Evaluation of TOCSY mixing for sensitivity-enhancement in solid-state NMR and application of 4D experiments for side-chain assignments of the full-length 30 kDa membrane protein GlpG
Öster C, Chevelkov V and Lange A
Chemical shift assignments of large membrane proteins by solid-state NMR experiments are challenging. Recent advancements in sensitivity-enhanced pulse sequences, have made it feasible to acquire H-detected 4D spectra of these challenging protein samples within reasonable timeframes. However, obtaining unambiguous assignments remains difficult without access to side-chain chemical shifts. Drawing inspiration from sensitivity-enhanced TOCSY experiments in solution NMR, we have explored the potential of C- C TOCSY mixing as a viable option for triple sensitivity-enhanced 4D experiments aimed at side-chain assignments in solid-state NMR. Through simulations and experimental trials, we have identified optimal conditions to achieve uniform transfer efficiency for both transverse components and to minimize undesired cross-transfers. Our experiments, conducted on the 30 kDa membrane protein GlpG embedded in E. coli liposomes, have demonstrated enhanced sensitivity compared to the most effective dipolar and J-coupling-based C- C mixing sequences. Notably, a non-uniformly sampled 4D hCXCANH spectrum with exceptionally high sensitivity was obtained in just a few days using a 600 MHz spectrometer equipped with a 1.3 mm probe operating at a magic angle spinning rate of 55 kHz.
N-detected TROSY for H-N heteronuclear correlation to study intrinsically disordered proteins: strategies to increase spectral quality
Rodella MA, Schneider R, Kümmerle R, Felli IC and Pierattelli R
Intrinsically disordered proteins and protein regions are central to many biological processes but difficult to characterize at atomic resolution. Nuclear magnetic resonance is particularly well-suited for providing structural and dynamical information on intrinsically disordered proteins, but existing NMR methodologies need to be constantly refined to provide greater sensitivity and resolution, particularly to capitalise on the potential of high magnetic fields to investigate large proteins. In this paper, we describe how N-detected 2D NMR experiments can be optimised for better performance. We show that using selective aliphatic H decoupling in N-TROSY type experiments results in significant increases in sensitivity and resolution for a prototypical intrinsically disordered protein, α-synuclein, as well as for a heterogeneous intrinsically disordered region of a large multidomain protein, CBP-ID4. We also investigated the performance of incorporating longitudinal relaxation enhancement in N-TROSY experiments, both with and without aliphatic H decoupling, and discussed the findings in light of the available information for the two systems.
Solid state NMR spectral editing of histidine, arginine and lysine using Hadamard encoding
Gopinath T, Kraft A, Shin K, Wood NA and Marassi FM
The NMR signals from protein sidechains are rich in information about intra- and inter-molecular interactions, but their detection can be complicated due to spectral overlap as well as conformational and hydrogen exchange. In this work, we demonstrate a protocol for multi-dimensional solid-state NMR spectral editing of signals from basic sidechains based on Hadamard matrix encoding. The Hadamard method acquires multi-dimensional experiments in such a way that both the backbone and under-sampled sidechain signals can be decoded for unambiguous editing in the N spectral frequency dimension. All multi-dimensional N-edited solid-state NMR experiments can be acquired using this strategy, thereby accelerating the acquisition of spectra spanning broad frequency bandwidth. Application of these methods to the ferritin nanocage, reveals signals from N atoms from His, Arg, Lys and Trp sidechains, as well as their tightly bound, ordered water molecules. The Hadamard approach adds to the arsenal of spectroscopic approaches for protein NMR signal detection.
Towards cost-effective side-chain isotope labelling of proteins expressed in human cells
Rosati M, Barbieri L, Hlavac M, Kratzwald S, Lichtenecker RJ, Konrat R, Luchinat E and Banci L
Side chain isotope labelling is a powerful tool to study protein structure and interactions by NMR spectroscopy. H,C labelling of side-chain methyl groups in a deuterated background allows studying large molecules, while side-chain aromatic groups are highly sensitive to the interaction with ligands, drugs, and other proteins. In E. coli, side chain labelling is performed by substituting amino acids with isotope-labelled precursors. However, proteins that can only be produced in mammalian cells require expensive isotope-labelled amino acids. Here we provide a simple and cost-effective method to label side chains in mammalian cells, which exploits the reversible reaction catalyzed by endogenous transaminases to convert isotope-labelled α-ketoacid precursors. We show by in-cell and in-lysate NMR spectroscopy that replacing an amino acid in the medium with its cognate precursor is sufficient to achieve selective labelling without scrambling, and how this approach allows monitoring conformational changes such as those arising from ligand binding.
