Access to University Mental Health Services: Understanding the Student Experience: L'accès aux services universitaires de santé mentale : comprendre l'expérience des étudiants
To describe student access to university mental health services and barriers and gaps in support.
Long-Term Impact of the Bloor Viaduct Suicide Barrier on Suicides in Toronto: A Time-Series Analysis: Effet à long terme de la barrière anti-suicide du viaduc Bloor sur les suicides à Toronto : une analyse chronologique
A suicide prevention barrier was installed at Toronto's Bloor Viaduct bridge in 2003. It was associated with short-term location substitution, possibly mediated by media effects that did not persist over 1 decade. The long-term impact of the barrier is unknown.
Clinical Correlates of Antipsychotic Plasma Levels with Long-Acting Paliperidone: Corrélats cliniques des concentrations plasmiques de palipéridone à libération prolongée
The majority of patients with schizophrenia experience dramatic improvement in psychotic symptoms when treated with antipsychotic medication. Maintenance treatment can prevent relapses but problems with medication adherence limit effectiveness. Long-acting injectable antipsychotics (LAIs) provide an opportunity to establish adherence but challenges remain in ensuring that the dose selected is therapeutic. Therapeutic drug monitoring has not been established as valuable for LAIs in the maintenance treatment of schizophrenia. This exploratory study was undertaken to describe plasma paliperidone levels in outpatients treated with the LAI paliperidone palmitate and to determine whether paliperidone levels are associated with subjective experience on medication and side effects.
Physical Activity as a Predictor of Internet Gaming Disorder in a Swiss Male Cohort (C-SURF): L'activité physique comme prédicteur des troubles liés aux jeux vidéo en ligne dans une cohorte de jeunes hommes suisses (C-SURF)
This study addresses the increasing global concerns surrounding Internet gaming disorder (IGD) by exploring their connection to physical activity (PA) as a potential preventive and early intervention measure. The research aims to examine the relationship between PA and the progression of IGD.
Protective Factors for Mental Disorders Among Survivors of Military Sexual Trauma: A Canadian Population-Based Study: Facteurs de protection relatifs à l'apparition de troubles mentaux chez les survivantes et survivants de traumatismes sexuels liés au service militaire : une étude basée sur la population canadienne
Military sexual trauma (MST) is a prevalent issue among actively serving members and Veterans, and is associated with adverse health outcomes including mental disorders. This study sought to identify correlates and protective factors for the development of mental disorders among Canadian MST survivors.
The Psychological Health of Iranian Citizens Protesting the Actions of Their Country's Morality Police: La santé psychologique des citoyens iraniens qui manifestent contre les actions de la police des mœurs de leur pays
To determine the mental health of Iranian citizens protesting the actions of their country's Morality Police. Street protests across Iran were met with violent suppression that included security forces reportedly targeting protestors' eyes.
Brain Age Gap as a Predictor of Early Treatment Response and Functional Outcomes in First-Episode Schizophrenia: A Longitudinal Study: L'écart d'âge cérébral comme prédicteur de la réponse en début de traitement et des résultats fonctionnels dans un premier épisode de schizophrénie : une étude longitudinale
Accelerated brain aging, i.e., the age-related structural changes in the brain appearing earlier than expected from one's chronological age, is a feature that is now well established in schizophrenia. Often interpreted as a feature of a progressive pathophysiological process that typifies schizophrenia, its prognostic relevance is still unclear. We investigate its role in response to antipsychotic treatment in first-episode schizophrenia.
Stratified Care in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy: A Comparative Evaluation of Predictive Modelling Approaches for Individualized Treatment: La stratification des soins pour l'orientation vers une thérapie cognitivo-comportementale: une évaluation comparative des approches de modélisation prédictive pour un traitement individualisé
In response to high demand and prolonged wait times for cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) in Ontario, Canada, we developed predictive models to stratify patients into high- or low-intensity treatment, aiming to optimize limited healthcare resources.
Clinical Characteristics of Inpatients with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder Treated with Electroconvulsive Therapy: A Population-Level Cross-Sectional Study: Titre: Caractéristiques cliniques des patients hospitalisés présentant un trouble du spectre de la schizophrénie et traités par électrochocs : Une étude de population transversale
Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT) is an evidence-based treatment for schizophrenia when anti-psychotic medications do not sufficiently control symptoms of psychosis or rapid response is required. Little is known about how it is used in routine clinical practice. The aim of this study was to identify the association of demographic and clinical characteristics with administration of ECT for schizophrenia spectrum disorders (SSD).
Cognitive-Behavioural Social Skills Training: Mediation of Treatment Outcomes in a Randomized Controlled Trial for Youth at Risk of Psychosis: L'entraînement aux compétences sociales cognitivo-comportementales : variables médiatrices des résultats thérapeutiques dans le cadre d'un essai clinique randomisé pour les jeunes présentant un risque de psychose
Currently, there are no effective treatments for functional outcomes (i.e., role and social) and negative symptoms for youth at clinical high-risk (CHR) for psychosis. Investigations into possible mechanisms that may contribute to the improvement of functioning and negative symptoms are needed in CHR research to help inform psychosocial treatments. The present study examined whether functioning and negative symptoms were mediated by asocial beliefs, defeatist beliefs, self-efficacy, maladaptive schemas, anxiety, depression, social cognition, or attenuated psychotic symptoms (APS) in a large clinical trial.
