Prepositioning network design for humanitarian relief purposes under correlated demand uncertainty
Zhang X and Chen D
Prepositioning relief network is an effective strategy to mitigate the impact of natural disasters and public health emergencies, such as the COVID-19 pandemic. However, designing a proper network is challenging due to limited information and, more importantly, the correlated demand uncertainty that exists among affected areas. We consider a network design problem for humanitarian relief purposes, where demand correlations exist and demand information is limited, i.e., only the mean demand and covariance matrix are known. Note that the covariance matrix can explicitly capture the correlated demand among areas. We formulate this problem as a mixed-integer two-stage distributionally robust location-inventory model, which is generally NP-hard and computationally intractable. The model is further reformulated as a mixed-integer conic problem based on copositive cones, and it is tractable with positive semidefinite relaxation. To accelerate the problem-solving process, we design an interpretable branching-and-pricing heuristic with a warm start. Both semi-case study and simulation results demonstrate that explicitly modelling demand correlation can decrease unmet demand.
The future of industry 4.0 and supply chain resilience after the COVID-19 pandemic: Empirical evidence from a Delphi study
Spieske A, Gebhardt M, Kopyto M, Birkel H and Hartmann E
The COVID-19 pandemic has caused major supply chain disruptions and unveiled the pressing need to improve supply chain resilience (SCRES). Industry 4.0 (I4.0) is a promising lever; however, its future in supply chain risk management (SCRM) is highly uncertain and largely unexplored. This paper aims to evaluate I4.0's potential to improve SCRES in a post-COVID-19 world. Based on current literature and multiple workshops, 13 future projections on potential I4.0 application areas in SCRM were developed. A two-round Delphi study among 64 SCRM experts with digital expertise was conducted to evaluate and discuss the projections regarding their probability of occurrence until 2030, their impact on SCRES, and their desirability. A fuzzy c-means algorithm was applied to cluster the projections based on the expert assessments. The expert evaluations led to three clusters on I4.0 application in SCRM: Four projections on generating data, increasing visibility, and building digital capabilities received considerable approval and are reliable to improve SCRES in 2030. Four projections enabling data sharing and processing were predominantly supported and demonstrated realization potential for 2030. Finally, five projections that require major supply network adaptations were deemed unlikely to improve SCRES in 2030. This paper answers several research calls by presenting empirical evidence on the pathway of I4.0 implementation in SCRM following the COVID-19 pandemic. Moreover, it evaluates a holistic set of technologies and indicates prioritization potentials to achieve SCRES improvements.
Graph Spatio-Temporal Networks for Manufacturing Sales Forecast and Prevention Policies in Pandemic Era
Lee CY and Yang SH
Worldwide manufacturing industries are significantly affected by COVID-19 pandemic because of their production characteristics with low-cost country sourcing, globalization, and inventory level. To analyze the correlated time series, spatial-temporal model becomes more attractive, and the graph convolution network (GCN) is also commonly used to provide more information to the nodes and its neighbors in the graph. Recently, attention-adjusted graph spatio-temporal network (AGSTN) was proposed to address the problem of pre-defined graph in GCN by combining multi-graph convolution and attention adjustment to learn spatial and temporal correlations over time. However, AGSTN may show potential problem with limited small non-sensor data; particularly, convergence issue. This study proposes several variants of AGSTN and applies them to non-sensor data. We suggest data augmentation and regularization techniques such as edge selection, time series decomposition, prevention policies to improve AGSTN. An empirical study of worldwide manufacturing industries in pandemic era was conducted to validate the proposed variants. The results show that the proposed variants significantly improve the prediction performance at least around 20% on mean squared error (MSE) and convergence problem.
