Asian-Pacific Economic Literature

Rural-to-urban migration in China
Wu HX and Zhou L
"One consequence of economic reform in China has been the greatly accelerated migration of labour from rural areas to cities. Estimates suggest an annual migrant labour flow of around 50-60 million people, of whom 10-15 million have settled permanently in cities. This article surveys the information that has become available from a number of population and labour surveys. It covers the volume, spatial and temporal dimension of rural-to-urban migration, the characteristics of migrant labourers, the determinants of migration and the impact of migration on China's rural and urban economy."
Continuing demographic transitions in Asia
Hull TH
"This article updates the literature survey on demographic trends and policies published in the May 1987 issue of this journal. It reports substantial adjustments in earlier population projections, suggesting slower decline in population growth rates for China and several other Asian countries. It gives an account of recent trends and policies in the Asian-Pacific region, especially China, Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines and Singapore."
International labour migration in the Asian-Pacific region: patterns, policies and economic implications
Athukorala P
"This paper reviews the literature on international labour migration from and within the Asian-Pacific region. It deals with patterns and characteristics of migration flows, government policies towards labour migration, and economic implications of labour migration for both labour-exporting and importing countries in the region. The indications are that, despite gradual slowing down of labour flows to the western industrial countries and the Middle East, labour migration will continue to be a major economic influence on surplus-labour countries in the region. As an integral part of the growth dynamism in the region, labour migration has now begun to take on a regional dimension, with immense implications for the process of industrial restructuring in high growth economies and the changing pattern of economic interdependence among countries."
Urbanization issues in the Asian-Pacific region
Jones GW
"The paper reviews urbanization trends in the Asian-Pacific region, and discusses the causes of urbanization. It then briefly reviews the public policy responses recommended in the literature or actually practised in the region. A series of issues in urban policy and planning are then discussed." The study is based on a review of the published literature.
Dynamic disequilibrium: demographic policies and trends in Asia
Hull TH and Larson A