Long-Term Outcomes After Prophylactic Infusion of 2% Tetrasodium Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid in 95 Subcutaneous Ureteral Bypass Devices in 66 Cats With Benign Ureteral Obstructions
Berent A, Weisse C, Milligan M, Mejia J, Woods S and Lamb K
The use of subcutaneous ureteral bypass device(s) (SUB) for the treatment of benign ureteral obstructions (BUO) in cats has become more routine in veterinary practices. Device mineralization and chronic urinary tract infections (UTI) are the most reported long-term complications.
Effect of Omeprazole on Esophageal Microbiota in Dogs Detected Using a Minimally Invasive Sampling Method
Handa A, Slanzon GS, Ambrosini YM and Haines JM
Omeprazole alters the esophageal microbiome (EM) of humans and has associated effects.
Antimicrobial Susceptibility Patterns of Bacteria Associated With Hepatobiliary Disease in Dogs and Cats (2010-2019)
Schlachet AT, Boulouis HJ, Beurlet-Lafarge S and Canonne MA
Description of antibiotic susceptibility of isolates from dogs and cats with hepatobiliary disease is limited.
Effect of Phenylbutazone Administration on Insulin Sensitivity in Horses With Insulin Dysregulation
Kemp KL, Yuen NKY, Skinner JE and Bertin FR
Phenylbutazone is prescribed to manage pain caused by hyperinsulinemia-associated laminitis. Phenylbutazone reduces glucose and insulin concentrations in horses with insulin dysregulation (ID) but the underlying mechanism of action is unknown.
Use of Indices Combining Diastolic and Systolic Tissue Doppler Variables to Evaluate Right Ventricular Function in Dogs With Pulmonary Stenosis
Winter RL, Maneval KL and Ferrel CS
Indices combining diastolic and systolic tissue Doppler variables, the Ee's' index (E/[e' × s']) and e'a's' index (e'/[a' × s']), have aided detection of myocardial dysfunction and in prediction of poor outcomes in humans with cardiovascular diseases. Studies of Ee's' and e'a's' indices in dogs have not been performed.
Longitudinal Changes in Fecal Microbiota During Hospitalization in Horses With Different Types of Colic
Loublier C, Costa M, Taminiau B, Lecoq L, Daube G, Amory H and Cesarini C
Research on fecal microbiota changes during hospitalization of horses with colic is emerging.
Plasma Parathyroid Hormone Concentration as a Predictor of Post-Operative Hypocalcemia in Dogs Diagnosed With Primary Hyperparathyroidism and Treated With Parathyroidectomy
Travail V, Motta C, Lea C, Salas-Garcia A, Clarke K, Lombardo SF, Paul A, Hajdu D, Blázquez CA, Seth M, Walton-Clark M, Roldan LMG, Geddes RF, Conway SA, González KS, Domínguez PG, Keyte S, Pollard D and Kelly D
Hypocalcemia is a relatively common complication after parathyroidectomy for treatment of primary hyperparathyroidism.
Echocardiographic Evaluation of Indices of Severity of Pulmonary Stenosis in Dogs: Reproducibility and Effects of General Anesthesia
Ross ES, Visser LC, Tantisuwat L, Mama K, Potter BM and Scansen BA
The effects of general anesthesia (GA) on less flow-dependent (velocity ratio, velocity time integral [VTI] ratio and indexed pulmonary valve area [iPVA]) and flow-dependent (mean [PVmeanPG] and maximum pressure gradient [PVmaxPG]) indices of severity of pulmonary stenosis (PS) are unclear.
The Acute Patient Physiologic and Laboratory Evaluation Score and Other Prognostic Factors in Dogs With Diabetic Ketoacidosis
Edwards SM and Hess RS
Acute patient physiologic and laboratory evaluation (APPLE) scores have not been reported in dogs with diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA).
Influence of Carcinoma and Sarcoma on Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin and Symmetric Dimethylarginine Concentrations in Dogs
Rixon A, Meyer E, Daminet S, Goddard A, Kongtasai T and Pazzi P
It is unknown if tumors or concomitant renal disease influence neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) and symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) concentrations in tumor-bearing dogs.
