Differences Between People Who Use Only Facebook And Those Who Use Facebook Plus Twitter
Petrocchi N, Asnaani A, Martinez AP, Nadkarni A and Hofmann SG
Facebook (FB) and Twitter are popular social networking sites. This study examined differences between those who use both sites versus only FB, to test the hypothesis that mono-users differ in their personality characteristics from users active in both websites. Participants were 205 undergraduate students; 96 only used FB, 109 used FB and Twitter. Participants who used both sites reported significantly lower loneliness, higher number of FB friends, and lower number of minutes spent online, as compared to those who only used FB. Loneliness was positively associated with FB use only in those who used FB alone, but was negatively associated with and negatively predicted both FB and Twitter use in those who used both websites. Findings suggest that more intense use of online interactions is more frequently found in mono-users (people using only Facebook) as compared to those using both websites, and it is predicted by increased feelings of loneliness. The current study findings provide additional insights on what personality factors may make some people prone to excessive use of social networking sites.
Predictive spelling with a P300-based brain-computer interface: Increasing the rate of communication
Ryan DB, Frye GE, Townsend G, Berry DR, Mesa-G S, Gates NA and Sellers EW
This study compared a conventional P300 speller brain-computer interface (BCI) to one used in conjunction with a predictive spelling program. Performance differences in accuracy, bit rate, selections per minute, and output characters per minute (OCM) were examined. An 8×9 matrix of letters, numbers, and other keyboard commands was used. Participants (n = 24) were required to correctly complete the same 58 character sentence (i.e., correcting for errors) using the predictive speller (PS) and the non-predictive speller (NS), counterbalanced. The PS produced significantly higher OCMs than the NS. Time to complete the task in the PS condition was 12min 43sec as compared to 20min 20sec in the NS condition. Despite the marked improvement in overall output, accuracy was significantly higher in the NS paradigm. P300 amplitudes were significantly larger in the NS than in the PS paradigm; which is attributed to increased workload and task demands. These results demonstrate the potential efficacy of predictive spelling in the context of BCI.
Postural instability induced by virtual reality exposure: development of a certification protocol
Kennedy RS and Stanney KM
Exposure to virtual environments often causes users to experience symptoms of motion sickness. An accessory manifestation of motion sickness symptoms is postural disequilibrium. If the postural disequilibrium that occurs persists beyond the time an individual is within the confines of the laboratory or system site, user safety could be compromised and products liability issues could be forthcoming. In this study, a portable, automated postural assessment system is developed that can be employed before and after exposure to a virtual reality (VR) system in order to certify that a user's balance on exiting the system is at least demonstrably as good as it was on entering. It is argued that if the "coming out" balance performance is sufficiently poorer than the "going in" balance, then the user should be retained until the pretest balance performance is regained. The results from a set of normative and validation experiments on postural equilibrium identified several reliable measures of stance that could serve as a basis for certification. Furthermore, a new automated video-based measure using only head movement showed that performance over sessions is stable and reliable. The head movement changes that occur with stimuli, such as alcohol and simulator exposure, are well behaved, predictable, and significant even with small samples. The implication is that the proposed objective measure of postural stability, in conjunction with procedures for obtaining self-reports of symptoms, can afford some measure of certification that exposure to a given VR system is without harm.
Aftereffects and sense of presence in virtual environments: formulation of a research and development agenda
Stanney K, Salvendy G, Deisinger J, DiZio P, Ellis S, Ellison J, Fogleman G, Gallimore J, Singer M, Hettinger L, Kennedy R, Lackner J, Lawson B, Maida J, Mead A, Mon-Williams M, Newman D, Piantanida T, Reeves L, Riedel O, Stoffregen T, Wann J, Welch R, Wilson J and Witmer B
This report represents a committee summary of the current state of knowledge regarding aftereffects and sense of presence in virtual environments (VEs). The work presented in this article, and the proposed research agenda, are the result of a special session that was set up in the framework of the Seventh International Conference on Human Computer Interaction. Recommendations were made by the committee regarding research needs in aftereffects and sense of presence, and, where possible, priorities were suggested. The research needs were structured in terms of the short, medium, and long term and, if followed, should lead toward the effective use of VE technology. The 2 most critical research issues identified were (a) standardization and use of measurement approaches for aftereffects and (b) identification and prioritization of sensorimotor discordances that drive aftereffects. Identification of aftereffects countermeasures (i.e., techniques to assist users in readily transitioning between the real and virtual worlds), reduction of system response latencies, and improvements in tracking technology were also thought to be of critical importance.