F NMR relaxation of buried tryptophan side chains suggest anisotropic rotational diffusion of the protein RfaH
Alam MK, Bhuvaneshwari RA and Sengupta I
The recent application of F NMR in the study of biomolecular structure and dynamics has made it a potentially attractive probe to complement traditional N/C labelled probes for backbone and sidechain dynamics, albeit with some complications. The utility of N relaxation rates of rigid backbone amide groups to determine the rotational diffusion tensor of proteins is well established. Here we show that the measured F relaxation rates of two buried and possibly immobile F labelled tryptophan sidechains for the multidomain protein RfaH, in its closed conformation, are in reasonable agreement with the calculated values, only when anisotropic rotational diffusion of the protein is considered. While the sparsity of F relaxation data from a limited number of probes precludes the experimental determination of the rotational diffusion tensor here, these results demonstrate the influence of rotational diffusion anisotropy of proteins on F NMR relaxation of rigid tryptophan sidechains, while adding to the expanding literature of F NMR relaxation data sets in biomolecules.
Perspective: on the importance of extensive, high-quality and reliable deposition of biomolecular NMR data in the age of artificial intelligence
Higman VA, Płoskoń E, Thompson GS and Vuister GW
Artificial intelligence (AI) models are revolutionising scientific data analysis but are reliant on large training data sets. While artificial training data can be used in the context of NMR processing and data analysis methods, relating NMR parameters back to protein sequence and structure requires experimental data. In this perspective we examine what the biological NMR community needs to do, in order to store and share its data better so that we can make effective use of AI methods to further our understanding of biological molecules. We argue, first, that the community should be depositing much more of its experimental data. In particular, we should be depositing more spectra and dynamics data. Second, the NMR data deposited needs to capture the full information content required to be able to use and validate it adequately. The NMR Exchange Format (NEF) was designed several years ago to do this. The widespread adoption of NEF combined with a new proposal for dynamics data specifications come at the right time for the community to expand its deposition of data. Third, we highlight the importance of expanding and safeguarding our experimental data repository, the Biological Magnetic Resonance Data Bank (BMRB), not only in the interests of NMR spectroscopists, but biological scientists more widely. With this article we invite others in the biological NMR community to champion increased (possibly mandatory) data deposition, to get involved in designing new NEF specifications, and to advocate on behalf of the BMRB within the wider scientific community.
Using temperature coefficients to support resonance assignment of intrinsically disordered proteins
Putko P, Romero JA, Pantoja CF, Zweckstetter M, Kazimierczuk K and Zawadzka-Kazimierczuk A
The resonance assignment of large intrinsically disordered proteins (IDPs) is difficult due to the low dispersion of chemical shifts (CSs). Luckily, CSs are often specific for certain residue types, which makes the task easier. Our recent work showed that the CS-based spin-system classification can be improved by applying a linear discriminant analysis (LDA). In this paper, we extend a set of classification parameters by adding temperature coefficients (TCs), i.e., rates of change of chemical shifts with temperature. As demonstrated previously by other groups, the TCs in IDPs depend on a residue type, although the relation is often too complex to be predicted theoretically. Thus, we propose an approach based on experimental data; CSs and TCs values of residues assigned using conventional methods serve as a training set for LDA, which then classifies the remaining resonances. The method is demonstrated on a large fragment (1-239) of highly disordered protein Tau. We noticed that adding TCs to sets of chemical shifts significantly improves the recognition efficiency. For example, it allows distinguishing between lysine and glutamic acid, as well as valine and isoleucine residues based on , N, and C data. Moreover, adding TCs to CSs of , N, , and C is more beneficial than adding CSs. Our program for LDA analysis is available at .
