ETL-YOLO v4: A face mask detection algorithm in era of COVID-19 pandemic
During the last two years, several deep learning-based methods for face mask detection have been proposed by researchers. However, most of the proposed methods struggle with the detection of face masks that are too small an object to detect and further achieve low detection accuracy. Considering the issues of the existing methods, in this work, we have proposed ETL-YOLO v4 with a modified and improved feature extraction and prediction network for tiny YOLO v4 which surpasses all its predecessors and other related work in the literature. To develop ETL-YOLO v4, we have improved the backbone architecture of tiny YOLO v4 by adding a modified-dense SPP network, two additional detection layers with modified and optimized CNN layers that aid in accurate prediction, used Mish as the activation function, and utilized modified anchor boxes. Furthermore, to obtain detection results in images of varied viewpoints, we have added Mosaic and CutMix data augmentation at training time. The proposed ETL-YOLO v4 achieved 9.93% higher mAP, 5.75% higher average precision (AP) for faces with masks, and 16.6% higher average precision (AP) for the face mask region as compared to its original base-line variant.
A multi features based background modelling approach for moving object detection
Background subtraction always remains an important and challenging task for different applications. Our previous work established the effectiveness of hybrid model by exploiting the oriented patterns present in a video sequences over other statistical method. To extend this approach further, we have proposed a novel approach herein by eliminating GLCM based features with an improved local Zernike moment and color components of intensity. These features are clubbed with the orientation based features extracted from angle co-occurrence matrices (ACMs) to model the background. Furthermore the Mahalanobis distance measure is replaced by Canberra distance to categorized foreground and background pixels, which significantly reduces the computational complexity of the proposed method due to the absence of covariance matrix measure. Comparative results have shown that our proposed method is effective than other competing method on different set of video sequences.
Multi-label segmentation and detection of COVID-19 abnormalities from chest radiographs using deep learning
Due to COVID-19, demand for Chest Radiographs (CXRs) have increased exponentially. Therefore, we present a novel fully automatic modified Attention U-Net (CXAU-Net) multi-class segmentation deep model that can detect common findings of COVID-19 in CXR images. The architectural design of this model includes three novelties: first, an Attention U-net model with channel and spatial attention blocks is designed that precisely localize multiple pathologies; second, dilated convolution applied improves the sensitivity of the model to foreground pixels with additional receptive fields valuation, and third a newly proposed hybrid loss function combines both area and size information for optimizing model. The proposed model achieves average accuracy, DSC, and Jaccard index scores of 0.951, 0.993, 0.984, and 0.921, 0.985, 0.973 for image-based and patch-based approaches respectively for multi-class segmentation on Chest X-ray 14 dataset. Also, average DSC and Jaccard index scores of 0.998, 0.989 are achieved for binary-class segmentation on the Japanese Society of Radiological Technology (JSRT) CXR dataset. These results illustrate that the proposed model outperformed the state-of-the-art segmentation methods.
Experimental and computational study of naphthalimide derivatives: Synthesis, optical, nonlinear optical and antiviral properties
The nonlinear optical (NLO) and antiviral properties of naphthalimide Schiff base compounds () were experimentally and computationally investigated. The synthesized compounds () were successfully characterized via UV-Vis, FTIR, H NMR, fluorescence spectroscopy, and elemental analysis. The calculated average third-order NLO polarizabilities (˂γ˃) of , , and were found to be 5, 9, and 21 times greater than the ˂γ˃ amplitude of -NA, respectively. The computed results revealed the potential of the synthesized compounds for NLO applications. Additionally, molecular docking studies of the synthesized compounds with two crucial SARS-CoV-2 proteins were performed to examine their biochemical properties. Compound exhibited a higher binding affinity with the spike protein compared to that with Mᴾᴿᴼ. The results obtained herein indicate the potential of the synthesized naphthalimide derivatives for optoelectronic and drug design applications.
An optimized KELM approach for the diagnosis of from 2D-SSA reconstructed CXR Images
The is proved to be the most infectious disease of the current century with a high mortality rate world-wide. The current RT-PCR test standard for the diagnosis of is an invasive and time-consuming procedure, whereas the chest X-ray (CXR) images provide a non-invasive and time/cost-effective method for diagnosis. The current existing deep learning methods for the detection and diagnosis of CXR images provide biased results for the small size dataset available. Hence, in the present work, a conventional yet efficient method is proposed classifying the CXR images into , , and . The proposed approach pre-processes the CXR images using 2D singular spectrum analysis (SSA) for image reconstruction which enhances the feature inputs to the classifier. The features are extracted from the reconstructed images using a block-based GLCM approach. Then, a grasshopper-based Kernel extreme learning machine (KELM) is proposed which finds the optimal features and kernel parameters of KELM at the same instance. From the experimental analysis, it is seen that the present work outperforms that of other competent schemes in terms of classification accuracy with a minimal set of features extracted from the first 2 eigen components of the 2D-SSA reconstructed image with 5 × 5 decomposition.
