Families In Society-The Journal of Contemporary Social Services

Developing the Weaving Healthy Families Program to Promote Wellness and Prevent Substance Abuse and Violence: Approach, Adaptation, and Implementation
McKinley CE, Lilly J, Liddell JL, Knipp H, Solomon TA, Comby N, Comby H, Haynes P, Ferris K and Goldberg M
Family prevention programs that enhance mental health, wellness, and resilience-while simultaneously addressing violence and alcohol and other drug (AOD) abuse-among Indigenous families are scarce. This gap in culturally grounded and community-based programs creates a critical need to develop and evaluate the efficacy of such prevention programs. This article fills this gap, with the purpose of describing the structure and content of the Weaving Healthy Families (WHF) program, a culturally grounded and community-based program aimed at preventing violence and AOD use while promoting mental health, resilience, and wellness in Indigenous families. The focus then turns to how to approach this process of developing and implementing the program in a culturally grounded and community-based way.
An Examination of the 4 Rs 2 Ss for Problem Behaviors: A Preventive Approach
Acri M, Falek I, Hamovitch E, Gopalan G, Bornheimer L and McKay M
Early treatment of behavioral problems can prevent their progression into intractable disorders. This study examined the impact of a multiple family group (MFG) intervention for children with behavior symptoms and their families. Fifty-four ( = 54) caregiver/child dyads with sub-clinical levels of oppositional defiant disorder (ODD) participated in a 16-week MFG. Child, caregiver, and family outcomes were assessed at baseline, post-treatment, and at 6 months follow-up. Significant decreases in impairment with parents, family members, and peers, and improvements in child self-esteem were found from baseline to follow-up. Caregiver stress increased; no significant changes in depression or perceived social support were found over time. The effectiveness of MFG as a preventive approach and areas of future research are discussed.
Impact of COVID-19 on Referral Patterns and Service Delivery for an Integrated Behavioral Health Program
Glaze K, Sward A, Lenne E, Brown S, Rogers L, Frankel KA and Klawetter S
The emergence and rapid spread of COVID-19 led to unprecedented changes for families and systems of care. This study sought to understand the needs of families participating in the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) before and during the pandemic and considers the impact remote service delivery has on access to an integrated behavioral health intervention to support the psychosocial needs of children and caregivers. Needs for referral varied significantly pre- and post-pandemic onset. Analyses revealed that significantly more referrals were made regarding social determinants of health after the onset of COVID-19 (13.8%) compared with prior to the COVID-19 pandemic (4.1%, < .05). Providers' transition to telehealth services sufficiently served WIC families.
The Association Between Shelter Rules and Psychosocial Outcomes Among Homeless Youth Residing in Family Shelters
Beharie N, Jessell L, Osuji H and McKay MM
Despite growing numbers of homeless youth living in shelters with caregivers, little research has explored the impact of the shelter environment on emotional well-being. As such, this study assesses the relationship between shelter rules and two psychosocial outcomes among youth in New York City family shelters. Additionally, the direct effect of trauma and the moderating effect of difficulty following shelter rules on psychosocial outcomes was assessed. Youth with difficulty following shelter rules reported significantly more depressive symptoms, but less substance use. Trauma was found to be associated with increased depression and substance use. Difficulty following shelter rules was found to moderate the association between trauma and substance use. Recommendations for future interventions and the creation of shelter policies are discussed.
Homelessness History Impacts on Health Outcomes and Economic and Risk Behavior Intermediaries: New Insights from Population Data
Oppenheimer SC, Nurius PS and Green S
Using data from the Washington Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, this study assesses the relationship between homelessness history and physical and mental health outcomes as well as between homelessness history and health risk behaviors and economic precariousness as important intermediaries of subsequent health outcomes. Study results indicate that persons with a history of adult homelessness have consistently poorer health outcomes as compared to never homeless persons, and that even after accounting for childhood adversity and social assets, adult homelessness remains a consistent and strong predictor of poor health. These findings indicate that adult homelessness is a key component in understanding cumulative risk and vulnerability. Study results emphasize the importance of considering homelessness history in comprehensive health assessment and intervention services, as well as the utility of using representative public health surveys to understand population trends in housing instability.
