A constitutional right to health care: an unlikely development
Carey SC
Constitutional law--due process requires a standard of proof beyond a reasonable doubt for involuntary civil commitment
Appel K
The right against treatment: behavior modification and the involuntarily committed
Damich EJ
Psychotherapist-patient testimonial privilege: a picture of misguided hope
Slovenko R
Procedural safeguards for the involuntary commitment of the mentally ill in the District of Columbia
Bohman JL
Voluntarily confined mental retardates: the right to treatment vs. the right to protection from harm
Barshefsky C and Liebenberg R
Medico-legal implications of "orders not to resuscitate
Tecklenburg N
Postadmission due process for mentally ill and mentally retarded children after Parham v. J.R. and Secretary of Public Welfare v. Institutionalized Juveniles
Joseph BC
Genetic information and third party access to information: New Jersey's pioneering legislation as a model for federal privacy protection of genetic information
Stepanuk NA
From Baby Doe to Grandpa Doe: the impact of the federal Age Discrimination Act on the hidden rationing of medical care
Silver JD
Examining disputes over ownership rights to frozen embryos: will prior consent documents survive if challenged by state law and/or constitutional principles?
Sheinbach DM
Promoting life?: Embryonic stem cell research legislation
Miller JF
In good conscience: the legal trend to include prescription contraceptives in employer insurance plans and Catholic charities' "conscience clause" objection
Spota K
Federal genetic nondiscrimination legislation: the new "right" and the race to protect DNA at the local, state, and federal level
Hathaway KA
Big abortion: what the antiabortion movement can learn from big tobacco
Heminger JD