Hospital reconversion in response to the COVID-19 pandemic using simulation and multi-objective genetic algorithms
Yair Perez-Tezoco J, Alfonso Aguilar-Lasserre A, Gerardo Moras-Sánchez C, Francisco Vázquez-Rodríguez C and Azzaro-Pantel C
With the outbreak of the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV2, many countries have faced problems because of their available hospital capacity. Health systems must be prepared to restructure their facilities and meet the requirements of the pandemic while keeping their services and specialties active. This process, known as hospital reconversion, contributes to minimizing the risk of contagion between hospital staff and patients and optimizing the efficient treatment and disposal of healthcare wastes that represent a risk of nosocomial infection contagion. A methodology based upon simulation and mathematical optimization with genetic algorithms is proposed to address the hospital reconversion problem. Firstly, a discrete event simulation model is developed to study the flow of patients within the hospital system. Subsequently, the hospital reconversion problem is formulated through a mathematical model seeking to maximize the proximity relationships between departments and minimize the costs due to the flow of agents within the system. Finally, the results obtained from the optimization process are evaluated through the simulation model. The proposed framework is validated by assessing the hospital reconversion process in a COVID-19 Hospital in Mexico. The results show the mathematical model's effectiveness by incorporating the medical personnel's expertise in decisions regarding the use of elevators, departments' location, structural dimensions, use of corridors, and the floors to which the departments are assigned when facing a pandemic. The contribution of this approach can be replicated during the hospital reconversion process in other hospitals with different characteristics.
Cascading failures and resilience optimization of hospital infrastructure systems against the COVID-19
Dui H, Liu K and Wu S
The outbreak of the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) has put the resilience of a country's healthcare infrastructure to the most severe test. The challenge of taking emergency measures to optimize the supply of medical resources and effectively meet the medical needs of residents is an important issue that needs to be resolved urgently in the prevention and control of public health emergencies. This paper analyzes cascading failures and optimization of the resilience of the hospital infrastructure system (HIS) with the presence of the COVID-19. It proposes a propagation model to describe the COVID-19 infectious process and establishes a cascading failure model of a HIS to analyze its failure mechanism. It also proposes a method for optimizing the resilience of HIS. Then the supplies and demands in maintaining the operations of HIS are studied, and a restoration strategy is obtained. Finally, simulation analysis of the spread of the COVID-19 is carried out to illustrate the applicability of the proposed method.
XOR-analytic network process and assessing the impact of COVID-19 by sector
Hocine A, Kouaissah N and Lozza SO
The consequences of any extreme event can deteriorate any system at all levels: socially, economically, and operationally. The COVID-19 pandemic, caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), provides a good example of the tremendous impact that can be produced by such extreme events. To effectively measure and mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and relaunch the Moroccan economy, policymakers need to determine which sectors have been most impacted. Due to the high level of uncertainty and complexity surrounding this health crisis, this study first develops a new technique for dealing with decision problems under uncertainty using exclusive-or (XOR) logic, called the XOR-analytic network process (XOR-ANP). Then, the proposed technique is adopted to assess the impact of COVID-19 on seven relevant sectors (tourism, transport, industrial, financial, agriculture, education, and healthcare) by considering social, operational, and economic dimensions. The key findings show that COVID-19 has a significant impact on Moroccan's tourism, healthcare, and transport sectors, with respect to social-economic and operational dimensions by 30.99%, 21.81%, and 17.88%, respectively. These results indicate that most of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals for 2030, such as "Healthy Lives", "Decent Work" and "Economic Growth" have been severely impacted, thus, assistance and recovery are urgently needed.
