Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities

Aggression Is Associated With Social Adaptive Functioning in Children With ASD and Anxiety
Kalvin CB, Jordan R, Rowley S, Weis AL, Ibrahim K and Sukhodolsky DG
Social adaptive functioning is notably compromised and may be further impaired by aggressive behavior in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). This study examined the association between aggressive behavior and social adaptive skills in children with ASD and the contribution of aggressive behavior to social adaptive skills in a combined sample of children with and without ASD. Participants consisted of children, ages 8 to 15 years, with ASD ( = 52) and who were typically developing ( = 29). Results indicate that aggressive behavior is negatively associated with social adaptive skills in children with ASD and that it contributes to reduced social adaptive functioning above and beyond ASD diagnosis. Findings underscore the importance of considering the role of aggressive behavior when evaluating and promoting social functioning in children with ASD.
School Challenges and Services Related to Executive Functioning for Fully Included Middle Schoolers with Autism
Duncan A, Risley S, Combs A, Lacey HM, Hamik E, Fershtman C, Kneeskern E, Patel M, Crosby L, Hood AM, Zoromski AK and Tamm L
The educational services available for fully included middle schoolers with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in the general education setting are not well known. Even less is known about how the executive functioning (EF) deficits of such youth are addressed in the classroom. The current study sought to identify the challenges, including EF, that middle schoolers with ASD face and the services that they receive on their Individualized Education Program (IEP), and also explore specific strategies used to build EF skills at school. A convenience data sample was obtained from focus groups with educational personnel ( = 15), and qualitative analyses of IEPs were conducted in middle schoolers with ASD with EF deficits ( = 23). Results confirmed that social communication and EF challenges are common. Multiple services and accommodations were identified, although EF challenges were rarely targeted on IEPs. Factors that may facilitate the success of EF strategies in the classroom are discussed.
A Waitlist Randomized Implementation Trial of Classroom Pivotal Response Teaching for Students With Autism
Stahmer AC, Suhrheinrich J, Rieth SR, Roesch S, Vejnoska S, Chan J, Nahmias A and Wang T
Classroom Pivotal Response Teaching (CPRT) is a community-partnered adaptation of a naturalistic developmental behavioral intervention identified as an evidence-based practice for autistic children. The current study evaluated student outcomes in a randomized, wait-list controlled implementation trial across classrooms. Participants included teachers ( = 126) and students with autism ( = 308). Teachers participated in 12 hours of didactic, interactive training and additional in-classroom coaching. Generalized Estimating Equations accounted for clustering. Adjusted models evaluated the relative effects of training group, CPRT fidelity, and classroom quality on student outcomes. Results indicate higher CPRT fidelity was associated with greater increases in student learning. Having received CPRT training predicted increased student engagement and greater decreases in reported approach/withdrawal problems. These differences may be linked to the theoretical foundations of CPRT of increasing student motivation and engagement and collaborative adaptation to increase feasibility in schools. Overall, results suggest CPRT may be a beneficial approach for supporting autistic students.
Evaluation of Telehealth Delivery of Group Parent-Led Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy During COVID-19: A Pilot Study
Byrne G, Vickers L, Ni Longphuirt E and Cunningham R
The COVID-19 pandemic has led to governments around the world imposing varying levels of restrictions and lockdowns leading to home confinement and closure of schools. Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and their families may be particularly susceptible to increased anxiety. A growing evidence base has developed for parent-led cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for child anxiety disorders. The current pilot study aimed to evaluate the preliminary clinical utility (acceptability, feasibility, and efficacy) of a parent-led CBT program in Dublin, Ireland, through an online format. Parents of nine children completed the program. The child did not participate in any part of the online program. Acceptability was strong, and although technical issues were problematic at times, all families completed the program. Preliminary efficacy analysis is mixed, with significant reductions on youth anxiety as measured by clinician-administered questionnaire but no reduction in parent-report measures. Findings suggest that the online program is acceptance, feasible, and effective.
Teacher Self-Efficacy for Teaching Students With Autism Spectrum Disorder: Associations with Stress, Teacher Engagement, and Student IEP Outcomes Following COMPASS Consultation
Love AMA, Findley JA, Ruble LA and McGrew JH
Although teachers reporting high teaching self-efficacy demonstrate positive teaching behaviors, minimal stress, and superior classroom management techniques, surprisingly few studies have demonstrated a relationship between teacher self-efficacy and student outcomes. This study explored self-efficacy specific to teaching students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), and examined relationships with stress, teacher engagement, and student individualized education program (IEP) outcomes. Special education teachers ( = 44) were recruited as part of a larger study examining a consultation intervention. Results indicated that self-efficacy for teaching students with ASD was significantly and positively correlated with teacher engagement and student outcomes, and negatively correlated with teacher stress. Furthermore, teachers who received the consultation intervention reported higher levels of self-efficacy for teaching students with ASD. This is the first study to report a direct association between teacher self-efficacy and student IEP outcomes and the potential positive impact of a teacher consultation intervention on the teacher intrapersonal factor of self-efficacy.