Alpha-helices as alignment reporters in residual dipolar coupling analysis of proteins
Shen Y, Smith MJ, Louis JM and Bax A
Inclusion of residual dipolar couplings (RDCs) during the early rounds of protein structure determination requires use of a floating alignment tensor or knowledge of the alignment tensor strength and rhombicity. For proteins with interdomain motion, such analysis can falsely hide the presence of domain dynamics. We demonstrate for three proteins, maltotriose-ligated maltose binding protein (MBP), Ca-ligated calmodulin, and a monomeric N-terminal deletion mutant of the SARS-CoV-2 Main Protease, MPro, that good alignment tensor estimates of their domains can be obtained from RDCs measured for residues that are identified as α-helical based on their chemical shifts. The program, Helix-Fit, fits the RDCs to idealized α-helical coordinates, often yielding a comparable or better alignment tensor estimate than fitting to the actual high-resolution X-ray helix coordinates. The 13 helices of ligated MBP all show very similar alignment tensors, indicative of a high degree of order relative to one another. By contrast, while for monomeric MPro the alignment strengths of the five helices in the C-terminal helical domain (residues 200-306) are very similar, pointing to a well-ordered domain, the single α-helix Y54-I59 in the N-terminal catalytic domain (residues 10-185) aligns considerably weaker. This result indicates the presence of large amplitude motions of either Y54-I59 or of the entire N-terminal domain relative to the C-terminal domain, contrasting with the high degree of order seen in the native homodimeric structure.
Optimising in-cell NMR acquisition for nucleic acids
Annecke HTP, Eidelpes R, Feyrer H, Ilgen J, Gürdap CO, Dasgupta R and Petzold K
Understanding the structure and function of nucleic acids in their native environment is crucial to structural biology and one focus of in-cell NMR spectroscopy. Many challenges hamper in-cell NMR in human cell lines, e.g. sample decay through cell death and RNA degradation. The resulting low signal intensities and broad line widths limit the use of more complex NMR experiments, reducing the possible structural and dynamic information that can be extracted. Here, we optimize the detection of imino proton signals, indicators of base-pairing and therefore secondary structure, of a double-stranded DNA oligonucleotide in HeLa cells, using selective excitation. We demonstrate the reproducible quantification of in-cell selective longitudinal relaxation times (selT), which are reduced compared to the in vitro environment, as a result of interactions with the complex cellular environment. By measuring the intracellular selT we optimize the existing proton pulse sequences, and shorten measurement time whilst enhancing the signal gained per unit of time. This exemplifies an advantage of selective excitation over conventional methods like jump-return water suppression for in-cell NMR. Furthermore, important experimental controls are discussed, including intracellular quantification, supernatant control measurements, as well as the processing of lowly concentrated in-cell NMR samples. We expect that robust and fast in-cell NMR experiments of nucleic acids will facilitate the study of structure and dynamics and reveal their functional correlation.
Transverse relaxation optimized spectroscopy of NH groups in glutamine and asparagine side chains of proteins
Tugarinov V, Torricella F, Ying J and Clore GM
A transverse relaxation optimized spectroscopy (TROSY) approach is described for the optimal detection of NH groups in asparagine and glutamine side chains of proteins. Specifically, we have developed NMR experiments for isolating the slow-relaxing N and H components of NH multiplets. Although even modest sensitivity gains in 2D NH-TROSY correlation maps compared to their decoupled NH-HSQC counterparts can be achieved only occasionally, substantial improvements in resolution of the NMR spectra are demonstrated for asparagine and glutamine NH sites of a buried cavity mutant, L99A, of T4 lysozyme at 5 ºC. The NH-TROSY approach is applied to CPMG relaxation dispersion measurements at the side chain NH positions of the L99A T4 lysozyme mutant - a model system for studies of the role of protein dynamics in ligand binding.
Quantitative analysis of the slow exchange process by F NMR in the presence of scalar and dipolar couplings: applications to the ribose 2'-F probe in nucleic acids
Toyama Y and Shimada I
Solution NMR spectroscopy is a particularly powerful technique for characterizing the functional dynamics of biomolecules, which is typically achieved through the quantitative characterization of chemical exchange processes via the measurement of spin relaxation rates. In addition to the conventional nuclei such as N and C, which are abundant in biomolecules, fluorine-19 (F) has recently garnered attention and is being widely used as a site-specific spin probe. While F offers the advantages of high sensitivity and low background, it can be susceptible to artifacts in quantitative relaxation analyses due to a multitude of dipolar and scalar coupling interactions with nearby H spins. In this study, we focused on the ribose 2'-F spin probe in nucleic acids and investigated the effects of H-F spin interactions on the quantitative characterization of slow exchange processes on the millisecond time scale. We demonstrated that the H-F dipolar coupling can significantly affect the interpretation of F chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) experiments when H decoupling is applied, while the H-F interactions have a lesser impact on Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill relaxation dispersion applications. We also proposed a modified CEST scheme to alleviate these artifacts along with experimental verifications on self-complementary RNA systems. The theoretical framework presented in this study can be widely applied to various F spin systems where H-F interactions are operative, further expanding the utility of F relaxation-based NMR experiments.