Infectious waste management during a pandemic: A stochastic location-routing problem with chance-constrained time windows
Tasouji Hassanpour S, Ke GY, Zhao J and Tulett DM
The COVID-19 pandemic has presented tremendous challenges to the world, one of which is the management of infectious waste generated by healthcare activities. Finding cost-efficient services with minimum threats to public health has become a top priority. The pandemic has induced extreme uncertainties, not only in the amount of generated waste, but also in the associated service times. With this in mind, the present study develops a mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model for the location-routing problem with time windows (LRPTW). To handle the uncertainty in the amount of generated waste, three scenarios are defined respectively reflecting different severity levels of a pandemic. Furthermore, chance constraints are applied to deal with the variation of the service times at small generation nodes, and time windows at the transfer facilities. The complexity of the resulting mathematical model motivated the application of a branch-and-price (B&P) algorithm along with an -constraint technique. A case study of the situation of Wuhan, China, during the initial COVID-19 outbreak is employed to examine the performance and applicability of the proposed model. Our numerical tests indicate that the B&P algorithm outperforms CPLEX in the computational times by more than 83% in small-sized problem instances and reduces the gaps by at least 70% in large-scale ones. Through a comparison with the current and deterministic systems, our proposed stochastic system can timely adjust itself to fulfill nearly four times the demand of other systems in an extreme pandemic scenario, while maintaining a cost-efficient operation with no outbreak.
Modeling the artificial intelligence-based imperatives of industry 5.0 towards resilient supply chains: A post-COVID-19 pandemic perspective
Ahmed T, Karmaker CL, Nasir SB, Moktadir MA and Paul SK
The recent COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected emerging economies' global supply chains (SCs) by disrupting their manufacturing activities. To ensure business survivability during the current and post-COVID-19 era, it is crucial to adopt artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to renovate traditional manufacturing activities. The fifth industrial revolution, Industry 5.0 (I5.0), and artificial intelligence (AI) offer the overwhelming potential to build an inclusive digital future by ensuring supply chain (SC) resiliency and sustainability. Accordingly, this research aims to identify, assess, and prioritize the AI-based imperatives of I5.0 to improve SC resiliency. An integrated and intelligent approach consisting of Pareto analysis, the Bayesian approach, and the Best-Worst Method (BWM) was developed to fulfill the objectives. Based on the literature review and expert opinions, nine AI-based imperatives were identified and analyzed using Bayesian-BWM to evaluate their potential applicability. The findings reveal that real-time tracking of SC activities using the Internet of Things (IoT) is the most crucial AI-based imperative to improving a manufacturing SC's survivability. The research insights can assist industry leaders, practitioners, and relevant stakeholders in dealing with the impacts of large-scale SC disruptions in the post-COVID-19 era.
A decision support system for scheduling a vaccination campaign during a pandemic emergency: The COVID-19 case
Fabbri C, Ghedini P, Leonessi M, Malaguti E and Tubertini P
This paper considers the organization and scheduling of a vaccination campaign during a pandemic emergency. We describe the decision process and introduce an optimization model, which showed a powerful multi-scenario tool for scheduling a campaign in detail within a dynamic and uncertain context. The solution of the model gave the decision maker the possibility to test different settings and have a configurable solution within few seconds, compared with the man-days of effort that would have required a manual schedule. Analysis of a real case study on COVID-19 vaccination campaign in northern Italy showed that the use of such optimized solution allowed to cover the target population within a much shorter time interval, compared to a manual approach.
A Predictive Decision Analytics Approach for Primary Care Operations Management: A Case Study of Double-Booking Strategy Design and Evaluation
Zhou Y, Viswanatha A, Abdul Motaleb A, Lamichhane P, Chen KY, Young R, Gurses AP, Xiao Y and
Primary care plays a vital role for individuals and families in accessing care, keeping well, and improving quality of life. However, the complexities and uncertainties in the primary care delivery system (e.g., patient no-shows/walk-ins, staffing shortage, COVID-19 pandemic) have brought significant challenges in its operations management, which can potentially lead to poor patient outcomes and negative primary care operations (e.g., loss of productivity, inefficiency). This paper presents a decision analytics approach developed based on predictive analytics and hybrid simulation to better facilitate management of the underlying complexities and uncertainties in primary care operations. A case study was conducted in a local family medicine clinic to demonstrate the use of this approach for patient no-show management. In this case study, a patient no-show prediction model was used in conjunction with an integrated agent-based and discrete-event simulation model to design and evaluate double-booking strategies. Using the predicted patient no-show information, a prediction-based double-booking strategy was created and compared against two other strategies, namely random and designated time. Scenario-based experiments were then conducted to examine the impacts of different double-booking strategies on clinic's operational outcomes, focusing on the trade-offs between the clinic productivity (measured by daily patient throughput) and efficiency (measured by visit cycle and patient wait time for doctor). The results showed that the best productivity-efficiency balance was derived under the prediction-based double-booking strategy. The proposed hybrid decision analytics approach has the potential to better support decision-making in primary care operations management and improve the system's performance. Further, it can be generalized in the context of various healthcare settings for broader applications.
