Join-Graph Propagation Algorithms
Mateescu R, Kask K, Gogate V and Dechter R
The paper investigates parameterized approximate message-passing schemes that are based on bounded inference and are inspired by Pearl's belief propagation algorithm (BP). We start with the bounded inference mini-clustering algorithm and then move to the iterative scheme called Iterative Join-Graph Propagation (IJGP), that combines both iteration and bounded inference. Algorithm IJGP belongs to the class of Generalized Belief Propagation algorithms, a framework that allowed connections with approximate algorithms from statistical physics and is shown empirically to surpass the performance of mini-clustering and belief propagation, as well as a number of other state-of-the-art algorithms on several classes of networks. We also provide insight into the accuracy of iterative BP and IJGP by relating these algorithms to well known classes of constraint propagation schemes.
Efficient Markov Network Structure Discovery Using Independence Tests
Bromberg F, Margaritis D and Honavar V
We present two algorithms for learning the structure of a Markov network from data: GSMN* and GSIMN. Both algorithms use statistical independence tests to infer the structure by successively constraining the set of structures consistent with the results of these tests. Until very recently, algorithms for structure learning were based on maximum likelihood estimation, which has been proved to be NP-hard for Markov networks due to the difficulty of estimating the parameters of the network, needed for the computation of the data likelihood. The independence-based approach does not require the computation of the likelihood, and thus both GSMN* and GSIMN can compute the structure efficiently (as shown in our experiments). GSMN* is an adaptation of the Grow-Shrink algorithm of Margaritis and Thrun for learning the structure of Bayesian networks. GSIMN extends GSMN* by additionally exploiting Pearl's well-known properties of the conditional independence relation to infer novel independences from known ones, thus avoiding the performance of statistical tests to estimate them. To accomplish this efficiently GSIMN uses the Triangle theorem, also introduced in this work, which is a simplified version of the set of Markov axioms. Experimental comparisons on artificial and real-world data sets show GSIMN can yield significant savings with respect to GSMN*, while generating a Markov network with comparable or in some cases improved quality. We also compare GSIMN to a forward-chaining implementation, called GSIMN-FCH, that produces all possible conditional independences resulting from repeatedly applying Pearl's theorems on the known conditional independence tests. The results of this comparison show that GSIMN, by the sole use of the Triangle theorem, is nearly optimal in terms of the set of independences tests that it infers.
Online Planning Algorithms for POMDPs
Ross S, Pineau J, Paquet S and Chaib-Draa B
Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes (POMDPs) provide a rich framework for sequential decision-making under uncertainty in stochastic domains. However, solving a POMDP is often intractable except for small problems due to their complexity. Here, we focus on online approaches that alleviate the computational complexity by computing good local policies at each decision step during the execution. Online algorithms generally consist of a lookahead search to find the best action to execute at each time step in an environment. Our objectives here are to survey the various existing online POMDP methods, analyze their properties and discuss their advantages and disadvantages; and to thoroughly evaluate these online approaches in different environments under various metrics (return, error bound reduction, lower bound improvement). Our experimental results indicate that state-of-the-art online heuristic search methods can handle large POMDP domains efficiently.
Modeling and Planning with Macro-Actions in Decentralized POMDPs
Amato C, Konidaris G, Kaelbling LP and How JP
Decentralized partially observable Markov decision processes (Dec-POMDPs) are general models for decentralized multi-agent decision making under uncertainty. However, they typically model a problem at a low level of granularity, where each agent's actions are primitive operations lasting exactly one time step. We address the case where each agent has macro-actions: temporally extended actions that may require different amounts of time to execute. We model macro-actions as in a Dec-POMDP, focusing on actions that depend only on information directly available to the agent during execution. Therefore, we model systems where coordination decisions only occur at the level of deciding which macro-actions to execute. The core technical difficulty in this setting is that the options chosen by each agent no longer terminate at the same time. We extend three leading Dec-POMDP algorithms for policy generation to the macro-action case, and demonstrate their effectiveness in both standard benchmarks and a multi-robot coordination problem. The results show that our new algorithms retain agent coordination while allowing high-quality solutions to be generated for significantly longer horizons and larger state-spaces than previous Dec-POMDP methods. Furthermore, in the multi-robot domain, we show that, in contrast to most existing methods that are specialized to a particular problem class, our approach can synthesize control policies that exploit opportunities for coordination while balancing uncertainty, sensor information, and information about other agents.