Enhancing BIM security in emergency construction projects using lightweight blockchain-as-a-service
Tao X, Das M, Zheng C, Liu Y, Wong PK, Xu Y, Liu H, Gong X and Cheng JCP
Rapid design and construction of mobile cabin hospitals (MCHs) have become imperative in the COVID-19 response. However, due to unique design specifications (e.g., parallel design and model pre-revision), collaboration in emergency construction projects (ECPs) like MCHs presents data security vulnerabilities, including a lack of traceability and transparency. These hazards invariably reduce design effectiveness, leading to undesirable rework and project delay. Blockchain technology is a potential solution to address the aforementioned security issues in ECPs because it offers immutable and traceable data storage. Nevertheless, directly implementing blockchain in ECPs is impractical, for the blockchain has a complex deployment process and provides limited functions supporting BIM-based design. Therefore, this paper develops a lightweight blockchain-as-a-service (LBaaS) prototype to enhance the ECPs design efficiency by securing and automating information exchange while eliminating the difficulties of deploying and using blockchain. This paper contributes three elements: (1) Security vulnerabilities of design in ECP are identified. Taking an MCH in Hong Kong as an example, this paper investigates its design process and determines two design characteristics and associated security flaws. (2) Key technologies to support easy deployment and usage of blockchain in ECPs are developed. New technical elements, including a Multi-to-One mapping (MtOM) kit for easy blockchain registration, an integrated workflow retaining existing design practices, and smart contracts for secure interaction with blockchain, are developed to support LBaaS functionality. (3) An LBaaS prototype is validated and evaluated. The prototype is illustrated and evaluated using design examples based on actual MCH project data. Results show that the LBaaS is a feasible and secure approach for ECPs collaboration. This paper deepens the understanding of data security issues in ECPs and offers technical guidance in establishing blockchain solutions.
Collision-free trajectory planning for robotic assembly of lightweight structures
Shu J, Li W and Gao Y
This research presents a trajectory planning approach for robotic assembly of lightweight structures for COVID-19 healthcare facilities. The prefabricated building components of COVID-19 healthcare facilities have nonnegligible volume, where the crux of the scientific question lies in how to incorporate geometry-based collision checks in trajectory planning. This research developed an algorithm that refines the RRT* (Rapidly-exploring Random Tree-Star) algorithm to enable the detour of a planned trajectory based on the geometry of prefabricated components to prevent collisions. Testing of the approach reveals that it has satisfactory collision-avoiding and trajectory-smoothing performance, and is time- and labour-saving compared with the traditional human method. The satisfactory results highlight the practical implication of this research, where robots can replace human labour and contribute to the mitigation of COVID-19 spread on construction sites. The subsequent research will investigate the use of a collaborative robot to screw bolt connections after the components are assembled at locations.
Enhancing resilience in construction against infectious diseases using stochastic multi-agent approach
Gerami Seresht N
To recover from the adverse impacts of COVID-19 on construction and to avoid further losses to the industry in future pandemics, the resilience of construction industry needs to be enhanced against infectious diseases. Currently, there is a gap for modelling frameworks to simulate the spread of infectious diseases in construction projects at micro-level and to test interventions' effectiveness for data-informed decision-making. Here, this gap is addressed by developing a simulation framework using stochastic agent-based modelling, which enables construction researchers and practitioners to simulate and limit the spread of infectious diseases in construction projects. This is specifically important, since the results of a building project case-study reveals that, in comparison to the general population, infectious diseases may spread faster among construction workers and fatalities can be significantly higher. The proposed framework motivates future research on micro-level modelling of infectious diseases and efforts for intervening the spread of diseases in construction projects.
BIM-based task and motion planning prototype for robotic assembly of COVID-19 hospitalisation light weight structures
Gao Y, Meng J, Shu J and Liu Y
Fast transmission of COVID-19 led to mass cancelling of events to contain the virus outbreak. Amid lockdown restrictions, a vast number of construction projects came to a halt. Robotic platforms can perform construction projects in an unmanned manner, thus ensuring the essential construction tasks are not suspended during the pandemic. This research developed a BIM-based prototype, including a task planning algorithm and a motion planning algorithm, to assist in the robotic assembly of COVID-19 hospitalisation light weight structures with prefabricated components. The task planning algorithm can determine the assembly sequence and coordinates for various types of prefabricated components. The motion planning algorithm can generate robots' kinematic parameters for performing the assembly of the prefabricated components. Testing of the prototype finds that it has satisfactory performance in terms of 1) the reasonableness of assembly sequence determined, 2) reachability for the assembly coordinates of prefabricated components, and 3) capability to avoid obstacles.
