Journal of Trauma Nursing

Continuing Education Certificate in Trauma Skills Among Emergency Nurses: A National Sample Survey Analysis
Continuing Education Certificate in Trauma Skills Among Emergency Nurses: A National Sample Survey Analysis
Castner J, Zazzera EA and Burchill CN
Trauma population health indicators are worsening in the United States. Nurses working in trauma care settings require specialized training for patient care. Little is known about national enumeration of nurses who hold skill-based trauma certificates.
Trauma Patient Transitional Work: A Multidisciplinary Feasibility Survey of Planned Behavior Elements
Saucier JA, Dietrich MS, Maxwell C, Lane-Fall MB, Messing JA and Minnick A
Patient transitions in critical care require coordination across provider roles and rely on the quality of providers' actions to ensure safety. Studying the behavior of providers who transition patients in critical care may guide future interventions that ultimately improve patient safety in this setting.
Factors Influencing Preoperative Psychological Resilience in Patients With Traumatic Lower Extremity Fractures
Jiang Y, Ying D, Xu S, Cao W, Liu L and Zhou Q
The psychological resilience of patients with traumatic lower extremity fractures is relevant and has been studied in the postoperative rehabilitation phase; yet, few studies have focused on the early preoperative phase.
Stressing the System: Pediatric Trauma Centers May Be Unready to Implement Comprehensive Acute Stress Screening Programs for Pediatric Trauma Patients
Renaud EJ, Bromberg JR, McRoberts C, Almonte G, Lin TR, Hensler E and Mello MJ
Children experiencing trauma are at risk of developing acute and chronic stress disorders. In 2022, the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma required verified pediatric trauma centers to screen at-risk patients and provide mental health provider referrals as needed.
Incidence and Risk Factors for Orthopedic Device-Related Pressure Injuries: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Guan Y, Zheng L and Zhu Y
As orthopedic trauma increases, the resultant use of orthopedic devices and associated pressure injuries has increased.
A Brief Intervention for Injury-Related Traumatic Stress: Results From a Feasibility Study
Bull C, Urban K, Rohm L, Rohrer S and McBain SA
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) significantly impacts post-injury quality of life; however, many injured patients struggle to access necessary psychosocial care. A brief intervention, Talk, Listen, Communicate to Recover (TLC to Recover), may facilitate access to psychosocial care in low resource trauma centers.
Across Many Languages
Young L
Motorcycle and Equestrian Trauma: An ACS TQIP Comparative Study
Ross DE, Ghodasara SK, Roskam JS, Gaccione AG, DiFazio LT, Bilaniuk JW and Nemeth ZH
Motorcycle and equestrian accidents can share similar trauma mechanisms and can result in serious injuries.
A Brief Intervention for Injury-Related Traumatic Stress: Results From a Feasibility Study
Motorcycle and Equestrian Trauma: An ACS TQIP Comparative Study
Acellular Dermal Matrices in Reconstructive Pediatric Complex Lower Limb Trauma: An Observational Study
Adegboye O, Pillay K and Adams S
Contemporary research has shown that acellular dermal matrices can benefit adult lower extremity traumatic injuries; however, its use in children has not been explored.
Experiences of Nurse Managers in the 2023 Kahramanmaras, Turkey Earthquakes: A Qualitative Study
Koroglu Kaba N, Bal B and Ozturk H
Nurse managers play a critical role in disaster response and management; yet research on their experiences in earthquakes remains limited.
Risk of Home Falls Among Older Adults After Acute Care Hospitalization: A Cohort Study
The Power of Partnership
Young L
Risk of Home Falls Among Older Adults After Acute Care Hospitalization: A Cohort Study
Adams CM, Tancredi DJ, Bell JF, Catz SL and Romano PS
Acute care hospitalization has been associated with older adult home falls after discharge, but less is known about the effects of hospital- and patient-related factors on home fall risk.
Prehospital Interventions to Reduce Discomfort From Spinal Immobilization in Adult Trauma Patients: A Scoping Review
Mota M, Melo F, Santos E, Abrantes T, Monteiro MP, Cunha M and Santos MR
Spinal immobilization, a widely used trauma prehospital intervention, is known to cause discomfort, yet little is known about interventions to reduce this discomfort.
Resuscitative Endovascular Balloon Occlusion of the Aorta (REBOA) in the Field Setting: A Case Report From China
Li X, Xie N, Zhou T and Yang B
The widespread use of agricultural machinery in China has increased the incidence of agricultural machinery-related injuries, posing challenges to on-site medical rescue. This study explores resuscitative endovascular balloon occlusion of the aorta (REBOA) as a life-saving intervention for a patient with severe trauma from agricultural machinery.
Omaha System-Based Extended Nursing Care in Hypertensive Cerebral Hemorrhage: A Randomized Study
Xiao Y and Wang X
Traditional nursing care often fails to meet the complex needs of hypertensive cerebral hemorrhage patients. Limited evidence exists on the efficacy of structured nursing frameworks such as the Omaha System in postoperative care for these patients.
Whole Blood Program: Implementation in a Rural Trauma Center
Gender-Based Analysis of Injury Types and Risk Factors in Professional Tennis Players - Insights for Prevention: A Concise Review
Nunes Espat N, Breeding T, Nasef H, Amin Q, Chin B and Elkbuli A
Tennis is a globally popular sport offering physical benefits but poses a high risk of injury due to its demands and prolonged gameplay. While injuries are common among professional players, detailed injury data for this group is limited.