COVID-19 lesion discrimination and localization network based on multi-receptive field attention module on CT images
Since discovered in Hubei, China in December 2019, Corona Virus Disease 2019 named COVID-19 has lasted more than one year, and the number of new confirmed cases and confirmed deaths is still at a high level. COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. Although RT-PCR is considered the gold standard for detection of COVID-19, CT plays an important role in the diagnosis and evaluation of the therapeutic effect of COVID-19. Diagnosis and localization of COVID-19 on CT images using deep learning can provide quantitative auxiliary information for doctors. This article proposes a novel network with multi-receptive field attention module to diagnose COVID-19 on CT images. This attention module includes three parts, a pyramid convolution module (PCM), a multi-receptive field spatial attention block (SAB), and a multi-receptive field channel attention block (CAB). The PCM can improve the diagnostic ability of the network for lesions of different sizes and shapes. The role of SAB and CAB is to focus the features extracted from the network on the lesion area to improve the ability of COVID-19 discrimination and localization. We verify the effectiveness of the proposed method on two datasets. The accuracy rate of 97.12%, specificity of 96.89%, and sensitivity of 97.21% are achieved by the proposed network on DTDB dataset provided by the Beijing Ditan Hospital Capital Medical University. Compared with other state-of-the-art attention modules, the proposed method achieves better result. As for the public COVID-19 SARS-CoV-2 dataset, 95.16% for accuracy, 95.6% for F1-score and 99.01% for AUC are obtained. The proposed network can effectively assist doctors in the diagnosis of COVID-19 CT images.
Diagnosing COVID-19 disease using an efficient CAD system
Todays, COVID-19 has caused much death and its spreading speed is increasing, regarding virus mutation. This outbreak warns diagnosing infected people is an important issue. So, in this research, a computer-aided diagnosis (CAD) system called COV-CAD is proposed for diagnosing COVID-19 disease. This COV-CAD system is created by a feature extractor, a classification method, and a content-based imaged retrieval (CBIR) system. The proposed feature extractor is created by using the modified AlexNet CNN. The first modification changes ReLU activation functions to LeakyReLU for increasing efficiency. The second change is converting a fully connected (FC) layer of AlexNet CNN with a new FC, which results in reducing learnable parameters and training time. Another FC layer with dimensions 1 × 64 is added at the end of the feature extractor as the feature vector. In the classification section, a new classification method is defined in which the majority voting technique is applied on outputs of CBIR, SVM, KNN, and Random Forest for final diagnosing. Furthermore, in retrieval section, the proposed method uses CBIR because of its ability to retrieve the most similar images to the image of a patient. Since this feature helps physicians to find the most similar cases, they could conduct further statistical evaluations on profiles of similar patients. The system has been evaluated by accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, F1-score, and mean average precision and its accuracy for CT and X-ray datasets is 93.20% and 99.38%, respectively. The results demonstrate that the proposed method is more efficient than other similar studies.
A comparative study on wavelet denoising for high noisy CT images of COVID-19 disease
Coronavirus disease (COVID-19), detected in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China, is a pandemic disease and affecting all people in the world. Real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test is the standard clinical tool for the diagnosis of COVID-19. Computed Tomography (CT) is an alternative method to RT-PCR test for the diagnosis of COVID-19 due to some disadvantages of the RT-PCR test. In this method, the target is to determine coronavirus pneumonia from CT images. However, high noise decreases the image quality, so a noise reduction filter is used. The wavelet functions are widely used to reduce noise in images. In this study, a performance comparison of the different wavelet functions in CT image denoising is proposed. Significant remarks are obtained from the analysis to improve the quality for CT exams of COVID-19 disease.
