Revista Espanola de Salud Publica

[Link between dimensions and stages of access to health goods and services: a conceptual delimitation]
González GP, Moscoso NS and Lago FP
Access to healthcare can be interpreted as the interaction between need, demand and the supply of services, and involves passing through different stages. However, the journey through these stages can be threatened (or facilitated) by the influence of dimensions such as acceptability, availability, accessibility, adaptation, and appropriateness. The aim of this work is to identify which dimensions are activated at each stage of the access process.
[Evaluation of hepatitis B vaccination in newborns at high risk of infection by vertical transmission]
Veloso Fraigola M, Olmedo Lucerón C, Juaneda J, Lluch Rodrigo JA, Pastor Villalba E, Tempelsman Martín R, Martínez Marcos M, Coma Redon E, Pérez Martín JJ, Zornoza Moreno M, Lasheras Carbajo MD, Santos Sanz S and Limia Sánchez A
Hepatitis B (HB) is a preventable disease and a public health challenge due to its high morbidity and mortality. This study was conducted within the framework of the World Health Organization's strategy, which includes establishing prophylactic measures to prevent vertical transmission. The aim was to assess the degree of implementation of HB preventive measures to avoid vertical transmission in newborns in Spain.
[Potential biases in epidemiological studies using respondent-driven sampling method: a comparison between its face-to-face and online application.]
Ferrer Rosende P, Esteve Matalí L, Stuardo Ávila V, Fuentes Alburquenque M and Navarro Giné A
In epidemiological and social studies on populations without a sampling frame or that are hard to reach, respondent-driven sampling (RDS), under certain assumptions, has the potential to produce asymptotically unbiased and efficient population estimates for these populations. While RDS is typically conducted face-to-face, the online version (WebRDS) has gained attention due to its potential advantages, although its disadvantages have also raised concern. The objective of this study was to contrast these two formats at the level of application and potential biases, where the online version offers improved speed and lower costs but raises concerns about potential biases due to a lack of face-to-face instructions regarding definition of the social network size and peer-recruiting process. Both formats can generate unbiased estimates, however, it's crucial to carefully consider potential sources of bias to meet the necessary assumptions. Therefore, it is important to continue researching the most appropriate analytical approaches to address the specific biases of each modality.
[Fifty years of the first common spanish vaccination calendar]
Olmedo Lucerón C, Limia Sánchez A, Fernández Dueñas A, Sánchez Afán de Rivera I, Bruña Vara J, Cantero Gudino E and Barba Sánchez R
[Humanitarian emergency in the Canary Islands: a comprehensive challenge to the health and social system]
Fagundo-Rivera J, Gómez-Salgado J and Fernández-León P
Migration from Africa is a phenomenon intrinsically linked to the history of Spain that has shaped societies and cultures over the centuries, transforming the demographic and social composition of the country. Particularly since the second half of the 20th century, Spain has progressively become a destination country for immigrants from various parts of the African continent and, thus, various political actions have taken place to control these migratory flows. However, border blockades, difficulties in boarding from the country of origin or the danger of sea routes have led to a notable diversification of the migratory routes followed to reach European soil through the Mediterranean Sea and the Atlantic Ocean.
[Factors associated with the intention to donate blood in patients of a hospital in Peru]
Agurto-Piñarreta RT and Niño-García R
Research on factors that modify the intention to donate blood voluntarily in the general population in Peru is scarce, and most of it are focused on health science personnel. The aim of the present study was to estimate the factors associated with the intention to donate blood in patients attending an outpatient clinic in a hospital in northern Peru.
[Review about smoking in pregnancy: prevalence, sociodemographic profile, perinatal depression, psychological variables involved and treatment]
Martín-Agudiez N and Rodríguez-Muñoz MF
Smoking is a Public Health problem. Half of all women smokers continue to smoke during pregnancy, putting their health and that of their foetus at risk. The aim of this review was to synthesise the main studies on the prevalence and sociodemographic, psychological and obstetric profile of women who smoke during pregnancy, the relationship of stress, personality and depression with smoking during pregnancy and the most effective treatments.
