Trust in Medical Technology by Patients and Health Care Providers in Obstetric Work Systems
Multiple types of users (i.e. patients and care providers) have experiences with the same technologies in health care environments and may have different processes for developing trust in those technologies. The objective of this study was to assess how patients and care providers make decisions about the trustworthiness of mutually used medical technology in an obstetric work system. Using a grounded theory methodology, we conducted semi-structured interviews with 25 patients who had recently given birth and 12 obstetric health care providers to examine the decision-making process for developing trust in technologies used in an obstetric work system. We expected the two user groups to have similar criteria for developing trust in the technologies, though we found patients and physicians differed in processes for developing trust. Trust in care providers, the technologies' characteristics and how care providers used technology were all related to trust in medical technology for the patient participant group. Trustworthiness of the system and trust in self were related to trust in medical technology for the physician participant group. Our findings show that users with different perspectives of the system have different criteria for developing trust in medical technologies.
Describing functional requirements for knowledge sharing communities
Human collaboration in distributed knowledge sharing groups depends on the functionality of information and communication technologies (ICT) to support performance. Since many of these dynamic environments are constrained by time limits, knowledge must be shared efficiently by adapting the level of information detail to the specific situation. This paper focuses on the process of knowledge and context sharing with and without mediation by ICT, as well as issues to be resolved when determining appropriate ICT channels. Both technology-rich and non-technology examples are discussed.
User involvement in the early stages of the development of an aircraft warning system
There is an increasing awareness of the importance and the benefits to be attained from consulting the end-users during system and product development. Although the rationale of utilizing the expertise of end-users in the system development life cycle appears to provide an apparently straightforward, even 'ideal' approach, there are many difficulties associated with eliciting the required knowledge from experts, both general and specific to every user group. Furthermore, many developers do not know how to involve users, or if they do, they do not utilize them to best effect. In the avionics sphere, the wealth of knowledge possessed by line pilots and flight engineers represents a vital information resource for the design of future flight-deck systems. As a specific example, this paper overviews some of the considerations which arose from working with these end-users in the early stages of the development of a warning and diagnostic system for civil aircraft. The end-goal of this particular phase of the work was the generation of guidelines for the design of the interface for the software engineers to use when building the prototype, and the methodological approach taken to achieve this is reported here.
Technology-mediated information sharing between patients and clinicians in primary care encounters
The aim of this study was to identify and describe the use of electronic health records for information sharing between patients and clinicians in primary care encounters. This topic is particularly important as computers and other technologies are increasingly implemented in multi-user health care settings where interactions and communication between patients and clinicians are integral to interpersonal and organizational outcomes.
Examining the relationship between the Big Five, Grit and avoidance of automated communication scales in adults 40-65
Automated communication technologies (ACTs) have largely become commonplace in day to day life. Although these technologies are widely used, there is a not insubstantial proportion of the population that prefers to avoid contact with ACTs. Recently, a scale was developed to assess dispositional avoidance of automated communication technologies. The current study provides validation of the scale in an older adult population and demonstrates that the avoidance of automated communication scale can be discriminated from personality measures, including the Big Five and Grit, and is predictive of avoidance of ACTs.
Self-esteem only goes so far: the moderating effect of social media screen time on self-esteem and depressive symptoms
This study assessed the independent association of self-esteem and social media screen time on depressive symptoms, as well as the moderating role of social media screen time in the relationship between self-esteem and depressive symptoms. The Mobile Screen Time Project was a cross-sectional, web-based survey conducted from March to May of 2019. 437 U.S. college students were recruited via social networks from two institutions of higher education. Multivariable logistic regression assessed the associations between self-esteem and average daily social media time with depressive symptoms; an interaction effect was explored. Self-esteem had an inverse association (AOR = 0.87, 95% CI: 0.80-0.94) and daily social media time had a significant association with depressive symptoms (AOR = 1.11, 95% CI: 1.02-1.22) after adjusting for sexual and gender status, race/ethnicity, age, social status, and insomnia. We found a significant moderating effect (p = 0.016) of daily social media time. The more time spent on social media, the less protective self-esteem was against depressive symptoms. Those suffering from depressive symptoms or low self-esteem may benefit from reducing their social media use, intentionally exposing themselves to positive content and leveraging peer-to-peer social support through social media to create a sense of belonging.