A policy-making model for evolutionary SME behavior during a pandemic recession supported on game theory approach
Hafezalkotob A, Nersesian L and Fardi K
The global economy has experienced a tremendous shock caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and its effects on the normal activities of SMEs, which provide essential driving economic force. Considering that there is currently no precise prediction about the end of this pandemic, many SMEs must make critical decisions about whether to remain in the market during the pandemic or to leave it, investing their assets in a more secure sector of the economy. However, in order to convince SMEs to remain in the market, thus maintaining the damaged economy, governments may variously apply punitive or supportive measures. In this regard, the interaction between SMEs strategies and government measures can be considered as an evolutionary game, in which the governments impose various policies after observing the evolutionary behaviors of SMEs. An evolutionary stable strategy (ESS) is derived through a replicator dynamic system, and the available payoff of each player is calculated by Nash equilibrium (NA). Finally, a numerical example is presented, and related managerial insights are proposed at the end of the current study. For instance, contrary to general belief, it can be inferred from investigating possible scenarios that punitive policies are more effective than supportive measures in convincing SMEs to remain in the market.
Elective surgery scheduling under uncertainty in demand for intensive care unit and inpatient beds during epidemic outbreaks
Dai Z, Perera SC, Wang JJ, Mangla SK and Li G
Amid the epidemic outbreaks such as COVID-19, a large number of patients occupy inpatient and intensive care unit (ICU) beds, thereby making the availability of beds uncertain and scarce. Thus, elective surgery scheduling not only needs to deal with the uncertainty of the surgery duration and length of stay in the ward, but also the uncertainty in demand for ICU and inpatient beds. We model this surgery scheduling problem with uncertainty and propose an effective algorithm that minimizes the operating room overtime cost, bed shortage cost, and patient waiting cost. Our model is developed using fuzzy sets whereas the proposed algorithm is based on the differential evolution algorithm and heuristic rules. We set up experiments based on data and expert experience respectively. A comparison between the fuzzy model and the crisp (non-fuzzy) model proves the usefulness of the fuzzy model when the data is not sufficient or available. We further compare the proposed model and algorithm with several extant models and algorithms, and demonstrate the computational efficacy, robustness, and adaptability of the proposed framework.
Fuzzy-logic-based IoMT framework for COVID19 patient monitoring
Panja S, Chattopadhyay AK, Nag A and Singh JP
Smart healthcare is an integral part of a smart city, which provides real time and intelligent remote monitoring and tracking services to patients and elderly persons. In the era of an extraordinary public health crisis due to the spread of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV), which caused the deaths of millions and affected a multitude of people worldwide in different ways, the role of smart healthcare has become indispensable. Any modern method that allows for speedy and efficient monitoring of COVID19-affected patients could be highly beneficial to medical staff. Several smart-healthcare systems based on the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) have attracted worldwide interest in their growing technical assistance in health services, notably in predicting, identifying and preventing, and their remote surveillance of most infectious diseases. In this paper, a real time health monitoring system for COVID19 patients based on edge computing and fuzzy logic technique is proposed. The proposed model makes use of the IoMT architecture to collect real time biological data (or health information) from the patients to monitor and analyze the health conditions of the infected patients and generates alert messages that are transmitted to the concerned parties such as relatives, medical staff and doctors to provide appropriate treatment in a timely fashion. The health data are collected through sensors attached to the patients and transmitted to the edge devices and cloud storage for further processing. The collected data are analyzed through fuzzy logic in edge devices to efficiently identify the risk status (such as low risk, moderate risk and high risk) of the COVID19 patients in real time. The proposed system is also associated with a mobile app that enables the continuous monitoring of the health status of the patients. Moreover, once alerted by the system about the high risk status of a patient, a doctor can fetch all the health records of the patient for a specified period, which can be utilized for a detailed clinical diagnosis.