[Frailty, dependence, and unwanted loneliness in elderly. A review of the health plans]
Rial-Vázquez J, Pérez-Ríos M, Varela-Lema L, Rey-Brandariz J, Candal-Pedreira C, Vila-Farinas A, Martín-Gisbert L and Ruano-Ravina A
The health plan is a guiding tool for territorial health planning where the proposed objectives and measures should prioritize vulnerable groups. The aim of this study was to identify if the Regional Government health plans in Spain included measures related to frailty, dependence and unwanted loneliness aimed at elderly.
[Assessment of the impact on mortality of air pollution by particles in the city of Valencia during the period 2015-2017]
López Fernández PÁ, Martínez Álvarez A, Ballester F, Soler Blasco R and Estarlich M
Air pollution is a global public health issue, with particulate matter (PM) being the pollutant with the greatest impact on health. The main objective of this article was to estimate the impact of mortality attributable to particulate pollution in the city of Valencia during the period 2015-2017.
Bonilla-Asalde C, Rivera-Chávez L, Obando-Zegarra R, Medina-Costillo M, Ruiz-Jara P and Hiyagon-Kian J
[Effect of non-pharmacological preventive measures on the incidence of respiratory and gastrointestinal pathologies]
Aldaz Herce P, Huarte Labiano I, Gonzalo Herrera N, Oscariz Ojer M, Bartolome Resano J, Lopez Flores J and Zaragüeta Escribano M
The use of non-pharmacological preventive measures during the COVID-19 pandemic has helped to reduce the incidence of multiple airborne or contact diseases. The objective of this paper was to evaluate the impact that all preventive measures have had on the transmission of different microorganisms, both by respiratory and contact transmission.
[A multifaceted implementation strategy to enhance the uptake of evidence-based nursing recommendations in Spain: implementation project protocol]
Bernués-Caudillo L, González-María E, Albornos-Muñoz L and Moreno-Casbas MT
It is necessary to facilitate the implementation of evidence-based practice in clinical practice to improve patients' health results. Sumamos Excelencia is an implementation project led by nurses that aims to improve the evidence-based practice uptake. Building on the first edition, we have improved the project design and proposed new intervention topics. The objective is to evaluate the effects of the implementation of evidence-based recommendations through a multifaceted implementation strategy.
[Outbreak of Raoultella ornithinolytica infection in patients cared at a hemodialysis center]
Martín Pérez FJ, Molina Rueda MJ, Enríquez Maroto MF and Guijosa Campos P
In July 2022, an outbreak of Raoultella ornithinolytica infection was detected in users of a hemodialysis center in Granada and central venous catheter (CVC) users. The aim of this study was to describe the development of the outbreak and the control measures implemented as well as to identify the risk factors that may have been related to its origin.
[Is loneliness the future geriatric syndrome of the 21 century?]
Aranda Rubio Y
The aging of the world population is now an unquestionable fact. The World Health Organization (WHO) points out in its World Report on Aging and Health published in 2015 two main causes: the increase in life expectancy and the decrease in fertility rates. The United Nations (UN) announced that Spain will become the oldest country in the world in 2050, with 44% of citizens over 60 years of age and the median age of 55.2 years. Whether this event is interpreted optimistically or as a demographic problem will depend on the quality of the years of life gained.
[Prolonged television exposure in children and adolescents: health effects and protection strategies]
Díaz Cuesta JF and Concheiro Guisán A
Since COVID-19 pandemic, screen time (ST) seems to have increased among children and young people. There is controversy about its impact in the physical and mental well-being of children. The aim of this study was to analyse the possible influence of excessive ST on child health through a systematic review of the literature.
