[Erratum to: Sepsis with hemolysis due to a liver abscess in a 60-year-old male patient]
[Prophylactic and therapeutic management of increased susceptibility to infection in patients with immunodeficiency]
Infections are an important warning sign for a weakened immune system. In the internal medical practice acquired (secondary), particularly drug-induced immunodeficiencies, are much more frequent than congenital (primary) immunodeficiencies. The management starts as early as the planning phase before initiation of immunosuppression. The risk of infection should be individually stratified and protective vaccinations should be completed. Depending on the immunosuppressive treatment, there can be a necessity for preventive treatment, e.g. for latent tuberculosis infection or hepatitis B. The serological results on varicella zoster virus and JC polyomavirus must also be considered. The basic immunological diagnostics include differential blood count and the determination of immunoglobulins (IgG, IgA, IgM) prior to and during immunosuppressive treatment. Relevant conspicuous laboratory results before initiation of treatment should prompt advanced immunological work-up for the identification of primary immunodeficiencies, which are often accompanied by clinical signs of immune dysregulation. Depending on the type of pathogen, localization, frequency and duration as well as the severity of the infection, prophylactic antibiotic treatment may be required. Patients with chronic severe lymphocytopenia, in particular with CD4 positive T (helper) cells < 200/µl, are at increased risk for opportunistic infections so that an antibiotic prophylaxis is recommended. In patients with significantly increased proneness to infections and detection of a relevant quantitative (IgG < 4 g/l) and/or qualitative antibody deficiency (impaired vaccine response), additional immunoglobulin replacement therapy may be necessary and can be administered intravenously (IVIG) or subcutaneously (SCIG) as home treatment. In accordance with the localization of the infection, multidisciplinary clarification and management is warranted.
[Immune system and allergies-An unholy alliance]
Various factors affect the maturation of the infantile immune system both prenatally and postnatally, including risk and protective factors from the environment, nutrition, genetics and epigenetics. The microbiome seems to play a substantial role. The complex interaction and regulation of all these factors is ultimately decisive for whether a child develops an allergy during the course of development of the immune system. The genetic components play a decisive role in the development of allergic diseases. The epigenetic regulation could represent a mechanism where environmental influences act upon the immune regulation in the emergence of allergic diseases. The main factors in the pathophysiology of allergic reactions are a dysregulation of various cells of the innate and acquired immune systems as well as their interaction. This review describes the role of various T helper cell types in allergic diseases. The incidence and duration of airway infections are clearly increased in allergic patients compared to nonallergic controls. In addition to functional aspects, the reason for the more frequent infections is an impairment of the immune defence by the allergy-related persisting inflammation of the mucous membranes. These mechanisms must be differentiated from a true immunodeficiency. Allergic rhinitis (AR) and bronchial asthma are nowadays no longer defined as separate diseases but as two forms of expression of an atopic entity with a similar pathology. Both diseases can be mediated by immunoglobulin E and be elicited by identical triggers. A bronchial hyperreactivity is detectable in the majority of patients with AR but without clinical asthma.
[Sarcoidosis and berylliosis]
Sarcoidosis and berylliosis (chronic beryllium disease, CBD) are granulomatous diseases and are phenocopies which cannot be differentiated based on the clinical presentation. Whereas for sarcoidosis the eliciting agent is unknown, for berylliosis an exposure to beryllium (mostly as occupational exposure) can be confirmed that therefore induces a sensitization against beryllium. The diagnosis is generally made in patients with a typical clinical presentation, the histological proof of a non-necrotizing granuloma and the exclusion of other diseases causing granulomas. In most cases, granulomas can be detected in the lungs and/or (intrathoracic) lymph nodes. The proof of sensitization to beryllium for the differential diagnosis can be performed with a so-called beryllium lymphocyte proliferation test in peripheral mononuclear blood cells or cells from a bronchoalveolar lavage. The objectives of treatment are avoidance of functional organ impairment and symptom control. Immunosuppressive therapy (initially mostly with corticosteroids) and supportive measures can prove beneficial; however, in many cases clinical observation can be sufficient because of stable disease or spontaneous resolution. In addition, further beryllium exposure must be avoided, which mostly necessitates a change of the workplace.
