Evaluation of quality of life after orthognathic surgery in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome: a systematic review
To develop a systematic review of patient perspectives on the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) after undergoing orthognathic advancement surgery.
Incidence of unexpected condylar displacement following comprehensive orthodontic treatment in adults
To evaluate the incidence and pattern of unexpected/excessive condylar displacement after comprehensive orthodontic treatment in adults.
Evaluation of the accuracy of digital indirect bonding vs. conventional systems: a randomized clinical trial
To compare the accuracy and chair time of self-ligating brackets using direct bonding, traditional indirect bonding (IB), and computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) IB techniques after orthodontic leveling and alignment.
Vertical and transverse treatment effects of Invisalign First system compared to Hyrax maxillary expanders with fixed appliances in mixed dentition patients
To compare vertical and transverse changes in mixed dentition patients treated with the Invisalign First System (IFS) to those treated with a banded hyrax expander with fixed appliances (Hyrax) and control groups, and to assess the efficiency rate of dental arch expansion with IFS.
Orthodontic treatment outcome predictive performance differences between artificial intelligence and conventional methods
To evaluate an artificial intelligence (AI) model in predicting soft tissue and alveolar bone changes following orthodontic treatment and compare the predictive performance of the AI model with conventional prediction models.
Accuracy of soy-based resins for dental 3D printing
To verify the accuracy of soy-based resins for dental three-dimensional (3D) printing.
Evaluation of anchorage loss after en masse retraction in orthodontic patients with maxillary protrusion using friction vs frictionless mechanics: randomized clinical trial
To evaluate anchorage loss after en masse retraction in bimaxillary dentoalveolar protrusion patients using friction vs frictionless mechanics.
Lower incisor position in skeletal Class III malocclusion patients: a comparative study of orthodontic camouflage and orthognathic surgery
To determine the difference between orthodontic camouflage and orthodontic-orthognathic surgery using the traditional cephalometric measurement IMPA and the newly proposed IA/PAMD, the angle between the long axis of the lower incisor (IA) and the principal axis of the mandibular alveolus (PAMD).
Skeletal effects of posterior crossbite treatment with either quad helix or rapid maxillary expansion: a randomized controlled trial with 1-year follow-up
To assess skeletal and dental effects and evaluate possible side effects of maxillary expansion with two different appliances, directly after expansion and 1 year postexpansion.
Harmonizing soft tissue subnasale and chin position in a forehead-based framework: interracial commonalities and differences between Asian and Caucasian females
To establish a reference system for assessing the anteroposterior (A-P) position of the subnasal and lower-facial soft tissues for whole facial harmony.
Diagnostic performance of ClinCheck, Dolphin Imaging, and 3D Slicer software for Bolton discrepancy analysis
To evaluate the diagnostic performance of ClinCheck, Dolphin Imaging orthodontic software, and 3D Slicer for the analysis of Bolton discrepancy (BD).
Nonsurgical orthodontic treatment using bone-anchored maxillary protraction in a patient with unilateral cleft lip and palate
Class III malocclusion due to a retrognathic maxilla is common in patients with cleft lip and palate. Skeletally anchored maxillary protraction using screw-anchored mini-plates combined with intraoral elastics has shown promising results in achieving orthopedic changes and maintaining the outcome until the completion of the growth. This case report presents the course of treatment in a patient with unilateral cleft lip and palate and multiple congenitally missing teeth treated with bone-anchored maxillary protraction until the end of growth. Four mini-plates (Bollard plates) were used during comprehensive fixed orthodontic treatment to protract the dentition and close the space where teeth were missing, extrude the canine, and force eruption of the second premolar using extension arms and cantilevers. A 2-year follow-up at age 17 showed stable occlusion and maintenance of soft tissue results. Bone-anchored maxillary protraction treatment in a patient with cleft lip and palate demonstrates proper orthopedic results and could be a viable alternative to orthognathic surgery.
Comparison between effects of reverse curve of Spee nickel titanium archwire and stainless steel archwires with and without torque on the lower incisors in deep overbite treatment: a randomized control study
To compare the effect between three different reverse curve of Spee (RCOS) archwires: 0.016 × 0.022-inch Nickel-Titanium and 0.019 × 0.025-inch stainless steel (SS) with and without crown labial torque (CLT) on lower incisors during deep overbite treatment.
An in vitro study of a combined patient-specific device for safe and accurate insertion of infrazygomatic crest miniscrews
To develop and assess the efficacy of a novel combined patient-specific device (CPSD) for the accurate and safe insertion of infrazygomatic crest miniscrews in orthodontic procedures.
Influence of Invisalign precision bite ramp utilization on deep bite correction and root length in adults
To assess the influence of Invisalign precision bite ramp use on skeletal deep overbite correction and root length and volume of maxillary anterior teeth.
Does artificial intelligence predict orthognathic surgical outcomes better than conventional linear regression methods?
To evaluate the performance of an artificial intelligence (AI) model in predicting orthognathic surgical outcomes compared to conventional prediction methods.
Reliability assessment of craniofacial and airway measurements: a comparative study between multidetector computed tomography and cone-beam computed tomography
To compare the intra- and inter-examiner reliability of multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) and cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT) using Amira and Dolphin software analyses for craniofacial/airway measurements by six examiners.
Do erupting maxillary canines resorb adjacent teeth? A study focusing both on the ipsilateral and contralateral sides among individuals with unilaterally impacted canines
To determine the prevalence of root resorption of teeth adjacent to permanent maxillary canines on both sides, by cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), in pretreatment adolescent subjects with unilaterally impacted maxillary canines, and to define predictive factors for the root resorption.
Efficacy of planned moderate to severe torque changes in mandibular central incisors with an initial series of Invisalign aligners: a retrospective cohort study
To determine whether the achieved mandibular central incisor lingual root torque (LRT) changes matched the planned changes after treatment with an initial series of Invisalign aligners when ≥10° of torque change was planned.
Inhibition of 12/15-lipoxygenase reduces orthodontically induced root resorption in rats
To investigate whether the inhibition of 12/15-lipoxygenase (12/15-LOX), one of the core enzymes of the arachidonic acid cascade, suppresses orthodontically induced root resorption (OIRR), and examine the involvement of the hyaline degeneration of periodontal ligament cells and odontoclast differentiation.
The OHStat guidelines for reporting observational studies and clinical trials in oral health research: manuscript checklist
Adequate and transparent reporting is necessary for critically appraising published research, yet ample evidence suggests that the design, conduct, analysis, interpretation, and reporting of oral health research could be greatly improved. Accordingly, the Task Force on Design and Analysis in Oral Health Research, statisticians and trialists from academia and industry, identified the minimum information needed to report and evaluate observational studies and clinical trials in oral health: the OHStat guidelines. Drafts were circulated to the editors of 85 oral health journals and to Task Force members and sponsors and discussed at a December 2020 workshop attended by 49 researchers. The guidelines were subsequently revised by the Task Force writing group. The guidelines draw heavily from the Consolidated Standards for Reporting Trials (CONSORT), Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology, and CONSORT harms guidelines, and incorporate the SAMPL guidelines for reporting statistics, the CLIP principles for documenting images, and the GRADE indicating the quality of evidence. The guidelines also recommend reporting estimates in clinically meaningful units using confidence intervals, rather than relying on P values. In addition, OHStat introduces seven new guidelines that concern the text itself, such as checking the congruence between abstract and text, structuring the discussion, and listing conclusions to make them more specific. OHStat does not replace other reporting guidelines; it incorporates those most relevant to dental research into a single document. Manuscripts using the OHStat guidelines will provide more information specific to oral health research.