Exploring Spatial Inequalities in COVID-19 Mortality and Their Association With Multidimensional Poverty in Colombia: A Spatial Analysis Study
The objective is to examine spatial inequalities in COVID-19 mortality rates in Colombia in relation to the spatial distribution of multidimensional poverty.
Delays in Blood Work and Disease Burden: A Cross-Sectional Analysis of Unmet Blood Work Need and Seven Key Health Conditions Across 21 Countries
This study analyzes survey data across 21 countries to explore correlations between delays in blood testing and the prevalence of seven health conditions: thalassaemias, sickle cell disorders, malaria, HIV, high fasting plasma glucose, impaired kidney function, and high LDL cholesterol.
Vitamin D Deficiency and Associated Factors in Children: A Multicenter Study of 21,811 Samples in Southern China
To investigate the prevalence of vitamin D deficiency (VDD) in children/adolescents in extreme southern China.
Sickle Cell Anemia Treatment With Hydroxyurea in Low-Resource Settings: Challenges and Opportunities for Global North-South Collaboration
The Burden of Peripheral Artery Disease in China From 1990 to 2019 and Forecasts for 2030: Findings From the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019
The incidence of peripheral arterial disease (PAD) in China is increasing. We aim to conduct a comprehensive analysis of the burden of PAD.
The Imperative of Public Health Expertise in Ecuadorian Health Leadership: A Call for Competency-Based Appointments
Digital Health Interventions to Promote Physical Activity in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Systematic Review and Semiquantitative Analysis
Physical activity (PA) is crucial for older adults' wellbeing. Digital health interventions (DHIs) are important, however a synthesis aimed at healthy community-dwelling OA is lacking. This study aims to synthesize DHIs effect on PA levels among community-dwelling 60-year-old adults or older.
Methodological Approaches to Comparative Trend Analyses: The Case of Adolescent Toothbrushing
Research questions about how and why health trends differ between populations require decisions about data analytic procedure. The objective was to document and compare the information returned from stratified, fixed effect and random effect approaches to data modelling for two prototypical descriptive research questions about comparative trends in toothbrushing.
Unmasking the Neglected Cholera Outbreaks in Sub-Saharan Africa
Mental Health Assessment of the Population: Study Protocol of the MAP Research Program in Ukraine (MAP-U) and in Zurich (MAP-Z)
To conduct mental health surveillance in adults in Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees (Canton of Zurich, Switzerland) as an actionable scientific foundation for public mental health and mental healthcare.
Challenges to Achieving Surgical Equity in Slums
There is a critical lack of surgical data on individuals who live in urban slums, which hampers the allocation of healthcare resources and the provision of preventative measures. The complex interplay of factors affecting surgical care in slums, such as trust deficits, mental health concerns, and socioeconomic barriers, necessitates a distinct academic approach. We propose that researchers should consider "slum surgical health" as an area of study separate from urban health or slum health. From this perspective, we make a case for defining "slum surgical health" while presenting evidence from multiple countries that shows the unique challenges of providing surgical care in slum settings. We discuss a successful model that has deployed community health worker programs as intermediaries between slum dwellers and healthcare providers. This model, which achieved a 60% conversion rate from unmet to met surgical needs, demonstrates the potential of culturally sensitive, community-based approaches to address surgical inequities in urban slums.
Methodological Considerations and Future Directions in Mental Health Multimorbidity Research: Response to Andreeva et al
Spatial Accessibility Analysis of Snake Antivenom
To analyze the spatial accessibility of antivenom immunizing agents equipped hospitals in Hainan Province.
Editorial: Science to Foster the WHO Air Quality Guideline Values
Digital Democracy and Emergency Preparedness: Engaging the Public in Public Health
Pain as a Symptom of Mental Health Conditions Among Undocumented Migrants in France: Results From a Cross-Sectional Study
This study aimed to explore the associations between mental health status and experienced pain among undocumented migrants (UMs) in France.
Menstrual Exile: Nepal's Chhaupadi and the Policy-Practice Divide
Mental Health and the Intersection of Perceived Discrimination and Social Inequalities Among Students in Germany - a Quantitative Intersectional Study
Discrimination poses a threat to the mental health of university students, especially those affected by social inequality, yet understanding its intersectional impact remains limited. This study examines the intersection of social inequalities with perceived discrimination to explore differences in mental health among students in Germany.