Influence on temperature distribution of COB deep UV LED due to different packaging density and substrate type
The thermal performance of a deep UV LED package in three different chip on board (COB) substrates was studied by finite element simulation. The relationship between the temperature of each component in different COB substrates and the packaging density of the deep UV LED was analyzed. Having the same size of a 1313 COB substrate, this study indicates that the aluminum substrate can adapt to a 0.38 W/mm packaging density at a maximum owing to the existence of an insulation layer, which has a low thermal conductivity. However, an alumina ceramic substrate can be adapted to a 0.94 W/mm packaging density. Aluminum nitride ceramic can meet the demand for a higher packaging density; however, the cost is a key factor which cannot be ignored for large-scale applications. The results of this study provide detailed suggestions for researchers and industrial use for the selection of COB substrates packaged with deep UV LED according to different packaging densities, which have a higher practical application value.
COVIDetection-Net: A tailored COVID-19 detection from chest radiography images using deep learning
In this study, a medical system based on Deep Learning (DL) which we called "COVIDetection-Net" is proposed for automatic detection of new corona virus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection from chest radiography images (CRIs). The proposed system is based on ShuffleNet and SqueezeNet architecture to extract deep learned features and Multiclass Support Vector Machines (MSVM) for detection and classification. Our dataset contains 1200 CRIs that collected from two different publicly available databases. Extensive experiments were carried out using the proposed model. The highest detection accuracy of 100 % for COVID/NonCOVID, 99.72 % for COVID/Normal/pneumonia and 94.44 % for COVID/Normal/Bacterial pneumonia/Viral pneumonia have been obtained. The proposed system superior all published methods in recall, specificity, precision, F1-Score and accuracy. Confusion Matrix (CM) and Receiver Operation Characteristics (ROC) analysis are also used to depict the performance of the proposed model. Hence the proposed COVIDetection-Net can serve as an efficient system in the current state of COVID-19 pandemic and can be used in everywhere that are facing shortage of test kits.
Solitions in magneto-optic waveguides with anti-cubic nonlinearity
Optical soliton solutions are recovered for magneto-optic waveguides that maintains anti-cubic form of nonlinear refractive index. The analytical scheme is Jacobi's elliptic function approach. Once the solutions to the governing model are obtained in terms of Jacobi's elliptic functions, the limiting value to it's modulus of ellipticity reveals the complete spectrum of soliton solutions.
An efficient image descriptor for image classification and CBIR
Pattern recognition and feature extraction of images always have been important subjects in improving the performance of image classification and Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR). Recently, Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms are utilized widely in order to achieve these targets. In this research, an efficient method for image description is proposed which is developed by Machine Learning and Deep Learning algorithms. This method is created using combination of an improved AlexNet Convolutional Neural Network (CNN), Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) and Local Binary Pattern (LBP) descriptors. Furthermore, the Principle Component Analysis (PCA) algorithm has been used for dimension reduction. The experimental results demonstrate the superiority of the offered method compared to existing methods by improving the accuracy, mean Average Precision (mAP) and decreasing the complex computation. The experiments have been run on Corel-1000, OT and FP datasets.
Design of angle-resolved illumination optics using nonimaging bi-telecentricity for 193 nm scatterfield microscopy
Accurate optics-based dimensional measurements of features sized well-below the diffraction limit require a thorough understanding of the illumination within the optical column and of the three-dimensional scattered fields that contain the information required for quantitative metrology. Scatterfield microscopy can pair simulations with angle-resolved tool characterization to improve agreement between the experiment and calculated libraries, yielding sub-nanometer parametric uncertainties. Optimized angle-resolved illumination requires bi-telecentric optics in which a telecentric sample plane defined by a Köhler illumination configuration and a telecentric conjugate back focal plane (CBFP) of the objective lens; scanning an aperture or an aperture source at the CBFP allows control of the illumination beam angle at the sample plane with minimal distortion. A bi-telecentric illumination optics have been designed enabling angle-resolved illumination for both aperture and source scanning modes while yielding low distortion and chief ray parallelism. The optimized design features a maximum chief ray angle at the CBFP of 0.002° and maximum wavefront deviations of less than 0.06 λ for angle-resolved illumination beams at the sample plane, holding promise for high quality angle-resolved illumination for improved measurements of deep-subwavelength structures using deep-ultraviolet light.
