addition to discussing our findings in the context of recent justice reforms, and the importance of improving access to treatment, we make recommendations to inform a future trial of Family Connect.
COVID-19 and Juvenile Probation: A Qualitative Examination of Emergent Challenges and Useful Strategies
Lockwood A, Viglione J and Peck JH
The emergence of COVID-19 placed immediate pressure on the juvenile justice system to adapt to changes in case processing and decision-making practices. Juvenile probation agencies were tasked with quickly altering their policies and practice to abide by local public health measures. As probation supervision is the most common disposition in the juvenile justice system, there is both an empirical and practical need to understand the impact that COVID-19 has on a variety of issues surrounding the supervision and provision of services for juveniles. Using self-report survey data from juvenile probation directors across the United States, the current study examines (a) the biggest challenges faced by juvenile probation agencies during the pandemic, (b) the strategies implemented in response to these challenges, and (c) the most pressing issues currently facing the field of juvenile community corrections. Results have the potential to inform future agency decision-making when adjusting juvenile probation policy and practice.
Cunningham KA, Gubner NR, Vick K, Herting JR and Walker SC
Science advisory boards and policy organizations have called for adolescent brain science to be incorporated into juvenile probation operations. To achieve this, Opportunity-Based Probation (OBP), a probation model that integrates knowledge of adolescent development and behavior change principles, was developed in collaboration with a local juvenile probation department. The current study compares outcomes (recidivism and probation violations) for youth in the OBP condition versus probation as usual. Inverse probability weighting (IPW) and coarsened exact matching (CEM) were used to estimate causal effects of OBP's average treatment effect (ATE). Results indicated clear effects of OBP on reducing criminal legal referrals, but no significant effects were observed for probation violations. Overall, results provide promising recidivism-reduction effects in support of developmentally grounded redesigns of juvenile probation.
Ingel SN, Davis LR, Rudes DS, Taxman FS, Hartwell TN, Drazdowski TK, McCart MR, Chapman JE and Sheidow AJ
Probation is a common sanction for youth substance users, and as such, juvenile probation officers (JPOs) shoulder much of the burden for treatment and rehabilitation. To improve youth outcomes and alleviate some of the burden, JPOs may seek parental involvement in the probation and substance use desistance processes. Using focus group data, we analyzed JPO perceptions of the role parents play in contingency management (CM)-an incentive system designed to produce and reward decreased substance use-and whether they perceived any value in CM. We found that most JPOs perceived parental involvement as critical to the success of both substance use treatment and CM for youth. Our findings also suggest JPOs found parental involvement in CM valuable given that CM was employed on nonstudy clients and future clients. This has implications for the practicality and sustainability of CM as a youth probation intervention.
Cook AM, Maurer JM, Reynolds BL, Harenski CL and Kiehl KA
To date, very few studies have explored the association between psychopathic traits and risky sexual behavior (RSB) among women. Here, we investigated this relationship in a sample of 137 incarcerated women. Psychopathic traits were assessed via the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised (PCL-R) and lifetime RSB measures, including number of lifetime sexual partners, frequency of engaging in sexual intercourse while intoxicated, and frequency of forgoing protection (e.g., condom usage) during sexual intercourse, were assessed through self-report. PCL-R Facet 3 scores (assessing lifestyle psychopathic traits) were associated with an increased frequency of engaging in sexual intercourse while intoxicated. In addition, women scoring high on the PCL-R were more likely to engage in sexual intercourse while intoxicated compared with a previously collected sample of men scoring high on the PCL-R. The results obtained in the current study help improve our understanding of the association between psychopathic traits and RSB among women.
Community relationship quality and reincarceration following rural drug-using women's reentry from jail
Tillson M, Dickson MF, Webster JM and Staton M
Interpersonal relationships and social support are important factors in women's successful reentry from incarceration, but limited research has explored the role of women's relationships to their communities during the reentry process. In the current study, women were recruited from three rural Appalachian jails, screened for high-risk behaviors (including drug use and unprotected sex), and interviewed at 12 months postrelease ( = 339). Interviews included the Relational Health Indices-Community scale, a validated measure of women's relationships in community contexts, with subscales for empowerment/zest, engagement, and authenticity. Women who were reincarcerated during the 12-month postrelease period (43.4%) were younger, less employed, more likely to have used illicit drugs, and reported lower-quality community relationships at 12-month follow-up. Multivariate logistic regression models indicated that the effect of community relationships may be driven by the engagement and empowerment/zest constructs. Results suggest that community connectedness may relate to more successful reentry outcomes for rural women.
