Observation and modeling of potential sub-threshold damage growth mechanism for nitinol in ultra-high cycle fatigue
Fatigue fracture of small nitinol components commonly used in medical devices is currently dominated by the initiation and/or growth of small cracks at non-metallic inclusions preceding conventional fatigue crack growth. Therefore, an understanding of the threshold and growth of small cracks is critical to inform fatigue performance of devices. In this paper, we conduct rotary bend fatigue experiments of nitinol wire to 2 billion cycles, measure the inclusion from which the crack initiated, and calculate the stress intensity threshold. Inclusion size is compared to the size of a unique feature observable with a scanning electron microscope which appears as a smooth area surrounding the inclusion and only on specimens that fractured after > 10 million cycles. The hypothesis presented is that the smooth feature around the inclusion is the growth of a small crack which continues until it reaches a size large enough to cause conventional fatigue crack growth. Relating inclusion size to that of the smooth feature creates a damage curve that can be written as a function of cycles to fracture. This damage curve may be useful to estimate the critical size of the largest allowable defect based on the design life and applied loading of the nitinol component.
On the influence of test speed and environment in the fatigue life of small diameter nitinol and stainless steel wire
To better understand the complex interplay of speed and environment on metals commonly used in implants, rotary bend fatigue tests were conducted on stainless steel and nitinol wires. A range of alternating strains was tested to create ε-N curves at two speeds (physiologic and accelerated) and in three environments (deionized water at body temperature, phosphate buffered saline at body temperature, and laboratory air at ambient room temperature). Results indicate that speed and environment can affect the observed fatigue life in nuanced ways. An electropotential monitoring technique was demonstrated to characterize fatigue crack growth which may be useful in future investigations.
Varied approaches to loading assessment in fatigue studies
In this paper, the authors want to draw readers' attention to one long-standing question: which approach is preferable for estimation longevities in fatigue problem, the time domain approach (Rainflow) or the frequency domain one (Dirlik and others)? This question is important in engineering problems, particularly in problems of prolongation of the guaranteed service life. The discussion here is restricted by the longevity evaluation only at the post-processing stage of unidirectional loaded machine parts. It means the realizations might be recorded. Some experimental and speculative evidence of preferable use the Rainflow method is shown. Taking into account the huge computer's power nowadays, the question of the irrelevance of appellation to the calculation accelerating using the spectral methods is specially discussed. There are areas, where the spectral methods are really necessary. There is only a need to recommend the restriction of their application scope to these special situations. It seems there is no need in inventing new spectral complicated algorithms only to stress out at the end, that their result coincides with the Rainflow outcome. That might be confusing for the practicing engineers. Currently, the main attention among supporters of spectral methods is focused on non-stationary and non-Gaussian random processes. (to estimate the spectral density is impossible for non-stationary processes, according to definition). These researchers seem to have forgotten, that even for these complicated situations the decision has already existed: that is the Rainflow and its analogues. The paper shows extensive laboratory experiment results of random fatigue testing of aluminum flat specimens under regular (to build the fatigue curve) and irregular (random) loading. The fatigue life curve (Gassner curve) has been built. These results allowed to compare the existing computation methods of longevity estimation. In the particular situation of narrow-band process, the methods seem to provide comparative results. Considered are methodological issues related to the assessment of the necessary and sufficient realization length, the influence of RMS, cycle counting methods and some possibilities of computing resources saving when using the Rainflow method. The stability of the Rainflow estimates is confirmed. Some problems with the choice of parameters during the longevity assessment by the Dirlik method were noted.
The effect of build orientation on both flexural quasi-static and fatigue behaviours of filament deposited PA6 polymer
The present paper aims to study the effect of manufacturing build orientation on both flexural quasi-static and fatigue behaviours of semi-crystalline polyamide 6 obtained by Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF), by considering the porosity and surface roughness. The glass transition temperature, melting temperature, and crystallinity degree were measured complementary to understand better the process. Fatigue analysis is here fully described in visco-elastic domain of material. The results highlight that the XZ build orientation is better than the XY one and suggest that porosity plays an important role. The obtained results are also compared with conventional techniques given by the literature review.
Modelling the test methods used to determine material compatibility for hydrogen pressure vessel service
This work aims to create finite element models to simulate the three ISO 11114-4 test methods applicable to hydrogen gas cylinders, coupled with calibrated constitutive models, to predict the deformation response of each. Experimental measurements are used to calibrate a monotonic constitutive model and a constitutive model of cyclic deformation. Six finite element solid models are discussed: monotonic tensile test of dog bone-shaped specimens, strain-controlled fatigue test of dog bone-shaped specimens, ISO test Method A, ISO test Method B, and ISO Method C (from ISO 11114-4), and a gas cylinder. Each finite element solid model is paired with the appropriate constitutive model based upon loading conditions. The modeling results are then combined with a new damage parameter in an attempt to compare each of the test methods to the others, as well as to in-service conditions. It is shown that the proposed damage parameter may be used to correlate all test methods considered (except for ISO Method A, a burst-disc test) as well as in-service conditions. The calibrated damage parameter may be coupled with any geometry, loading condition, and boundary condition modeled within a finite element package to predict the onset of critical damage in the material for which the coupled constitutive model is calibrated to. Parametric modelling study results provide estimated cycles to the onset of crack extension for DOT 3AA cylinders having varying sizes of internal thumbnail-shaped cracks. This work provides the baseline for measurements and models in air, with similar work in hydrogen to follow.