The Use of Peer Networks to Increase Communicative Acts of First Grade Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Kamps D, Mason R, Thiemann-Bourque K, Feldmiller S, Turcotte A and Miller T
Child and family characteristics influencing intervention choices in autism spectrum disorders
Patten E, Baranek GT, Watson LR and Schultz B
A myriad of treatment options are available for children with autism, yet little is understood regarding characteristics of parents (e.g., education) and children (e.g., severity of autism symptoms) that influence types and amounts of therapy utilization. Interviews from 70 families were analyzed to determine potential influences on utilization (e.g., start of first services, use of traditional services). Descriptive findings regarding therapy types were similar to national studies. However, only three of the variables predicted utilization of specific therapies: severity of sensory processing problems was associated with earlier initiation of services in general, and higher maternal and paternal education was associated with the use of dietary and/or vitamin therapy as well as with more types of services. No other variables had predictive value; thus, the amount and type of therapies received may be more related to diagnostic practices and/or to the affordances/constraints of service delivery and reimbursement systems at particular ages.
Preliminary Investigation of the Sources of Self-Efficacy Among Teachers of Students with Autism
Ruble LA, Usher EL and McGrew JH
Teacher self-efficacy refers to the beliefs teachers hold regarding their capability to bring about desired instructional outcomes and may be helpful for understanding and addressing critical issues such as teacher attrition and teacher use of research-supported practices. Educating students with autism likely presents teachers with some of the most significant instructional challenges. The self-efficacy of 35 special education teachers of students with autism between the ages of 3 to 9 years was evaluated. Teachers completed rating scales that represented self-efficacy and aspects of the following 3 of Bandura's 4 sources of self-efficacy: (1) sense of mastery, (2) social persuasions, and (3) physiological/affective states. Significant associations were observed between physiological/affective states and self-efficacy, but no associations were observed for the other sources.
Sibling Adjustment and Maternal Well-Being: An Examination of Families With and Without a Child With an Autism Spectrum Disorder
Quintero N and McIntyre LL
Differences in sibling social, behavioral, and academic adjustment and maternal well-being in families with (n = 20) and without (n = 23) a preschooler with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) were explored. Results are interpreted to suggest that mothers of children with autism report more daily hassles, life stress, and depression than mothers without a child with ASD. There were no significant differences in parent and teacher reports of older siblings' social, behavioral, and academic adjustment in families with and without a child with ASD. Sibling behavioral adjustment was, however, significantly related to maternal well-being. Because families with children with ASD often experience more parenting stress and depression, siblings may be more vulnerable to the cumulative risks over time.
Evidence-Based Reading Instruction for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders
Whalon KJ, Al Otaiba S and Delano ME
Legislation mandates that children, including children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) be taught to read in ways that are consistent with reading research, and target the five components of evidence-based reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, reading fluency, vocabulary and comprehension strategies. The purpose of this review is to synthesize the literature on reading instruction for children with ASD that encompasses one or more of the five components of reading. The review yielded 11 studies with 61 participants ages 4 to 17. Results indicate that children with ASD can benefit from reading instruction consistent with reading research. Research in this area is still preliminary, and more research is needed to guide practice. Possible directions for future research are provided.
Early Intervention Practices for Children With Autism: Descriptions From Community Providers
Stahmer AC, Collings NM and Palinkas LA
Across the country, states are reporting increases in the number of children with autism enrolled in the education system. Although a few specific treatment methods have been established as efficacious for some children with autism in controlled settings, research examining the translation of these treatments into early intervention programs has been minimal. The current study examined provider self-reports of the use of interventions in community settings through focus groups. Providers report the use of both evidence-based and non-evidence-based techniques and indicate that they often combine and modify these techniques based on child, personal, and external factors. Few providers had a clear understanding of evidence-based practice, and all providers reported concerns about adequate training. Implications for early intervention research are discussed.
Postsecondary Expectations of High-School Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders
Anderson KA, McDonald TA, Edsall D, Smith LE and Taylor JL
This study examined the perceptions of adulthood among 31 high school students with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). We had two research aims: (1) to report students' postsecondary expectations in terms of school, work, friendships and living arrangement and (2) to describe how our sample defined adulthood. To better compare our sample's criteria of adulthood to the criteria traditionally endorsed in secondary schools, we used a directed content analysis approach. Data were derived from a semi-structured interview that questioned students about friendships, activities and the transition to adulthood. The majority of students expected to attain traditional markers of adulthood after high school; however, for some the pathways to achieving these outcomes were narrowly defined and perceived as a rigid, linear process. Independence, maturity and personal responsibility were the most highly endorsed characteristics of adulthood, followed by chronological age and traditional markers. Implications for transition planning and adult services are discussed.