Nursing Intervention Based on the Interactive Attainment Model
Jiang S, Xia X, Lin M and Wang L
This study aimed to examine the effectiveness of nursing that was based on the interactive attainment model in alleviating anxiety and pain during colonoscopy. This retrospective study included 213 patients, divided into intervention and control groups. Both groups underwent normal or painless colonoscopy. Anxiety and pain were evaluated using the Self-Rating Anxiety Scale and the Visual Analog Scale (VAS), respectively. The intervention group reported significantly lower anxiety and VAS pain scores compared with the control group. The interactive attainment model of nursing effectively reduces patient anxiety and pain and lowers complication rates in patients undergoing colonoscopy.
The Pillars of Intellectual Inquiry: Scholarship and Theory
Kabigting ER
The author discusses scholarship and theory in relation to intellectual inquiry.
An Analysis and Evaluation of Basic Needs Theory and Transition Theory
Black Dorn W
Academic clinical nurse educators are valued for their current clinical expertise; however, they often have little training in pedagogy. Current research has focused on strategies to improve orientation, support, confidence, and retention. The purpose of this paper is to analyze and evaluate transition theory and basic needs theory as they relate to the phenomenon of becoming a clinical instructor. After analysis and review, basic needs theory was determined to be a useful, parsimonious theory to examine the phenomenon of becoming a clinical instructor and may allow for developing interventions to increase the intrinsic motivation of academic clinical nurse educators.
Scholarship and the Importance of Structures Supporting Scholarship
Carroll K
Scholarship and the impact of scholarship represents an important and relevant phenomenon within nursing that crosses the history of the discipline. An important consideration is to reflect on the defining characteristics of scholarship and to consider the underlying structures that support scholarship. This preliminary article of this practice column provides a brief review and consideration.
Living on the Edge: Paradoxical Experiences with Ethics (Reprinted with permission)
Milton CL
Paradox is living phenomenon that provides insights into straight thinking and diverse human experiences important to the discipline of nursing from a nursing philosophical theory-based approach. The author here delves into the metaphorical experience of and the paradoxical concepts that assist the discipline in its thinking about artificial intelligence. Possible ethical implications of utilizing artificial intelligence from a humanbecoming ethos of understanding is utilized. The metaphorical implications for future disciplinary priorities are presented.
The Humanbecoming Concept Inventing Model: Feeling Isolated
Duarte-Quilao T
In this paper, the scholar explores the meaning of the phenomenon of feeling isolated as a universal humanuniverse living experience with the humanbecoming concept inventing model. For the scholar, the now-truth of feeling isolated is turbulent seclusion arising with sureness-unsureness of diverse affiliations. The ingenuous proclamation as a theoretical statement was specified in the language of humanbecoming as imaging the originating of connecting-separating with the chosen artform titled , by Edvard Munch. The exploration of the concept of feeling isolated with the humanbecoming concept inventing model adds a novel conceptualization and advances the growing body of knowledge of universal humanuniverse living experiences of feeling isolated.
Thoughts About Stressors: A Neuman Systems Model Perspective
Fawcett J, McDowell BM, Beckman S, Green-Laughlin D, Helewka A and Breckenridge D
In this essay, we discuss the definition and interpretation of stressors from the perspective of the Neuman Systems Model. A distinctive aspect is the emphasis on the client system's perception of each stressor as beneficial (positive), noxious (negative), or both beneficial and noxious. The client system's perceptions of the stressors determine the wellness goals that are needed and guide the selection of necessary prevention-as-intervention strategies for achieving those goals. Several examples of stressors are included, as are two case studies.
Orem's Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory with Persons with Peripheral Artery Disease: A Mixed Method Study
Kalkan N and Karadağ M
This study was conducted to determine the effects of an algorithm training booklet, which was based on Orem's self-care deficit nursing theory, specific to lower extremity peripheral artery disease, on pain, activities of daily living, self-care agency, walking distance, quality of life, and other symptoms. This mixed-method study included a qualitative stage using face-to-face in-depth individual interviews and a pretest-posttest semiexperimental design quantitative stage. In-depth interviews were conducted to highlight self-care needs and symptoms and to create the booklet. The booklet's content was prepared in line with concepts of Orem's theory. The patients were educated with the direction of the booklet and evaluated on outcomes. The data were evaluated using percentage distribution, means, Mann-Whitney test, and Friedman test. Three categories were identified through the thematic analysis. It was determined that patients had lower pain score and higher activities of daily living, self-care, walking distance, and quality of life scores after the training.
Evolving Nursing Science and Its Nurse Scholars and Nursing Scholarship
Phillips JR
A brief evolution of nursing is presented. The significance of the concepts of nurse scholar and nursing scholarship in the creation of nursing science is discussed. Statements about nurse scholars and nursing scholarship signify their importance in the creation of nursing science. Possible issues of concern for nursing are presented as questions.
Nursing Science: What's Included and What's Not?