A Life Course Approach to Understanding Poverty Among Older American Adults
Rank MR, Hadley HS and Williams JH
A relatively new strategy for studying the prevalence of poverty in America is to analyze it as a potential life course event. We use such an approach in order to examine the likelihood of both income and asset poverty for individuals between the ages of 60 and 90. Nearly half of all elderly Americans will encounter at least one year of poverty or near poverty across these ages. In addition, 58 percent of those between the ages of 60 and 84 will at some point fail to have enough liquid assets to allow them to weather an unanticipated expense or downturn in income. The policy and practice implications of these findings are discussed.
Patterns and Predictors of Support Group Use by Custodial Grandmothers and Grandchildren
Smith GC, Rodriguez JM and Palmieri PA
Despite increasing popularity of support groups for custodial grandfamilies, the few published studies to date raise questions regarding actual support group usage and disregard predictors of such use. This study examined patterns of self-reported use, need, and unmet need of both grandparent and grandchild support groups. In addition, the Andersen Social Behavioral Model was used to identify predisposing, enabling, and need factors that predicted use in a national sample of 733 grandfamilies recruited by either convenience or population-based strategies. Reported use and need for support groups were lower in the population-based sample, and predictors varied by sampling strategy. The findings are discussed in terms of how they inform service providers and researchers regarding factors that influence support group use by custodial grandfamilies.
Enhancing the Cultural Relevance of Empirically-Supported Mental Health Interventions
Conner KO and Grote NK
Evidence-based practice (EBP) has become a hot topic in clinical social work and other mental health disciplines. Mental health professionals have called attention to the need for clinical decision-making to be based on the best available empirically supported treatments integrated with client preferences, values, and circumstances. This movement has greatly stimulated mental health professionals to develop, test, and adopt efficacious treatments for clients with psychological problems, but what is missing in the literature is the cultural context in which these treatments must be implemented to be effective with racial/ethnic minority populations. Herein, we utilize the culturally centered framework of Bernal, Bonilla and Bellido (1995) to examine its utility in assessing to what extent empirically supported mental health treatments incorporate culturally relevant components.
Parenting a Child with a Disability: The Role of Social Support for African American Parents
Ha JH, Greenberg JS and Seltzer MM
This paper examines: (1) the impact of having a child with a disability on parents' mental and physical health among urban-dwelling African Americans and (2) the extent to which positive and negative social interactions with family other than the spouse moderate the impact of child's disability on parental adaptation. Analyses are based on a probability sample of African Americans living in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. The analytic sample includes 48 parents of a child with a disability and 144 comparison group parents of non-disabled children. Results showed that having a child with a disability is associated with more somatic symptoms. However, the negative consequences of the child's disability on parents' mental health are reduced when parents receive greater positive support from family.
Cultural Pride Reinforcement as a Dimension of Racial Socialization Protective of Urban African American Child Anxiety
Bannon WM, McKay MM, Chacko A, Rodriguez JA and Cavaleri M
The study objective was to examine how parental endorsement of cultural pride reinforcement messages may explain African American child anxiety. Data were gathered from 72 African American parents and their elementary school-aged children. Results indicated stronger parental endorsement of cultural pride reinforcement messages predicted less child anxiety. Additionally parental endorsement of these messages moderated the relationship between child mental health risk factor exposure and child anxiety. Specifically in the presence of high exposure, children of parents who endorsed high levels of cultural pride reinforcement messages had significantly lower anxiety scores relative to children of parents who endorsed low levels of these messages. Findings indicated parental endorsement of these messages may be an important factor in explaining African American child anxiety.
Intergenerational Ambivalence: Aging Mothers Whose Adult Daughters are Mentally Ill
Ingersoll-Dayton B, Dunkle RE, Chadiha L, Lawrence-Jacobson A, Li L, Weir E and Satorius J
Research on families dealing with mental illness has considered either positive or negative aspects of intergenerational family relationships. The current study extends this work by using intergenerational ambivalence theory to examine aging mothers' contradictory expectations toward adult daughters who are mentally ill. This study focuses on interviews obtained from a sample of 22 mothers aged 52-90 who expressed considerable sociological ambivalence in relation to their grown daughters. Four strategies of managing ambivalence are identified: excusing behaviors, reducing expectations, adjusting help-giving, and confronting. The implications are that practitioners should be aware of intergenerational ambivalence, help aging parents identify their ambivalence management strategies, and assess the extent to which these strategies are adaptive. Future research directions in this area are also discussed.