The Effect of Season and Breed on Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Hormones, Metabolic Hormones, and Oxidative Markers in Ponies and Horses
Vaughn SA, Lemons MB and Hart KA
Endocrine function in ponies differs from horses, with seasonally increased concentrations of plasma adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and an increased risk of insulin dysregulation.
Prognostic Roles of Trace Element and Cobalamin Concentrations in Dogs With Parvoviral Enteritis
Yanar KE, Laçin SSS, Aktaş MS, Timurkan MÖ and Aydın H
The trace elements copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), and selenium (Se) have been the focus of research into their potential roles in the prognosis of gastrointestinal disorders in humans.
Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosterone System Profiling in Horses Before and After Exercise
Holbrook T, Hernandez J, McCarrel T, Lester G, Sleeper M, Domenig O and Adin D
The impact of exercise on the classical and alternative renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) pathways has not been studied in horses.
Longitudinal Evaluation of Vitamin D, Parathyroid Hormone, Antimicrobial Peptides, and Immunomodulatory Genes in Hospitalized Foals
Kamr AM, Bartish C, Summers J, Horton J, Hostnik LD, Orr K, Browne N, Dembek KA, Saliba C, Gomez DE and Toribio RE
Information about the association of antimicrobial peptides with hypovitaminosis D in hospitalized foals is lacking.
Vaccination and Seasonality as Risk Factors for Development of Meningoencephalitis of Unknown Origin in 172 Dogs
Johnson MK, Windsor RC, Schmidt JL, Raczek DJ and Moore GE
Meningoencephalitis of unknown origin (MUO) is a neuroinflammatory disease that is suspected to be immune-mediated. Vaccination and season inconsistently have been reported as risk factors for development of MUO in dogs, but limited prospectively collected data is available to evaluate these potential risk factors.
Outcome in Critically Ill Dogs and Dogs With Acute Kidney Injury Based on Neutrophil Gelatinase-Associated Lipocalin and Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteinase-2
Dorn E, Biscop A, Devriendt N, Castelain D, Demeyere K, Stock E, Meyer E and Paepe D
Neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin (NGAL) and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase-2 (TIMP-2) have potential as early biomarkers for acute kidney injury (AKI) in dogs.
Response to Second Letter on Response Letter Regarding "Plasma Concentration of Thrombopoietin in Dogs With Immune Thrombocytopenia"
Brooks MB, Brooks JC, Catalfamo J, Zhu Y, Goggs R, Babasyan S, Wagner B and LeVine DH
Association of Serum Symmetric Dimethylarginine Concentrations and Inflammation in Cats
Cattaneo G, Kingsbury EJ, McCallum KE and Williams TL
Serum symmetric dimethylarginine (SDMA) concentrations are higher in some hyperthyroid cats with normal renal function, presumably due to increased protein catabolism.
Redox Biomarker Variations With Severity of Asthma in Horses Across Different Sample Types
Hansen S, Otten ND, Ceron JJ, González-Arostegui LG and Peres-Rubio C
The contribution of redox imbalance to equine asthma (EA) pathogenesis remains unclear.
Infections caused by extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacterales in hospitalized neonatal foals: Can colonization predict infection?
Shnaiderman-Torban A, Meltzer L, Zilberman-Daniels T, Navon-Venezia S, Cohen A, Sutton GA, Blum SE, Amit S and Steinman A
Infections with extended-spectrum beta-lactamase-producing Enterobacterales (ESBL-PE) contribute to morbidity and mortality in human neonates. In foals, data are scarce.
Evaluation of an Automated Fluorescence Enzyme Immunoassay for Quantification of Equine Insulin and Comparison to Five Other Immunoassays
Nolen-Walston RD, Kulp JC, Stefanovski D and van Eps AW
Hyperinsulinemia is an important and treatable risk factor for laminitis in horses.