Inducing supplier backup via manufacturer information sharing under supply disruption risk
Li G, Li X and Liu M
What comes along with the repeating and wide-range COVID-19 outbreak is the increasingly latent supply disruption risk encountered by global supply chains. Among many instruments to enhance supply chain resilience, backup production may be an appropriate choice, whereas how to induce the supplier backup becomes an obstacle. In this study, we investigate a supply chain in the context of the crisis-like new normal with supply disruption risk, wherein a manufacturer uses private demand information as a strategic lever, according to which a supplier decides whether to adopt backup production. Our findings reveal that the supplier's equilibrium decision on the adoption of backup production exhibits a cutoff structure when the manufacturer shares demand information. Moreover, we uncover the effect of information sharing on backup decision. In specific, information sharing impedes the adoption of backup production under low demand potential while promoting it under high demand potential. Interestingly, the manufacturer may have the incentive to share the demand information with the upstream supplier if the demand variability is low and the backup cost is moderate, and such information sharing stimulates the supplier to adopt the backup production. Counterintuitively, the manufacturer and the whole supply chain may display nonmonotonic relations to the backup cost as a result.
How to improve the future efficiency of Covid-19 treatment centers? A hybrid framework combining artificial neural network and congestion approach of data envelopment analysis
Yousefi S, Shabanpour H, Ghods K and Saen RF
Covid-19 virus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, SARS-CoV-2) threatens the health of human beings worldwide, imposing a concern for the world and prompting governments to control the contagion. Although vaccination is a proper tool to control the transmission, the efficient allocation of limited health-care resources to massive patients can improve the effectiveness of medical services. Relying on the Artificial Neural Network (ANN), the aim of this research is to enhance the future efficiency of Covid-19 treatment centers by forecasting their efficiency and providing benchmarks. To do this, we use the congestion approach of data envelopment analysis (DEA) based on the theory of economies of scale principles. In the traditional input-oriented DEA, inefficient decision-making units (DMUs) can become efficient merely by reducing the inputs. However, this may not always be true in real-world applications such as improving the efficiency of COVID-19 treatment centers (DMUs). Meaning that the treatment centers with less congested inputs (e.g., ventilators, test equipment, pulmonologists, and nurses, etc.) normally have higher mortality rates. For this reason, in this study, we take the congested inputs approach into account to provide proper benchmarks for the inefficient treatment centers. According to the congestion approach of DEA, an optimum increase in congested inputs can lead to a greater than a proportional increment in outputs. In other words, if more respiratory equipment, pulmonologists, patient rooms, nurses and beds, etc. are allocated to Covid-19 treatment centers, not only the number of deaths (undesirable outputs) are decreased, but also the number of recoveries (desirable outputs) are increased. Such an optimal rise in the congested inputs is determined in pairwise comparisons derived from the model. Accordingly, in this study, first, considering the congestion approach of DEA and historical data of five periods, we identify the initial efficiency of Iranian Covid-19 treatment centers. Then, by running ANN, we forecast the future inputs and outputs, the overall efficiency, and rank of the treatment centers. By doing this, the prospective efficient and inefficient DMUs are identified, and appropriate benchmarks are determined.