Parse RR
Hope and Expanding Consciousness: Adolescents and Young Adults With Advanced Cancer
Bennett CR, Coats HL, Hendricks-Ferguson VL, Willis DG and Sousa KH
Adolescents and young adults living with advanced cancer must often discover new rules for living during cancer treatment. Such experiences may lead them to emerge to higher levels of consciousness and find personal meaning in these experiences. Newman's theory of health as expanding consciousness was this qualitative research study's framework examining hope's role for adolescents and young adults living with advanced cancer. Fifteen participants aged 12-21 years created written narratives and illustrations to describe their experiences with hope. We propose an updated theoretical model in which hope facilitates expanding consciousness in adolescents and young adults living with advanced cancer.
Nurse Scholars and Crafting Policy
Ortiz MR
Nurses utilize knowledge in all aspects of their roles across all settings. In this paper, the author explored how nursing and health policies may be crafted by nurse scholars grounded in the models and theories of nursing, such as humanbecoming. Nurse scholars will continue to serve others as the century unfolds by crafting policies that shape the betterment of society.
Peplau's Theory of Interpersonal Relations: Scholarly Practice
Jojan L and Carroll K
The authors emphasize the importance of nurses' interpersonal relations and incorporate a theoretical perspective that promotes an understanding of the multiple dilemmas that patients and families experience in their journey of improving health and well-being. A detailed explanation of Peplau's theory of interpersonal relations is provided, including the three phases involved in developing nurse-patient relationships, and the challenges associated with each phase are reviewed with a focus on interpersonal competencies. Peplau's theory of interpersonal relations promotes a scholarly practice dedicated to the wholeness, complexity, and context of interpersonal relationships.
Disciplinary Thinking for the Scholarship of Nursing Research
Butcher HK
The author critiques the current American Association of Colleges of Nursing definition of nursing scholarship for its lack of emphasis on building discipline-specific knowledge. The author defines nursing scholarship as scholarly activities and formal investigations designed to generate, synthesize, translate, apply, and disseminate discipline-specific knowledge that advances nursing's societal commitments and responsibilities in promoting human health, human betterment, and wellbecoming. Nursing scholarship guided by disciplinary thinking consists of scholarship that is (a) informed by nursing philosophy; (b) framed within nursing's metaparadigm concepts; (c) situated within a nursing paradigm; (d) conceptualized within a nursing conceptual framework or nursing midrange theory; and (e) focused on, depending on one's paradigmatic and theoretical perspective, developing and testing concepts in nursing classification systems.
Dr. John R. Phillips: Nurse Scholar Extraordinaire
Morrow MR
Scholarship is an important topic for the continuation of the discipline of nursing. has asked Dr. John R. Phillips, a notable Rogerian scholar, to comment on nursing scholarship. Dr. Phillips is introduced here.
Comparing Four Caring Theories for Application in Iran
Ahmadi Chenari H, Forouzanfar H, Barzgar B, Masabi NS, Eftekhari A and Baumann SL
This paper provides a comparison and critique of four nursing theories that define nursing as caring for nursing in Iran. The theory evaluation model provided by Meleis was used to organize this comparison. It consists of five phases: description, analysis, criticism, test, and support. The four theories are Jean Watson's theory of human caring, Katie Eriksson's theory of caritative caring, Kari Martinsen's philosophy of caring, and Anne Boykin and Savina Schoenhofer's theory of nursing as caring. While little has been written on the development of caring theory specific to an Iranian context, the authors in this paper seek to move forward the conversation and support the application of nursing as caring in Iran.
Feeling Uncomfortable
Bunkers SS
The universal humanuniverse experience of feeling uncomfortable is examined with findings from a humanbecoming inquiry on feeling uncomfortable as well as with storytelling and poetry.
Nursing Theory Today: What, Why, How
Reed PG
Theory is a key component in nursing scholarship. A fundamental aim of nursing scholarship is to generate understanding of processes and human experiences of health. The combined practices of nursing science and the profession can be uniquely beneficial to theory development. However, traditional views of science in nursing may dampen the synergy between these two practices for developing nursing theories. In this article, I present particular ideas about nursing theory today, including some traditions that we may need to transcend, drawing from current thinking in philosophy of science and nursing science.
ChatGPT and Forms of Deception: Correspondence
Daungsupawong H and Wiwanitkit V
Preserving Creativity in Nurse Education
Hamilton T
In this column on the humanbecoming teaching-learning model, the author explores creativity in nurse education as an alternative to routinized learning strategies. There is an explanation of the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials, domains, competencies, subcompetencies, concepts, and spheres of care, followed by an explanation of competency-based education. These topics are contrasted with the humanbecoming paradigm and the humanbecoming teaching-learning model. Infusing artforms in teaching-learning nursing is proposed as a way to preserve creativity. An assignment with first-semester pre-licensure students is explained and exemplars are provided to demonstrate the preservation of creativity while teaching-learning nurse students.
Bliss and Peace of Connecting-Separating
Carroll K
The author of this article considers the topic of bliss and peace that arises in connecting-separating with persons, with others, with ideas, and even with events. Amid the ever-increasing fast-paced communication, considering connecting-separating from a humanbecoming perspective serves as an approach that honors paradoxical patterns expressed by persons and families.