Decorating phenylalanine side-chains with triple labeled C/F/H isotope patterns
Toscano G, Holzinger J, Nagl B, Kontaxis G, Kählig H, Konrat R and Lichtenecker RJ
We present an economic and straightforward method to introduce C-F spin systems into the deuterated aromatic side chains of phenylalanine as reporters for various protein NMR applications. The method is based on the synthesis of [4-C, 2,3,5,6-H] 4-fluorophenylalanine from the commercially available isotope sources [2-C] acetone and deuterium oxide. This compound is readily metabolized by standard Escherichia coli overexpression in a glyphosate-containing minimal medium, which results in high incorporation rates in the corresponding target proteins.
Fluorine-19 labeling of the tryptophan residues in the G protein-coupled receptor NK1R using the 5-fluoroindole precursor in Pichia pastoris expression
Pan B, Guo C, Liu D and Wüthrich K
In NMR spectroscopy of biomolecular systems, the use of fluorine-19 probes benefits from a clean background and high sensitivity. Therefore, F-labeling procedures are of wide-spread interest. Here, we use 5-fluoroindole as a precursor for cost-effective residue-specific introduction of 5-fluorotryptophan (5F-Trp) into G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs) expressed in Pichia pastoris. The method was successfully implemented with the neurokinin 1 receptor (NK1R). The F-NMR spectra of 5F-Trp-labeled NK1R showed one well-separated high field-shifted resonance, which was assigned by mutational studies to the "toggle switch tryptophan". Residue-selective labeling thus enables site-specific investigations of this functionally important residue. The method described here is inexpensive, requires minimal genetic manipulation and can be expected to be applicable for yeast expression of GPCRs at large.
Labeling of methyl groups: a streamlined protocol and guidance for the selection of H precursors based on molecular weight
Locke A, Guarino K and Rule GS
A streamlined one-day protocol is described to produce isotopically methyl-labeled protein with high levels of deuterium for NMR studies. Using this protocol, the DO and H-glucose content of the media and protonation level of ILV labeling precursors (ketobutyrate and ketovalerate) were varied. The relaxation rate of the multiple-quantum (MQ) state that is present during the HMQC-TROSY pulse sequence was measured for different labeling schemes and this rate was used to predict upper limits of molecular weights for various labeling schemes. The use of deuterated solvents (DO) or deuterated glucose is not required to obtain H-C correlated NMR spectra of a 50 kDa homodimeric protein that are suitable for assignment by mutagenesis. High quality spectra of 100-150 kDa proteins, suitable for most applications, can be obtained without the use of deuterated glucose. The proton on the β-position of ketovalerate appears to undergo partial exchange with deuterium under the growth conditions used in this study.
Deuterium spin relaxation of fractionally deuterated ribonuclease H using paired 475 and 950 MHz NMR spectrometers
Bhattacharya S, Varney KM, Dahmane T, Johnson BA, Weber DJ and Palmer AG
Deuterium (H) spin relaxation of CHD methyl groups has been widely applied to investigate picosecond-to-nanosecond conformational dynamics in proteins by solution-state NMR spectroscopy. The B dependence of the H spin relaxation rates is represented by a linear relationship between the spectral density function at three discrete frequencies J(0), J(ω) and J(2ω). In this study, the linear relation between H relaxation rates at B fields separated by a factor of two and the interpolation of rates at intermediate frequencies are combined for a more robust approach for spectral density mapping. The general usefulness of the approach is demonstrated on a fractionally deuterated (55%) and alternate C-C labeled sample of E. coli RNase H. Deuterium relaxation rate constants (R, R, R, R) were measured for 57 well-resolved CHD moieties in RNase H at H frequencies of 475 MHz, 500 MHz, 900 MHz, and 950 MHz. The spectral density mapping of the 475/950 MHz data combination was performed independently and jointly to validate the expected relationship between data recorded at B fields separated by a factor of two. The final analysis was performed by jointly analyzing 475/950 MHz rates with 700 MHz rates interpolated from 500/900 MHz data to yield six J(ω) values for each methyl peak. The J(ω) profile for each peak was fit to the original (τ, S, τ) or extended model-free function (τ, S, S, τ, τ) to obtain optimized dynamic parameters.