Modular composite building in urgent emergency engineering projects: A case study of accelerated design and construction of to COVID-19 pandemic
Chen LK, Yuan RP, Ji XJ, Lu XY, Xiao J, Tao JB, Kang X, Li X, He ZH, Quan S and Jiang LZ
Wuhan Leishenshan/Leishenshan ("Leishenshan" for short) hospital is a makeshift emergency hospital for treating patients diagnosed with the novel coronavirus-infected pneumonia (NCIP). Engineering construction uses modular composite building finished products to the greatest extent, which reduces the workload of field operations and saves a lot of time. The building information model (BIM) technology assists in design and construction work to meet rapid construction requirements. Besides, based on the unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) data analysis and application platform, digitization and intelligence in engineering construction are improved. Simultaneously, on-site construction and overall hoisting were carried out to achieve maximum efficiency. This article aims to take the construction of Leishenshan Hospital as an example to illustrate how to adopt BIM technology and other high-tech technology such as big data, artificial intelligence, drones, and 5G for the fast construction of the fabricated steel structure systems in emergency engineering projects.
Ultra-rapid delivery of specialty field hospitals to combat COVID-19: Lessons learned from the Hospital project in Wuhan
Luo H, Liu J, Li C, Chen K and Zhang M
With the outbreak of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic in Wuhan, China, in January 2020, the escalating number of confirmed and suspected cases overwhelmed the admission capacity of the designated hospitals. Two specialty field hospitals- and -were designed, built and commissioned in record time (9-12 days) to address the outbreak. This study documents the design and construction of Hospital. Based on data collected from various sources such as the semi-structured interviews of key stakeholders from Hospital, this study found that adhering to a product, organization, and process (POP) modeling approach combined with building information modeling (BIM) allowed for the ultra-rapid creation, management, and communication of project-related information, resulting in the successful development of this fully functional, state-of-the-art infectious disease specialty hospital. With the unfortunate ongoing international COVID-19 outbreak, many countries and regions face similar hospital capacity problems. It is thus expected that the lessons learned from the design, construction and commissioning of Hospital can provide a valuable reference to the development of specialty field hospitals in other countries and regions.
Fusing imperfect experimental data for risk assessment of musculoskeletal disorders in construction using canonical polyadic decomposition
Dutta A, Breloff SP, Dai F, Sinsel EW, Carey RE, Warren CM and Wu JZ
Field or laboratory data collected for work-related musculoskeletal disorder (WMSD) risk assessment in construction often becomes unreliable as a large amount of data go missing due to technology-induced errors, instrument failures or sometimes at random. Missing data can adversely affect the assessment conclusions. This study proposes a method that applies Canonical Polyadic Decomposition (CPD) tensor decomposition to fuse multiple sparse risk-related datasets and fill in missing data by leveraging the correlation among multiple risk indicators within those datasets. Two knee WMSD risk-related datasets-3D knee rotation (kinematics) and electromyography (EMG) of five knee postural muscles-collected from previous studies were used for the validation and demonstration of the proposed method. The analysis results revealed that for a large portion of missing values (40%), the proposed method can generate a fused dataset that provides reliable risk assessment results highly consistent (70%-87%) with those obtained from the original experimental datasets. This signified the usefulness of the proposed method for use in WMSD risk assessment studies when data collection is affected by a significant amount of missing data, which will facilitate reliable assessment of WMSD risks among construction workers. In the future, findings of this study will be implemented to explore whether, and to what extent, the fused dataset outperforms the datasets with missing values by comparing consistencies of the risk assessment results obtained from these datasets for further investigation of the fusion performance.
Sustainability appraisal in infrastructure projects (SUSAIP): Part 1. Development of indicators and computational methods
Ugwu OO, Kumaraswamy MM, Wong A and Ng ST
The process of translating strategic sustainability objectives into concrete action at project-specific levels is a difficult task. The multi-dimensional perspectives of sustainability such as economy, society, environment, combined with a lack of structured methodology and information at various hierarchical levels, further exacerbate the problem. This paper (Part 1 of a two-part series) proposes an analytical decision model and a structured methodology for sustainability appraisal in infrastructure projects. The paper uses the 'weighted sum model' technique in multi-criteria decision analysis (MCDA) and the 'additive utility model' in analytical hierarchical process (AHP) for multi-criteria decision making, to develop the model from first principles. It discusses the development of key performance indicators encapsulated within the analytical model. It concludes by discussing other potential applications of the proposed model and methodology for process automation as part of integrated sustainability appraisal in infrastructure design and construction. Part 2 uses a case study to demonstrate the model application in infrastructure sustainability appraisal at design stages. The paper also discusses the challenges for sustainability research, and gives recommendations.