Family Relationships and Latina Teen Suicide Attempts: Reciprocity, Asymmetry, and Detachment
Gulbas LE, Zayas LH, Nolle AP, Hausmann-Stabile C, Kuhlberg JA, Baumann AA and Pena JB
Using qualitative data collected from adolescent Latinas and their parents, this article describes ways in which family relationships are organized within low-income Latino families (n = 24) with and without a daughter who attempted suicide. Based on a family-level analysis approach, we present a framework that categorizes relationships as reciprocal, asymmetrical, or detached. Clear differences are identified: Families of non-attempters primarily cluster in reciprocal families, whereas families with an adolescent suicide attempter exhibit characteristics of asymmetrical or detached families. Our results highlight the need for detailed clinical attention to family communication patterns, especially in Latino families. Clinicians may reduce the likelihood of an attempt or repeated attempts by raising mutual, reciprocal exchanges of words and support between parents and daughter.
Working with families in which a parent has depression: A resilience perspective
Chen HJ and Kovacs PJ
The association between parental depression and child maladjustment is well documented in the literature. Less is known about the strengths and potential protective mechanisms that help promote resilience for this population. This literature review on resilience in these families was conducted to help inform policy and practice for these families. Five protective factors (goodness of fit, self-esteem and self-efficacy, social support, family functioning, and opportunities for change) and four practice principles (discovery of resources and abilities, explanation of risk and protective factors, development of both collaborative family relationships, and social support) emerged from this review. Implications for policy and practice in light of these principles are provided.
Coparenting in kinship Families With Incarcerated Mothers: A Qualitative Study
Strozier AL, Armstrong M, Skuza S, Cecil D and McHale J
The number of incarcerated mothers has risen steadily in the past 20 years, with a majority of the mothers' children being cared for by relatives, usually the maternal grandmother (Smith, Krisman, Strozier, & Marley, 2004). This article examines the unique coparenting relationship of grandmothers and mothers through qualitative individual interviews with a sample of 24 incarcerated mothers with children between the ages of 2 and 6, and 24 grandmothers raising their children. The study revealed many different variants of healthy coparenting alliances, achieved against often huge odds. Much variation was also discovered in dyads where coparenting alliances were not as successful. Implications for practice include performing structural family assessments, enhancing jail education programs, and offering extended coparenting treatment after discharge.
Collaboration With Urban Parents to Deliver a Community-Based Youth HIV Prevention Program
Chowdhury J, Alicea S, Jackson JM, Elwyn L, Rivera-Rodriguez A, Miranda A, Watson J and McKay MM
This article draws on the unified theory of behavior change to examine adult community members' participation in a collaborative, community-based HIV prevention program for inner-city youth. Specifically, the impact of a training and mentorship process is examined with a sample of parent facilitators hired to deliver an evidence-based HIV prevention program in Bronx, New York. Findings indicate that the training program impacted four of five key constructs (environmental constraints, habitual behavior, social norms, and self-concept) expected to be related to parents' ability to deliver the program constructs significantly beyond any increase evidenced by the control group (HIV knowledge increased in both groups). Community-level training programs may therefore be an effective medium for increasing caregivers' intention to collaborate in community-based prevention programs.
Where Are the Beds? Housing Locations for Transition Age Youth Exiting Public Systems
Tam CC, Freisthler B, Curry SR and Abrams LS
Transition age youth (TAY) from the child welfare and juvenile justice systems experience high rates of homelessness, but little is known about the neighborhoods to which they return after they exit these systems. This exploratory study investigates whether housing options are located in areas where TAY exit public systems and if the characteristics of areas surrounding these facilities support their transition to adulthood. Results show that housing is not related to areas where TAY exit public systems. Further, supportive housing and shelter density is related to low-income areas. Implications for practice and policy on housing locations for TAY are discussed.