Sedimentation of large, soluble proteins up to 140 kDa for H-detected MAS NMR and C DNP NMR - practical aspects
Bell D, Lindemann F, Gerland L, Aucharova H, Klein A, Friedrich D, Hiller M, Grohe K, Meier T, van Rossum B, Diehl A, Hughes J, Mueller LJ, Linser R, Miller AF and Oschkinat H
Solution NMR is typically applied to biological systems with molecular weights < 40 kDa whereas magic-angle-spinning (MAS) solid-state NMR traditionally targets very large, oligomeric proteins and complexes exceeding 500 kDa in mass, including fibrils and crystalline protein preparations. Here, we propose that the gap between these size regimes can be filled by the approach presented that enables investigation of large, soluble and fully protonated proteins in the range of 40-140 kDa. As a key step, ultracentrifugation produces a highly concentrated, gel-like state, resembling a dense phase in spontaneous liquid-liquid phase separation (LLPS). By means of three examples, a Sulfolobus acidocaldarius bifurcating electron transfer flavoprotein (SaETF), tryptophan synthases from Salmonella typhimurium (StTS) and their dimeric β-subunits from Pyrococcus furiosus (PfTrpB), we show that such samples yield well-resolved proton-detected 2D and 3D NMR spectra at 100 kHz MAS without heterogeneous broadening, similar to diluted liquids. Herein, we provide practical guidance on centrifugation conditions and tools, sample behavior, and line widths expected. We demonstrate that the observed chemical shifts correspond to those obtained from µM/low mM solutions or crystalline samples, indicating structural integrity. Nitrogen line widths as low as 20-30 Hz are observed. The presented approach is advantageous for proteins or nucleic acids that cannot be deuterated due to the expression system used, or where relevant protons cannot be re-incorporated after expression in deuterated medium, and it circumvents crystallization. Importantly, it allows the use of low-glycerol buffers in dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) NMR of proteins as demonstrated with the cyanobacterial phytochrome Cph1.
Micromolar fluoride contamination arising from glass NMR tubes and a simple solution for biomolecular applications
Matwani K, Cornish J, DeBenedictis EA and Heller GT
Fluorine (F) NMR is emerging as an invaluable analytical technique in chemistry, biochemistry, structural biology, material science, drug discovery, and medicine, especially due to the inherent rarity of naturally occurring fluorine in biological, organic, and inorganic compounds. Here, we revisit the under-reported problem of fluoride leaching from new and unused glass NMR tubes. We characterised the leaching of free fluoride from various types of new and unused glass NMR tubes over the course of several hours and quantify this contaminant to be at micromolar concentrations for typical NMR sample volumes across multiple glass types and brands. We find that this artefact is undetectable for samples prepared in quartz NMR tubes within the timeframes of our experiments. We also observed that pre-soaking new glass NMR tubes combined with rinsing removes this contamination below micromolar levels. Given the increasing popularity of F NMR across a wide range of fields, increasing popularity of single-use screening tubes, the long collection times required for relaxation studies and samples of low concentrations, and the importance of avoiding contamination in all NMR experiments, we anticipate that our simple solution will be useful to biomolecular NMR spectroscopists.
Pitfalls in measurements of R relaxation rates of protein backbone N nuclei
Kharchenko V, Al-Harthi S, Ejchart A and Jaremko Ł
The dynamics of the backbone and side-chains of protein are routinely studied by interpreting experimentally determined N spin relaxation rates. R(N), the longitudinal relaxation rate, reports on fast motions and encodes, together with the transverse relaxation R, structural information about the shape of the molecule and the orientation of the amide bond vectors in the internal diffusion frame. Determining error-free N longitudinal relaxation rates remains a challenge for small, disordered, and medium-sized proteins. Here, we show that mono-exponential fitting is sufficient, with no statistical preference for bi-exponential fitting up to 800 MHz. A detailed comparison of the TROSY and HSQC techniques at medium and high fields showed no statistically significant differences. The least error-prone DD/CSA interference removal technique is the selective inversion of amide signals while avoiding water resonance. The exchange of amide with solvent deuterons appears to affect the rate R of solvent-exposed amides in all fields tested and in each DD/CSA interference removal technique in a statistically significant manner. In summary, the most accurate R(N) rates in proteins are achieved by selective amide inversion, without the addition of DO. Importantly, at high magnetic fields stronger than 800 MHz, when non-mono-exponential decay is involved, it is advisable to consider elimination of the shortest delays (typically up to 0.32 s) or bi-exponential fitting.