[Basic immunology for routine clinical practice]
The immune system is a human defense system that can be adapted to external conditions and is present ubiquitously throughout the organism. Its main purpose is to prevent damage caused by pathogens or toxins. In addition, it is capable of recognizing and destroying defective or degenerated endogenous cells. The immunological network in the body consists of various organs and organ systems, different immunoactive cell types as well as extra- and intracellular signaling molecules and signal complexes. The immune system is divided into the innate immune system and the acquired immune system. Pathological conditions, which may be short- or long-lasting, range from the congenital disorders of autoinflammation to the numerous autoimmune diseases, triggered by various stimuli. From a treatment perspective, nonspecific immunosuppressants or direct immune cell inhibitors or antibodies can be used for excessive reactions.
[Vaccinations for the immunologic memory-Repeatedly or once only?]
Due to the effectiveness of vaccines some particularly threatening infectious diseases have become rare; however, vaccines are meanwhile the victims of their own success. Due to insufficient compliance and inadequate vaccination rates, there is a danger that the effectiveness of vaccination as a preventive measure will continuously disappear. In 2019 the World Health Organization classified doubts on the effectiveness of vaccines as 1 of the 10 greatest dangers to health worldwide. This article discusses important questions on vaccinations and vaccines as well as their effects in the interplay with the immune system. The following topics are covered: comparison of naturally acquired immunity and that acquired by vaccination, factors that necessitate a refresher vaccination, the role of herd immunity, prerequisites for successful eradication of a disease, influence of various T cells on the effect of vaccination, the role of immunologic memory, factors that influence protection by vaccination, vaccinations in cases of immunodeficiency, the potential and areas of implementation of passive immunization. In view of the corona pandemic and the running vaccination campaign, it must be hoped that this triggers a general renaissance of vaccinations against infectious diseases.
[Immune system, immunity and protection against infection]
[Advance Care Planning-further development of the patient advance directive : What the specialist in internal medicine must know]
Despite the availability of the instruments of advance directives, power of attorney and healthcare proxy, the patient's preferences for life-sustaining medical treatment in a specific situation often remain unknown. The aim of the systemically designed German Advance Care Planning (ACP) program is the reflection, documentation and implementation of patients' preferences regarding future medical treatment in case they are incapable of legally binding decision-making. A specially trained ACP facilitator initially supports the verbalization of the attitudes towards life, severe illness and death on an individual level. Based on these principal views, concrete preferences on how to be treated under defined medical circumstances can be discussed and documented in an advance directive. This includes the three scenarios medical emergency, inpatient hospital treatment in situations with decisional incapability of unknown duration and the situation of permanent cognitive impairment. Through cautious, nondirective conversational techniques in the sense of shared decision-making, the person is enabled to reflect and decide well-informed according to the informed consent standard. All persons participating in decisions regarding future medical treatment, especially future surrogate decision makers, are involved in the process as early as possible. A systematic institutional and regional implementation of the concept is necessary to ensure that the carefully assessed and documented preferences of the patients will be known and honored. The new German § 132g of the Social Code Book V (SGB V) enables institutions for long-term care and for the care of disabled persons, to offer facilitated ACP to all residents at the expense of the statutory health insurance funds. An increased dissemination of this concept is to be expected.
[21/m-Chest pain after vaccination with mRNA vaccine : Preparation for the medical specialist examination: part 147]
[Specialist training in internal medicine-The sixth special edition is here! : Case-related learning based on the new model specialty training regulations]
[36/f-Facial swelling and flushing, back pain and leukocytosis : Preparation for the medical specialist examination: part 143]