Psychosis and Gender: A Focus on Women in the Global South
Formal Thought Disorders and Neurocognition in Treatment-Resistant Schizophrenia: Trouble du cours de la pensée et neurocognition dans la schizophrénie réfractaire
Formal thought disorders (FTDs), a core feature of schizophrenia, have been subdivided into positive and negative types, and are clinically assessed by examining speech (objective) or patient introspection (subjective). Despite being associated with poorer treatment response and worse outcomes, FTDs have been understudied in patients with schizophrenia, in particular treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS) or schizoaffective disorder. We aimed to explore the relationship between the severity of positive and negative FTDs and neurocognition as well as social/occupational functioning in this clinical subgroup.
Short-Term Psychodynamic Psychotherapy is the First-Line Option for Depression and Treatment Resistant Depression According to Available Evidence
Virtual Versus In-Person Follow-up After a Psychiatric Emergency Visit: A Population-Based Cohort Study: Suivi virtuel opposé à en personne après une visite à l'urgence psychiatrique : une étude de cohorte dans la population
With increased utilization of virtual care in mental health, examining its appropriateness in various clinical scenarios is warranted. This study aimed to compare the risk of adverse psychiatric outcomes following virtual versus in-person mental health follow-up care after a psychiatric emergency department (ED) visit.
Eco-Depression and Eco-Anxiety Among Youth: A Sex and Gender Analysis
What Psychiatrists Should Know About Prescribed Safer Opioid Supply
What Psychiatrists Should Know About Prescribed Safer Opioid Supply.
Prevalence of Common Child Mental Health Disorders Using Administrative Health Data and Parent Report in a Prospective Community-Based Cohort from Alberta, Canada: Prévalence des troubles communs de santé mentale de l'enfant à l'aide des données de santé administratives et des rapports des parents dans une cohorte prospective communautaire d'Alberta, Canada
Knowing the prevalence of mental health difficulties in young children is critical for early identification and intervention. In the current study, we examine the agreement among three different data sources estimating the prevalence of diagnoses for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and emotional disorders (i.e., anxiety or mood disorder) for children between birth and 9 years of age.
The Dysregulation of the Glymphatic System in Patients with Psychosis Spectrum Disorders Minimally Exposed to Antipsychotics: La dérégulation du système glymphatique en présence de troubles psychotiques chez des patients peu exposés à des antipsychotiques
The pathophysiological mechanisms influencing psychosis spectrum disorders are largely unknown. The glymphatic system, which is a brain waste clearance pathway, has recently been implicated in its pathophysiology and has also been shown to be disrupted in various neurodegenerative and vascular diseases. Initial studies examining the glymphatic system in psychosis spectrum disorders have reported disruptions, but the findings have been confounded by medication effects as they included antipsychotic-treated patients. In this study, we used diffusion tensor imaging analysis along the perivascular space (DTI-ALPS) as a technique to measure the functionality of the glymphatic system in a sample of antipsychotic-minimally exposed patients with psychosis spectrum disorders and healthy controls.
Impacts and Implications of Cannabis Legalization on Key Outcomes Among Adolescents in Canada
Procognitive Effects of Adjunctive D-Cycloserine to Intermittent Theta-Burst Stimulation in Major Depressive Disorder: Effets procognitifs de la D-cyclosérine en traitement complémentaire par la stimulation thêta-burst intermittente dans le trouble dépressif caractérisé
Major depressive disorder (MDD) is associated with cognitive impairments that persist despite successful treatment. Transcranial magnetic stimulation is a noninvasive treatment for MDD that is associated with small procognitive effects on working memory and executive function. We hypothesized that pairing stimulation with N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor agonism would enhance the effects of stimulation and its procognitive effects.
Emotion Regulation Self-Efficacy as a Mechanism of Alliance and Outcomes in a Brief, Transdiagnostic Digital Mental Health Intervention: L'auto-efficacité de la régulation des émotions en tant que mécanisme d'alliance et de résultats dans une brève intervention transdiagnostique numérique en santé mentale
Digital mental health interventions have shown promise for alleviating various forms of psychopathology, including depression and anxiety. However, the mechanisms of such interventions remain largely unexplored. The purpose of this study was to investigate a potential mechanistic process through which one hybrid digital mental health intervention (i.e., the Digital Clinic) might operate. We hypothesized that emotion regulation (ER) self-efficacy at the treatment midpoint may mediate the relationship between alliance (i.e., therapeutic alliance and digital alliance) and outcome (i.e., co-morbid symptoms of depression and anxiety) at the treatment endpoint.