DNP-assisted solid-state NMR enables detection of proteins at nanomolar concentrations in fully protonated cellular milieu
Costello WN, Xiao Y, Mentink-Vigier F, Kragelj J and Frederick KK
With the sensitivity enhancements conferred by dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP), magic angle spinning (MAS) solid state NMR spectroscopy experiments can attain the necessary sensitivity to detect very low concentrations of proteins. This potentially enables structural investigations of proteins at their endogenous levels in their biological contexts where their native stoichiometries with potential interactors is maintained. Yet, even with DNP, experiments are still sensitivity limited. Moreover, when an isotopically-enriched target protein is present at physiological levels, which typically range from low micromolar to nanomolar concentrations, the isotope content from the natural abundance isotopes in the cellular milieu can outnumber the isotope content of the target protein. Using isotopically enriched yeast prion protein, Sup35NM, diluted into natural abundance yeast lysates, we optimized sample composition. We found that modest cryoprotectant concentrations and fully protonated environments support efficient DNP. We experimentally validated theoretical calculations of the limit of specificity for an isotopically enriched protein in natural abundance cellular milieu. We establish that, using pulse sequences that are selective for adjacent NMR-active nuclei, proteins can be specifically detected in cellular milieu at concentrations in the hundreds of nanomolar. Finally, we find that maintaining native stoichiometries of the protein of interest to the components of the cellular environment may be important for proteins that make specific interactions with cellular constituents.
Prediction of order parameters based on protein NMR structure ensemble and machine learning
Wang Q, Miao Z, Xiao X, Zhang X, Yang D, Jiang B and Liu M
The fast motions of proteins at the picosecond to nanosecond timescale, known as fast dynamics, are closely related to protein conformational entropy and rearrangement, which in turn affect catalysis, ligand binding and protein allosteric effects. The most used NMR approach to study fast protein dynamics is the model free method, which uses order parameter S to describe the amplitude of the internal motion of local group. However, to obtain order parameter through NMR experiments is quite complex and lengthy. In this paper, we present a machine learning approach for predicting backbone H-N order parameters based on protein NMR structure ensemble. A random forest model is used to learn the relationship between order parameters and structural features. Our method achieves high accuracy in predicting backbone H-N order parameters for a test dataset of 10 proteins, with a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.817 and a root-mean-square error of 0.131.
Enabling site-specific NMR investigations of therapeutic Fab using a cell-free based isotopic labeling approach: application to anti-LAMP1 Fab
Giraud A, Imbert L, Favier A, Henot F, Duffieux F, Samson C, Frances O, Crublet E and Boisbouvier J
Monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) are biotherapeutics that have achieved outstanding success in treating many life-threatening and chronic diseases. The recognition of an antigen is mediated by the fragment antigen binding (Fab) regions composed by four different disulfide bridge-linked immunoglobulin domains. NMR is a powerful method to assess the integrity, the structure and interaction of Fabs, but site specific analysis has been so far hampered by the size of the Fabs and the lack of approaches to produce isotopically labeled samples. We proposed here an efficient in vitro method to produce [N, C, H]-labeled Fabs enabling high resolution NMR investigations of these powerful therapeutics. As an open system, the cell-free expression mode enables fine-tuned control of the redox potential in presence of disulfide bond isomerase to enhance the formation of native disulfide bonds. Moreover, inhibition of transaminases in the S30 cell-free extract offers the opportunity to produce perdeuterated Fab samples directly in HO medium, without the need for a time-consuming and inefficient refolding process. This specific protocol was applied to produce an optimally labeled sample of a therapeutic Fab, enabling the sequential assignment of H, N, C', C, C resonances of a full-length Fab. 90% of the backbone resonances of a Fab domain directed against the human LAMP1 glycoprotein were assigned successfully, opening new opportunities to study, at atomic resolution, Fabs' higher order structures, dynamics and interactions, using solution-state NMR.