Application of Independent Component Analysis Techniques in Speckle Noise Reduction of Retinal OCT Images
Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) is an emerging technique in the field of biomedical imaging, with applications in ophthalmology, dermatology, coronary imaging etc. OCT images usually suffer from a granular pattern, called speckle noise, which restricts the process of interpretation. Therefore the need for speckle noise reduction techniques is of high importance. To the best of our knowledge, use of Independent Component Analysis (ICA) techniques has never been explored for speckle reduction of OCT images. Here, a comparative study of several ICA techniques (InfoMax, JADE, FastICA and SOBI) is provided for noise reduction of retinal OCT images. Having multiple B-scans of the same location, the eye movements are compensated using a rigid registration technique. Then, different ICA techniques are applied to the aggregated set of B-scans for extracting the noise-free image. Signal-to-Noise-Ratio (SNR), Contrast-to-Noise-Ratio (CNR) and Equivalent-Number-of-Looks (ENL), as well as analysis on the computational complexity of the methods, are considered as metrics for comparison. The results show that use of ICA can be beneficial, especially in case of having fewer number of B-scans.
Mathematical Models of College Myopia
Experimental design phase of a pilot study at Annapolis is described, using reading glasses, +1.5 D. to +3.0 D. to alleviate college myopia. College students often become 1.0 to 2.0 diopters more myopic, so reading glasses were explored to partially cancel the effects of the study environment. N = 25 different sets of (+)Add lenses are evaluated, for required adjustment period and reading comfort. Three computer models are developed to predict refraction versus time. Basic control system equations predict exponential myopia shift of refractive state R(t) with time constant t0 = 100 days. Linear, exponential and Gompertz computer results are compared calculating refraction R(t) during the college years, showing correlation coefficients |r| = 0.96 to 0.97, accurate +/-0.31 D. over a 14 year interval. Typical college myopia rate is -0.3 to -0.4 D/yr. Reading glasses may be a simple, practical solution to stabilize college myopia.
Learning based particle filtering object tracking for visible-light systems
We propose a novel object tracking framework based on online learning scheme that can work robustly in challenging scenarios. Firstly, a learning-based particle filter is proposed with color and edge-based features. We train a. support vector machine (SVM) classifier with object and background information and map the outputs into probabilities, then the weight of particles in a particle filter can be calculated by the probabilistic outputs to estimate the state of the object. Secondly, the tracking loop starts with Lucas-Kanade (LK) affine template matching and follows by learning-based particle filter tracking. Lucas-Kanade method estimates errors and updates object template in the positive samples dataset, and learning-based particle filter tracker will start if the LK tracker loses the object. Finally, SVM classifier evaluates every tracked appearance to update the training set or restart the tracking loop if necessary. Experimental results show that our method is robust to challenging light, scale and pose changing, and test on eButton image sequence also achieves satisfactory tracking performance.
Perceptual Contrast Enhancement with Dynamic Range Adjustment
Recent years, although great efforts have been made to improve its performance, few Histogram equalization (HE) methods take human visual perception (HVP) into account explicitly. The human visual system (HVS) is more sensitive to edges than brightness. This paper proposes to take use of this nature intuitively and develops a perceptual contrast enhancement approach with dynamic range adjustment through histogram modification. The use of perceptual contrast connects the image enhancement problem with the HVS. To pre-condition the input image before the HE procedure is implemented, a perceptual contrast map (PCM) is constructed based on the modified Difference of Gaussian (DOG) algorithm. As a result, the contrast of the image is sharpened and high frequency noise is suppressed. A modified Clipped Histogram Equalization (CHE) is also developed which improves visual quality by automatically detecting the dynamic range of the image with improved perceptual contrast. Experimental results show that the new HE algorithm outperforms several state-of-the-art algorithms in improving perceptual contrast and enhancing details. In addition, the new algorithm is simple to implement, making it suitable for real-time applications.
Influence of annealing effects on polyaniline for good microstructural modification
H(2)SO(4) doped polyaniline (PANI) has synthesized by chemical oxidation method. The prepared Polyaniline were annealed at 150 °C, 200 °C and 250 °C for 30 min in vacuum. Crystal size, percentage of crystallinity, total percentage of crystallinity properties of untreated and heat treated PANI samples were studied by using X-ray diffraction pattern. The molecular structure of untreated and heat treated samples were examined by using Fourier transform infrared spectrophotometer. UV study shows π-π* transition of untreated and heat treated of polyaniline were found at 328 and 636 nm. The peak at 636 nm reveals the extension of conjugated polymer. Thermal properties of untreated and heat treated PANI sample measured by using thermo gravimetric analysis and differential scanning calorimetric spectroscopy.
[The change in refractive index, density and molar refraction when the glasses were tempered]
[Studies on physiological optics; About the visibility of light rows]
[Properties of extremely fine-grained photographic emulsions with electron radiation]