Equilibrium investment with random risk aversion
Desmettre S and Steffensen M
We solve the problem of an investor who maximizes utility but faces random preferences. We propose a problem formulation based on expected certainty equivalents. We tackle the time-consistency issues arising from that formulation by applying the equilibrium theory approach. To this end, we provide the proper definitions and prove a rigorous verification theorem. We complete the calculations for the cases of power and exponential utility. For power utility, we illustrate in a numerical example that the equilibrium stock proportion is independent of wealth, but decreasing in time, which we also supplement by a theoretical discussion. For exponential utility, the usual constant absolute risk aversion is replaced by its expectation.
Model-free portfolio theory: A rough path approach
Allan AL, Cuchiero C, Liu C and Prömel DJ
Based on a rough path foundation, we develop a model-free approach to stochastic portfolio theory (SPT). Our approach allows to handle significantly more general portfolios compared to previous model-free approaches based on Föllmer integration. Without the assumption of any underlying probabilistic model, we prove a pathwise formula for the relative wealth process, which reduces in the special case of functionally generated portfolios to a pathwise version of the so-called master formula of classical SPT. We show that the appropriately scaled asymptotic growth rate of a far reaching generalization of Cover's universal portfolio based on controlled paths coincides with that of the best retrospectively chosen portfolio within this class. We provide several novel results concerning rough integration, and highlight the advantages of the rough path approach by showing that (nonfunctionally generated) log-optimal portfolios in an ergodic Itô diffusion setting have the same asymptotic growth rate as Cover's universal portfolio and the best retrospectively chosen one.
Convergence of optimal expected utility for a sequence of binomial models
Hubalek F and Schachermayer W
We consider the convergence of the solution of a discrete-time utility maximization problem for a sequence of binomial models to the Black-Scholes-Merton model for general utility functions. In previous work by D. Kreps and the second named author a counter-example for positively skewed non-symmetric binomial models has been constructed, while the symmetric case was left as an open problem. In the present article we show that convergence holds for the symmetric case and for negatively skewed binomial models. The proof depends on some rather fine estimates of the tail behaviors of binomial random variables. We also review some general results on the convergence of discrete models to Black-Scholes-Merton as developed in a recent monograph by D. Kreps.
Convergence of optimal expected utility for a sequence of discrete-time markets
Kreps DM and Schachermayer W
We examine Kreps' conjecture that optimal expected utility in the classic Black-Scholes-Merton (BSM) economy is the limit of optimal expected utility for a sequence of discrete-time economies that "approach" the BSM economy in a natural sense: The th discrete-time economy is generated by a scaled -step random walk, based on an unscaled random variable ζ with mean 0, variance 1, and bounded support. We confirm Kreps' conjecture if the consumer's utility function has asymptotic elasticity strictly less than one, and we provide a counterexample to the conjecture for a utility function with asymptotic elasticity equal to 1, for ζ such that .
Robust risk aggregation with neural networks
Eckstein S, Kupper M and Pohl M
We consider settings in which the distribution of a multivariate random variable is partly ambiguous. We assume the ambiguity lies on the level of the dependence structure, and that the marginal distributions are known. Furthermore, a current best guess for the distribution, called reference measure, is available. We work with the set of distributions that are both close to the given reference measure in a transportation distance (e.g., the Wasserstein distance), and additionally have the correct marginal structure. The goal is to find upper and lower bounds for integrals of interest with respect to distributions in this set. The described problem appears naturally in the context of risk aggregation. When aggregating different risks, the marginal distributions of these risks are known and the task is to quantify their joint effect on a given system. This is typically done by applying a meaningful risk measure to the sum of the individual risks. For this purpose, the stochastic interdependencies between the risks need to be specified. In practice, the models of this dependence structure are however subject to relatively high model ambiguity. The contribution of this paper is twofold: First, we derive a dual representation of the considered problem and prove that strong duality holds. Second, we propose a generally applicable and computationally feasible method, which relies on neural networks, in order to numerically solve the derived dual problem. The latter method is tested on a number of toy examples, before it is finally applied to perform robust risk aggregation in a real-world instance.
Consistency of option prices under bid-ask spreads
Gerhold S and Gülüm IC
Given a finite set of European call option prices on a single underlying, we want to know when there is a market model that is consistent with these prices. In contrast to previous studies, we allow models where the underlying trades at a bid-ask spread. The main question then is how large (in terms of a deterministic bound) this spread must be to explain the given prices. We fully solve this problem in the case of a single maturity, and give several partial results for multiple maturities. For the latter, our main mathematical tool is a recent result on approximation by peacocks.
Cover's universal portfolio, stochastic portfolio theory, and the numéraire portfolio
Cuchiero C, Schachermayer W and Wong TL
Cover's celebrated theorem states that the long-run yield of a properly chosen "universal" portfolio is almost as good as that of the best constant rebalanced portfolio. The "universality" refers to the fact that this result is , that is, not dependent on an underlying stochastic process. We extend Cover's theorem to the setting of stochastic portfolio theory: the market portfolio is taken as the numéraire, and the rebalancing rule need not be constant anymore but may depend on the current state of the stock market. By fixing a stochastic model of the stock market this model-free result is complemented by a comparison with the numéraire portfolio. Roughly speaking, under appropriate assumptions the asymptotic growth rate coincides for the three approaches mentioned in the title of this paper. We present results in both discrete and continuous time.
Option pricing in the moderate deviations regime
Friz P, Gerhold S and Pinter A
We consider call option prices close to expiry in diffusion models, in an asymptotic regime ("moderately out of the money") that interpolates between the well-studied cases of at-the-money and out-of-the-money regimes. First and higher order small-time moderate deviation estimates of call prices and implied volatilities are obtained. The expansions involve only simple expressions of the model parameters, and we show how to calculate them for generic local and stochastic volatility models. Some numerical computations for the Heston model illustrate the accuracy of our results.