A Cognitive Modeling Approach to Decision Support Tool Design for Anesthesia Provider Crisis Management
Segall N, Kaber DB, Taekman JM and Wright MC
Prior research has revealed existing operating room (OR) patient monitors to provide limited support for prompt and accurate decision making by anesthesia providers during crises. Decision support tools (DSTs) developed for this purpose typically alert the anesthesia provider to existence of a problem but do not recommend a treatment plan. There is a need for a human-centered approach to the design and development of a crisis management DST. A hierarchical task analysis was conducted to identify anesthesia provider procedures in detecting, diagnosing, and treating a critical incident and a cognitive task analysis to elicit goals, decisions, and information requirements. This information was coded in a computational cognitive model using GOMS (Goals, Operators, Methods, Selection rules) Language. An OR monitor interface was prototyped to present output from the cognitive model following ecological interface design principles. A preliminary assessment of the DST was performed with anesthesiology and usability experts. The anesthesiologists indicated they would use the tool in the perioperative environment and would recommend its use by junior anesthesia providers. Future research will focus on formal validation of the DST design approach and comparison of tool output to actual anesthesia provider decisions in real or simulated crises.
Designing an Educational Website to Improve Quality of Supportive Oncology Care for Women with Ovarian Cancer: An Expert Usability Review and Analysis
McClellan MA, Karumur RP, Vogel RI, Petzel SV, Cragg J, Chan D, Jacko JA, Sainfort F and Geller MA
A broad-based research team developed a Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)-compliant educational website for women with ovarian cancer to improve the quality of supportive oncology care. Prior to a randomized clinical trial of the website, initial usability testing was implemented to evaluate the website. The initial review found that 165/247 checklist items had sufficient information to allow for evaluation with the website achieving an overall score of 63%. By category, lowest scores were for the Home Page, Task Orientation, Page Layout & Visual Design, and Help, Feedback & Error Tolerance. Major issues thought to potentially impede actual usage were prioritized in redevelopment and the second usability review, conducted by the same expert, saw an improvement in scores. Incorporating usability concepts from the start of development, fulfilling the positive expectations of end-users and identifying technical and personal factors that optimize use may greatly enhance usage of health websites.
Obstacles Experienced by Care Managers in Managing Information for the Care of Chronically Ill Patients
Alyousef B, Carayon P, Hoonakker P, Hundt AS, Salek D and Tomcavage J
Care managers play a key role in coordinating care, especially for patients with chronic conditions. They use multiple health information technology application in order to access, process and communicate patient-related information. Using the work system model and its extension, the SEIPS model (Carayon et al., 2006a; Smith and Carayon-Sainfort, 1989), we describe obstacles experienced by care manager in managing patient-related information. A web-based questionnaire was used to collect data from 80 care managers (61% response rate) located in clinics, hospitals and a call center. Care managers were more likely to consider 'inefficiencies in access to patient-related information' and 'having to use multiple information systems' as major obstacles than 'lack of computer training and support' and 'inefficient use of case management software.' Care managers who reported inefficient use of software as an obstacle were more likely to report high workload. Future research should explore strategies used by care managers' to address obstacles, and efforts should be targeted at improving the health information technologies used by care managers.
Human factors analysis, design, and evaluation of Engage, a consumer health IT application for geriatric heart failure self-care
Srinivas P, Cornet V and Holden R
Human factors and ergonomics (HFE) and related approaches can be used to enhance research and development of consumer-facing health IT systems, including technologies supporting the needs of people with chronic disease. We describe a multiphase HFE study of health IT supporting self-care of chronic heart failure by older adults. The study was based on HFE frameworks of "patient work" and incorporated the three broad phases of user-centered design: study or analysis; design; and evaluation. In the study phase, data from observations, interviews, surveys, and other methods were analyzed to identify gaps in and requirements for supporting heart failure self-care. The design phase applied findings from the study phase throughout an iterative process, culminating in the design of the Engage application, a product intended for continuous use over 30 days to stimulate self-care engagement, behavior, and knowledge. During the evaluation phase, we identified a variety of usability issues through expert heuristic evaluation and laboratory-based usability testing. We discuss the implications of our findings regarding heart failure self-care in older adults and the methodological challenges of rapid translational field research and development in this domain.
Nurses' perceptions of a novel health information technology: A qualitative study in the pediatric intensive care unit
Asan O, Flynn KE, Azam L and Scanlon MC
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the use of a novel health information technology (HIT), a large customizable interactive monitor (LCIM), implemented in a pediatric intensive care unit (PICU). Specifically, we explored nurses' perceptions of this novel HIT application and its perceived effect on family engagement. We used a qualitative research design to collect and analyze data from 55 PICU nurses in seven focus groups. A trained moderator followed a semi-structured discussion guide with questions related to perceptions, attitudes, and care team interactions with the LCIM. Groups were audio-recorded, transcribed, and coded using content analysis procedure. Six major themes emerged from the nurse focus groups, which include familiarity and use routines, positive perceptions with the LCIM, negative perceptions with the LCIM, privacy, training, and suggestions for improvement. Insights into nurses' perceptions of the LCIM has the potential to improve family-centered care.
