Response to Wang and Winterstein: Robustness of GIP/GLP-1 RA findings in substance use disorders
Is methamphetamine blood concentration in emergency department patients associated with the clinical picture?
This study aimed to describe clinical features and outcomes of patients presenting to the emergency department with analytically confirmed methamphetamine intoxication, to determine the blood concentration of methamphetamine and to test its association with clinical findings.
Prevalence of cannabis consumption methods among people with medically recommended and nonmedical cannabis use in the United States
Some cannabis consumption methods (e.g. smoking, vaping, dabbing) are associated with more harms than others (e.g. sublingual, transdermal). We aimed to examine differences in prevalence of cannabis consumption methods by people with medically recommended-only vs. nonmedical-only cannabis use.
Trends and patterns of dual use of combustible tobacco and e-cigarettes among adults in England: A population study, 2016-2024
E-cigarettes are frequently used by people who smoke. This study measured how the prevalence and patterns of smoking and vaping ('dual use') in England have changed as the vaping market has rapidly evolved.
Mortality risk among individuals who smoke opioids compared with those who inject: A propensity score-matched cohort analysis of United States national treatment data
Opioid smoking is becoming more common in the United States. The aim of this analysis was to estimate relative mortality risk among those who primarily smoke opioids compared with those who inject.
Electronic cigarettes and subsequent cigarette smoking in young people: A systematic review
To assess the evidence for a relationship between the use of e-cigarettes and subsequent smoking in young people (≤29 years), and whether this differs by demographic characteristics.
Using ecological momentary assessment to quantify Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol and cannabidiol use across different forms of cannabis: Feasibility in a sample of Canadian young adults reporting frequent cannabis use
To establish the feasibility of using ecological momentary assessment (EMA) to estimate total quantities of Δ-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD) used across different forms of cannabis, and to assess the predictive validity of THC estimates for predicting acute cannabis-related consequences.
England's disposable vape ban: An inadequate solution to youth vaping with potential unintended consequences
Educational attainment as a potential effect modifier of alcohol use and 100% alcohol-attributable mortality in the United States-A longitudinal analysis of mortality linked survey data from 1997 to 2018
To measure effects between educational attainment and alcohol use as a driver of unequal alcohol-attributable mortality.
Association between change in alcohol use reported during routine healthcare screening and change in subsequent hospitalization: A retrospective cohort study
Primary care systems often screen for unhealthy alcohol use with brief self-report tools such as the 3-item Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test for consumption (AUDIT-C). There is little research examining whether change in alcohol use measured on the AUDIT-C captures meaningful change in outcomes affected by alcohol use. This study aimed to measure the association between change in AUDIT-C and change in all-cause hospitalization risk, measured in the year after each AUDIT-C.
Association between prescribed stimulant medications and overdose among individuals receiving opioid agonist therapy: A retrospective cohort study from British Columbia, Canada
We measured the association between prescribed stimulant medications and overdose among individuals receiving opioid agonist therapy (OAT) for opioid use disorder.
Recovery support services as part of the continuum of care for alcohol or drug use disorders
The definition of 'recovery' has evolved beyond merely control of problem substance use to include other aspects of health and wellbeing (known as 'recovery capital') which are important to prevent relapse to problematic alcohol or other drug (AOD) use. Developing a Recovery Oriented System of Care (ROSC) requires consideration of interventions or services (Recovery Support Services, RSS) designed to build recovery capital which are often delivered alongside established treatment structures. Lived experience and its application to the process of engaging people, changing behaviour and relapse prevention is an essential part of these services.
Psychedelic-assisted treatment for substance use disorder: A narrative systematic review
This is the first systematic review of the extant literature on all major psychedelic-assisted treatment for alcohol use disorder (AUD), tobacco use disorder (TUD) and other substance use disorders (SUD). We aimed to summarise the evidence for efficacy of psychedelic-assisted treatment for AUD, TUD, and SUD; to evaluate its quality; and to offer recommendations for research.
Extended-release pharmacotherapies for substance use disorders in incarcerated populations: A systematic review
Substance use (SU) is prevalent among individuals in the criminal justice system (CJS). However, there is often poor access to treatment. We aimed to assess the effectiveness of two medications, extended-release naltrexone (XR-NTX) and extended-release buprenorphine (XR-BUP) for the prison population.
Daily associations between sleep and alcohol use among veterans: Acute and cumulative effects
Military veterans demonstrate high rates of heavy drinking and insomnia, but few if any studies have tested real-world, daily associations between sleep and alcohol use within this population. Moreover, although daily diary and experimental studies among civilians have found negative associations between alcohol use and sleep, these patterns change with consecutive days of drinking and may differ for those with insomnia. This study measured (a) acute and cumulative day-level associations between sleep and alcohol use among heavy-drinking US veterans and (b) the extent to which insomnia moderates these associations.
Self-reported experiences and perspectives on using psychedelics to manage opioid use among participants of two Reddit communities
The opioid crisis continues to exert a tremendous toll in North America, with existing interventions often falling short of addressing ongoing needs. Psychedelics are emerging as a possible alternative therapy for mental health and substance use disorders. This study aimed to gather insights on how people use or are considering using psychedelics to manage opioid use disorder (OUD), how these experiences are perceived to impact opioid use and what these lessons imply for future research and practice.
Re: The association between glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide and/or glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist prescriptions and substance-related outcomes in patients with opioid and alcohol use disorders: A real-world data analysis
The effectiveness of a drink-counting and a breathalyser-coupled smartphone application for reduced heavy drinking among alcohol-dependent adults in Sweden: A randomised controlled trial
Studies using smartphone apps in treatment for alcohol dependence are lacking. This study aimed to test the consumption-reducing effects of using two app-based alcohol interventions as complement to treatment as usual (TAU).
Commentary on Craft et al.: Drug contaminants and substitutions in illicit vapes represent a major health risk
The effect of a brief intervention video on gambling advertising resistance: Results of a randomized, on-line experimental study
Gambling advertising is nowadays prevalent in multiple jurisdictions and can take multiple forms, such as TV adverts and social media promotions. However, few independently designed interventions for gambling advertising have been empirically tested. We aimed to measure the effectiveness of an inoculative intervention video for gambling advertising, which was developed based on previous interventions for alcohol and tobacco, and which used input from academics and experts by experience.
Nationwide trends in diagnosed sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic use disorders in adolescents and young adults enrolled in Medicaid: 2001-2019
Sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic use disorders (SHA-UD) are defined by significant impairment or distress caused by recurrent sedative, hypnotic or anxiolytic use. This study aimed to measure trends in the prevalence of SHA-UD diagnoses in adolescent and young adult US Medicaid enrollees from 2001 to 2019.