Investigation of the mechanisms by which hot isostatic pressing improves the fatigue performance of powder bed fused Ti-6Al-4V
Hot isostatic pressing (HIP) is often needed to obtain powder bed fused (PBF) Ti-6Al-4V parts with good fatigue performance. This manuscript attempts to clarify the mechanisms through which HIP treatment acts to improve high cycle fatigue performance. Several mechanisms are considered and examined against experimental data sets available in the literature. The results suggest that HIP may act most significantly by decreasing the fraction of the defect population that can initiate fatigue cracks, both by decreasing defect sizes below a threshold and by changing the microstructure that surrounds defects. Given the novelty of the latter conclusion, an electron backscatter diffraction microscopy study was performed for validation. The gained understanding provides initial guidance on the choice of optimum HIP soak parameters (Temperature-Pressure-Time) for the high cycle fatigue performance of PBF Ti-6Al-4V.
The fatigue and fracture behavior of hard tissues are topics of considerable interest today. This special group of organic materials comprises the highly mineralized and load-bearing tissues of the human body, and includes bone, cementum, dentin and enamel. An understanding of their fatigue behavior and the influence of loading conditions and physiological factors (e.g. aging and disease) on the mechanisms of degradation are essential for achieving lifelong health. But there is much more to this topic than the immediate medical issues. There are many challenges to characterizing the fatigue behavior of hard tissues, much of which is attributed to size constraints and the complexity of their microstructure. The relative importance of the constituents on the type and distribution of defects, rate of coalescence, and their contributions to the initiation and growth of cracks, are formidable topics that have not reached maturity. Hard tissues also provide a medium for learning and a source of inspiration in the design of new microstructures for engineering materials. This article briefly reviews fatigue of hard tissues with shared emphasis on current understanding, the challenges and the unanswered questions.
Fatigue in cemented acetabular replacements
The long-term stability of cemented total hip replacements critically depends on the lasting integrity of the bond between the cement and the bone, often referred to as fixation. In vitro assessment of fatigue behaviour of cemented acetabular, as opposed to femoral, replacements is of particular interest due to the more aggressive nature of late "loosening" found in acetabular replacements, reported to be three times that in femoral cases. Quantitative assessment of fatigue behaviour of cement fixation on acetabular side has been difficult due to the complexity of the pelvic bone geometry and the associated loading conditions.The purpose of this work was to develop a framework for in vitro assessment of fatigue integrity of cement fixation in acetabular replacements. To this end, a newly developed hip simulator was utilised, where the direction and the magnitude of the hip contact force (Bergmann et al., 2001) under typical physiological loading conditions including normal walking and stair climbing were simulated for the first time. Preliminary hip simulator experimental results seem to be consistent with those from constant amplitude fatigue tests, in that debonding at the bone-cement interface is identified as the main failure mechanism, although the numbers of cycles to failure are significantly reduced in samples tested in the hip simulator. Finite element analysis of implanted bone samples was carried out, where the effects of loading mode on the stress distribution in the cement mantle and at the bone-cement interface were evaluated. The effects of model geometry on the stress state and failure modes were also examined and discussed based on the results of the present and previously published work.
Fatigue failure in the cement mantle of a simplified acetabular replacement model
Although the role of fatigue failure in aseptic loosening of cemented total hip replacements has been extensively studied in femoral components, studies of fatigue failure in cement mantle of acetabular replacements have yet to be reported, despite that the long-term failure rate in the latter is about three times that of femoral components. Part of the reason may be that a complex pelvic bone structure does not land itself readily for a 2D representation as that of a femur.In this work, a simple multilayer model has been developed to reproduce the stress distributions in the cement mantle of an acetabular replacement from a plane strain finite element pelvic bone model. The experimental multilayer model was subjected to cyclic loading up to peak hip contact force during normal walking. Radial fatigue cracks were observed in the vicinity of the maximum tangential and compressive stresses, as predicted by the FE models. Typical fatigue striations were also observed on the fracture surfaces post cyclic testing. The results were examined in the context of retrieval studies, 3D FE analysis and in vitro experimental results using full-sized hemi-pelvic bone models.
Hierarchy of Bone Microdamage at Multiple Length Scales
Microdamage formation is a critical determinant of bone fracture and the nature and type of damage formed in bone depends on the interaction of its extracellular matrix (ECM) with the applied loading. More importantly, because bone is a hierarchical composite with multiple length scales linked to each other, the nature and type of damage in bone could also be hierarchical. In this review article, based on new unpublished data and a reanalysis of literature reports on in vivo and in vitro observations of microdamage, three length scales including mineralized collagen fibrils, lamellar and osteonal levels have been identified as the key contributors to microdamage hierarchy and energy dissipation in bone. Inherent hierarchy in bone's ECM therefore has specific microstructural features and energy dissipation mechanisms at different length scales that allow the bone to effectively resist the different components of the applied physiological loading. Furthermore, because human bones experience multiaxial cyclic loading and its ECM is subjected to variation with aging and disease, additional emphasis is placed on investigating how the nature of applied loading and the quality of ECM affect the hierarchy of microdamage formation with age.