Counting Real Roots in Polynomial-Time via Diophantine Approximation
Rojas JM
Suppose has cardinality , with all the coordinates of the having absolute value at most , and the do all lie in the same affine hyperplane. Suppose is an polynomial system with generic integer coefficients at most in absolute value, and the union of the sets of exponent vectors of the . We give the first algorithm that, for any , counts exactly the number of real roots of in time polynomial in . We also discuss a number-theoretic hypothesis that would imply a further speed-up to time polynomial in as well.
Causal Structure Learning: A Combinatorial Perspective
Squires C and Uhler C
In this review, we discuss approaches for learning causal structure from data, also called . In particular, we focus on approaches for learning directed acyclic graphs and various generalizations which allow for some variables to be unobserved in the available data. We devote special attention to two fundamental combinatorial aspects of causal structure learning. First, we discuss the structure of the search space over causal graphs. Second, we discuss the structure of over causal graphs, i.e., sets of graphs which represent what can be learned from observational data alone, and how these equivalence classes can be refined by adding data.
Representation Theoretic Patterns in Three-Dimensional Cryo-Electron Microscopy II-The Class Averaging Problem
Hadani R and Singer A
In this paper we study the formal algebraic structure underlying the intrinsic classification algorithm, recently introduced in Singer et al. (SIAM J. Imaging Sci. 2011, accepted), for classifying noisy projection images of similar viewing directions in three-dimensional cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM). This preliminary classification is of fundamental importance in determining the three-dimensional structure of macromolecules from cryo-EM images. Inspecting this algebraic structure we obtain a conceptual explanation for the admissibility (correctness) of the algorithm and a proof of its numerical stability. The proof relies on studying the spectral properties of an integral operator of geometric origin on the two-dimensional sphere, called the localized parallel transport operator. Along the way, we continue to develop the representation theoretic set-up for three-dimensional cryo-EM that was initiated in Hadani and Singer (Ann. Math. 2010, accepted).
Full Discretisations for Nonlinear Evolutionary Inequalities Based on Stiffly Accurate Runge-Kutta and -Finite Element Methods
Gwinner J and Thalhammer M
The convergence of full discretisations by implicit Runge-Kutta and nonconforming Galerkin methods applied to nonlinear evolutionary inequalities is studied. The scope of applications includes differential inclusions governed by a nonlinear operator that is monotone and fulfills a certain growth condition. A basic assumption on the considered class of stiffly accurate Runge-Kutta time discretisations is a stability criterion which is in particular satisfied by the Radau IIA and Lobatto IIIC methods. In order to allow nonconforming -finite element approximations of unilateral constraints, set convergence of convex subsets in the sense of Glowinski-Mosco-Stummel is utilised. An appropriate formulation of the fully discrete variational inequality is deduced on the basis of a characteristic example of use, a Signorini-type initial-boundary value problem. Under hypotheses close to the existence theory of nonlinear first-order evolutionary equations and inequalities involving a monotone main part, a convergence result for the piecewise constant in time interpolant is established.
Higher-Dimensional Automorphic Lie Algebras
Knibbeler V, Lombardo S and Sanders JA
The paper presents the complete classification of Automorphic Lie Algebras based on , where the symmetry group is finite and acts on by inner automorphisms, has no trivial summands, and where the poles are in any of the exceptional -orbits in . A key feature of the classification is the study of the algebras in the context of . This provides on the one hand a powerful tool from the computational point of view; on the other, it opens new questions from an algebraic perspective (e.g. structure theory), which suggest further applications of these algebras, beyond the context of integrable systems. In particular, the research shows that this class of Automorphic Lie Algebras associated with the groups (tetrahedral, octahedral and icosahedral groups) depend on the group through the automorphic functions only; thus, they are group independent as Lie algebras. This can be established by defining a for these algebras, generalising this classical notion to the case of Lie algebras over a polynomial ring.
Shape-Aware Matching of Implicit Surfaces Based on Thin Shell Energies
Iglesias JA, Rumpf M and Scherzer O
A shape sensitive, variational approach for the matching of surfaces considered as thin elastic shells is investigated. The elasticity functional to be minimized takes into account two different types of nonlinear energies: a membrane energy measuring the rate of tangential distortion when deforming the reference shell into the template shell, and a bending energy measuring the bending under the deformation in terms of the change of the shape operators from the undeformed into the deformed configuration. The variational method applies to surfaces described as level sets. It is mathematically well-posed, and an existence proof of an optimal matching deformation is given. The variational model is implemented using a finite element discretization combined with a narrow band approach on an efficient hierarchical grid structure. For the optimization, a regularized nonlinear conjugate gradient scheme and a cascadic multilevel strategy are used. The features of the proposed approach are studied for synthetic test cases and a collection of geometry processing examples.
Efficient Computation of the Zeros of the Bargmann Transform Under Additive White Noise
Escudero LA, Feldheim N, Koliander G and Romero JL
We study the computation of the zero set of the Bargmann transform of a signal contaminated with complex white noise, or, equivalently, the computation of the zeros of its short-time Fourier transform with Gaussian window. We introduce the algorithm (AMN), a variant of a method that has recently appeared in the signal processing literature, and prove that with high probability it computes the desired zero set. More precisely, given samples of the Bargmann transform of a signal on a finite grid with spacing , AMN is shown to compute the desired zero set up to a factor of in the Wasserstein error metric, with failure probability . We also provide numerical tests and comparison with other algorithms.
Wavenumber-Explicit -FEM Analysis for Maxwell's Equations with Impedance Boundary Conditions
Melenk JM and Sauter SA
The time-harmonic Maxwell equations at high wavenumber in domains with an analytic boundary and impedance boundary conditions are considered. A wavenumber-explicit stability and regularity theory is developed that decomposes the solution into a part with finite Sobolev regularity that is controlled uniformly in and an analytic part. Using this regularity, quasi-optimality of the Galerkin discretization based on Nédélec elements of order on a mesh with mesh size is shown under the -explicit scale resolution condition that (a) / is sufficient small and (b) is bounded from below.