Kemp K, Poindexter B, Ng MY, Correia V, Marshall BDL, Koinis-Mitchell D and Tolou-Shams M
Suicidal thoughts and behaviors among juvenile justice populations are elevated. However, the characteristics of justice-involved youth who consider and attempt suicide are not well understood. This study examined suicidal ideation and attempt with first-time, preadjudicated diverted youth, and the relationship with commonly associated risk factors. The sample included 135 youth (50% male, = 14.48) that provided complete responses to self-reported lifetime suicidal ideation and attempt items. Analyses examined relationships between suicidal ideation/attempt and mental health, child welfare involvement, delinquency, self-cutting, and substance use. First time, preadjudicated diverted youth reported high rates of lifetime suicidal ideation (27%) and attempt (17%). Suicidal ideation and attempt were associated with sexually minoritized status and self-cutting, while child welfare involvement was only associated with suicidal ideation. This high-risk population would benefit from refined suicide screening and prevention services not always available to justice-involved youth living in the community.
Criminal Expertise and Sexual Violence: Comparing the Crime-Commission Process Involved in Sexual Burglary and Sexual Robbery
Reale KS, Beauregard E and Chopin J
Criminal expertise relates to the notion that some individuals may develop domain-specific offending skills that differentiate them from those with less skills or experience (i.e., novices). In the expertise literature, burglary has emerged as a distinct type of "expert" offense, therefore the current study sought to determine whether criminal expertise is more evident in the crime-commission process of sexual burglary compared to sexual robbery. We used binary logistic regression to compare the pre-crime, crime, and post-crime behaviors of 870 cases of hybrid sexual assault that occurred during the commission of either a burglary ( = 319) (or) robbery ( = 479), both of which involved personal theft from a stranger victim. Findings suggest that the crime commission process of sexual burglary involves a more sophisticated modus operandi and greater expertise in detection avoidance (e.g., strategies to protect their identity and destroying and removing evidence) compared to sexual robbery.
Edwards BG, Maurer JM, Harenski CL and Kiehl KA
Psychopathy and borderline personality disorder (BPD) are commonly associated with an increased propensity toward substance use. However, few studies have accounted for shared variance between psychopathy and BPD when examining relationships with unique forms of substance use, particularly in justice-involved females. This study investigated psychopathic and BPD traits in relation to alcohol and drug use in a sample of 274 incarcerated adult females. Results revealed that psychopathic and BPD traits were differentially related to alcohol and drug use. Specifically, unique variance in BPD traits was related to alcohol use, whereas unique variance in lifestyle-antisocial psychopathic traits was related to drug use. Findings support unique relationships between psychopathic and BPD traits and problematic and prolonged alcohol and drug use in incarcerated adult females. Results may inform methods of tailoring specific substance use treatments for use in females with distinct personality profiles.
Catterall I, Mitchell SM, Dhingra K, Conner KR and Swogger MT
Rates of harmful alcohol use are high among justice-involved individuals and may contribute to violent recidivism. Robust treatments for alcohol-related violence in criminal justice systems are thus a public health priority. In this analysis of existing randomized controlled trial data ( = 105), we examined the impact of a brief motivational intervention (BMI) for harmful substance use on violent recidivism among individuals in a pretrial jail diversion program. Results indicated that, after controlling for violence history, the intervention's impact on violent recidivism was moderated by baseline harmful alcohol use. Specifically, among people with severe alcohol problems at baseline, the BMI + standard care group had less violent recidivism at a 1-year follow-up than participants randomized to standard care alone. This finding was unchanged when we accounted for psychopathic traits. Our study provides preliminary evidence that a BMI may be useful for decreasing violent recidivism among heavy drinkers in criminal justice systems.
THE EFFECT OF HOUSING CIRCUMSTANCES ON RECIDIVISM: Evidence From a Sample of People on Probation in San Francisco
Jacobs LA and Gottlieb A
The relationships between housing circumstances and recidivism are well established among people released from prison. Despite probation being far more common than prison or parole, we know little about living situations, homelessness, and residential instability among people on probation, and we know even less regarding how these housing circumstances may affect their risk of recidivism. Using a unique dataset of 2,453 people on probation and longitudinal analyses, this study finds that housing insecurity is common and is associated with an increased risk of recidivism among people on probation, above and beyond an array of other recidivism risk factors. Furthermore, we find housing effects are particularly strong for relatively low risk people and for relatively low-severity offenses (i.e., property crimes, minor crimes, and revocations). Interventions that increase housing access for people on probation may reduce recidivism, especially for those who are relatively low risk and low-level reoffending.