A smart school routing and scheduling problem for the new normalcy
Díaz-Ramírez J, Leal-Garza CM and Gómez-Acosta C
One of the critical actions that emerged during the onset of the New Normalcy after COVID-19 lockdowns, is the safe return to schools and workplaces. Therefore, dedicated transportation services need to adapt to meet new requirements such as arrival reliability for multiple bell times, the consequent staggering of arrivals and departures, and the decrease in bus capacity due to the physical distancing required by regulators. In this work, we address these issues plus additional labor conditions concerning drivers for a university context; with the goal of optimizing social interests such as covering demand and travel time under limited resources. We propose a bi-level approach, where firstly a bus routing generation sub-problem is solved before a bus scheduling sub-problem. This (strategic) solution is then considered as the baseline for subsequent dynamic (operational) routing. The latter is based on real-time demand provided by the students via a mobile app and considers stop-skipping to further minimize travel time. This integrated transport solution was tested in a university case, showing that with the same resources, it can meet these new requirements. In addition, numerical experimentation was also carried out with benchmark instances to identify, among available and literature-recommended solution algorithms and an effective tailored Tabu Search implementation, those that perform best for this type of problems.
Seaport throughput forecasting and post COVID-19 recovery policy by using effective decision-making strategy: A case study of Vietnam ports
Cuong TN, Kim HS, You SS and Nguyen DA
This study deals with the dynamic interactions between seaports and decision-making strategy for seaport operations by utilizing four-dimensional fractional Lotka-Volterra competition model under frequently disrupted by time-delay factor. Nonlinear analysis methods, including equilibrium analysis, stability evaluation, and time series investigation, are intensely explored to describe the cooperation and competition dynamics in maritime logistics. The dynamical analysis indicates that the port competition system shows a complex and highly nonlinear behaviour, notably illustrating unstable equilibria and even chaotic phenomena. Besides, nonlinear dynamical interactions in seaport management have been analysed by exploiting fractional calculus (FC) and system dynamics theory. Novel multi-criteria decision-making strategies realized by the neural network prediction controller (NNC) and adaptive fractional-order super-twisting sliding mode control (AFOSTSM) have been presented for dealing with throughput dynamics under parametric perturbations and external disturbances. Particularly, the active control algorithms are implemented to ensure the recovery strategy for throughput growth of Vietnam ports in the post-coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic era. The case study has confirmed the efficacy of the proposed strategy by using system dynamics and control theory. The simulation results show that the average growth rates of container throughput can be ensured up to 7.46% by exploiting resilience management scheme. The presented method can be also utilized for providing managerial insights and solutions on efficient port operations. In addition, the control strategies with neural network forecasting can help managers obtain timely and cost-effective decision-making policy for port sustainability against unprecedented impacts on global supply chains related to COVID-19 pandemic.
Big data driven innovation for sustaining SME supply chain operation in post COVID-19 scenario: Moderating role of SME technology leadership
Chatterjee S, Chaudhuri R, Shah M and Maheshwari P
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, there is an unprecedented crisis for businesses. The small and medium enterprises (SMEs) have been impacted even more, due to their limited resources. Extant literature has prescribed many treatments on how SMEs could survive in post COVID-19 situation, but studies did not analyse how big data driven innovation could improve supply chain management (SCM) process in the post COVID-19 pandemic under the moderating influence of SME technology leadership support. Thus, there is a research gap in this important domain. The aim of this study is to examine the impact of big data driven innovation and technology capability of the SME on its supply chain system. The study also investigates the moderating role of SME technology leadership support on SME performance in the post COVID-19 scenario. With the help of literature and resource-based view (RBV) and dynamic capability view (DCV) theory, a theoretical model has been developed conceptually. Later the model is validated using structural equation modelling (SEM) technique with 327 usable respondents from SMEs from India. The study found that both big data driven innovation and the techno-functional capability of SME impacts supply chain capability which in turn impacts the SME performance in the post COVID-19 scenario. The study also finds that there will be a moderating impact of SME technology leadership support on SME performance.