[Cross sectional study of odontological incidences on board the spanish Navy flagship Juan Carlos I during its first international peacekeeping mission]
Megino Blasco L and Granero Marín JM
Oral health is an essential component of the general well-being and quality of life of the population. In Spain, access to dental services and emergency dental care for civilians is relatively straightforward. However, this is not the case for military personnel, especially those deployed on Navy ships that lack dental capabilities and in isolated areas where access to specialized healthcare services is complex and risky. The aim of this study was to evaluate the incidence and management of dental pathology among Spanish military personnel aboard the LHD 61 Juan Carlos I during its first International Peacekeeping Operation.
[The epidemiological survey as a key instrument for events of Public Health importance]
Sánchez-Herrero H, Solaz-García Á, Montserrat-Capella D, Revuelta-Zamorano M and Solís-Muñoz M
The epidemiological survey is one of the key instruments, both in Public Health alerts or emergencies, and in epidemiological surveillance. Its main objective is to obtain information quickly, systematically, uniformly and easily. It is characterized by being dynamic and flexible, in addition to offering the relevant descriptive information of the epidemiological event studied: person, place and time . Thus, it allows us to quantify the frequency and distribution pattern of the event through measures such as incidence, prevalence or mortality, providing the basic information to propose a starting hypothesis.
[Primary Health Care, adequacy of quotas and Family Care Units. A flexible model according to complexity and sociodemographic characteristics]
Reyes Rodríguez JF and González-Casanova González S
COVID-19 has evidenced the importance of a Primary and Community Care (PCC), able to respond in the front line with capacity and adaptation to health and social crises. In order to reinforce its role, the Strategic Framework for Primary and Community Care was created in 2019, and one of its lines of action is to consolidate a budgetary and human resources policy. This translates into the Primary Care Action Plan 2022 and 2023, which includes the adequacy of HHRR based on the morbidity attended, health outcomes and sociodemographic characteristics. For this purpose, the development of the model for its calculation is urged. The objective of this paper was to offer a model as a guideline for the adequacy of the needs of Family Care Units (FAU).
[What about extending Specialised Health Training to architecture and engineering?]
Cambra-Rufino L, Ibarrola-Leiva F and Paniagua-Caparrós JL
Projects and construction management in healthcare facilities are usually assigned to architectural firms and engineering companies with previous experience. However, there is no evaluation system to ensure their level of competence in the healthcare sector. In the past, this was also the case for clinicians when they were self-appointed specialists without any supervision. Currently, the Specialised Health Training (SHT) programme in Spain is the only official specialisation pathway and consists of a period that combines training and paid healthcare practice. Similarly, but from Argentina, hospital residencies in architecture have been carried out for specialised postgraduate training. The aim of this article was to show the experience in Argentina and to propose the extension of the SHT in Spain. Our proposal consists of a programme of residencies in architecture and engineering to be developed in healthcare centres. We believe that this initiative has great potential to address health from its multiple disciplines and to reinforce the maturity of a National Health System in constant change.
[One after the other: factors influencing the abandonment of Family and Community Medicine practice in young family physicians. A qualitative study]
Pereira Iglesias A, Cruz Piqueras M and Minué Alonso S
A strong Primary Care has beneficial health effects. Its more beneficial attribute is longitudinality, which requires job stability in order to occur. In addition, Primary Care is facing a crisis due to the number of retirements it expects. The permanence of young professionals in Primary Care could contribute to improve longitudinality and the generational turnover of professionals. Therefore, this study explored the reasons that influence the abandonment of Family Medicine among young family physicians.
[Drowning mortality in Catalonia (2019-2022)]
Suelves Joanxich JM, Barberia Marcalain E, Casadesús Valbí JM, Ortega Sánchez M and Xifró Collsamata A
Data on drownings tend to underestimate mortality from this cause. The objective of this study was to describe fatal drownings recorded in Catalonia between 2019 and 2022 through forensic sources, present their characteristics, and assess the utility of this information for monitoring drowning mortality.