The State of Parent Training: Program Offerings and Empirical Support
Kohl PL, Schurer J and Bellamy JL
Parent training programs, with a range of empirical support, are available to improve parenting skills and reduce child behavior problems. Yet, little is known about programs provided in typical communities. This pilot study's purpose was to identify and describe parent programs-and the agencies that provide them-in one midsized midwestern city. The sample included 21 program directors and 25 practitioners employed by 19 agencies. data were gathered using structured phone interviews. of the 35 programs represented, 37.1% were developed by the agency, while close to two thirds were previously developed interventions. only a small number of the parent programs identified were classified into the category of strong empirical support; however, several included hallmarks often associated with empirically supported parent programs.
A Latent Profile Analysis of Latino Parenting: The Infusion of Cultural Values on Family Conflict
Ayón C, Williams LR, Marsiglia FF, Ayers S and Kiehne E
The purpose of the present study was to (a) examine how acculturation and social support inform Latinos' parenting behaviors, controlling for gender and education; (b) describe parenting styles among Latino immigrants while accounting for cultural elements; and (c) test how these parenting styles are associated with family conflict. A 3 step latent profile analysis with the sample ( = 489) revealed best fit with a 4 profile model ( = 410) of parenting: family parenting ( = 268, 65%), child-centered parenting ( = 68, 17%), moderate parenting ( = 60, 15%), and disciplinarian parenting ( = 14, 3%). Parents' gender, acculturation, and social support significantly predicted profile membership. Disciplinarian and moderate parenting were associated with more family conflict. Recommendations include integrating culturally based parenting practices as a critical element to family interventions to minimize conflict and promote positive youth development.
"Just make sure you can get up and parent the next day": Understanding the contexts, risks, and rewards of alcohol consumption for parents
Wolf JP and Chávez R
Little is known about how parents make drinking decisions and weigh the risks and rewards of alcohol consumption in specific contexts. This qualitative study examined two questions: 1. What factors influence parental drinking decisions in different drinking contexts? 2. What do parents perceive as the risks and rewards of alcohol consumption in different drinking contexts? Purposive sampling was used to select sixty parents of children aged 10 or younger living in four mid-sized California cities. Data were collected via in-depth, semi-structured interviews. Many parents viewed drinking at family get-togethers or parties as protective of children, since the presence of multiple adults and children provide buffers when parents become intoxicated. In contrast, parents noted that drinking at home, and particularly drinking alone, transmitted potentially negative messages. Social pressures and contexts influence alcohol consumption among parents and could provide potential avenues for intervention against alcohol-related harms.
How Caregivers Make Meaning of Child Mental Health Problems: Toward Understanding Caregiver Strain and Help Seeking
Mayberry LS and Heflinger CA
Family caregivers' conceptualizations of their child's emotional and behavioral problems (EBP) influence help-seeking for the child and caregiver strain. We analyzed 21 interviews with caregivers to explore their conceptualizations about the cause of their child's EBP, their experiences of strain, and their reported help-seeking behaviors. Caregivers had divergent conceptualizations of their child's EBP: 12 caregivers viewed the EBP as caused by a disorder and described the onset of symptoms as the central stressful event, whereas 9 caregivers described their child's problems as a response to an earlier stressor (e.g. trauma, abuse, divorce). Different patterns of caregiver strain and help-seeking were associated with caregiver conceptualization. All caregivers voiced a need for peer-to-peer support for caregivers and youth with EBP.
Adjusting Parenting Roles and Work Expectations among Women with Children during COVID-19
Childress S, LaBrenz CA, Findley E and Baiden P
This study explores mothers' experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic with a focus on stressors, parenting roles, and work expectations. Qualitative analysis of open-ended interviews with a diverse group of 44 mothers in the United States generated two main themes: adjusting parenting roles and career concerns for mothers. Findings reveal that mothers have both internalized strong intra-family expectations to shoulder the primary responsibility for domestic labor and childcare in addition to completing their work obligations and experience institutional gender bias in the expectations that employers have for female employees. The interviews highlight lower expectations for fathers' contributions to parenting under pandemic conditions. Implications for research and policy are discussed with a particular focus on critiquing structures that may perpetuate gender disparities.