Optimizing deep neural networks to predict the effect of social distancing on COVID-19 spread
Liu D, Ding W, Dong ZS and Pedrycz W
Deep Neural Networks (DNN) form a powerful deep learning model that can process unprecedented volumes of data. The hyperparameters of DNN have a significant influence on its prediction performance. Evolutionary algorithms (EAs) form a heuristic-based approach that provides an opportunity to optimize deep learning models to obtain good performance. Therefore, we propose an evolutionary deep learning model called IPSO-DNN based on DNN for prediction and an improved Particle Swarm Optimization (IPSO) algorithm to optimize the kernel hyperparameters of DNN in a self-adaptive evolutionary way. In the IPSO algorithm, a micro population size setting is introduced to improve the search efficiency of the algorithm, and the generalized opposition-based learning strategy is used to guide the population evolution. In addition, the IPSO algorithm employs a self-adaptive update strategy to prevent premature convergence and then improves the exploitation and exploration parameter optimization performance of DNN. In this paper, we show that the IPSO algorithm provides an efficient approach for tuning the hyperparameters of DNN with saving valuable computational resources. We explore the proposed IPSO-DNN model to predict the effect of social distancing on the spread of COVID-19 based on the social distancing metrics. The preliminary experimental results reveal that the proposed IPSO-DNN model has the least computation cost and yields better prediction accuracy results when compared to the other models. The experiments of the IPSO-DNN model also illustrate that aggressive and extensive social distancing interventions are crucial to help flatten the COVID-19 epidemic curve in the United States.
A flexible employee recruitment and compensation model: A bi-level optimization approach
Ben-Gal HC, Forma IA and Singer G
The growing practice of flexible work following the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to have a significant impact on management and human resource (HR) practices. In this paper, we propose a novel bi-level mathematical programming model that can serve as a decision support tool for firms in real-life settings to improve recruitment and compensation decisions associated with hybrid and flexible work plans. The proposed model is composed of two levels: the first level reflects the company's goal of maximizing profitability by offering competitive salaries to candidates. The second level reflects the candidate's goal of minimizing the gap between their desired salary and the perceived benefits of a preferred flexible plan. We show that the model provides an exact solution based on a mixed integer formulation and present a computational analysis based on changing candidate behaviors in response to the firm's strategy, thus demonstrate how the problem's parameters influence the decision policy. Our proposed model leads to efficient managerial practices, compared to conventional models that utilize a single non-flexible plan. Results indicate that introducing a flexible work plan leads to an improvement of up to 59 percent in the firm's profitability. We apply the optimal solution of the bi-level model to a real-world case study of a company recruiting software engineers. Results demonstrate the applicability of the optimal solution to a real-world dataset. This paper advances knowledge by proposing a novel bi-level model for effective recruitment and compensation decisions in real-world flexible workforce settings.
A non-intrusive Industry 4.0 retrofitting approach for collaborative maintenance in traditional manufacturing
García Á, Bregon A and Martínez-Prieto MA
The recent COVID-19 outbreak impact on the world economy has boosted the increasing business needs to force manufacturing plants adapting to unpredictable changes and ensuring the continuity of industrial production. The demand for asset monitoring solutions and specialised support at the shop floor has become an increasingly important digital priority in industry that pushes human-machine technological upgrades leading to digital workforce skills assessment. In the case of traditional manufacturing, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) face the challenge of managing digital technologies and Industry 4.0 (I4.0) maturity models with a low adoption rate. In this digital context very few SMEs with traditional means have anticipated the latest advances in maintenance strategies impeded by technical and economical barriers. This work presents a human-machine technological integration solution in traditional manufacturing based on a non-intrusive retrofitting development with interoperable I4.0 tools. The method provides a common and rapidly deployable hardware and software architecture supporting an HMI-based legacy maintenance approach and addresses its evaluation focused on the physical-digital convergence of older industrial systems. A case study applying a digital process approach integrated with condition-based maintenance (CBM) techniques, has been carried out on a CNC milling machine and reproduced in an injection moulding machine during COVID-19 alert state. These already existing scenarios served to deploy digital retrofitting and communication strategies without interfering in working conditions. Patterns extracted from the machines were monitored in real-time interacting with the operational knowledge of the experienced staff. In this way, we provided an original contribution to confront human-machine challenges with improvements applied in traditional manufacturing, where workers and industrial systems were collaboratively updated with augmented digital strategies and proactive CBM environments.