Human Factors of Health Information Technology - Challenges and Opportunities
Asan O and Carayon P
Thinking OutsideTheBox - Designing Smart Things with Autistic Children
Frauenberger C, Spiel K and Makhaeva J
This article offers a synopsis of and a critical reflection on the research project OutsideTheBox Rethinking Assistive Technology with Autistic Children. The aim of the 3-year project was to develop digital technology that would holistically respond to the complex life-worlds of autistic children, affording positive experiences that they could share with others. Through a series of long-term participatory design processes, smart objects were developed individually with nine children employing a wide range of different methods (e.g., Co-operative Inquiry, Future Workshops, Fictional Inquiry, Magic Workshops, Drama and Making & Digital Fabrication). In this article are presented the cases of all children worked with and tie them together by a critical reflection across them. The discussion offers insights along three main themes: we a) substantiate the argument for a theoretical shift in conceptualizing roles for technology in the lives of disabled people, b) discuss our methodological contributions in participatory design processes and c) propose alternative, participatory approaches to evaluate outcomes.
Child-Robot Interaction in a Musical Dance Game: An Exploratory Comparison Study between Typically Developing Children and Children with Autism
Barnes JA, Park CH, Howard A and Jeon M
Using robots in therapy for children on the autism spectrum is a promising avenue for child-robot interaction, and one that has garnered significant interest from the research community. After preliminary interviews with stakeholders and evaluating music selections, twelve typically developing (TD) children and three children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) participated in an experiment where they played the dance freeze game to four songs in partnership with either a NAO robot or a human partner. Overall, there were significant differences between TD children and children with ASD (e.g., mimicry, dance quality, & game play). There were mixed results for TD children, but they tended to show greater engagement with the researcher. However, objective results for children with ASD showed greater attention and engagement while dancing with the robot. There was little difference in game performance between partners or songs for either group. However, upbeat music did encourage greater movement than calm music. Using a robot in a musical dance game for children with ASD appears to show the advantages and potential just as in previous research efforts. Implications and future research are discussed with the results.
Assistive technology for adults on the autism spectrum: A systematic survey
Wang M and Jeon M
While the needs and care for children on the autism spectrum have been widely investigated, the intervention and services available to autistic adults have been overlooked for a long time. This survey paper reviewed 32 articles that described and evaluated assistive technologies that have been developed and evaluated through a complete circle of interactive product design from ideation, prototype, and user evaluation. These assistive technologies aim to improve independence and living quality in autistic adults. We extracted information from the perspective of requirement gathering, technology designing, and effectiveness of evaluation in the design cycle. We found a general lack of requirements-driven design, and the evaluation process was not standardized either. The lack of requirement gathering results in designs purely based on existing literature without targeting actual user needs. Our synthesis of included paper contributes to developing iterative design considerations in assistive technologies for autistic adults. We also suggest that assistive technologies for autistic adults shift some attention from assisting only autistic adults who require at least substantial support to embracing also those who have been living independently but rather have difficulties in social interaction. Assistive technologies for them have the potentials to help them consolidate and enhance their experiences in independent living.
Understanding Pitfalls and Opportunities of Applying Heuristic Evaluation Methods to VR Training Systems: An Empirical Study
Guo X, Nerella KK, Dong J, Qian Z and Chen Y
The usability of virtual reality (VR) training applications is crucial for their success, but examining the usability in the early development stages remains challenging. A realistic and plausible solution would be revisiting and reconciling Heuristics Evaluation (HE) methods among the most widely used usability inspection methods in the human-computer interaction (HCI) domain. While research on studying and using HE methods is growing within the VR domain, few studies have considered the novel VR environment challenges new requirements for fitting HE methods to the context and applying them effectively. To this end, we conducted a user study with 14 evaluators using the standard HE methods to complete two HE sessions for a VR training application. We identified five critical challenges that evaluators encountered in the HE process by observing and interviewing them. Based on our findings, we discuss the importance of considering an easy-to-use heuristic set, how we can facilitate the HE procedures in the VR context, and the opportunities for developing HE-supporting tools.
Narrative and Behavioral Engagement as Indicators for the Effectiveness of Intentionally Designed Virtual Simulations of Interpersonal Interactions
Matsuda Y, Weger H and Norris AE
Interventions involving simulated interactions aimed at mimicking real situations must be engaging to maximize their effectiveness. This study aimed to assess how a sample of middle school girls displayed behavioral and cognitive indicators of engagement when interacting with avatars representing game characters that were controlled by a human digital puppeteer. The simulation game, is a component of an intervention intended to reduce at-risk girls' sexual and other risky behaviors. We used verbal/nonverbal behaviors and surveys to assess the game players' cognitive and behavioral involvement ( = 131). Participants perceived the game scenarios and interactions as realistic and the characters as similar to people in real life. Participants' behavior indicated their involvement and interest in interacting with the game characters. Finally, participants tended to be appropriate but not effective when attempting to advise/support the characters. These findings have implications for assessing successful operationalization of communication designs in interactive virtual learning environments.