Economic Considerations in COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy and Refusal: A Survey of the Literature
The COVID-19 global pandemic has triggered one of the greatest economic shocks in a century. Effective COVID-19 vaccines have been developed, but a proportion of people either are hesitant or refuse to be vaccinated, facilitated by a global misinformation campaign. If 'herd immunity' cannot be achieved, there is potential not only for ongoing surges in infection, but also for development of new strains of the virus that could evade vaccines and precipitate further health and economic crises. We review the economics of vaccination and of vaccine hesitancy and refusal, and their potential effects on the recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The market for surrogate motherhood contracts
Surrogate motherhood is a controversial subject, and has not previously been formally modelled by economists. In this paper, a neoclassical model of the market for surrogate motherhood contracts is developed, based on the utility maximizing decisions of potential surrogate mothers and commissioning parties. The presence of both altruistic and self-interested behaviour generates unusual market outcomes.
Immigration and economic welfare: resource and environmental aspects
"The relation between immigration and the economic welfare of residents is analyzed for resource-rich economies (such as Australia) both under competitive conditions and when various distortions are present. Immigration provides efficiency gains for residents under distortion-free competition for standard 'gains from trade' reasons. Such reasons, however, tend to be ignored by immigration and 'optimal population' theorists who raise the issue of restricting immigration without explicitly referring to the distortions. In situations where distortions and externalities are present, we argue that it is generally preferable to devise policies which specifically target the distortions than to restrict immigration."
Migration: gains or losses?
The author examines the question of who gains and who loses from international migration. He attempts to show that "on the basis of generally accepted assumptions, some definite propositions concerning international migration can be rigorously and unambiguously established for the countries of origin and destination as well as for both countries taken together and hence...for the world as a whole." In general economic terms, the author concludes that both sending and receiving countries benefit from such migration.
Modelling the determinants of trans-Tasman migration after World War II
"This paper identifies the economic and demographic factors responsible for migration flows between Australia and New Zealand by means of a probabilistic model of emigration in both directions. The largely uncontrolled flows between the two countries have the same determinants as those commonly found in studies of internal migration. The cost of migration (proxied by the real cost of air travel), labour market conditions and the potential earnings differential play a role, although the results are modified by the incidence of return migration and age composition."
The impact of immigration on a depressed labour market: the South Australian experience
"This paper examines the impact of immigration on the relatively depressed labour market in South Australia during the 1976-81 inter-censal period. The findings indicate that recently arrived immigrants have experienced exceedingly high unemployment rates. However, this is consistent with the view that immigration generates additional job opportunities for Australian residents (except in the manufacturing industry and trades occupations), and that immigrants experience high unemployment rates specifically because they have been unable to compete a 'fair share' of jobs away from residents already entrenched in the labour market."
Modelling the role of government policy in post-war Australian immigration
Forecasting Australian marriage rates
"The paper discusses the problem of modelling demographic variables for the purpose of forecasting. Two empirical model selection procedures are applied to suggest final form forecasting equations for Australian marriage rates. The suggested models are then assessed by comparing their post-sample forecast performance with that of univariate ARMA-type models of marriage rates which are regarded as approximations to marriage rate final equation models. In this instance the ARMA models are preferred for forecasting purposes. The properties of the ARMA model forecasts are then examined and the modelling strategy is contrasted with the regression method used by Withers."